ANALYSIS OF TEMPERATURE FIELD IN A COMPOSITE FUNCTIONALLY GRADED MATERIAL PLA...IJAMSE JournalA finite element model is constructed to analyze the effects of steady state temperature field on FGM layer
thickness. The first-order shear deformation model is exploited to investigate the uncoupled thermal
behavior of functionally graded plates in Abacus environment. The continuum is divided into 540 elements
and 541 nodes using two node linear elements. The results show that the temperature distribution in the
composite plate is more reasonable with increase in the thickness of FGM layer. The comparison with the
non-graded two layered composite plate, the temperature field of the Zirconia/FGM/Aluminum three
layered composite plate is in the form of a curve but in case of non-graded two layered composite plate the
temperature field is in the form of inclined straight line with sharp bend at the interface of metal and
ceramic phase.
Pgp31148 deepika corp innovation at 3_mDeepika Saxena3M is an innovative company that employs over 75,000 people worldwide and produces over 50,000 products. It promotes a culture of innovation through programs like allowing employees to spend 15% of their time on personal projects. 3M has a diverse brand portfolio across business segments and uses an endorsing brand strategy with its corporate brand to provide flexibility. The company works closely with customers to identify new opportunities and maintains a strong corporate identity focused on innovation, practical solutions, and fulfilling its commitments.
A. Conchon, Améliorer les voies de circulation dans le delta du Rhônecirili_webAnne Conchon, Améliorer les voies de circulation dans le delta du Rhône: l’évaluation d’une politique d’aménagement (XVIIe siècle-début XIXe siècle)
EVALUATION OF MAJORITY CHARGE CARRIER AND IMPURITY CONCENTRATION USING HOT PR...IJAMSE JournalTemperature dependent majority charge carrier concentration and impurity concentration calculations
done for p-type commercial (100) silicon wafer of thickness 200 µm where the wafer is heated by hot probe
set up. By solving basic conductivity equation of semiconductor and Continuity & Poisson’s equation
thermally generated carrier ∆p and Q are found respectively for the same temperature range 50°C-80°C
with an interval of 10°C. For lower temperature ∆p and Q values are not exactly same but for higher
temperature those values agree with conventional measurement.
AMS TrilogyAtlas SystemsTrilogy is a software company that specializes in software services for large companies. They hired Atlas Systems to maintain several of their ecommerce projects, including TireMadeEasy for online tire sales, FordDirect Retail for buying Ford vehicles online, and Zozoc for mobile content. These projects used a variety of technologies like Java, Struts, Tomcat, Flash, and integrated with external APIs for payments, shipping, and more. Atlas provided maintenance and support for these projects to ensure they continued running smoothly.
Community Benefit Brand Guidelines jeanneherreraThis document outlines Kaiser Permanente's community benefit brand guidelines and strategy. It discusses initial steps taken in 2006 to engage stakeholders and develop a brand platform. Goals for 2007 included developing communications strategies, key messages, and integrating initiatives with their "Thrive" campaign. It proposes a positioning statement, provides examples of branded collateral, and outlines plans to develop a branded website and provide ongoing training. The benefits of the community benefit brand are said to include facilitating program-wide consistency, alignment with other initiatives, and contributing to a positive corporate image.
Seismic analysis of low to medium rise building for base isolationeSAT JournalsAbstract
Seismic isolation is an alternative to conventional design methods for dealing with earthquake loadings in relatively high frequency
structures, especially in low to medium rise buildings. One of the goals of seismic isolation is to shift the fundamental frequency of the
structure away from the dominant frequencies of seismic excitations and fundamental frequency of the fixed base structure. This
innovative design approach aims mainly at the isolation of a structure from the supporting ground, usually in the horizontal directions
in order to reduce the transmission of the earthquake motion to the super structure.
In this paper seismic analysis performed for a low to medium rise fixed base building and it was observed that the fundamental time
period of the fixed system are typically in the resonance range of 0.1 sec. to 2.0 sec. This results in amplification of the ground
acceleration causing severe damage to structures and their contents. To avoid such a situation, the period must be lengthened, by
increasing the flexibility of the structure by introducing seismic base isolators between the foundation and super structures. A six
storey structure under both fixed base and seismically isolated boundary conditions is studied to demonstrate the effectiveness of
seismic isolation. The comparative result shows that maximum floor acceleration, inter-storey drifts and storey shear forces are
reduced substantially for seismically isolated structure.
