The books of the bible1Kim Graman-ContrerasThis document provides summaries of the first five books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. It lists the author and approximate date of each book, and highlights some of the famous stories contained in each including the creation story, Noah's ark, the exodus from Egypt, God's instructions to the Israelites, and their wandering in the wilderness before reaching the promised land.
Limon4kidslimondanceThe José Limón Dance Foundation launched Limón4Kids to introduce middle school students in Hispanic neighborhoods in New York City to modern dance and José Limón. The program focuses on dance-making, technique, literacy, and performance over three weeks. Inspired by Limón's work "La Malinche," students learn sections of the choreography, create their own dances, and perform for families. The Foundation hopes to expand the program to all five boroughs and raise $150,000 to reach 500 students in the 2010-2011 school year.
Pink pantehrsDeep MandaliyaThe document discusses various topics related to business management including methods for measuring demand, factors affecting business location, recruitment process, organizational structure, distribution channels, transportation considerations, market strategies, promotion techniques, and types of advertising media. It provides details on the demand for products, resources, labor, transportation, and other facilities available to a company called "PINK PANTHERS". The document outlines the company's recruitment, selection process, sources of finance, and organizational hierarchy.
Presentación comenius bilateral (english version)iesMolaThis document summarizes a bilateral Comenius association project between IES LA MOLA in Spain and LICEO SCIENTIFICO STATALE ETTOLE MAJORANA in Italy from 2010-2012. The project aims to reinforce the European dimension of education by motivating students to improve foreign language skills through collaboration between schools on topics like sustainable development in Europe. It will include an exchange of students over 10 days and use of information technologies to communicate between schools.
Software evalStephanie ArehartCaptivate and Epiplex are screencasting software options being evaluated to capture knowledge sessions and output in multiple formats like documents and simulations. Both allow capturing any system while blocking apps, editing screenshots, and outputting to common formats. Epiplex is recommended as it meets core needs, is cheaper, and already used in the company, providing an easy way to record quick sessions and output in different formats with minimal editing. Captivate may be considered if needs grow and a more robust solution is required.
Truth & religionAAR VEEThe Dalai Lama responds to a question from Leonardo Boff about what is the best religion by saying the best religion is the one that makes you a better person and brings you closer to God. When asked what makes a better person, the Dalai Lama says compassion, wisdom, detachment, love, humanitarianism, ethics, and responsibility. He tells Leonardo that he is not interested in his religion, but in how he behaves and the positive impact of his actions and thoughts on others.
Presentacion de pruebaRafael Rivadeneira CampodónicoEl documento contiene una serie de números y letras sin aparente patrón o significado.
Ies lamola miguel y estheriesMolaIES La Mola high school is located in Novelda, Spain. It consists of three buildings - Buildings A, B, and C - constructed in 1967, 1979, and later, respectively. Building A houses the library and administrative offices, while Buildings B and C contain classrooms for different grades and subjects like science labs and music rooms. The school also has a gym constructed in 1995. Currently, the student body is 86% from Novelda and 14% from La Romana, representing over 17 nationalities. IES La Mola also shares its facilities with a language school that offers French, English, and German lessons.
Librerias gandhiAndreee1106Tweetbooks resumió libros en tweets para promover la lectura entre los mexicanos que prefieren usar Twitter. La campaña fue un éxito al generar miles de visitas al sitio web y aumentar significativamente el número de seguidores de la librería Gandhi en Twitter.
Conceptual Model for Assessing Recreational Safety Related to Habitat Improve...Leif EmbertsonThis document presents a conceptual model for assessing recreational safety related to habitat improvement projects. The model considers both reach characteristics such as channel type and gradient, as well as structure characteristics like strainer potential and structure type. A case study examines a project on the South Fork Nooksack River which placed large wood structures to increase habitat. While one structure was rated a moderate safety risk, overall risks can be mitigated through public outreach, signage, monitoring, and adaptive management.
Beginning Farmer Hort 1 Building a sustainable business bfrdp lesson 3Kerr Center for Sustainable AgricultureCedar Summit Farm will build a processing plant north of New Prague, Minnesota to process and sell 30% of their milk in the first year, increasing production over time. The plant will be owned by Cedar Summit Farm and leased to Cedar Summit Creamery, LLC, which will purchase equipment and supplies and be responsible for production, marketing, and distribution of milk products. Initial capital requirements are estimated to be several hundred thousand dollars to build the plant and purchase supplies.
