Wildflowers: Habitat for Native Pollinators on the Kerr Ranch Kerr Center for Sustainable AgricultureSnapshots of a wildflower meadow, summer 2013. The Kerr Center's Native Pollinator Project is establishing and preserving habitat for native pollinators and educating farmers, ranchers and the public about ways to help native pollinators.
Animals!!Kelsey LairdPenguins are mentioned as the first topic, followed by the author discussing their grandparents owning an African Grey parrot that is very talkative and can learn languages quickly, though their specific bird is mean and only allows the grandfather to handle it.
The Individuality ToolCompton MaddoxA creative tool used to explain individuality, the benefits, and useful application of individuality to one's life, outlook, and personal progress.
Discover yourself, Display yourself
Saral mobile sandesh(ppt)Deep MandaliyaThe document describes a mobile application called Saral Mobile Sandesh (SMS) that provides a voice interface for SMS. The application was created by students at Nirma University for their diploma project. It aims to allow users to listen to text messages through voice instead of reading. The application was developed using Java and XML on the Android platform. It has features like automatic reading of messages but has limitations in supporting some words and languages.
At Your Service: A Path to Brand Leadership and Good Business in Your CommunitytheGrapevine411In this presentation at IHRSA 2015, we explored ways to position your business as a leader in the community and build your brand:
1) High-yield cause marketing campaign model
2) High-profile public health initiative
3) Programs that reach deep into community
4) Business-to-business partnerships
Presentación centro inglésiesMolaThe document outlines the formative offer and facilities available at a secondary school. It describes the first and second cycle of secondary education, special diversification programs, and vocational training options. It also lists the facilities available, including computer rooms, specialized classrooms for subjects like art and music, laboratories for sciences, a large events hall, library, gymnasium, basketball court, and cafeteria.
Joyful Monkey's StoryburtonfabfiveThe child was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in kindergarten after feeling tired and thirsty. She had to stay in the hospital for 3 days to learn how to manage her diabetes, including checking her blood sugar and giving herself insulin shots. Now at home, she monitors her blood sugar using a glucometer and gives herself insulin shots or receives it from an insulin pump to keep her levels in a healthy range. She must also carefully manage her diabetes at school with help from her teacher and health assistant.
Take home examPaul Enrique CasasThis document outlines the instructions for a take home exam in social philosophy. It is divided into 4 parts:
Part 1 involves answering 3 essay questions from a set of questions worth 15% each. Part 2 involves answering 4 short answer questions from another set worth 5% each. Part 3 is a group presentation worth 30%. Part 4 provides bonuses for early submission. Students must follow specific formatting guidelines when submitting their answers.
The molecular timesjonyfive5Scientists are researching genetic treatments to prevent disease by applying genetics to medical care and developing new therapies. A recent study found that extracts from axolotl oocytes were able to reactivate tumor suppressor genes in cancer cells and stop cancer growth in breast cancer cells for 60 days by changing epigenetic marks on DNA. However, simply sequencing genes to identify genetic variants does not provide a full picture of human disease, as the impact of variants needs to be determined through functional studies using good experimental models to better understand complex inherited disorders.
An amazing manAAR VEEThe document summarizes key aspects of Warren Buffett's life and career philosophy based on a CNBC interview. It notes that Buffett bought his first stock at age 11, purchased a small farm at age 14, still lives in the same house he bought over 50 years ago, and drives himself instead of using a private jet or security. The document also outlines Buffett's advice to invest in yourself, live simply, spend only on needs, and let your actions be guided by your own feelings rather than brand names or what others say.
Making the case for valley scale restorationLeif EmbertsonThe fluvial landscape of most watersheds within North America fundamentally changed during European settlement. Through impacts related to natural resource extraction, navigation, transportation, and flood control, all as part of “Manifest Destiny”, the conditions and processes that defined fluvial ecosystems were altered. Rivers are still adjusting to historical impacts that may have occurred more than 100 years ago. Specific impacts in many watersheds include timber harvest, splash damming, placer mining, removal of large wood and logjams, draining of wetlands, channel confinement by highways, railroads, and levees, channel straightening, channel training, damming, urbanization, water quality pollution, flood control, and many more.
