The document discusses Standard 4 which examines the political, economic, social, and geographic transformations of the United States during the early to mid-1800s. Some of the topics to be covered include the Whiskey Rebellion, the government's right to tax, Washington's farewell address, the Alien and Sedition Acts and 1800 presidential election, and the 1803 Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark Expedition.
This document contains information on Hussein Hashim Ali, including his personal details, career history, skills, qualifications, and software experience. It summarizes that he is a 38-year-old married Egyptian citizen currently working as an Applications Developer at Telecom Egypt, where he has worked since 2013 developing various automated systems. Prior to this role, he held other positions at Telecom Egypt as a Sales Specialist and Customer Service Representative.
The document discusses Standard 4 which examines the political, economic, social, and geographic transformations of the United States during the early to mid-1800s. Some of the topics to be covered include the Whiskey Rebellion, the government's right to tax, Washington's farewell address, the Alien and Sedition Acts and 1800 presidential election, and the 1803 Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark Expedition.
This document contains information on Hussein Hashim Ali, including his personal details, career history, skills, qualifications, and software experience. It summarizes that he is a 38-year-old married Egyptian citizen currently working as an Applications Developer at Telecom Egypt, where he has worked since 2013 developing various automated systems. Prior to this role, he held other positions at Telecom Egypt as a Sales Specialist and Customer Service Representative.
Este documento describe una experiencia de engorde y comercializaci¨®n de ganado vacuno en las provincias de Huancan¨¦ y Moho en Puno, Per¨². El objetivo fue mejorar los ingresos de las familias rurales a trav¨¦s del desarrollo de sus capacidades para esta actividad econ¨®mica. Se utilizaron estrategias como la capacitaci¨®n, asistencia t¨¦cnica y fortalecimiento organizacional. Los resultados incluyeron un aumento en la productividad ganadera y los ingresos de las familias, as¨ª como una mayor participaci¨®n comunitaria y sostenibil
Mutual respect between law enforcement and communities is needed to improve relationships. Many children in high crime areas are taught to fear and distrust the police due to abusive experiences witnessed by parents and relatives. This creates an "us vs them" mentality where children see themselves as criminals and join gangs. For relationships to improve, stereotyping must end and police must communicate with the public in a friendly, approachable manner like the "cop on the beat" philosophy of the past.
This document discusses data flow diagrams and functional modeling. It provides examples of modeling math functions and signatures, and shows relationships between objects over time through constraints expressed as total or partial functions. Functional modeling specifies operations and constraints through examples.
This guide walks you through how to sign up for EVOC courses using the partnership established with OneBeacon Government Risks and On Q Safety. Discounted courses are available to active policy holders with OneBeacon Government Risks.
This document discusses building a website using a partnership model. It outlines the website development process, including discovery, wireframing, content development, and testing before launch. It also discusses building a partner network to provide ongoing website design, sales and marketing support, education, and assistance scaling and expanding businesses. Costs include one-time fees for themes, design, and development as well as recurring costs for domains, hosting, and content updates. The development process is broken into phases, starting with discussing goals, then developing a plan and prototype, refining the product, and finally launching and providing ongoing support.
El documento describe brevemente los or¨ªgenes y la vida del autor. Naci¨® en Tenerife pero se mud¨® a la pen¨ªnsula ib¨¦rica a los 2 a?os, luego a Ponferrada, Castilla y Le¨®n donde asisti¨® a la escuela primaria, despu¨¦s se mud¨® a Par¨ªs. Le gustar¨ªa estudiar cine aunque no est¨¢ seguro.
Este documento describe Linkaform, una soluci¨®n de captura de datos m¨®vil que ayuda a empresas agropecuarias a optimizar procesos, reducir costos y tomar mejores decisiones. Linkaform permite la creaci¨®n de formularios digitales, el an¨¢lisis de datos en tiempo real, la consolidaci¨®n de informaci¨®n y la integraci¨®n con otros sistemas. El documento explica los beneficios de Linkaform y ofrece una demostraci¨®n gratuita.
Linkaform es una soluci¨®n de software que ayuda a optimizar los procesos log¨ªsticos y de distribuci¨®n mediante el registro digital de movimientos de mercanc¨ªa, notificaciones en tiempo real, generaci¨®n de reportes y mejor control del inventario. Algunos de los principales beneficios son mejorar el servicio al cliente, reducir costos, y tomar mejores decisiones a trav¨¦s del an¨¢lisis de informaci¨®n. Linkaform permite la creaci¨®n de formularios digitales, an¨¢lisis de datos, flujos de trabajo y integraci¨®n con otros sistemas.
The document presents research on the microbial community changes of aerobic granules in a sequential batch reactor (SBR) degrading 4-chlorophenol wastewater under different control strategies. It aims to evaluate the bacterial community when changing from a conventional fixed time control (FTC) strategy to an optimal event driven-time control (ED-TOC) strategy. Results showed higher 4-CP degradation rates and a more specialized bacterial community under the ED-TOC strategy, with fewer operational taxonomic units detected compared to the FTC strategy. Physicochemical analyses also demonstrated improvements in settling velocity, solid retention, and respiration rates under the ED-TOC control.
Dev productivity hacks - Cognitive Biases and Friction for Software DevelopersYash Ranadive
This presentation talks about Cognitive Biases and Friction in programming. I provide some solutions to these common issues and propose how GrepPage can help solving some of them.
El documento describe el ¨¦xito del Instituto IES Lu¨ªs Seoane en integrar a las familias y la comunidad en el proceso educativo. Las familias han contribuido al ¨¦xito escolar a trav¨¦s de su compromiso con programas de innovaci¨®n y apoyo. La escuela, familias e instituciones han trabajado juntas de forma cooperativa para crear un sentido de pertenencia que ha llevado al centro a recibir premios por su excelencia educativa.
Este documento presenta el plan de un curso de programaci¨®n en Visual Studio con C# que ser¨¢ impartido por el Centro de Innovaci¨®n Educativa. El curso tendr¨¢ una duraci¨®n de 8 semanas con sesiones de 6 horas que cubrir¨¢n temas como introducci¨®n a Visual Studio, tipos de datos, condicionales, objetos, herencia, polimorfismo, excepciones y arrays. El curso capacitar¨¢ a los asistentes en los fundamentos de C# y programaci¨®n orientada a objetos a trav¨¦s de presentaciones y ejercicios pr¨¢cticos.
The document is a project about pollution in rivers for a 3rd year English course. It was created by Roxana Valverde, Jennifer Lopez, and Magaly Lopez on January 27, 2017. The project introduces the problem of people throwing garbage in the rivers in the city of Ba?os, Ecuador, giving it a bad image as a tourist city. It proposes solutions such as putting up posters near rivers to discourage littering, encouraging people not to pollute rivers, ensuring people do not litter in rivers, implementing more landfills so rivers are not used as dumps, and helping to keep rivers clean during floods.
Quel que soit votre projet Cloud, la gestion de vos identit¨¦s est structurante. Au travers de cette session, nous vous proposons de faire le point sur les architectures existantes, les m¨¦thodes d¡¯authentification et bien entendu les bonnes pratiques ¨¤ adopter. Des d¨¦monstrations de chaque fonctionnalit¨¦ seront faites.