Indian contract act,1872Subbu PullelaThis document provides definitions and explanations of key terms from the Indian Contract Act of 1872. It defines a contract as an agreement that is enforceable by law, with an agreement being a promise with consideration. A proposal or offer becomes a promise when it is accepted, with acceptance being when the person to whom the proposal is made signifies their assent. Consideration refers to something done or promised in return. The document also notes that contracts create rights against specific persons rather than the whole world.
ConcursosoparabloggerEste documento descreve um concurso anual de computador onde o apresentador dá as boas-vindas aos concorrentes e lhes deseja boa sorte. Os concorrentes escolhem números para verem os prêmios que podem ganhar, incluindo uma casa, uma motocicleta, estadia em hotel e outros itens.
CancionpptFabiola MontielEl documento habla sobre un maestro que enseñó a sus alumnos a volar con alas de pájaro y les dio la libertad de soñar. Aunque el maestro ya no está, sus alumnos siempre lo recordarán por las lecciones que les enseñó sobre la libertad y los sueños.
Then and nowAnna WeberAdult learning has evolved over the past 5 years from more passive listening to active engagement through physical movement and group activities. Training methods have also advanced, replacing outdated computer-based trainings with hands-on experience and lively discussions. Effective learning now involves two-way communication, debate, and accountability between all parties rather than one-direction instruction.
ProjetovivianecsousaEste projeto visa promover práticas inclusivas nas escolas através da capacitação de professores e equipe pedagógica para lidar com alunos em situação de exclusão, favorecendo seu acesso à educação regular e reduzindo a evasão escolar. As principais ações incluem grupos de discussão, supervisão e treinamento de educadores sobre inclusão, disseminando conhecimentos sobre educação inclusiva.
Amsterdam, NY Water Treatment Plant PresentationeocdesignThe City of Amsterdam water treatment plant has a team of experienced operators and staff with over 200 years of combined experience. The plant draws water from the 5,000 acre Glen Wild watershed in the Adirondacks, which has supplied the city's water since 1890. The plant was upgraded in 2009-2011 for $10.5 million to improve treatment and remain compliant with regulations. It uses various treatment processes and continuous monitoring to provide safe, clean drinking water to the city residents and businesses.
Htmlgraficcodemarco fuenzalidaThis document contains the code to generate a line chart with three data series (Consultas, Movimientos, Usuarios) plotted on two y-axes, with labels and formatting applied. The chart has zooming and scrolling enabled on the x and y axes. Legend, tooltip and exporting options are also configured.
Fondazione Agnelli // bilancio sociale 2015Fondazione Giovanni Agnelliil bilancio sociale della fondazione Agnelli per l'anno 2015
Alfredo Hernando | Viaje a la escuela del siglo XXI | fundación telefónicaMinisterio de EducaciónEste documento presenta un libro sobre escuelas innovadoras alrededor del mundo. El libro explora las mejores prácticas de escuelas pioneras y ofrece 80 acciones concretas que los lectores pueden implementar en sus propias escuelas. El autor, Alfredo Hernando Calvo, es un psicólogo e investigador apasionado por la innovación educativa. El libro pretende inspirar a los lectores compartiendo experiencias de escuelas innovadoras y animándolos a diseñar su propio proyecto de transformación escolar.
Projektowanie fabuły gierMarcin BlachaWykład z projektowania fabuły do gier wideo przygotowany na potrzeby kursu Digital Frontier.
Wykład przygotował Marcin Blacha.
The esophagusMasooma AlsharakhatThe document summarizes key aspects of the esophagus anatomy and diseases. It describes that the esophagus transports ingested food through three parts and is lined by stratified squamous epithelium. Common diseases include congenital disorders like atresia, acquired disorders like achalasia and hiatal hernia, inflammations like reflux esophagitis, and tumors. Specific conditions discussed in more detail include achalasia, where the lower esophageal sphincter fails to relax, and varices, which form due to portal hypertension in conditions like liver cirrhosis.
Hidrokarbionfirmanfds1. Hydrocarbon pollution from sources like petroleum is a serious environmental problem and can be toxic to all living organisms. Crude oil contains a complex mixture of hydrocarbons and heavy metals that are difficult to remediate when co-contaminated.
2. The toxicity of hydrocarbons depends on their chemical properties and exposure levels, and can damage human organ systems and cause diseases. Long term exposure to compounds in crude oil like aromatics and polyaromatics can lead to cancer and nervous system effects.