Keywords: Seismic base isolation, Seismic resistant design, Lead rubber bearings, Response spectrum analysis, Time
Du Nil à Alexandrie. Histoires d'eauxcirili_webMarie-Cécile Bruwier, Du Nil à Alexandrie. Histoires d'eaux
G. Alleaume, Entre le Nil et la mercirili_webG. Alleaume, Entre le Nil et la mer. Le canal d’Alexandrie et ses ports, XVIII-XIX siècles
SINGLE CRYSTAL MAGNESIUM LITHIUM ALLOY ELASTIC CONSTANTSIJAMSE JournalKnowledge of elastic characteristics of the structural materials such as elastic modules, allows to develop
constructions that resulting deformation are foreseeable and not excessive in terms of plastic deformation,
accelerated fatigue or even fracture. In this paper we investigate the elastic properties of the binary alloy
Mg-5% Li (mass.). For measuring of single crystal elastic constants of alloy is needed to have the crystal of
relatively large size. For the alloy this is connected with the technical difficulties. In this paper we propose
to determine the elastic constants of single crystals of alloy magnesium-lithium using the experimental
anisotropy of Young's modulus and integral characteristics of texture (ICT), which can be found from the
pole figure {0002}. We have calculated the anisotropy of Young's modulus alloy sheet Mg5% Li using
found magnesium-lithium single crystal constants. Deviation of calculated values from experimental did not
exceed 5% that is not bad result.
Final_LatestHitesh ParghiThis document summarizes a presentation on modeling the behavior of bolted joints in fiber reinforced composite laminates. The presentation includes:
1) An overview of factors affecting bolted joint behavior in composites and the need for numerical models to simulate real-world scenarios.
2) Details of the finite element model developed in Abaqus to model a single bolted composite joint, including geometry, materials, meshing, and validation of the linear model.
3) Implementation of a user subroutine to enable progressive failure analysis by degrading properties after different failure modes are reached based on Hashin's failure criteria.
4) Validation of the nonlinear model and subroutine against experimental data on composite plates and
AMS Net iqAtlas SystemsNetIQ Analysis Center enhances the capabilities of NetIQ's Service and Security Management solutions. It provides vital information such as system utilization, security incidents, root cause analysis, and performance trends. The product addresses challenges around compliance reporting and correlating security and service metrics. It offers unified reporting of performance, availability, and compliance across systems and security management through easy report creation and data analysis capabilities. This allows for improved service levels, communication of IT successes, and effective capacity management.
BD Thomson ReutersAtlas SystemsThomson Reuters lacked visibility into the performance of its hundreds of products across various systems, making it difficult for executives to monitor compliance with service level agreements. Atlas Systems developed data collection agents across technology platforms to consolidate product performance data in a central repository. They then created intuitive dashboards and reports with drill-down capabilities, providing executives a comprehensive overview of performance and enabling them to meet SLAs and improve customer satisfaction.
network hardwaretumetr1The document discusses various types of network hardware including bridges, hubs, switches, and routers. Bridges operate at the data link layer and forward packets based on physical addresses. Hubs simply repeat all signals received on one port to all other ports. Switches are smarter than hubs and only forward frames to the port associated with the destination address. Routers operate at the network layer and filter traffic based on logical IP addresses, allowing different network types to connect. Routing tables map destination networks to the next hop, whether a directly connected network or the address of the next downstream router.
retrieving the mailtumetr1This document discusses two common protocols for retrieving email from a server: POP3 and IMAP. POP3 allows a user to download emails from the server to their local device but does not support server-side functionality. IMAP allows users to access and manipulate emails stored on the server, avoiding delays from downloading. While POP3 is more widely used currently, IMAP offers advantages like folder management and searching that make it a preferable protocol.
connectivity utilitytumetr1This document discusses using connectivity utilities to troubleshoot common network problems. It describes four types of connectivity problems: protocol problems, line problems, name resolution problems, and network performance problems. It then explains key connectivity utilities like Ping, IPConfig, Ifconfig and ARP that can be used to diagnose these issues. Specific sequences of commands with these utilities are provided to methodically test network connectivity and troubleshoot problems.
routingtumetr1Routers play a key role in TCP/IP networks by participating in routing protocols to determine the best path to send data packets between networks. There are two main types of routing - static routing, where administrators manually configure routes, and dynamic routing, where routers share information to determine optimal paths. Dynamic routing uses either distance vector protocols, where routers share hop counts to destinations, or link state protocols, where each router builds a map of the entire network topology. Common examples are RIP for distance vector and OSPF for link state routing.
the transport layertumetr1The document discusses the Transport layer protocols TCP and UDP. It describes TCP as a connection-oriented protocol that provides reliable, ordered delivery of streams of data through mechanisms like sequencing, acknowledgment, flow control and error checking. UDP is described as a simpler connectionless protocol that provides best-effort delivery without checking for errors or lost packets. The key concepts of ports, sockets, multiplexing and demultiplexing are also covered, as well as the header formats and functions of TCP and UDP.
