The GaugeKeeper is an optical water level measurement system that uses a camera and image processing to remotely measure and record water levels, along with images. It provides redundant water level data transmission from remote sites in real-time with alarm alerts. Historical data, including measurements and images, can be downloaded for visual verification. The system requires no expensive trips to remote measurement sites and has TCP/IP connectivity for remote access to data.
La candidata tiene más de 10 a?os de experiencia en cargos administrativos, contables y de secretariado en diferentes sectores. Posee formación en turismo, secretariado de dirección, comercio exterior y secretariado médico. Domina el paquete office, SAP y herramientas de dise?o. Busca un puesto donde pueda poner en práctica sus habilidades de comunicación y atención al cliente.
This document discusses a study on how students comprehend videos as learning resources. The study examined how 14 students viewed four educational videos with different types of accompanying questions. It found that factual questions led students to skim videos superficially, while applied questions encouraged more active viewing and better conceptual understanding. The conclusion is that while videos have potential for teaching if used properly, they must be integrated into an overall learning design that promotes active learning and sensemaking, rather than passive consumption.
The GaugeKeeper is an optical water level measurement system that uses a camera and image processing to remotely measure and record water levels, along with images. It provides redundant water level data transmission from remote sites in real-time with alarm alerts. Historical data, including measurements and images, can be downloaded for visual verification. The system requires no expensive trips to remote measurement sites and has TCP/IP connectivity for remote access to data.
La candidata tiene más de 10 a?os de experiencia en cargos administrativos, contables y de secretariado en diferentes sectores. Posee formación en turismo, secretariado de dirección, comercio exterior y secretariado médico. Domina el paquete office, SAP y herramientas de dise?o. Busca un puesto donde pueda poner en práctica sus habilidades de comunicación y atención al cliente.
This document discusses a study on how students comprehend videos as learning resources. The study examined how 14 students viewed four educational videos with different types of accompanying questions. It found that factual questions led students to skim videos superficially, while applied questions encouraged more active viewing and better conceptual understanding. The conclusion is that while videos have potential for teaching if used properly, they must be integrated into an overall learning design that promotes active learning and sensemaking, rather than passive consumption.
Web 2.0 COMP180 Presentation By: Alberto UrcuyoAlberto Urcuyo
This document summarizes and groups various blogs into the categories of technology, finance, and entertainment. For technology blogs, it discusses Lifehacker which focuses on life tips to save time and money, IT Toolbox which covers hacking and IT topics, and Hack a Day which features electronics projects. For finance blogs, it outlines Blonde on a Budget about budgeting and debt, a personal finance blog by Chris Umiastowski, and Pragmatic Capitalism which cuts through financial myths. For entertainment blogs, it mentions Den of Geek reviewing geek movies and TV, a fashion blog by Eadie, and Buzzfeed covering entertainment categories.
Las enfermedades de la anorexia y la bulimia se han convertido en un problema grave entre los adolescentes. Estas enfermedades alimentarias complejas son causadas por la presión social para alcanzar un cuerpo delgado idealizado y los medios de comunicación que promueven esta imagen. Si no se tratan, pueden poner en peligro la salud física y mental de los jóvenes. Se requiere un diagnóstico temprano y el apoyo de un equipo interdisciplinario para lograr la recuperación.
Pilot plant design steps and engineering considerations. View how pilot plants go from concept to commissioning with the help of a professional engineering design and fabrication firm. To speak with an engineer about your pilot plant design project, call EPIC at 314-207-4250.