3. Living organisms can be exposed to more volatile light hydrocarbon fractions through inhalation and ingestion of contaminated air and water, while heavier fractions persist in soils and can be absorbed through skin contact
Practice of Affect- and Cognition-Based Trust in Education OrganizationUniversiti Sains MalaysiaThis study aims to identify the level of affect- and cognition-based trust in the leaders and describes the psychometric properties of the instrument of trust against the leaders modified according to the situation and the uniqueness of the organization’s management system of education in Malaysia. A total of 19 items in Malay language translation which has been modified from the original instrument Affect- and Cognition-based Trust built by McAllister (1995) were used for this study. Data for this study were obtained from 251 randomly selected lecturers from four polytechnics. The results of factor analysis and obtained two factors explained 73.1 percent of the variance changes. Meanwhile, the level of trust in the leaders through descriptive analysis found that two dimensions of trust in leaders based on the affective and cognitive based trust showed high level from the perspective of the lecturers. These results demonstrate the reliability of the instrument modified on trust in leaders for this study could represent a desired two good dimensions as the original version of McAllister (1995) and provide strong justification for using the instrument in the education organizations in Malaysia. In practice, this finding strengthen the organizational support for increasing the potential among the followers.
Marine salvage services offered worldwide-E MAIL marinegedrosia@gmail.comAgha AMarine salvage services offered worldwide
Amin Tours-Profile 2016M RahmanThe document provides information about Amin Tours and Travels, a Bangladeshi international recruiting agency. It includes the company's contact information, mission, vision, organizational chart, and details about Bangladesh's workforce. Amin Tours works to export skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled laborers from Bangladesh to countries around the world. It provides training and orientation to workers to prepare them for employment abroad. Bangladesh has a large workforce and is seen as having comparative advantages for overseas employment due to factors such as lower costs and workers' reputation for being hardworking and adaptable.
Amsterdam, NY Water Treatment Plant PresentationeocdesignThe City of Amsterdam water treatment plant has a team of experienced operators and staff with over 200 years of combined experience. The plant draws water from the 5,000 acre Glen Wild watershed in the Adirondacks, which has supplied the city's water since 1890. The plant was upgraded in 2009-2011 for $10.5 million to improve treatment and remain compliant with regulations. It uses various treatment processes and continuous monitoring to provide safe, clean drinking water to the city residents and businesses.
Htmlgraficcodemarco fuenzalidaThis document contains the code to generate a line chart with three data series (Consultas, Movimientos, Usuarios) plotted on two y-axes, with labels and formatting applied. The chart has zooming and scrolling enabled on the x and y axes. Legend, tooltip and exporting options are also configured.
Fondazione Agnelli // bilancio sociale 2015Fondazione Giovanni Agnelliil bilancio sociale della fondazione Agnelli per l'anno 2015
Alfredo Hernando | Viaje a la escuela del siglo XXI | fundación telefónicaMinisterio de EducaciónEste documento presenta un libro sobre escuelas innovadoras alrededor del mundo. El libro explora las mejores prácticas de escuelas pioneras y ofrece 80 acciones concretas que los lectores pueden implementar en sus propias escuelas. El autor, Alfredo Hernando Calvo, es un psicólogo e investigador apasionado por la innovación educativa. El libro pretende inspirar a los lectores compartiendo experiencias de escuelas innovadoras y animándolos a diseñar su propio proyecto de transformación escolar.
Projektowanie fabuły gierMarcin BlachaWykład z projektowania fabuły do gier wideo przygotowany na potrzeby kursu Digital Frontier.
Wykład przygotował Marcin Blacha.
The esophagusMasooma AlsharakhatThe document summarizes key aspects of the esophagus anatomy and diseases. It describes that the esophagus transports ingested food through three parts and is lined by stratified squamous epithelium. Common diseases include congenital disorders like atresia, acquired disorders like achalasia and hiatal hernia, inflammations like reflux esophagitis, and tumors. Specific conditions discussed in more detail include achalasia, where the lower esophageal sphincter fails to relax, and varices, which form due to portal hypertension in conditions like liver cirrhosis.
Hidrokarbionfirmanfds1. Hydrocarbon pollution from sources like petroleum is a serious environmental problem and can be toxic to all living organisms. Crude oil contains a complex mixture of hydrocarbons and heavy metals that are difficult to remediate when co-contaminated.
2. The toxicity of hydrocarbons depends on their chemical properties and exposure levels, and can damage human organ systems and cause diseases. Long term exposure to compounds in crude oil like aromatics and polyaromatics can lead to cancer and nervous system effects.
3. Living organisms can be exposed to more volatile light hydrocarbon fractions through inhalation and ingestion of contaminated air and water, while heavier fractions persist in soils and can be absorbed through skin contact
Practice of Affect- and Cognition-Based Trust in Education OrganizationUniversiti Sains MalaysiaThis study aims to identify the level of affect- and cognition-based trust in the leaders and describes the psychometric properties of the instrument of trust against the leaders modified according to the situation and the uniqueness of the organization’s management system of education in Malaysia. A total of 19 items in Malay language translation which has been modified from the original instrument Affect- and Cognition-based Trust built by McAllister (1995) were used for this study. Data for this study were obtained from 251 randomly selected lecturers from four polytechnics. The results of factor analysis and obtained two factors explained 73.1 percent of the variance changes. Meanwhile, the level of trust in the leaders through descriptive analysis found that two dimensions of trust in leaders based on the affective and cognitive based trust showed high level from the perspective of the lecturers. These results demonstrate the reliability of the instrument modified on trust in leaders for this study could represent a desired two good dimensions as the original version of McAllister (1995) and provide strong justification for using the instrument in the education organizations in Malaysia. In practice, this finding strengthen the organizational support for increasing the potential among the followers.
