Использование программ Import IO и OpenRefineOlya ParkhimovichВ презентации показываются инструкции по скрепингу сайтов с помощью сервиса Import IO и предварительной очистке данных с помощью OpenRefine
안내장 To cf-c-170201Namkee Chung[TOC for CEO 2017] CEO를 위한 TOC경영 세미나
일시: 2017.3.11(토), 4.8(토), 5.13(토), 6.10(토), 7.8(토) 총 5회
강사: 정남기 교수(전남대), (사)한국TOC협회 회장
개설 목적:(재능기부)
국내기업의 실질적 수익향상/경쟁력강화 지원
TOC(Theory of Constraints) 기반의 경영시스템 해설
이업종 교류를 통한 CEO 경영지식/경험의 확장
Candakya niti sastraNgarayana ナㇻヤナPemerintah mengumumkan paket stimulus ekonomi baru untuk menyelamatkan bisnis dan pekerjaan. Stimulus ini meliputi insentif pajak, bantuan langsung untuk UMKM, serta subsidi upah bagi perusahaan yang menahan PHK.
Zero waste challenge #allineedisjeans ProjectValentina R. Cooper, S.S.The document describes a zero waste challenge project to reduce fabric waste by recreating old jeans into new useful items like bags, pouches, and cases, in order to reduce spending and waste. Participants can join by uploading their jean recreations on Instagram tagged with #zerowastechallenge #allineedisjeans and mentioning the project page, and various product ideas are shown that have been made from recycled jeans.
Emailppt 111110054525-phpapp02galaxy201This document provides an introduction to email. It begins by explaining that email allows for digital messages to be exchanged between an author and one or more recipients over the internet or computer networks. It then lists some common uses of email, including communication, information sharing, brainstorming, record keeping, group work, and staying in touch professionally and socially. The document also outlines some advantages of email such as low cost, ease of use, speed, and global accessibility. Finally, it notes some potential disadvantages like emotional responses, information overload, lack of personal touch, misunderstandings, and the challenge of an ever-filling inbox.
Tarea 3 cuestionarioLuis Roberto DiazEste documento presenta las respuestas a un cuestionario sobre la gestión de proyectos. Resume las principales responsabilidades del gerente de proyectos en las áreas de planeación, organización y control. También describe habilidades esenciales como el liderazgo, la comunicación y la delegación. Finalmente, ofrece consejos sobre cómo hacer que un proyecto sea efectivo y motivador para el equipo.
Beyond the Gig EconomyJon Lieber- The gig economy as currently defined will not last long term, as tasks like ridesharing and delivery are likely to be automated. However, skilled professionals using platforms like Thumbtack to find clients will persist and proliferate.
- Technology is empowering skilled tradespeople by allowing them to connect directly with customers and run their businesses more efficiently without traditional employers. Skilled professionals are less reliant on college degrees and are building middle-class lifestyles through online skills marketplaces.
- Policymakers should support independent workers through policies that provide safety nets and make it easier for skilled professionals to succeed without full-time employment.
African Americans: College Majors and Earnings CEW GeorgetownWhile college access has increased among African Americans, they are overrepresented in majors that lead to low-paying jobs. In our new report, African Americans: College Majors and Earnings shows that African Americans are underrepresented in the number of college majors associated with the fastest growing, highest-paying occupations. Read the full report: http://bit.ly/20M28d1
Creative Traction Methodology - For Early Stage StartupsTommaso Di BartoloThe document discusses the Creative Traction Methodology (CTM) for gaining traction for new products and ideas. CTM has three parts: 1) The Idea Release Life Cycle which emphasizes validating ideas before development and engaging communities early. 2) Ransack Tools which means leveraging new growth hacking strategies and tools. 3) Act Creatively which involves lateral thinking with no biases to attract niche audiences and validate assumptions through experimentation. The document provides examples and case studies for applying each part of CTM.
8 Tips for Scaling Mobile Users in China by Edith YeungEdith Yeung8 tips for scaling mobile users in china and what can we learn from Uber growth in China. Presented at Launch Festival 2016.
GAME ON! Integrating Games and Simulations in the Classroom Brian HousandBrian Housand, Ph.D.
GAME ON! Integrating Games and Simulations in the Classroom
It is estimated that by the time that today’s youth enters adulthood that they will have played an average of 10,000 hours of video games. By playing games, research suggests that they have developed abilities related to creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking. Come explore the history of games and simulations in the classroom and investigate ways that current games and simulations in digital and non-digital formats can be meaningfully and purposefully integrated into your learning environment.
SXSW 2016: The Need To KnowsOgilvy ConsultingSXSW Interactive is amazing this year! I’m talking VR, AR, IoT, enter next acronym here, and even the P.O.T.U.S. made an appearance.
SXSW plays an increasingly important role in revolutionizing interactive media. While often known as a hotbed for tech startups, it’s the discussions around practical applications of such media, the opportunities they present, and the surrounding implications that have attracted the attention of a growing number of brands, platforms, and creators each year.
In this webinar we share key takeaways from SXSW 2016 and discuss what each means for the year ahead.
