Proyek vektor faperika universitas riau 2015 febrico sihombingMuhammad Ridwan
This document is about a fisheries technology project at Riau University in 2015. It contains calculations to determine the resultant force and angle of five applied forces. The forces are labeled F1 through F5, with given x and y components. The x and y components of each force are calculated based on the given magnitude and angle. The net x and y forces are calculated by summing the x and y components respectively. Finally, the magnitude and angle of the resultant force is determined using trigonometric functions of the net x and y forces.
Proyek vektor faperika universitas riau 2015 syafrijalMuhammad Ridwan
This document describes a project on vector mechanics in Indonesian. It contains equations and calculations to determine the resultant force and direction of five applied forces. The forces are defined and their x and y components calculated based on their magnitudes and angles. The individual x and y components are summed to get the total or resultant force and its direction is calculated using tangent.
We believe open annotation is a unique new capability that has the potential to radically transform the way we engage with scientific content across the web. Not only annotations are central in the realization of the web of documents by facilitating the formalization and discovery of relations across papers. Most importantly, annotations, we argue, are central in the empowerment of communities of practices by making content based conversations possible. In addition, the activity arising from such content based exploration allows for the definition of a novel alternative metric. As the annotation is specific to a part of the text, it allows for granular analysis of the paper; such metric tells us not just the number of tweets or LIKEs for a given document. It also allows us to identify the topics that are arising interest and how are these being discussed. The contribution is therefore twofold; on the one hand NanoTweets are a type of community based annotation, on the other, hand, NanoTweets are also delivering a granular metric rooted within the content of the document -simplifying content based business intelligence.
El mantenimiento preventivo se realiza en equipos en funcionamiento para evitar fallas mediante acciones como el cambio de piezas desgastadas y lubricantes. Tiene como objetivo principal prevenir incidencias antes de que ocurran y evitar el mantenimiento correctivo. Existen diferentes tipos como el programado basado en tiempo de uso, el oportunidad que aprovecha periodos de no uso, y el predictivo que determina el momento óptimo para reparaciones.
Hepburn fornece dicas de beleza que enfatizam a import?ncia de tratar os outros com bondade, compaix?o e amor. Ela também destaca que a verdadeira beleza vem de dentro, do caráter e da alma de uma pessoa.
El bullying implica el maltrato físico y/o psicológico constante de un ni?o por parte de otros con el objetivo de someterlo y asustarlo. Puede incluir insultos, agresiones físicas, aislamiento social y minar la autoestima de la víctima. Para prevenir el bullying, es importante que la víctima hable con un adulto de confianza como un padre, profesor o director para pedir ayuda, y no mostrar emociones frente al agresor.
Este documento describe diferentes métodos para ense?ar a ni?os de primaria, incluyendo el uso de fichas, canciones, videos, cuentos y juegos. También explica que los ni?os aprenden a través de los sentidos y la repetición desde una edad temprana, y que los padres juegan un papel importante en su aprendizaje.
This document outlines the area jurisdictions covered by different master plans in Chennai, India. It shows that 121 master plans cover areas under the Chennai Corporation and 16 municipalities. A total of 89 master plans cover areas under 80 municipalities and 9 town panchayats in the Sriperumbudur Local Planning Area. The majority of land, over 127,000 square kilometers, consists of over 12,000 village panchayats with no master plans.
Artículo de la revista Actualidad Económica de mayo de 2016 en el que varios expertos opinamos sobre el escenario de tipos 0 que se vive en estos momentos. Cuando el Euribor está en negativo y las expectativas es que la situación se mantenga varios meses o a?os, los bancos se afanan en mejorar su oferta de hipotecas a tipo fijo.
This document contains the resume of Dr. Senek D'Souza. It summarizes his contact information, 15 years of experience in HR leadership roles, educational background including a Ph.D. in Human Resources and certifications. It also lists his achievements, skills, and personal details.