SINGLE CRYSTAL MAGNESIUM LITHIUM ALLOY ELASTIC CONSTANTSIJAMSE JournalKnowledge of elastic characteristics of the structural materials such as elastic modules, allows to develop
constructions that resulting deformation are foreseeable and not excessive in terms of plastic deformation,
accelerated fatigue or even fracture. In this paper we investigate the elastic properties of the binary alloy
Mg-5% Li (mass.). For measuring of single crystal elastic constants of alloy is needed to have the crystal of
relatively large size. For the alloy this is connected with the technical difficulties. In this paper we propose
to determine the elastic constants of single crystals of alloy magnesium-lithium using the experimental
anisotropy of Young's modulus and integral characteristics of texture (ICT), which can be found from the
pole figure {0002}. We have calculated the anisotropy of Young's modulus alloy sheet Mg5% Li using
found magnesium-lithium single crystal constants. Deviation of calculated values from experimental did not
exceed 5% that is not bad result.
Final_LatestHitesh ParghiThis document summarizes a presentation on modeling the behavior of bolted joints in fiber reinforced composite laminates. The presentation includes:
1) An overview of factors affecting bolted joint behavior in composites and the need for numerical models to simulate real-world scenarios.
2) Details of the finite element model developed in Abaqus to model a single bolted composite joint, including geometry, materials, meshing, and validation of the linear model.
3) Implementation of a user subroutine to enable progressive failure analysis by degrading properties after different failure modes are reached based on Hashin's failure criteria.
4) Validation of the nonlinear model and subroutine against experimental data on composite plates and
AMS Net iqAtlas SystemsNetIQ Analysis Center enhances the capabilities of NetIQ's Service and Security Management solutions. It provides vital information such as system utilization, security incidents, root cause analysis, and performance trends. The product addresses challenges around compliance reporting and correlating security and service metrics. It offers unified reporting of performance, availability, and compliance across systems and security management through easy report creation and data analysis capabilities. This allows for improved service levels, communication of IT successes, and effective capacity management.
BD Thomson ReutersAtlas SystemsThomson Reuters lacked visibility into the performance of its hundreds of products across various systems, making it difficult for executives to monitor compliance with service level agreements. Atlas Systems developed data collection agents across technology platforms to consolidate product performance data in a central repository. They then created intuitive dashboards and reports with drill-down capabilities, providing executives a comprehensive overview of performance and enabling them to meet SLAs and improve customer satisfaction.
network hardwaretumetr1The document discusses various types of network hardware including bridges, hubs, switches, and routers. Bridges operate at the data link layer and forward packets based on physical addresses. Hubs simply repeat all signals received on one port to all other ports. Switches are smarter than hubs and only forward frames to the port associated with the destination address. Routers operate at the network layer and filter traffic based on logical IP addresses, allowing different network types to connect. Routing tables map destination networks to the next hop, whether a directly connected network or the address of the next downstream router.
retrieving the mailtumetr1This document discusses two common protocols for retrieving email from a server: POP3 and IMAP. POP3 allows a user to download emails from the server to their local device but does not support server-side functionality. IMAP allows users to access and manipulate emails stored on the server, avoiding delays from downloading. While POP3 is more widely used currently, IMAP offers advantages like folder management and searching that make it a preferable protocol.
connectivity utilitytumetr1This document discusses using connectivity utilities to troubleshoot common network problems. It describes four types of connectivity problems: protocol problems, line problems, name resolution problems, and network performance problems. It then explains key connectivity utilities like Ping, IPConfig, Ifconfig and ARP that can be used to diagnose these issues. Specific sequences of commands with these utilities are provided to methodically test network connectivity and troubleshoot problems.
routingtumetr1Routers play a key role in TCP/IP networks by participating in routing protocols to determine the best path to send data packets between networks. There are two main types of routing - static routing, where administrators manually configure routes, and dynamic routing, where routers share information to determine optimal paths. Dynamic routing uses either distance vector protocols, where routers share hop counts to destinations, or link state protocols, where each router builds a map of the entire network topology. Common examples are RIP for distance vector and OSPF for link state routing.
the transport layertumetr1The document discusses the Transport layer protocols TCP and UDP. It describes TCP as a connection-oriented protocol that provides reliable, ordered delivery of streams of data through mechanisms like sequencing, acknowledgment, flow control and error checking. UDP is described as a simpler connectionless protocol that provides best-effort delivery without checking for errors or lost packets. The key concepts of ports, sockets, multiplexing and demultiplexing are also covered, as well as the header formats and functions of TCP and UDP.