SXSW 2016 takeawaysHavasThe document summarizes key takeaways from the SXSW conference. Some of the main topics discussed include: 1) The importance of designing technology with purpose and creating positive human experiences. 2) How collaboration between companies can drive innovation. 3) The value of not being constrained by audiences and taking creative risks. 4) The growing role of virtual and augmented reality. 5) How the rate of technological change is accelerating exponentially. 6) How cognitive computing is being applied across many domains to solve problems. 7) Emerging technologies like self-driving cars that are closer to widespread use than perceived. 8) How ubiquitous computing is already integrating technology into many aspects of life. 9) The growing role of robots and focus on
Top Rumors About Apple March 21 Big EventChromeInfo TechnologiesApple's next press event happens on Monday, March 21 at the company's campus in Cupertino, California.
We've already talked about what to expect, in our PPT but to recap: Apple is expected to announce a new 4-inch iPhone that combines the size of the iPhone 5S with features from the iPhone 6 and 6S. It will also supposedly be upgrading the 9.7-inch iPad, giving it updated internals, a Smart Connector, and Apple Pencil support imported from the iPad Pro. The Apple Watch may get some love in the form of new band colors and combinations, but rumors say not to expect a full hardware refresh just yet.
[Infographic] How will Internet of Things (IoT) change the world as we know it?InterQuest GroupEver wondered how IoT will change the world? In this detailed infographic we discuss the impact IoT will have on different parts of peoples lives.
What I Carry: 10 Tools for SuccessJonathon ColmanWhat we carry with us in our everyday lives and interactions is just as important for our success as our technical skills and achievements.
This is what I carry with me. What do YOU carry?
ݺߣs designed and produced with Haiku Deck for iPad. Set your story free with Haiku Deck at http://www.haikudeck.com/
You can learn more about Jonathon Colman at http://www.jonathoncolman.org/
IT in HealthcareNetAppWhether it's directly improving patient care or helping lower costs to provide more access to healthcare, organizations are continuing to use IT to move the needle for an industry that is at a pivotal point in innovation.
Learn how our innovative storage solutions can help your organization meet its healthcare Big Data challenges: http://www.netapp.com/us/solutions/industry/healthcare/
The Physical InterfaceJosh ClarkWe suddenly live in a strange and wonderful nexus of digital and physical. Touchscreens let us hold information in our hands, and we touch, stretch, crumple, drag, and flick data itself. Our sensor-packed phones even reach beyond the screen to interact directly with the world around us. While these digital interfaces are becoming physical, the physical world is becoming digital, too. Objects, places, and even our bodies are lighting up with with sensors and connectivity. We’re not just clicking links anymore; we’re creating physical interfaces to digital systems. This requires new perspective and technique for web and product designers. The good news: it’s all within your reach. With a rich trove of examples, Designing for Touch author Josh Clark explores the practical, meaningful design opportunities for the web’s newly physical interfaces.
Выборы Наблюдательного совета КТРКAzhar BekzhanovaИнтерньюс в КР и ОФ «Институт Медиа Полиси» провели встречу с представителями медиа и НПО по вопросу выборов Наблюдательного совета КТРК
Creative Traction Methodology - For Early Stage StartupsTommaso Di BartoloThe document discusses the Creative Traction Methodology (CTM) for gaining traction for new products and ideas. CTM has three parts: 1) The Idea Release Life Cycle which emphasizes validating ideas before development and engaging communities early. 2) Ransack Tools which means leveraging new growth hacking strategies and tools. 3) Act Creatively which involves lateral thinking with no biases to attract niche audiences and validate assumptions through experimentation. The document provides examples and case studies for applying each part of CTM.
8 Tips for Scaling Mobile Users in China by Edith YeungEdith Yeung8 tips for scaling mobile users in china and what can we learn from Uber growth in China. Presented at Launch Festival 2016.
GAME ON! Integrating Games and Simulations in the Classroom Brian HousandBrian Housand, Ph.D.
GAME ON! Integrating Games and Simulations in the Classroom
It is estimated that by the time that today’s youth enters adulthood that they will have played an average of 10,000 hours of video games. By playing games, research suggests that they have developed abilities related to creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking. Come explore the history of games and simulations in the classroom and investigate ways that current games and simulations in digital and non-digital formats can be meaningfully and purposefully integrated into your learning environment.
SXSW 2016: The Need To KnowsOgilvy ConsultingSXSW Interactive is amazing this year! I’m talking VR, AR, IoT, enter next acronym here, and even the P.O.T.U.S. made an appearance.
SXSW plays an increasingly important role in revolutionizing interactive media. While often known as a hotbed for tech startups, it’s the discussions around practical applications of such media, the opportunities they present, and the surrounding implications that have attracted the attention of a growing number of brands, platforms, and creators each year.
In this webinar we share key takeaways from SXSW 2016 and discuss what each means for the year ahead.
