Chanda's Secrets: Character AnalysisTerry LeeChanda is a girl from an impoverished family in Africa. Her family is struggling as her mother is sick and her father is absent. Despite the hardships, Chanda remains courageous and supportive of her family and community. She is kind to others, seeks peace over conflict, and has avoided diseases that have afflicted many African children, such as HIV/AIDS.
I kresourceIkraker CobainEste documento presenta un portafolio digital creado por Zuriel Torres Hernandez de iKresource, el cual contiene recursos en la web sobre programación orientada a objetos en Java y PHP, incluyendo secciones de código de ejemplo y tutoriales de ayuda. El portafolio está disponible en línea en la dirección
Chanda’s secretachikocherryChanda is a girl from Africa who is the main character in the story "Chanda's Secret" by Allan Stratton. She lives a difficult life after losing her father, brother, and infant sister Sara. Despite these hardships, Chanda is brave, caring, and responsible, looking after her family and caring for young children in her community. As a result of losing many friends and family members, she can be lonely but is also polite, careful, and family-oriented according to the cultural values she was raised with.
Chanda’s secretTim LimChanda is a 16-year-old girl living in the African town of Bonang with her large family after her father and brother were killed in a mining accident. As the oldest child, she takes on responsibility for caring for her younger siblings after the death of her sister Sara, and arranges her sister's funeral when her mother is unable due to needing to remarry for financial support of the family. Chanda is described as brave, caring, and responsible despite facing hardship as an orphan caring for her family alone.
Lesson Plansbaker11688This lesson plan aims to have high school students analyze character interactions in the novel Chanda's Secrets through a RAFT writing activity and reflective essay. Students will choose a role, audience, format, and topic, then produce a creative writing piece that combines their choices while citing examples from the text. They will also write a reflective essay justifying their creative decisions. The plan provides instructional methods including direct instruction, modeling, guided practice, and independent practice to scaffold the activity. It also includes a rubric to assess student work.
Spanish lessos for italian grupo 2 2011 12iesMolaEl documento proporciona una lección de español para estudiantes italianos, incluyendo números del 1 al 1000, preguntas y respuestas sobre teléfonos, ejemplos de diálogos en restaurantes y tiendas, y expresiones útiles como pedir la cuenta o precios de artículos.
Joyful Monkey's StoryburtonfabfiveThe child was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in kindergarten after feeling tired and thirsty. She had to stay in the hospital for 3 days to learn how to manage her diabetes, including checking her blood sugar and giving herself insulin shots. Now at home, she monitors her blood sugar using a glucometer and gives herself insulin shots or receives it from an insulin pump to keep her levels in a healthy range. She must also carefully manage her diabetes at school with help from her teacher and health assistant.
Magic CandlesAnil NayarThis document describes Magic Candles and how they can help solve life's challenges automatically. It states that Magic Candles work through balancing the four elements, energy field, and mind-body-soul. The wax represents earth, melted wax is water, the flame is fire, and oxygen feeding the flame is air. Burning these specially formulated candles with symbolic colors can attract prosperity, love, healing and more. The document encourages the reader to use Magic Candles for their benefits rather than waiting, as they are fully energized by energy science.
Lime Energy Banking BrochurelimeenergysurveysThis document discusses how energy upgrades can help banks improve their bottom lines through cost savings, increased productivity and customer satisfaction, and reduced environmental impact. High efficiency lighting upgrades usually offer the highest return on investment. Other opportunities include weatherization, HVAC/mechanical system optimization, installation of renewable energy systems, and implementation of advanced energy controls. Precise measurement of energy usage through software and analytics allows banks to effectively manage costs and savings over time.
Self publishing via blogging - updatedKounila KeoThis document discusses self-publishing through blogging. It introduces Rachna IM, a 20-year-old editor-in-chief of a magazine who has been blogging since 2007. It also discusses the Liberty Association, founded in 2011 with 15 Cambodian authors, which aims to publish books in the Cambodian language and encourage Cambodian writers. Finally, it promotes the benefits of using WordPress for blogging, such as it being simple, easy to use, free, and allowing for a fast development cycle and potential monetization through advertising.
