Intead's 2nd webinar on how to market universities to the world in light of the U.S. presidential election results (a bit more perspective than we had even 2 weeks ago).
Galit fein office of the cio presentation full version v5Galit Fein
The document summarizes a presentation on IT trends in 2012. It discusses the evolution of IT departments and organizations over time from the 1980s to present. It covers topics such as the increasing role of CIOs, adoption of agile methods, consumerization of IT, need for cost transparency and chargebacks, and the importance of IT as a business partner rather than just an overhead cost. Key trends discussed include analytics, mobility, cloud computing, and social media. The presentation provides recommendations for implementing lean IT principles and chargebacks to better meet business needs.
Как вывести компанию на экспорт и что нужно делать что бы заняться экспортом.Александр Мамасидиков
Обещаем потенциальному клиенту решить его проблемы касательно экспорт ориентированности или дать новые возможности.
Выход на экспорт – это головная боль любого предприятия. Мы готовы взять на себя все издержки и всю ответственность за продажи и представление Вашей компании или продукта на международном рынке, а именно на рынках СНГ, дальнего и ближнего зарубежья.
Наверняка Вы встречались с ситуациями, когда не знаете сами, в силу разных обстоятельств, как выйти на новый рынок, как представить продукт и совершить сделку. Плюс к этому, очень часто бывает, что для выхода на экспорт необходимо правильно представить продукт, то есть упаковать бизнес по международным стандартам, или привлечь дополнительный персонал, а все это требует дополнительных затрат. Вы же можете экономить денежные средства и вкладывать их в развитие компании, если поручите заботу о Вашей продукции нам. Наша компания – специализируется на выводе компаний или продуктов отечественного производства на международные рынки. Мы разработаем для Вас индивидуальный пакет для продвижения Вашего продукта на международном рынке.
Так же мы можем доработать ваш продукт до более высокого уровня конкурентоспособности на международном и местном рынке. Надежность и качество наших услуг подтверждены тем, что все клиенты работают с нами на постоянной основе.
Об экономической эффективности сотрудничества говорит статистика: сотрудничая с нами, клиенты увеличивают продажи на международном рынке минимум в 2 раза. Эту экономию просто оценить, если учесть, что международный рынок безграничный соответственно и возможности тоже безграничны. Что входит в эту сумму:
- Подготовка материалов:
- Подготовка к выходу на экспорт:
- Продажи и поиск клиентов (партнеров, дистрибьютеров, дилеров, представитилей)
- Создание имиджа:
- Консалтинг:
- Маркетинг и маркетинговые исследования
Совместно с нашими клиентами мы посчитали что объём экспорта на момент оказания услуги составлял 42% от общего производства и организация работы по направлению международного рынка окупились в первый же месяц. Надеемся что наше предложение будет для вас интересным.
This document discusses challenges around effectively communicating data from the Department of Commerce to the public. It notes that 1/3 of all federal public data comes from the DOC and this data is constantly being updated. However, there is a need to better impart understanding of this data to non-experts. The author reflects on how data experts sometimes work in silos and that real insights come from synthesizing knowledge of the data and its processing. They are addressing this issue through a data usability initiative with tutorials and open source code to help others understand and use DOC data. The author welcomes other ideas to improve data communication.
The document summarizes the results of using the PRISMS-PF matrix-free finite element code to solve two test cases from the CHiMaD benchmark problems. For problem 1 (spinodal decomposition), the code performed well and captured the expected morphology evolution. For problem 2, the solution did not converge to the expected values. Overall, the authors were pleased with the code's performance but want to revisit problem 2 with future improvements.
The document discusses the history and evolution of social media from its earliest origins in computer networking in the 1960s and 1970s. It notes that while computer networking was initially developed for military purposes, as networks expanded, users began using them to discuss topics of mutual interest and reconnect with others. Early forms of social media included UseNet in 1979, which allowed communication through virtual newsletters. The document then provides brief descriptions of popular social media platforms that emerged in the late 20th/early 21st century like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and others. It concludes by discussing how social media has become an important part of marketing strategies for many businesses.
Lebogang Rangata has over 10 years of experience in the banking industry, primarily in foreign exchange and international payments processing. She is currently a team leader at Nedbank, where she manages a team to deliver client services, ensure processes are mapped and updated, and resolve escalations within one day. Previously, she held roles as a telegraphic transfer processor and filing clerk at Nedbank. Rangata has a National Diploma in Financial Management and speaks several languages including English, Afrikaans, Sotho, and Zulu. She is proficient in Microsoft Excel, international banking, exchange control regulations, and performance management.
