O sapo e_a_rosaJuliennerecepcoesA rosa se achava a mais bonita do jardim, mas as pessoas se mantinham distantes por causa de um sapo grande ao seu lado. Quando ordenou que o sapo fosse embora, as formigas passaram a comê-la e ela murchou. O sapo explicou que comia as formigas que se aproximavam dela.
Tire suas dúvidas dos termos de Avaliação (A-Z)Apsis ConsultoriaO documento fornece definições de termos técnicos relacionados à avaliação imobiliária e empresarial. Entre os termos definidos estão: área bruta locável, aproveitamento eficiente, ativo, capital investido, custo de capital, fluxo de caixa, goodwill, imóvel, infraestrutura básica e múltiplo.
Dear Diary - Researching the LSE Welcome Week ExperienceEva JirjahlkePresentation from UXLibsII, at thestudio in Manchester, 23-24 June 2016.
The presentation is about the diary study I ran during LSE's Welcome Week in September 2015. I talk about some of my findings and the lessons I learned running such a study as a UX team of one.
Top student academicMPHO MORAJANEThis certificate recognizes Morajane Mpho Patrick for being the top academic performer at the Peter Mokaba Residence in 2013. The certificate was awarded by the Deputy Director of Housing and Residence Affairs at the University of the Free State's Qwaqwa Campus at their Residence Life Excellence Awards on October 16, 2013.
Реальная эффективность утепления наружных стен при капитальном ремонтеGBU CEIIS"Реальная эффективность утепления наружных стен при капитальном ремонте" - доклад И.С.Курилюка, ведущего инженера-эксперта Отдела экспертиз зданий и сооружений на соответствие теплотехническим и акустическим требованиям ГБУ "ЦЭИИС".
Перечень и условия выполнения работ Лаборатории по проведению экспертиз ГБУ ...GBU CEIISПеречень и условия выполнения работ Лаборатории по проведению экспертиз ГБУ "ЦЭИИС"
User Experience Research - Putting Users at the Heart of Your LibraryEva JirjahlkeIntroduction to UX research in Libraries. Presented at ALISS event "Getting them in and Keeping them: Effective Practice for Libraries and Information Services" on 21st April 2016, Senate House London.
1 ново переделкино 21.10.2016-рд07-1988_16-2_кобылянский (лукино)afeell1
2 faquileoagustinEste documento presenta la lista de 42 estudiantes del grupo 2° "F" de la Escuela Secundaria Diurna No. 135 "U.R.S.S.", incluyendo sus nombres completos y calificaciones en los primeros dos bimestres. La escuela se encuentra en la Secretaría de Educación Pública y Coordinación Sectorial de Educación Secundaria.
Child Well Being Assessment MEASURE EvaluationThe document discusses the development and testing of a Child Well Being Assessment tool in South Africa. It was adapted from the Core Status Index to assess children's well-being across 8 domains on a quarterly basis. The tool aims to provide a standardized way to monitor children, identify their needs, and ensure resources are appropriately allocated. Over 100 youth facilitators and CCF members have been trained on the tool. Testing is underway and focus groups will provide feedback before it is rolled out more widely. The tool is intended to guide interventions and evaluate the impact of services in moving children from vulnerability to greater well-being.
Реальная эффективность утепления наружных стен при капитальном ремонтеGBU CEIIS"Реальная эффективность утепления наружных стен при капитальном ремонте" - доклад И.С.Курилюка, ведущего инженера-эксперта Отдела экспертиз зданий и сооружений на соответствие теплотехническим и акустическим требованиям ГБУ "ЦЭИИС".
Перечень и условия выполнения работ Лаборатории по проведению экспертиз ГБУ ...GBU CEIISПеречень и условия выполнения работ Лаборатории по проведению экспертиз ГБУ "ЦЭИИС"
User Experience Research - Putting Users at the Heart of Your LibraryEva JirjahlkeIntroduction to UX research in Libraries. Presented at ALISS event "Getting them in and Keeping them: Effective Practice for Libraries and Information Services" on 21st April 2016, Senate House London.
1 ново переделкино 21.10.2016-рд07-1988_16-2_кобылянский (лукино)afeell1
2 faquileoagustinEste documento presenta la lista de 42 estudiantes del grupo 2° "F" de la Escuela Secundaria Diurna No. 135 "U.R.S.S.", incluyendo sus nombres completos y calificaciones en los primeros dos bimestres. La escuela se encuentra en la Secretaría de Educación Pública y Coordinación Sectorial de Educación Secundaria.
Child Well Being Assessment MEASURE EvaluationThe document discusses the development and testing of a Child Well Being Assessment tool in South Africa. It was adapted from the Core Status Index to assess children's well-being across 8 domains on a quarterly basis. The tool aims to provide a standardized way to monitor children, identify their needs, and ensure resources are appropriately allocated. Over 100 youth facilitators and CCF members have been trained on the tool. Testing is underway and focus groups will provide feedback before it is rolled out more widely. The tool is intended to guide interventions and evaluate the impact of services in moving children from vulnerability to greater well-being.