Presentacion practica-1-reynosoEduardo SarmientoEste documento describe una práctica de laboratorio sobre análisis armónico realizada por un estudiante. El objetivo era utilizar un analizador de vibraciones y un osciloscopio para medir las vibraciones de un rotor girando y obtener su espectro de Fourier. El estudiante midió las velocidades del motor y el rotor, y calculó la velocidad teórica del rotor usando las dimensiones de la polea y el rotor, encontrando una pequeña diferencia con la medición. Finalmente, el estudiante concluyó que aprendió a determinar y anal
Ang bibliaSamuel CuritThe document discusses the importance of reading and studying the Bible. It claims that all Scripture is from God and useful for teaching and righteousness. It provides biblical quotes indicating that prophecy comes from God through the Holy Spirit, not from human interpretation. Some do not believe in the Bible and burn it, while others in the church do not value it. It encourages the reader to read the Bible to improve their life and leaves contact information to learn more.
Rwandan Grant PresentationSMrower1This document discusses potential grant recipients in Rwanda. It provides information on 3 orphanages that could benefit from funding: Gisimba Orphanage which wants to build a new facility; Rwaza Orphanage which aims to improve teacher training; and Imbabazi Orphanage which wants cameras for educational photography. It also mentions contacting The Lasallian branch and Brother Bruno, and having a consultant name Jim choose if a decision can't be made. Criteria for funding include benefiting orphans, and enhancing education or living conditions for children in rural areas with limited outside support.
Audience Response To My Film Industry QuestionnaireColletteBatchelorThe questionnaire results showed that the target audience for the film was 15-30 year old students who had seen 4-5 films in the last two months. They preferred thriller films with realistic scenes that create suspense and tension. Respondents said they chose films based on the actors/actresses and storyline. Johnny Depp and Keira Knightly were popular potential cast choices. Word of mouth and billboards were the most effective forms of advertisement. Responses about preferred opening sequences were mixed between dramatic scenes that stand out and mellow introductions of characters and settings. Most preferred blockbuster over independent films.
Group 2 pptJuri ChoiThis document discusses special considerations for teaching listening comprehension. It notes that listening can be difficult due to speaker factors like speed of speech, listener factors like purpose, and content factors like vocabulary. It suggests choosing speakers based on students' levels and adjusting speech speed. It also emphasizes the importance of understanding for learning and maintaining student interest. Finally, it proposes several teaching methods to help students improve their listening skills, such as having students summarize podcasts, discuss movies, and analyze music.
AngltatevtatevVladik is a 9-year-old boy who attends the "MkhitarSebastatsi" educational complex. He lives with his grandfather, grandmother, father who is an air traffic controller, mother who is an economist, and older brother. Vladik enjoys pizza, ice cream, watermelon, and playing with his ball, though he also has other toys. He has a clever dog named Rex and a talkative parrot named Roma that his grandfather brought back from Africa. Vladik found writing about himself and his family and pets to be an interesting task that he completed with care.
Truth & religionAAR VEEThe Dalai Lama responds to a question from Leonardo Boff about what is the best religion by saying the best religion is the one that makes you a better person and brings you closer to God. When asked what makes a better person, the Dalai Lama says compassion, wisdom, detachment, love, humanitarianism, ethics, and responsibility. He tells Leonardo that he is not interested in his religion, but in how he behaves and the positive impact of his actions and thoughts on others.
Presentacion de pruebaRafael Rivadeneira CampodónicoEl documento contiene una serie de números y letras sin aparente patrón o significado.
Ies lamola miguel y estheriesMolaIES La Mola high school is located in Novelda, Spain. It consists of three buildings - Buildings A, B, and C - constructed in 1967, 1979, and later, respectively. Building A houses the library and administrative offices, while Buildings B and C contain classrooms for different grades and subjects like science labs and music rooms. The school also has a gym constructed in 1995. Currently, the student body is 86% from Novelda and 14% from La Romana, representing over 17 nationalities. IES La Mola also shares its facilities with a language school that offers French, English, and German lessons.
