Bridge camRaghuvir SinghThis document describes a bridge cam gauge tool that can measure various welding parameters in either inches or millimeters, including the angle of preparation from 0 to 60 degrees, excess weld metal, depth of undercutting, depth of pitting, fillet weld throat size, fillet weld length, and misalignment. The gauge is produced by G.A.L. Gage Company located in Stevensville, Michigan.
Cluster+Bezel+091709+FinalRandall RichardsonThe document outlines a project to reduce defects in instrument panel cluster bezels during assembly. Currently, 12 cluster bezels per month require repair after testing due to scratches. The project aims to eliminate these repairs, saving over $10,000 per year. Process changes will be identified and implemented to address the root cause of material handlers stacking bezels on top of each other during part changes.
Business Overview of the Nuclear Liabilities Management Department of NecsaAlan CarolissenNLM provides radioactive waste management services and facilities in South Africa. It manages radioactive waste treatment, storage, disposal, and the decommissioning of nuclear sites. NLM also offers consulting services. Its facilities include waste storage areas, a decontamination facility, smelter, and the Vaalputs radioactive waste disposal repository. NLM works to build stakeholder confidence through demonstrations of its technical competence, regulatory compliance, education programs, and multi-stakeholder engagement.
Bridge camRaghuvir SinghThis document describes a bridge cam gauge tool that can measure various welding parameters in either inches or millimeters, including the angle of preparation from 0 to 60 degrees, excess weld metal, depth of undercutting, depth of pitting, fillet weld throat size, fillet weld length, and misalignment. The gauge is produced by G.A.L. Gage Company located in Stevensville, Michigan.
Cluster+Bezel+091709+FinalRandall RichardsonThe document outlines a project to reduce defects in instrument panel cluster bezels during assembly. Currently, 12 cluster bezels per month require repair after testing due to scratches. The project aims to eliminate these repairs, saving over $10,000 per year. Process changes will be identified and implemented to address the root cause of material handlers stacking bezels on top of each other during part changes.
Business Overview of the Nuclear Liabilities Management Department of NecsaAlan CarolissenNLM provides radioactive waste management services and facilities in South Africa. It manages radioactive waste treatment, storage, disposal, and the decommissioning of nuclear sites. NLM also offers consulting services. Its facilities include waste storage areas, a decontamination facility, smelter, and the Vaalputs radioactive waste disposal repository. NLM works to build stakeholder confidence through demonstrations of its technical competence, regulatory compliance, education programs, and multi-stakeholder engagement.
CEOHS - Applied Occupational Hygiene - Arsenic ppt Presentation - May 2014Ruth CarrArsenic is a naturally occurring metal that can affect several organ systems of the body. It was approved by the FDA in 2000 for treating some forms of leukemia. The document outlines NIOSH sampling and analysis methods for measuring occupational exposure to arsenic, including required equipment and handling precautions. It also describes a situation where arsenic leaked into a local river from a tailings pond, contaminating wildlife and erosion river banks, prompting an investigation and community concerns.
Terra presentationNimra ButtTerra is a NASA scientific research satellite that orbits Earth in a Sun-synchronous orbit to study interactions between the atmosphere, oceans, land, ice and life. It carries five sensors to monitor the environment and climate: ASTER, CERES, MISR, MODIS and MOPITT. Terra was launched in 1999 and collects data to better understand Earth's climate system and ongoing changes.
Hossam El Amin - Resume 2016Hossam El-AminThis document contains a resume for Hossam El-Amin, including his contact information, education history, courses studied, projects completed, work experience, skills, and personal interests. Hossam has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and over 10 years of experience in IT fields such as database design, application development, and web design. His projects include games and algorithms created in languages like C++, C#, and SQL.
Linfoma hodgkinprimeromiltar1) El documento describe la historia de la enfermedad de Hodgkin desde su descubrimiento en el siglo XIX hasta la clasificación y tratamiento actual.
2) Explica los cuatro subtipos principales de linfoma de Hodgkin y sus características clínicas.
3) Resume los protocolos actuales de tratamiento incluyendo quimioterapia, radioterapia y trasplante de médula ósea.
Anatomia cerebral venosaDr. Cesar Peralta RojasEl documento resume la anatomía venosa cerebral. Se divide en senos de la duramadre, venas cerebrales superficiales, venas cerebrales profundas y venas de fosa posterior. Describe la localización y trayecto de cada grupo venoso.
La Peste NegraJorge AmaranteLa Peste Negra fue una pandemia mortal en Europa durante el siglo XIV causada por la bacteria Yersinia pestis transmitida por pulgas de ratas. Se originó en Asia y llegó a Europa a través de las rutas comerciales, propagándose rápidamente y matando a aproximadamente el 30-60% de la población europea. Aunque actualmente se controla mejor, la peste sigue siendo endémica en algunas partes del mundo y causa miles de muertes cada año.
Vascularización CerebralLeonardo HernandezEl documento describe la vascularización cerebral, incluyendo los principales sistemas arteriales y venosos. El sistema arterial está formado por las arterias carótidas internas (80% del flujo sanguíneo) y el tronco basilar (20% del flujo), las cuales forman el polígono de Willis. El sistema venoso incluye varios senos venosos como el seno sagital superior, seno cavernoso y seno sigmoideo, los cuales drenan la sangre del cerebro a la vena yugular interna.
Drenaje venoso del miembro inferiorlalistefMonografía: Drenaje venoso del miembro inferior. Grupo A6, 2012. Autora del ppt: Gladys Florenciano, Primer Curso de Medicina y Cirugía, Universidad Nacional de Asunción.
NOTA: Esta es la versión Original, por lo tanto hay algunas imágenes superpuestas ya que no hay animaciones. Voy a subir otra versión donde quede un poco más ordenado considerando este detalle. Aunque creo que no tarde tanto tiempo, si es algo urgente pueden contactarme por cualquier consulta.
Venas del miembro inferiorStefanía MenéndezThe document summarizes the venous system of the lower extremity. It describes the deep and superficial venous networks. The deep system includes the popliteal vein, femoral vein, and gluteal veins. It collects blood from the deep veins of the foot and leg, traveling proximally to the femoral vein. The superficial system includes the small and great saphenous veins which collect blood from the surface of the foot and leg, draining into the deep system at the femoral vein.
6èmes Rencontres ASIT VD - Acquisition et utilisation données 3DAssociation pour le Système d'Information du TerritoirePour tout comprendre sur les données 3D avec des exemples concrets d'acquisition et d'utilisation. Rencontrez quatre intervenants qui partagent leurs expériences avec vous !
естаев жумагельды+скпц+клиентыТвой ХозяинСтроительная компания полного цикла подразумевает под собой фирму которая сама будет себя обеспечивать строительными материалами, техникой и рабочей силой
2. Клиенты
• , ?Как измениться жизнь клиента если он воспользуется Вашим решением
– ,Будет больше времени на развлечения улучшатся оценки
• . -Уровень платежеспособности Средний
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очень легко
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отличные оценки не прилагая усилий
3. Потребности и проблемы
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? –своей цели просит других решить за него задания
• ? ?Что не получается Что не устраивает его в том как он пытается решить проблему В том
? ?какими способами он пытается добиваться своего В чем главный недостаток этих способов
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• ? –Какова реальная причина проблемы ,нехватка времени слабый уровень знаний
• ? -Проблема регулярная или периодическая Регулярная
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