Ala od surveyАлександр ПурникThis document summarizes the results of an online survey about eBook usage conducted by OverDrive and the American Library Association (ALA) from June 13th to July 31st, 2012. The survey was taken by 75,384 respondents from U.S. public library websites. It found that the majority of respondents were female, between the ages of 50-64, and earned $75,000-$99,999 annually. Most learned about downloading eBooks from their library website and value the convenience and free access. Over half had been downloading eBooks for more than 6 months and use an eReader device.
At Your Service: A Path to Brand Leadership and Good Business in Your CommunitytheGrapevine411In this presentation at IHRSA 2015, we explored ways to position your business as a leader in the community and build your brand:
1) High-yield cause marketing campaign model
2) High-profile public health initiative
3) Programs that reach deep into community
4) Business-to-business partnerships
What is NRAS? The Full Story on NRAS PropertyOnyxThis document provides information about the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) and the benefits of investing in NRAS-approved properties. It outlines the incentives available, including up to $119,833 in government incentives over 10 years. It discusses how NRAS properties can provide positive cash flow, higher returns, and capital growth opportunities. The document also provides examples of NRAS properties that have been purchased and the financial outcomes experienced by those investors. Overall, it promotes the NRAS program and argues that investing in NRAS-approved properties can provide strong investment returns with reduced risk due to government incentives and guaranteed rental income.
Reciclar y aprenderiesMolaEl documento describe el proceso de reciclaje de papel y cartones para hacer hojas de papel y monederos. Los estudiantes trituran el papel usado para hacer una pasta, la cual extienden sobre un tamiz para formar hojas de papel que se secan y separan de la tela. También recortan y doblan envases de leche para hacer monederos reutilizables. Además, construyen una cocina solar a partir de una caja de cartón forrada con cartulina negra y papel de aluminio para aprovechar la energía solar.
Grade 1%281%29vivianajolieThis document contains a medium-term plan for Grade 1. It outlines the learning objectives, activities, and resources for various subjects including phonics, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, reading, writing, and speaking and listening. The plan spans a single term and covers objectives such as building vocabulary, writing sentences with capitalization and punctuation, developing reading comprehension and likes/dislikes, oral communication skills, and phonics. A variety of activities are suggested such as games, role-playing, drawing, and using online videos and songs.
Conservation Buffer StripsKerr Center for Sustainable AgricultureThe document summarizes efforts over 20 years to protect riparian areas on the Kerr Ranch through fencing. After fencing the areas to exclude livestock in 1998, vegetation has flourished along the stream banks. Trees planted and volunteer trees have become established, stabilizing the soil and enriching the environment. The fenced streams have become deeper and more suitable for aquatic life compared to unfenced areas of the stream.
Santy 5aGloria Leyva CruzEl resumen describe una lección sobre cuerpos geométricos impartida a un grupo de 35 estudiantes de quinto grado. La lección involucró el uso de material didáctico como cajas, latas y dados para que los estudiantes identificaran cuerpos geométricos. Luego, los estudiantes trabajaron en parejas para resolver problemas y dibujar planos que mostraban cómo formar los cuerpos. Finalmente, los estudiantes clasificaron los cuerpos geométricos por su forma en el aula de matemáticas, donde pudieron manipular más material.
Lime Energy Banking March2011limeenergysurveysThe document discusses high return on investment (ROI) energy upgrades for bank buildings. It notes that more than half of major banks plan to maintain or expand their branch networks, so efficiently managing energy use in branches is important. Intelligent energy analysis, upgrades, and monitoring can permanently lower costs, enhance customer experience, and reduce environmental impact. Precise measurement of building energy usage allows banks to identify the most inefficient facilities and targeted upgrades with the best payback. Lime Energy provides services like audits, upgrade plans, and ongoing energy monitoring to help banks realize annual savings of 20-40% on energy costs across their branch networks through a variety of efficiency measures.
Conceptual Model for Assessing Recreational Safety Related to Habitat Improve...Leif EmbertsonThis document presents a conceptual model for assessing recreational safety related to habitat improvement projects. The model considers both reach characteristics such as channel type and gradient, as well as structure characteristics like strainer potential and structure type. A case study examines a project on the South Fork Nooksack River which placed large wood structures to increase habitat. While one structure was rated a moderate safety risk, overall risks can be mitigated through public outreach, signage, monitoring, and adaptive management.
Beyond Service With a SmiletheGrapevine411The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive functioning. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help protect against mental illness and improve symptoms.