Marine salvage services offered worldwide-E MAIL marinegedrosia@gmail.comAgha AMarine salvage services offered worldwide
Amin Tours-Profile 2016M RahmanThe document provides information about Amin Tours and Travels, a Bangladeshi international recruiting agency. It includes the company's contact information, mission, vision, organizational chart, and details about Bangladesh's workforce. Amin Tours works to export skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled laborers from Bangladesh to countries around the world. It provides training and orientation to workers to prepare them for employment abroad. Bangladesh has a large workforce and is seen as having comparative advantages for overseas employment due to factors such as lower costs and workers' reputation for being hardworking and adaptable.
Впровадження ІКТ на уроках у початковій школіНаталія Наталія
Проект "Яка ціна життя?"
1. Назва проекту: «Яка ціна життя?»
Тема. «Чи відповідає смак якості? Натуральні соки, їх властивості».
Тест проводили: учні 4-А та 4-Б класів Компаніївської ЗШ І-ІІІ ступенів,
учителі - Донець Г. В. і Школа Н.Б.
Дослідити сік, бо:
• ми найбільше його вживаємо;
• цікавість і допитливість в його якості;
• чи відповідає дизайн вмісту;
• різні смаки, різні
Мета: протестувати
вибрані соки певних
виробників, порівняти їх
смак, вміст речовин, ціну
та дизайн упаковки;
визначити найкращий
продукт та складання
рекомендацій до нього.
Тестували: сік «Господарочка», м.Одеса; сік «Садочок», Миколаївська
обл..; сік «Яблуко», м. Одеса; сік «Вінні-Фрут», Вінницька обл.
Аналіз товару проводився за
• дизайн;
• смакові якості;
• вміст речовин;
• ціна;
• термін зберігання.
І. Збір інформації.
Проводилося опитування у школярів
нашої школи.
- Який сік найбільше ви
2. Результат опитувань
ІІ. Дослідження за критеріями.
1. Дизайн.
«Господарочка» - яскрава, приваблива.
«Садочок» - оформлено відповідно продукту.
«Яблуко» - добре відображає виробника.
«Вінні- Фрут» - менш яскравий.
2. Смакові якості.
«Господарочка» - солодкуватий, терпкий.
«Садочок» - солодкий на смак, кислуватий, густий, з
«Яблуко»- смак натурального яблука, чистий.
«Вінні-Фрут» - без барвників, кислий, напівсолодкий.
3. Вміст речовин.
«Господарочка» - сік концентрований натуральний
виноградний та яблучний, підготовлена чиста вода, цукор,
лимонна кислота.
«Садочок» - натуральні яблучний та виноградний сік
концентрований, цукровий сироп, регулятор кислотності,
лимонна кислота.
«Яблуко» - яблучний сік, цукровий сироп, регулятор
кислотності, лимонна кислота.
«Вінні- Фрут» - натуральний консервований яблучний сік,
3. 4. Ціна 1 літр.
«Господарочка» - 6.50 грн.
«Садочок» - 8.50 грн.
«Яблуко» - 10.00 грн.
«Вінні- Фрут» - 7.00 грн.
5. Термін зберігання.
«Господарочка» - не великим шрифтом.
«Садочок» - чітко видно, вказано.
«Яблуко» - дрібний шрифт.
«Вінні- Фрут» - дуже добре видно, великим шрифтом.
ІІІ. Порівняння результатів.
5. ІV. Узагальнення результату дослідження.
При дослідженні було виявлено:
інформація про виробника на етикетці недостатня або така, яку
неможливо прочитати;
не в останню чергу школярі-дослідники враховували відповідність
заявлених виробником характеристик товару справжній якості товару.
За всіма критеріями було визначено:
1 місце - натуральний сік «Господарочка»;
2 місце – сік «Вінні-Фрут»»;
3 місце – сік «Яблуко» і сік «Садочок»;
Дизайн Смакові
Ціна Термін
"Господарочка" 4 2 2 4 3 15
"Вінні-Фрут" 1 1 4 3 4 13
"Яблуко" 2 4 3 1 1 11
"Садочок" 3 3 1 2 2 11
6. V. Підсумок.
Дешевші торгові марки не поступаються дорожчим, а навпаки
ціняться своєю якістю. Сік «Господарочка» засвідчив високу якість. Не
важливо сам дизайн, важливо натуральний смак та якість товару.
Тож, вибирайте якісний сік: від нього залежить ваше здоров’я!
7. V. Підсумок.
Дешевші торгові марки не поступаються дорожчим, а навпаки
ціняться своєю якістю. Сік «Господарочка» засвідчив високу якість. Не
важливо сам дизайн, важливо натуральний смак та якість товару.
Тож, вибирайте якісний сік: від нього залежить ваше здоров’я!