Este documento describe varios comandos de la línea de comandos de Windows (CMD) que pueden usarse para diagnosticar y solucionar problemas de conectividad de red e Internet, como ping, ipconfig, netstat, nslookup, arp y tracert. Explica qué hace cada comando y cómo usarlos para verificar la conectividad, direcciones IP, puertas de enlace, tablas ARP, servidores DNS y ruta de una conexión.
Lean Analytics - Communication Layer into the World of BusinessBen Yoskovitz
Lean Analytics is more than just understanding what to track and when. Lean Analytics (and data in general) is about communication within an organization. This is a 1-day workshop I conducted at CrunchConf 2016 in Budapest with a group of data analysts and data scientists to help them understand their role, through the use of analytics, within a larger organization.
La investigación acción y la investigación acción participativa son métodos cualitativos que buscan mejorar situaciones colectivas mediante la participación de los grupos estudiados. Ambos métodos siguen un proceso circular que incluye diagnóstico, planificación, ejecución, evaluación y sistematización. La investigación acción busca comprender fenómenos sociales, mientras que la investigación acción participativa tiene el objetivo adicional de que los grupos pasen de ser objetos de estudio a sujetos protagonistas de la investigación.
Este himno celebra la misericordia de Dios. En tres estrofas alaba a Dios Padre por su sabiduría en la creación, a Dios Hijo por su amoroso corazón, y al Espíritu Santo como fuente de todo bien. Pide los dones del Espíritu Santo, la paz de Dios, y la esperanza en el Evangelio de misericordia.
This document summarizes the jurisdiction and approval processes for layouts and building plans across different planning authorities in Tamil Nadu. It outlines that layout approvals are handled by the Local Planning Authority (LPA), District Town and Country Planning (DTCP), and Hill Area Conservation Authority (HACA) depending on the area and size of the development. Building plan approvals are handled by local bodies, LPA or DTCP based on the built-up area and number of dwellings. The approval process involves online submission by applicants, scrutiny by the relevant authority, resubmission if needed, approval or rejection notification. Citizen services include online access to application status, land use details and approved layouts.
Proyek vektor faperika universitas riau 2015 febrico sihombingMuhammad Ridwan
This document is about a fisheries technology project at Riau University in 2015. It contains calculations to determine the resultant force and angle of five applied forces. The forces are labeled F1 through F5, with given x and y components. The x and y components of each force are calculated based on the given magnitude and angle. The net x and y forces are calculated by summing the x and y components respectively. Finally, the magnitude and angle of the resultant force is determined using trigonometric functions of the net x and y forces.
Proyek vektor faperika universitas riau 2015 syafrijalMuhammad Ridwan
This document describes a project on vector mechanics in Indonesian. It contains equations and calculations to determine the resultant force and direction of five applied forces. The forces are defined and their x and y components calculated based on their magnitudes and angles. The individual x and y components are summed to get the total or resultant force and its direction is calculated using tangent.
We believe open annotation is a unique new capability that has the potential to radically transform the way we engage with scientific content across the web. Not only annotations are central in the realization of the web of documents by facilitating the formalization and discovery of relations across papers. Most importantly, annotations, we argue, are central in the empowerment of communities of practices by making content based conversations possible. In addition, the activity arising from such content based exploration allows for the definition of a novel alternative metric. As the annotation is specific to a part of the text, it allows for granular analysis of the paper; such metric tells us not just the number of tweets or LIKEs for a given document. It also allows us to identify the topics that are arising interest and how are these being discussed. The contribution is therefore twofold; on the one hand NanoTweets are a type of community based annotation, on the other, hand, NanoTweets are also delivering a granular metric rooted within the content of the document -simplifying content based business intelligence.
El mantenimiento preventivo se realiza en equipos en funcionamiento para evitar fallas mediante acciones como el cambio de piezas desgastadas y lubricantes. Tiene como objetivo principal prevenir incidencias antes de que ocurran y evitar el mantenimiento correctivo. Existen diferentes tipos como el programado basado en tiempo de uso, el oportunidad que aprovecha periodos de no uso, y el predictivo que determina el momento óptimo para reparaciones.