Due to the pervasiveness and scale of these impacts, restoration must consider efforts across the entire valley width and be of significant magnitude to address the impacts if we are to succeed with the recovery of the system. Restoration at the valley scale is a daunting effort to many organizations, local, state, and federal governments, tribes and co-managers requiring coordination and collaboration across physical and political boundaries. Confounding restoration efforts, resource managers and practitioners often need to educate communities and regulators due to misperceptions that present day conditions represent good reference conditions for fluvial systems. Common barriers to valley scale restoration include;
• Historical misconceptions of what a river is
• Landowner and community willingness
• Mitigating encroachment into the valley by development relocation or adaptation of existing infrastructure
• Regulatory and land use policies obstructing restoration
• Assessment and implementation costs
Examples of watershed scale impacts on the Nooksack, Skagit, Elwha, and Greys Rivers and their accompanying effects will be described in this session’s presentations. These examples of valley scale restoration illustrate some common barriers and most importantly, solutions for establishing and managing fluvial corridors that can achieve meaningful recovery, reverse impacts from previous generations and guide us down a more sustainable path into the future.
Pink pantehrsDeep MandaliyaThe document discusses various topics related to business management including methods for measuring demand, factors affecting business location, recruitment process, organizational structure, distribution channels, transportation considerations, market strategies, promotion techniques, and types of advertising media. It provides details on the demand for products, resources, labor, transportation, and other facilities available to a company called "PINK PANTHERS". The document outlines the company's recruitment, selection process, sources of finance, and organizational hierarchy.
Ies la mola judith y virginiaiesMolaI.E.S La Mola is a school located in Novelda, Spain. It consists of three buildings - Buildings A, B, and C - constructed at different times, as well as a gym, sports courts, and playground. Building A is the oldest, built in 1967, and has since undergone renovations. Building B was built in 1979 and contains classrooms and science labs. Building C was built in 1995-1996 during renovations and contains offices, classrooms for various subjects, and a lift. The gym and green areas were also built in 1995-1996 for physical education and outdoor activities. Currently, the school serves students primarily from Novelda and also shares its facilities with a language school.
AngltatevtatevVladik is a 9-year-old boy who attends the "MkhitarSebastatsi" educational complex. He lives with his grandfather, grandmother, father who is an air traffic controller, mother who is an economist, and older brother. Vladik enjoys pizza, ice cream, watermelon, and playing with his ball, though he also has other toys. He has a clever dog named Rex and a talkative parrot named Roma that his grandfather brought back from Africa. Vladik found writing about himself and his family and pets to be an interesting task that he completed with care.
At Your Service: A Path to Brand Leadership and Good Business in Your CommunitytheGrapevine411In this presentation at IHRSA 2015, we explored ways to position your business as a leader in the community and build your brand:
1) High-yield cause marketing campaign model
2) High-profile public health initiative
3) Programs that reach deep into community
4) Business-to-business partnerships
Presentación centro inglésiesMolaThe document outlines the formative offer and facilities available at a secondary school. It describes the first and second cycle of secondary education, special diversification programs, and vocational training options. It also lists the facilities available, including computer rooms, specialized classrooms for subjects like art and music, laboratories for sciences, a large events hall, library, gymnasium, basketball court, and cafeteria.
Joyful Monkey's StoryburtonfabfiveThe child was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in kindergarten after feeling tired and thirsty. She had to stay in the hospital for 3 days to learn how to manage her diabetes, including checking her blood sugar and giving herself insulin shots. Now at home, she monitors her blood sugar using a glucometer and gives herself insulin shots or receives it from an insulin pump to keep her levels in a healthy range. She must also carefully manage her diabetes at school with help from her teacher and health assistant.
Take home examPaul Enrique CasasThis document outlines the instructions for a take home exam in social philosophy. It is divided into 4 parts:
Part 1 involves answering 3 essay questions from a set of questions worth 15% each. Part 2 involves answering 4 short answer questions from another set worth 5% each. Part 3 is a group presentation worth 30%. Part 4 provides bonuses for early submission. Students must follow specific formatting guidelines when submitting their answers.
The molecular timesjonyfive5Scientists are researching genetic treatments to prevent disease by applying genetics to medical care and developing new therapies. A recent study found that extracts from axolotl oocytes were able to reactivate tumor suppressor genes in cancer cells and stop cancer growth in breast cancer cells for 60 days by changing epigenetic marks on DNA. However, simply sequencing genes to identify genetic variants does not provide a full picture of human disease, as the impact of variants needs to be determined through functional studies using good experimental models to better understand complex inherited disorders.