Librerias gandhiAndreee1106Tweetbooks resumió libros en tweets para promover la lectura entre los mexicanos que prefieren usar Twitter. La campaña fue un éxito al generar miles de visitas al sitio web y aumentar significativamente el número de seguidores de la librería Gandhi en Twitter.
Conceptual Model for Assessing Recreational Safety Related to Habitat Improve...Leif EmbertsonThis document presents a conceptual model for assessing recreational safety related to habitat improvement projects. The model considers both reach characteristics such as channel type and gradient, as well as structure characteristics like strainer potential and structure type. A case study examines a project on the South Fork Nooksack River which placed large wood structures to increase habitat. While one structure was rated a moderate safety risk, overall risks can be mitigated through public outreach, signage, monitoring, and adaptive management.
Beginning Farmer Hort 1 Building a sustainable business bfrdp lesson 3Kerr Center for Sustainable AgricultureCedar Summit Farm will build a processing plant north of New Prague, Minnesota to process and sell 30% of their milk in the first year, increasing production over time. The plant will be owned by Cedar Summit Farm and leased to Cedar Summit Creamery, LLC, which will purchase equipment and supplies and be responsible for production, marketing, and distribution of milk products. Initial capital requirements are estimated to be several hundred thousand dollars to build the plant and purchase supplies.
Presentacion practica-1-reynosoEduardo SarmientoEste documento describe una práctica de laboratorio sobre análisis armónico realizada por un estudiante. El objetivo era utilizar un analizador de vibraciones y un osciloscopio para medir las vibraciones de un rotor girando y obtener su espectro de Fourier. El estudiante midió las velocidades del motor y el rotor, y calculó la velocidad teórica del rotor usando las dimensiones de la polea y el rotor, encontrando una pequeña diferencia con la medición. Finalmente, el estudiante concluyó que aprendió a determinar y anal
Ang bibliaSamuel CuritThe document discusses the importance of reading and studying the Bible. It claims that all Scripture is from God and useful for teaching and righteousness. It provides biblical quotes indicating that prophecy comes from God through the Holy Spirit, not from human interpretation. Some do not believe in the Bible and burn it, while others in the church do not value it. It encourages the reader to read the Bible to improve their life and leaves contact information to learn more.
Rwandan Grant PresentationSMrower1This document discusses potential grant recipients in Rwanda. It provides information on 3 orphanages that could benefit from funding: Gisimba Orphanage which wants to build a new facility; Rwaza Orphanage which aims to improve teacher training; and Imbabazi Orphanage which wants cameras for educational photography. It also mentions contacting The Lasallian branch and Brother Bruno, and having a consultant name Jim choose if a decision can't be made. Criteria for funding include benefiting orphans, and enhancing education or living conditions for children in rural areas with limited outside support.
Audience Response To My Film Industry QuestionnaireColletteBatchelorThe questionnaire results showed that the target audience for the film was 15-30 year old students who had seen 4-5 films in the last two months. They preferred thriller films with realistic scenes that create suspense and tension. Respondents said they chose films based on the actors/actresses and storyline. Johnny Depp and Keira Knightly were popular potential cast choices. Word of mouth and billboards were the most effective forms of advertisement. Responses about preferred opening sequences were mixed between dramatic scenes that stand out and mellow introductions of characters and settings. Most preferred blockbuster over independent films.
Group 2 pptJuri ChoiThis document discusses special considerations for teaching listening comprehension. It notes that listening can be difficult due to speaker factors like speed of speech, listener factors like purpose, and content factors like vocabulary. It suggests choosing speakers based on students' levels and adjusting speech speed. It also emphasizes the importance of understanding for learning and maintaining student interest. Finally, it proposes several teaching methods to help students improve their listening skills, such as having students summarize podcasts, discuss movies, and analyze music.
AngltatevtatevVladik is a 9-year-old boy who attends the "MkhitarSebastatsi" educational complex. He lives with his grandfather, grandmother, father who is an air traffic controller, mother who is an economist, and older brother. Vladik enjoys pizza, ice cream, watermelon, and playing with his ball, though he also has other toys. He has a clever dog named Rex and a talkative parrot named Roma that his grandfather brought back from Africa. Vladik found writing about himself and his family and pets to be an interesting task that he completed with care.