Externe veiligheid in het ruimtelijk planprocesReinoud Scherespresentatie voor gemeenteambtenaren (RO) binnen de provincies Gelderland en Overijssel over hoe externe veiligheid in het ruimtelijk planproces werkt en dat de externe veiligheid een ruimtelijk vraagstuk is waar de actor RO regie over moet voeren.
Presentacion practica-1-reynosoEduardo SarmientoEste documento describe una práctica de laboratorio sobre análisis armónico realizada por un estudiante. El objetivo era utilizar un analizador de vibraciones y un osciloscopio para medir las vibraciones de un rotor girando y obtener su espectro de Fourier. El estudiante midió las velocidades del motor y el rotor, y calculó la velocidad teórica del rotor usando las dimensiones de la polea y el rotor, encontrando una pequeña diferencia con la medición. Finalmente, el estudiante concluyó que aprendió a determinar y anal
AngltatevtatevVladik is a 9-year-old boy who attends the "MkhitarSebastatsi" educational complex. He lives with his grandfather, grandmother, father who is an air traffic controller, mother who is an economist, and older brother. Vladik enjoys pizza, ice cream, watermelon, and playing with his ball, though he also has other toys. He has a clever dog named Rex and a talkative parrot named Roma that his grandfather brought back from Africa. Vladik found writing about himself and his family and pets to be an interesting task that he completed with care.
Magic CandlesAnil NayarThis document describes Magic Candles and how they can help solve life's challenges automatically. It states that Magic Candles work through balancing the four elements, energy field, and mind-body-soul. The wax represents earth, melted wax is water, the flame is fire, and oxygen feeding the flame is air. Burning these specially formulated candles with symbolic colors can attract prosperity, love, healing and more. The document encourages the reader to use Magic Candles for their benefits rather than waiting, as they are fully energized by energy science.
Lime Energy Banking BrochurelimeenergysurveysThis document discusses how energy upgrades can help banks improve their bottom lines through cost savings, increased productivity and customer satisfaction, and reduced environmental impact. High efficiency lighting upgrades usually offer the highest return on investment. Other opportunities include weatherization, HVAC/mechanical system optimization, installation of renewable energy systems, and implementation of advanced energy controls. Precise measurement of energy usage through software and analytics allows banks to effectively manage costs and savings over time.
Self publishing via blogging - updatedKounila KeoThis document discusses self-publishing through blogging. It introduces Rachna IM, a 20-year-old editor-in-chief of a magazine who has been blogging since 2007. It also discusses the Liberty Association, founded in 2011 with 15 Cambodian authors, which aims to publish books in the Cambodian language and encourage Cambodian writers. Finally, it promotes the benefits of using WordPress for blogging, such as it being simple, easy to use, free, and allowing for a fast development cycle and potential monetization through advertising.
Ala od surveyАлександр ПурникThis document summarizes the results of an online survey about eBook usage conducted by OverDrive and the American Library Association (ALA) from June 13th to July 31st, 2012. The survey was taken by 75,384 respondents from U.S. public library websites. It found that the majority of respondents were female, between the ages of 50-64, and earned $75,000-$99,999 annually. Most learned about downloading eBooks from their library website and value the convenience and free access. Over half had been downloading eBooks for more than 6 months and use an eReader device.
At Your Service: A Path to Brand Leadership and Good Business in Your CommunitytheGrapevine411In this presentation at IHRSA 2015, we explored ways to position your business as a leader in the community and build your brand:
1) High-yield cause marketing campaign model
2) High-profile public health initiative
3) Programs that reach deep into community
4) Business-to-business partnerships
What is NRAS? The Full Story on NRAS PropertyOnyxThis document provides information about the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) and the benefits of investing in NRAS-approved properties. It outlines the incentives available, including up to $119,833 in government incentives over 10 years. It discusses how NRAS properties can provide positive cash flow, higher returns, and capital growth opportunities. The document also provides examples of NRAS properties that have been purchased and the financial outcomes experienced by those investors. Overall, it promotes the NRAS program and argues that investing in NRAS-approved properties can provide strong investment returns with reduced risk due to government incentives and guaranteed rental income.