Really exciting, groundbreaking new research we are conducting with FPP EDUMedia about student motivations to study abroad. We presented this along with global perspectives from University Cattolica Sacro Cuore and American University
Copy Right @ Dr.Devendra Arora in Course of sports ManagementDr. Devendra Arora
The document discusses various career opportunities in sports management, including jobs in sports goods manufacturing companies, sports event management, TV channels, gyms, sports academies, and as personal managers or agents for renowned players. Completing courses in sports management would qualify one to work in organizing local, national, and international sports events for clubs, associations, federations, and IT companies.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengertian hak dan kewajiban serta jenis-jenisnya. Hak didefinisikan sebagai klaim yang dibuat oleh seseorang atau kelompok, sedangkan kewajiban adalah keharusan yang harus dilakukan berdasarkan aturan. Ada berbagai jenis hak seperti hak legal, moral, konvensional, khusus, umum, positif, dan negatif. Jenis kewajiban meliputi kewajiban sempurna
Standard of care / Standard of Practice / Clinical Guideline/ Clinical Pathway Naz Usmani
A very brief presentation to differentiate between clinical process improvement practice , guideline and pathway .
I have reflected on the basic differences between them .
CE 72.32 (January 2016 Semester) Lecture 6 - Overview of Finite Element AnalysisFawad Najam
The document discusses the fundamentals of finite element analysis (FEA) for structural analysis. It provides an overview of FEA, including the modeling process of discretizing the structure into finite elements, generating the stiffness matrix, and solving the algebraic equations to determine structural responses like displacements and stresses. The document also reviews some prerequisite concepts from solid mechanics like stress-strain relationships, material properties, and solution of systems of equations. It traces the history and development of FEA and discusses its wide range of engineering applications today.
HVDC transmission systems use direct current for the transmission of electrical power over long distances or undersea. They have advantages over AC transmission such as lower transmission losses over long distances and the ability to interconnect unsynchronized AC power systems. HVDC technology has evolved from early electromechanical systems using motor-generator sets to modern thyristor-based systems. HVDC is used for long distance bulk power transmission projects in India such as Rihand-Delhi and Chandrapur-Padghe.
Intead's 2nd webinar on how to market universities to the world in light of the U.S. presidential election results (a bit more perspective than we had even 2 weeks ago).
Galit fein office of the cio presentation full version v5Galit Fein
The document summarizes a presentation on IT trends in 2012. It discusses the evolution of IT departments and organizations over time from the 1980s to present. It covers topics such as the increasing role of CIOs, adoption of agile methods, consumerization of IT, need for cost transparency and chargebacks, and the importance of IT as a business partner rather than just an overhead cost. Key trends discussed include analytics, mobility, cloud computing, and social media. The presentation provides recommendations for implementing lean IT principles and chargebacks to better meet business needs.
Как вывести компанию на экспорт и что нужно делать что бы заняться экспортом.Александр Мамасидиков
Обещаем потенциальному клиенту решить его проблемы касательно экспорт ориентированности или дать новые возможности.
Выход на экспорт – это головная боль любого предприятия. Мы готовы взять на себя все издержки и всю ответственность за продажи и представление Вашей компании или продукта на международном рынке, а именно на рынках СНГ, дальнего и ближнего зарубежья.
Наверняка Вы встречались с ситуациями, когда не знаете сами, в силу разных обстоятельств, как выйти на новый рынок, как представить продукт и совершить сделку. Плюс к этому, очень часто бывает, что для выхода на экспорт необходимо правильно представить продукт, то есть упаковать бизнес по международным стандартам, или привлечь дополнительный персонал, а все это требует дополнительных затрат. Вы же можете экономить денежные средства и вкладывать их в развитие компании, если поручите заботу о Вашей продукции нам. Наша компания – специализируется на выводе компаний или продуктов отечественного производства на международные рынки. Мы разработаем для Вас индивидуальный пакет для продвижения Вашего продукта на международном рынке.
Так же мы можем доработать ваш продукт до более высокого уровня конкурентоспособности на международном и местном рынке. Надежность и качество наших услуг подтверждены тем, что все клиенты работают с нами на постоянной основе.