An amazing manAAR VEEThe document summarizes key aspects of Warren Buffett's life and career philosophy based on a CNBC interview. It notes that Buffett bought his first stock at age 11, purchased a small farm at age 14, still lives in the same house he bought over 50 years ago, and drives himself instead of using a private jet or security. The document also outlines Buffett's advice to invest in yourself, live simply, spend only on needs, and let your actions be guided by your own feelings rather than brand names or what others say.
Making the case for valley scale restorationLeif EmbertsonThe fluvial landscape of most watersheds within North America fundamentally changed during European settlement. Through impacts related to natural resource extraction, navigation, transportation, and flood control, all as part of “Manifest Destiny”, the conditions and processes that defined fluvial ecosystems were altered. Rivers are still adjusting to historical impacts that may have occurred more than 100 years ago. Specific impacts in many watersheds include timber harvest, splash damming, placer mining, removal of large wood and logjams, draining of wetlands, channel confinement by highways, railroads, and levees, channel straightening, channel training, damming, urbanization, water quality pollution, flood control, and many more.
Due to the pervasiveness and scale of these impacts, restoration must consider efforts across the entire valley width and be of significant magnitude to address the impacts if we are to succeed with the recovery of the system. Restoration at the valley scale is a daunting effort to many organizations, local, state, and federal governments, tribes and co-managers requiring coordination and collaboration across physical and political boundaries. Confounding restoration efforts, resource managers and practitioners often need to educate communities and regulators due to misperceptions that present day conditions represent good reference conditions for fluvial systems. Common barriers to valley scale restoration include;
• Historical misconceptions of what a river is
• Landowner and community willingness
• Mitigating encroachment into the valley by development relocation or adaptation of existing infrastructure
• Regulatory and land use policies obstructing restoration
• Assessment and implementation costs
Examples of watershed scale impacts on the Nooksack, Skagit, Elwha, and Greys Rivers and their accompanying effects will be described in this session’s presentations. These examples of valley scale restoration illustrate some common barriers and most importantly, solutions for establishing and managing fluvial corridors that can achieve meaningful recovery, reverse impacts from previous generations and guide us down a more sustainable path into the future.
Pink pantehrsDeep MandaliyaThe document discusses various topics related to business management including methods for measuring demand, factors affecting business location, recruitment process, organizational structure, distribution channels, transportation considerations, market strategies, promotion techniques, and types of advertising media. It provides details on the demand for products, resources, labor, transportation, and other facilities available to a company called "PINK PANTHERS". The document outlines the company's recruitment, selection process, sources of finance, and organizational hierarchy.
Ies la mola judith y virginiaiesMolaI.E.S La Mola is a school located in Novelda, Spain. It consists of three buildings - Buildings A, B, and C - constructed at different times, as well as a gym, sports courts, and playground. Building A is the oldest, built in 1967, and has since undergone renovations. Building B was built in 1979 and contains classrooms and science labs. Building C was built in 1995-1996 during renovations and contains offices, classrooms for various subjects, and a lift. The gym and green areas were also built in 1995-1996 for physical education and outdoor activities. Currently, the school serves students primarily from Novelda and also shares its facilities with a language school.
AngltatevtatevVladik is a 9-year-old boy who attends the "MkhitarSebastatsi" educational complex. He lives with his grandfather, grandmother, father who is an air traffic controller, mother who is an economist, and older brother. Vladik enjoys pizza, ice cream, watermelon, and playing with his ball, though he also has other toys. He has a clever dog named Rex and a talkative parrot named Roma that his grandfather brought back from Africa. Vladik found writing about himself and his family and pets to be an interesting task that he completed with care.
23. Ա ) ԱՐԱԳՈՒԹՅՈՒՆ – Երկու կետերի միջև եղած հեռավորություն Բ ) ԱՐԱԳՈՒԹՅՈՒՆ – Միավոր ժամանակում մարմնի անցած ճանապարհը Գ ) ԱՐԱԳՈՒԹՅՈՒՆ – Արագ երթևեկություն 1. ՆՇԻՐ ՃԻՇՏ ՊԱՏԱՍԽԱՆԸ
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