Better Your Brain, Cognitively and PhysiologicallyAndromachi PolychroniouThis document discusses various ways to improve cognitive function and brain health. It recommends nourishing curiosity through continued learning, solving problems to keep the brain sharp, and employing problem-solving techniques to reduce stress and feel empowered. Adequate sleep is also important to allow the brain to rest and consolidate information, as is regular exercise to increase blood flow and nutrient delivery to the brain. Maintaining social connections and finding time to relax can further benefit brain health.
The structure of atom ivatierashieraThis document provides information on chemical symbols, isotopes, electron configuration, and the structure of sodium atoms. It defines chemical symbols as short forms representing elements. Symbols can be one or two letters, usually the element's name. Isotopes are atoms with the same number of protons but different neutrons. They have identical chemical properties but different physical properties and mass numbers. Electrons occupy defined energy levels or shells in an atom. The outermost shell electrons are valence electrons and influence chemical bonding. Sodium has 11 protons, 12 neutrons, 11 electrons, an electronic configuration of 2,8,1, and one valence electron.
Talentpro Brochure ViinupursainiTalentPro India provides human resource outsourcing services such as payroll processing, staffing, recruitment, and corporate training. It is part of the Briley Group, a multinational conglomerate with businesses in aviation, hospitality, outsourcing, and other sectors valued at over $2 billion globally. TalentPro has offices in major Indian cities and serves organizations of all sizes across various industries.
Conducting researchRajesh GuneshThis document provides an overview of different types of research and guidelines for conducting good research. It discusses descriptive research, which involves collecting and relating data without explaining interactions; explanatory research, which attempts to answer "why" and "how" questions through testing hypotheses; and predictive research, which contributes to theory development and forecasting. The document also outlines criteria for good research such as clearly defining the purpose and research process. It concludes by discussing the purpose and value of writing a research proposal to define the research question and plan the investigation.
Presentation of dataRajesh GuneshThe document contains examples of various types of charts and graphs used to visualize data, including line graphs, pie charts, bar charts, histograms, stem-and-leaf plots, box-and-whisker plots, scatter plots, and Lorenz curves. It provides illustrations of these different graphical representations without any accompanying data or context.
Global ed conference presentationjennhansonThis document discusses book groups organized by Primary Source, a nonprofit that provides professional development for teachers. It describes thematic book groups focused on global literature that teachers can participate in. Example book groups include "Coming of Age Around the World" and "Immigrant and Refugee Stories". Suggested books are provided for various age groups that explore themes like family, peace/war, and microfinance. The document also provides resources for finding additional books and contacting authors.
An Introduction to SPSSRajesh GuneshBasic use of SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). Measurement scales and data entry. Various types of tests and techniques.
Descriptive statisticsRajesh GuneshThis document provides information about descriptive statistics and their key concepts. It discusses four main concepts: location, dispersion, skewness, and kurtosis. For location, it describes the most common measures - the mean, median, and mode. The mean is the sum of all values divided by the total number of observations. The median is the middle value when data is arranged in order. The mode is the value that occurs most frequently. Dispersion refers to how spread out the data is. Skewness and kurtosis describe the symmetry and peakedness of a distribution, respectively.
Виртуальная выставка "История судьбы в истории страны"biblioteka16Выставка посвящена жизни и деятельности Александра Никитовича Волкова, уроженца Чернянского района Белгородской области, командира сигнальщиков легендарной подводной лодки "С-13".
открытие памятника Дмитрию СенявинуDerjava8 октября в Боровске в торжественной обстановке был открыт памятник адмиралу русского военно-морского флота
Дмитрию Сенявину. Адмирал, прославивший Отечество как великую морскую державу, на самом деле уроженец сугубо
сухопутного села Комлево Боровского уезда. Нет ничего удивительного, что гордость за земляка и державу разделяют
многие жители Боровского района. Но обнинский лицей «Держава» гордится по праву – ему официально присвоено
имя легендарного флотоводца Дмитрия Сенявина. Корреспондент «ПРО» встретился с заместителем директора лицея
«Держава» по кадетскому направлению Юрием Александровым и его учениками.
The structure of atom ivatierashieraThis document provides information on chemical symbols, isotopes, electron configuration, and the structure of sodium atoms. It defines chemical symbols as short forms representing elements. Symbols can be one or two letters, usually the element's name. Isotopes are atoms with the same number of protons but different neutrons. They have identical chemical properties but different physical properties and mass numbers. Electrons occupy defined energy levels or shells in an atom. The outermost shell electrons are valence electrons and influence chemical bonding. Sodium has 11 protons, 12 neutrons, 11 electrons, an electronic configuration of 2,8,1, and one valence electron.
Talentpro Brochure ViinupursainiTalentPro India provides human resource outsourcing services such as payroll processing, staffing, recruitment, and corporate training. It is part of the Briley Group, a multinational conglomerate with businesses in aviation, hospitality, outsourcing, and other sectors valued at over $2 billion globally. TalentPro has offices in major Indian cities and serves organizations of all sizes across various industries.