Об экономической эффективности сотрудничества говорит статистика: сотрудничая с нами, клиенты увеличивают продажи на международном рынке минимум в 2 раза. Эту экономию просто оценить, если учесть, что международный рынок безграничный соответственно и возможности тоже безграничны. Что входит в эту сумму:
- Подготовка материалов:
- Подготовка к выходу на экспорт:
- Продажи и поиск клиентов (партнеров, дистрибьютеров, дилеров, представитилей)
- Создание имиджа:
- Консалтинг:
- Маркетинг и маркетинговые исследования
Совместно с нашими клиентами мы посчитали что объём экспорта на момент оказания услуги составлял 42% от общего производства и организация работы по направлению международного рынка окупились в первый же месяц. Надеемся что наше предложение будет для вас интересным.
This document discusses challenges around effectively communicating data from the Department of Commerce to the public. It notes that 1/3 of all federal public data comes from the DOC and this data is constantly being updated. However, there is a need to better impart understanding of this data to non-experts. The author reflects on how data experts sometimes work in silos and that real insights come from synthesizing knowledge of the data and its processing. They are addressing this issue through a data usability initiative with tutorials and open source code to help others understand and use DOC data. The author welcomes other ideas to improve data communication.
The document summarizes the results of using the PRISMS-PF matrix-free finite element code to solve two test cases from the CHiMaD benchmark problems. For problem 1 (spinodal decomposition), the code performed well and captured the expected morphology evolution. For problem 2, the solution did not converge to the expected values. Overall, the authors were pleased with the code's performance but want to revisit problem 2 with future improvements.
The document discusses the history and evolution of social media from its earliest origins in computer networking in the 1960s and 1970s. It notes that while computer networking was initially developed for military purposes, as networks expanded, users began using them to discuss topics of mutual interest and reconnect with others. Early forms of social media included UseNet in 1979, which allowed communication through virtual newsletters. The document then provides brief descriptions of popular social media platforms that emerged in the late 20th/early 21st century like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and others. It concludes by discussing how social media has become an important part of marketing strategies for many businesses.
Lebogang Rangata has over 10 years of experience in the banking industry, primarily in foreign exchange and international payments processing. She is currently a team leader at Nedbank, where she manages a team to deliver client services, ensure processes are mapped and updated, and resolve escalations within one day. Previously, she held roles as a telegraphic transfer processor and filing clerk at Nedbank. Rangata has a National Diploma in Financial Management and speaks several languages including English, Afrikaans, Sotho, and Zulu. She is proficient in Microsoft Excel, international banking, exchange control regulations, and performance management.
Really exciting, groundbreaking new research we are conducting with FPP EDUMedia about student motivations to study abroad. We presented this along with global perspectives from University Cattolica Sacro Cuore and American University
Copy Right @ Dr.Devendra Arora in Course of sports ManagementDr. Devendra Arora
The document discusses various career opportunities in sports management, including jobs in sports goods manufacturing companies, sports event management, TV channels, gyms, sports academies, and as personal managers or agents for renowned players. Completing courses in sports management would qualify one to work in organizing local, national, and international sports events for clubs, associations, federations, and IT companies.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengertian hak dan kewajiban serta jenis-jenisnya. Hak didefinisikan sebagai klaim yang dibuat oleh seseorang atau kelompok, sedangkan kewajiban adalah keharusan yang harus dilakukan berdasarkan aturan. Ada berbagai jenis hak seperti hak legal, moral, konvensional, khusus, umum, positif, dan negatif. Jenis kewajiban meliputi kewajiban sempurna
Standard of care / Standard of Practice / Clinical Guideline/ Clinical Pathway Naz Usmani
A very brief presentation to differentiate between clinical process improvement practice , guideline and pathway .
I have reflected on the basic differences between them .
CE 72.32 (January 2016 Semester) Lecture 6 - Overview of Finite Element AnalysisFawad Najam
The document discusses the fundamentals of finite element analysis (FEA) for structural analysis. It provides an overview of FEA, including the modeling process of discretizing the structure into finite elements, generating the stiffness matrix, and solving the algebraic equations to determine structural responses like displacements and stresses. The document also reviews some prerequisite concepts from solid mechanics like stress-strain relationships, material properties, and solution of systems of equations. It traces the history and development of FEA and discusses its wide range of engineering applications today.
HVDC transmission systems use direct current for the transmission of electrical power over long distances or undersea. They have advantages over AC transmission such as lower transmission losses over long distances and the ability to interconnect unsynchronized AC power systems. HVDC technology has evolved from early electromechanical systems using motor-generator sets to modern thyristor-based systems. HVDC is used for long distance bulk power transmission projects in India such as Rihand-Delhi and Chandrapur-Padghe.