Hepburn fornece dicas de beleza que enfatizam a import?ncia de tratar os outros com bondade, compaix?o e amor. Ela também destaca que a verdadeira beleza vem de dentro, do caráter e da alma de uma pessoa.
El bullying implica el maltrato físico y/o psicológico constante de un ni?o por parte de otros con el objetivo de someterlo y asustarlo. Puede incluir insultos, agresiones físicas, aislamiento social y minar la autoestima de la víctima. Para prevenir el bullying, es importante que la víctima hable con un adulto de confianza como un padre, profesor o director para pedir ayuda, y no mostrar emociones frente al agresor.
Este documento describe diferentes métodos para ense?ar a ni?os de primaria, incluyendo el uso de fichas, canciones, videos, cuentos y juegos. También explica que los ni?os aprenden a través de los sentidos y la repetición desde una edad temprana, y que los padres juegan un papel importante en su aprendizaje.
This document outlines the area jurisdictions covered by different master plans in Chennai, India. It shows that 121 master plans cover areas under the Chennai Corporation and 16 municipalities. A total of 89 master plans cover areas under 80 municipalities and 9 town panchayats in the Sriperumbudur Local Planning Area. The majority of land, over 127,000 square kilometers, consists of over 12,000 village panchayats with no master plans.
Artículo de la revista Actualidad Económica de mayo de 2016 en el que varios expertos opinamos sobre el escenario de tipos 0 que se vive en estos momentos. Cuando el Euribor está en negativo y las expectativas es que la situación se mantenga varios meses o a?os, los bancos se afanan en mejorar su oferta de hipotecas a tipo fijo.
This document contains the resume of Dr. Senek D'Souza. It summarizes his contact information, 15 years of experience in HR leadership roles, educational background including a Ph.D. in Human Resources and certifications. It also lists his achievements, skills, and personal details.
Este documento describe varios comandos de la línea de comandos de Windows (CMD) que pueden usarse para diagnosticar y solucionar problemas de conectividad de red e Internet, como ping, ipconfig, netstat, nslookup, arp y tracert. Explica qué hace cada comando y cómo usarlos para verificar la conectividad, direcciones IP, puertas de enlace, tablas ARP, servidores DNS y ruta de una conexión.
Lean Analytics - Communication Layer into the World of BusinessBen Yoskovitz
Lean Analytics is more than just understanding what to track and when. Lean Analytics (and data in general) is about communication within an organization. This is a 1-day workshop I conducted at CrunchConf 2016 in Budapest with a group of data analysts and data scientists to help them understand their role, through the use of analytics, within a larger organization.
La investigación acción y la investigación acción participativa son métodos cualitativos que buscan mejorar situaciones colectivas mediante la participación de los grupos estudiados. Ambos métodos siguen un proceso circular que incluye diagnóstico, planificación, ejecución, evaluación y sistematización. La investigación acción busca comprender fenómenos sociales, mientras que la investigación acción participativa tiene el objetivo adicional de que los grupos pasen de ser objetos de estudio a sujetos protagonistas de la investigación.
Este himno celebra la misericordia de Dios. En tres estrofas alaba a Dios Padre por su sabiduría en la creación, a Dios Hijo por su amoroso corazón, y al Espíritu Santo como fuente de todo bien. Pide los dones del Espíritu Santo, la paz de Dios, y la esperanza en el Evangelio de misericordia.
This document summarizes the jurisdiction and approval processes for layouts and building plans across different planning authorities in Tamil Nadu. It outlines that layout approvals are handled by the Local Planning Authority (LPA), District Town and Country Planning (DTCP), and Hill Area Conservation Authority (HACA) depending on the area and size of the development. Building plan approvals are handled by local bodies, LPA or DTCP based on the built-up area and number of dwellings. The approval process involves online submission by applicants, scrutiny by the relevant authority, resubmission if needed, approval or rejection notification. Citizen services include online access to application status, land use details and approved layouts.