Reciclar y aprenderiesMolaEl documento describe el proceso de reciclaje de papel y cartones para hacer hojas de papel y monederos. Los estudiantes trituran el papel usado para hacer una pasta, la cual extienden sobre un tamiz para formar hojas de papel que se secan y separan de la tela. También recortan y doblan envases de leche para hacer monederos reutilizables. Además, construyen una cocina solar a partir de una caja de cartón forrada con cartulina negra y papel de aluminio para aprovechar la energía solar.
Grade 1%281%29vivianajolieThis document contains a medium-term plan for Grade 1. It outlines the learning objectives, activities, and resources for various subjects including phonics, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, reading, writing, and speaking and listening. The plan spans a single term and covers objectives such as building vocabulary, writing sentences with capitalization and punctuation, developing reading comprehension and likes/dislikes, oral communication skills, and phonics. A variety of activities are suggested such as games, role-playing, drawing, and using online videos and songs.
Conservation Buffer StripsKerr Center for Sustainable AgricultureThe document summarizes efforts over 20 years to protect riparian areas on the Kerr Ranch through fencing. After fencing the areas to exclude livestock in 1998, vegetation has flourished along the stream banks. Trees planted and volunteer trees have become established, stabilizing the soil and enriching the environment. The fenced streams have become deeper and more suitable for aquatic life compared to unfenced areas of the stream.
Santy 5aGloria Leyva CruzEl resumen describe una lección sobre cuerpos geométricos impartida a un grupo de 35 estudiantes de quinto grado. La lección involucró el uso de material didáctico como cajas, latas y dados para que los estudiantes identificaran cuerpos geométricos. Luego, los estudiantes trabajaron en parejas para resolver problemas y dibujar planos que mostraban cómo formar los cuerpos. Finalmente, los estudiantes clasificaron los cuerpos geométricos por su forma en el aula de matemáticas, donde pudieron manipular más material.
Lime Energy Banking March2011limeenergysurveysThe document discusses high return on investment (ROI) energy upgrades for bank buildings. It notes that more than half of major banks plan to maintain or expand their branch networks, so efficiently managing energy use in branches is important. Intelligent energy analysis, upgrades, and monitoring can permanently lower costs, enhance customer experience, and reduce environmental impact. Precise measurement of building energy usage allows banks to identify the most inefficient facilities and targeted upgrades with the best payback. Lime Energy provides services like audits, upgrade plans, and ongoing energy monitoring to help banks realize annual savings of 20-40% on energy costs across their branch networks through a variety of efficiency measures.
Conceptual Model for Assessing Recreational Safety Related to Habitat Improve...Leif EmbertsonThis document presents a conceptual model for assessing recreational safety related to habitat improvement projects. The model considers both reach characteristics such as channel type and gradient, as well as structure characteristics like strainer potential and structure type. A case study examines a project on the South Fork Nooksack River which placed large wood structures to increase habitat. While one structure was rated a moderate safety risk, overall risks can be mitigated through public outreach, signage, monitoring, and adaptive management.
Beyond Service With a SmiletheGrapevine411The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive functioning. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help protect against mental illness and improve symptoms.
Externe veiligheid in het ruimtelijk planprocesReinoud Scherespresentatie voor gemeenteambtenaren (RO) binnen de provincies Gelderland en Overijssel over hoe externe veiligheid in het ruimtelijk planproces werkt en dat de externe veiligheid een ruimtelijk vraagstuk is waar de actor RO regie over moet voeren.
Presentacion practica-1-reynosoEduardo SarmientoEste documento describe una práctica de laboratorio sobre análisis armónico realizada por un estudiante. El objetivo era utilizar un analizador de vibraciones y un osciloscopio para medir las vibraciones de un rotor girando y obtener su espectro de Fourier. El estudiante midió las velocidades del motor y el rotor, y calculó la velocidad teórica del rotor usando las dimensiones de la polea y el rotor, encontrando una pequeña diferencia con la medición. Finalmente, el estudiante concluyó que aprendió a determinar y anal
AngltatevtatevVladik is a 9-year-old boy who attends the "MkhitarSebastatsi" educational complex. He lives with his grandfather, grandmother, father who is an air traffic controller, mother who is an economist, and older brother. Vladik enjoys pizza, ice cream, watermelon, and playing with his ball, though he also has other toys. He has a clever dog named Rex and a talkative parrot named Roma that his grandfather brought back from Africa. Vladik found writing about himself and his family and pets to be an interesting task that he completed with care.