Conducting researchRajesh GuneshThis document provides an overview of different types of research and guidelines for conducting good research. It discusses descriptive research, which involves collecting and relating data without explaining interactions; explanatory research, which attempts to answer "why" and "how" questions through testing hypotheses; and predictive research, which contributes to theory development and forecasting. The document also outlines criteria for good research such as clearly defining the purpose and research process. It concludes by discussing the purpose and value of writing a research proposal to define the research question and plan the investigation.
Presentation of dataRajesh GuneshThe document contains examples of various types of charts and graphs used to visualize data, including line graphs, pie charts, bar charts, histograms, stem-and-leaf plots, box-and-whisker plots, scatter plots, and Lorenz curves. It provides illustrations of these different graphical representations without any accompanying data or context.
Global ed conference presentationjennhansonThis document discusses book groups organized by Primary Source, a nonprofit that provides professional development for teachers. It describes thematic book groups focused on global literature that teachers can participate in. Example book groups include "Coming of Age Around the World" and "Immigrant and Refugee Stories". Suggested books are provided for various age groups that explore themes like family, peace/war, and microfinance. The document also provides resources for finding additional books and contacting authors.
An Introduction to SPSSRajesh GuneshBasic use of SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). Measurement scales and data entry. Various types of tests and techniques.
Descriptive statisticsRajesh GuneshThis document provides information about descriptive statistics and their key concepts. It discusses four main concepts: location, dispersion, skewness, and kurtosis. For location, it describes the most common measures - the mean, median, and mode. The mean is the sum of all values divided by the total number of observations. The median is the middle value when data is arranged in order. The mode is the value that occurs most frequently. Dispersion refers to how spread out the data is. Skewness and kurtosis describe the symmetry and peakedness of a distribution, respectively.
Виртуальная выставка "История судьбы в истории страны"biblioteka16Выставка посвящена жизни и деятельности Александра Никитовича Волкова, уроженца Чернянского района Белгородской области, командира сигнальщиков легендарной подводной лодки "С-13".
открытие памятника Дмитрию СенявинуDerjava8 октября в Боровске в торжественной обстановке был открыт памятник адмиралу русского военно-морского флота
Дмитрию Сенявину. Адмирал, прославивший Отечество как великую морскую державу, на самом деле уроженец сугубо
сухопутного села Комлево Боровского уезда. Нет ничего удивительного, что гордость за земляка и державу разделяют
многие жители Боровского района. Но обнинский лицей «Держава» гордится по праву – ему официально присвоено
имя легендарного флотоводца Дмитрия Сенявина. Корреспондент «ПРО» встретился с заместителем директора лицея
«Держава» по кадетскому направлению Юрием Александровым и его учениками.
Проект 26. Вести из ОУ Фрунзенского района СПбВести из ОУ Фрунзенского района СПбПроект для информационной панели в здании ИМЦ и отдела образования Фрунзенского района Санкт-Петербурга.
Дата запуска: 22 сентября 2014 года
Корнилов В.А.. Крымологияvasya02виртуальная выставка, рассказывающая о выдающемся русском адмирале, герое Крымской войны Владимире Алексеевиче Корнилове.
2. История лицеяв
цифрах ифактах
1992 – Школе присвоен статус
Военно-морского лицея.
1993 – Лето. Состоялся
первый выпуск лицея ВМЛ.
1999 – Октябрь. Решение
Краевой Думы г.Хабаровска
Военно-морскому лицею
присвоено имя адмирала
флота Сергеева Н.Д.
1999 – Осень. На
педагогическом совете лицея
принято решение об
организации музея.
2001 – Декабрь. Открыт
Уголок памяти,
посвященный выпускнику
1963 года школы №28(ныне
ВМЛ) Гусеву Н.Н., герою
Советского Союза. На
торжественной линейке
присутствовал сын Героя
3. 2002 – Май. Открытие музея ВМЛ
имени адмирала флота Сергеева
2002 – Ноябрь. Школа-лицей
празднует своё 60 летие.
2004 – Лето. «Флагман» едет в
Смоленск на Российские
соревнования «Салют, Победа».
2004 – Декабрь. Учреждение
вымпела имени Гусева А.А., Героя
Советского Союза.
2005 – Февраль. Вручение
вымпела имени Гусева А.А.
лучшему лицейскому классу – 11В.
2005 – Лето. Парин. «Флагман»
завоевал 2 место в Военно-
спортивной игре.
2006 – Май. Музей ВМЛ – лауреат
премии имени 14 Героев СССР
202й воздушно – десантной
2006 – Лето. Парин. «Флагман» –
на 2 месте.
2007 – Май. Музею ВМЛ 5 лет.
2008-2010 – Победы в спортивных
играх «Караул», «Патриот».
10. Мы заЗОЖ!
Наш ВМЛ активно принимает участие в
борьбе с наркоманией, табакокурением и
алкоголем. Также ведёт лекции против
заражении ВИЧ и СПИД.