SXSW 2016 takeawaysHavasThe document summarizes key takeaways from the SXSW conference. Some of the main topics discussed include: 1) The importance of designing technology with purpose and creating positive human experiences. 2) How collaboration between companies can drive innovation. 3) The value of not being constrained by audiences and taking creative risks. 4) The growing role of virtual and augmented reality. 5) How the rate of technological change is accelerating exponentially. 6) How cognitive computing is being applied across many domains to solve problems. 7) Emerging technologies like self-driving cars that are closer to widespread use than perceived. 8) How ubiquitous computing is already integrating technology into many aspects of life. 9) The growing role of robots and focus on
Top Rumors About Apple March 21 Big EventChromeInfo TechnologiesApple's next press event happens on Monday, March 21 at the company's campus in Cupertino, California.
We've already talked about what to expect, in our PPT but to recap: Apple is expected to announce a new 4-inch iPhone that combines the size of the iPhone 5S with features from the iPhone 6 and 6S. It will also supposedly be upgrading the 9.7-inch iPad, giving it updated internals, a Smart Connector, and Apple Pencil support imported from the iPad Pro. The Apple Watch may get some love in the form of new band colors and combinations, but rumors say not to expect a full hardware refresh just yet.
[Infographic] How will Internet of Things (IoT) change the world as we know it?InterQuest GroupEver wondered how IoT will change the world? In this detailed infographic we discuss the impact IoT will have on different parts of peoples lives.
What I Carry: 10 Tools for SuccessJonathon ColmanWhat we carry with us in our everyday lives and interactions is just as important for our success as our technical skills and achievements.
This is what I carry with me. What do YOU carry?
ݺߣs designed and produced with Haiku Deck for iPad. Set your story free with Haiku Deck at http://www.haikudeck.com/
You can learn more about Jonathon Colman at http://www.jonathoncolman.org/
IT in HealthcareNetAppWhether it's directly improving patient care or helping lower costs to provide more access to healthcare, organizations are continuing to use IT to move the needle for an industry that is at a pivotal point in innovation.
Learn how our innovative storage solutions can help your organization meet its healthcare Big Data challenges: http://www.netapp.com/us/solutions/industry/healthcare/
The Physical InterfaceJosh ClarkWe suddenly live in a strange and wonderful nexus of digital and physical. Touchscreens let us hold information in our hands, and we touch, stretch, crumple, drag, and flick data itself. Our sensor-packed phones even reach beyond the screen to interact directly with the world around us. While these digital interfaces are becoming physical, the physical world is becoming digital, too. Objects, places, and even our bodies are lighting up with with sensors and connectivity. We’re not just clicking links anymore; we’re creating physical interfaces to digital systems. This requires new perspective and technique for web and product designers. The good news: it’s all within your reach. With a rich trove of examples, Designing for Touch author Josh Clark explores the practical, meaningful design opportunities for the web’s newly physical interfaces.
Выборы Наблюдательного совета КТРКAzhar BekzhanovaИнтерньюс в КР и ОФ «Институт Медиа Полиси» провели встречу с представителями медиа и НПО по вопросу выборов Наблюдательного совета КТРК
Презентация проектов ИнтерньюсAzhar BekzhanovaThis document summarizes the work of Internews, an organization that works in over 56 countries to support independent media and information access. It operates through building local capacity, establishing long-term in-country offices and staff, and prioritizing work with marginalized communities. The organization strives to leave behind sustainable media organizations and a more informed public. It describes several of Internews' current and past projects focused on issues like fighting corruption in Ukraine, supporting refugees and media in Afghanistan, and its work with partners in Kyrgyzstan on initiatives like anticorruption reporting and an online platform for civic engagement.
3. информбезопасность бриф priAzhar BekzhanovaИсследовательская компания "Promotank" представила аналитическую записку "О переосмыслении подходов к национальной информационной безопасности в Кыргызской Республике"
2. • Открытые данные – информация о
деятельности государственных органов
и органов местного самоуправления,
размещенная в сети Интернет в виде
массивов данных в формате,
обеспечивающем их автоматическую
обработку для повторного
использования без предварительного
изменения человеком
(машиночитаемый формат), и на
условиях ее свободного (бесплатного)
Это не: Doc, PDF or HTML.
представление данных в любой формате с открытой
лицензией (например, скан документа)
представление данных в структурированном виде
(например, таблица Excel)
представление данных в непроприетарном формате
(например, формат CSV вместо Excel)
представленные данные соответствуют стандартам
W3C (RDF), имеют постоянную ссылку
размещенные связанных данных (linked data), когда
любые данные могут связаны между собой
6. Какие данные бывают
Dirty Data
Big Data Данные
13. The graphic is notable for its
representation in two dimensions of
six types of data: the number of
Napoleon's troops; distance;
temperature; the latitude and
longitude; direction of travel; and
location relative to specific dates
1869: Charles Minard's map of Napoleon's
disastrous Russian campaign of 1812.
•Визуализация фин. данных https://openspending.org/
•Очистка и обработка данных http://openrefine.org/
•Визуалиазация http://www.google.com/fusiontables
•Интерактивные карты http://cartodb.com
•Извлечение данных https://scraperwiki.com, http://import.io
•Онлайн диаграммы https://datawrapper.de/
•Онлайн инфографика https://infogr.am/
•Публикация https://tilda.cc/ru/
24. Виталий Власов
Open City Foundation
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