Путешествие на остров Олэ-Ула (автоматизация звука [л] в слогах)Tatyana VerbitskayaАвторская презентация Т. Л. Вербицкой представляет собой набор демонстрационного и иллюстративного материала, включая анимированный и музыкальный, к занятию по автоматизации звука [л] в слогах. На занятии используется игровой прием «путешествие», и данная презентация способствует созданию атмосферы «присутствия». При этом внимание ребенка сосредотачивается на определенном упражнении, он меньше отвлекается на другие объекты, повышается его активность. Презентация отражает все этапы занятия, являясь одновременно своеобразной «шпаргалкой» для педагога. В ней использованы красочные «реальные» фоны и объекты. Часть объектов анимирована для мотивации ребенка: «Помоги самолетику завести двигатель, и он взлетит», «Как самолетик здоровается?» и др. В презентацию включены мелодии для пропевания звуков и слогов, проведения минутки отдыха и гимнастики для глаз. Кроме того, презентацию можно предложить в качестве домашнего задания-тренажера.
Сказка про лягушонка (звук Ы)Tatyana VerbitskayaАвторская презентация Т. Л. Вербицкой для постановки звука [ы] и автоматизации его в слогах, словах. Содержит задания на постановку, автоматизацию в слогах, в словах и дифференциацию со звуком [и]. Апробирована с детьми от 3-х лет. Слова для автоматизации сложноваты для малышей, поэтому советую использовать их для "договаривания" слогов с окончаниями.
Form 5. Unit 8. Lesson3. Animals and birds on different continentsLiudmila TsvirkoAnimals and birds live on different continents around the world. This document appears to be from a 5th form English lesson about the animals and birds found on different continents. It was created by Liudmila Tsvirko, a teacher of English at Osipovichi school No. 2.
Form 4. My dayLiudmila TsvirkoThis document outlines a typical daily routine for a 9-10 year old student in the 4th class in Russia. It describes the student's morning routine of waking up at 7, making their bed, brushing teeth, and doing exercises. It then details their breakfast of porridge and tea, going to school for 5-6 lessons, coming home at 3 for dinner, walking the dog, doing homework, having dinner with parents, and relaxing in the evening before showering and going to bed at 9.
осиповичи Liudmila TsvirkoThis document provides a tour of the town, mentioning the railway station, a monument to the steam engine, Lenin Square, Sumchenko Street, Hotel "Osipovichi", banks, high-rise buildings, a shopping centre, car park, local market, swimming pool, sports centre, and the banks of the river Sinyaya. The tour ends by saying "See you again!"
Food Liudmila TsvirkoThis document contains a list of foods and drinks in English along with their Russian translations. It includes common foods like milk, tea, coffee, water, juice, bread, eggs, ham, fish, cheese, butter, soup, pizza, cake, chocolate, ice cream, jam, bananas, oranges, lemons, apples, carrots, potatoes, meat, sausages, and chicken. It also includes verbs like "eat" and "drink" and phrases for asking about food preferences such as "Do you like...?", "Would you like some...?", and responses like "Yes, I do" and "No, I don't". The document appears to be teaching English vocabulary related to foods.
Food Liudmila TsvirkoThis document contains a list of foods and drinks in both English and Russian. It includes common foods like milk, tea, coffee, water, juice, bread, eggs, ham, fish, cheese, butter, soup, pizza, cake, chocolate, ice cream, jam, bananas, oranges, lemons, apples, carrots, potatoes, meat, sausages, and chicken. It also lists common drinks like tomato juice, coffee, tea, milk, cocoa, orange juice, and carrot juice. Several phrases are provided to ask about food preferences, such as "Do you like...?" and "Would you like some...?".
Form 7. Unit 6.My Town (Osipovichi)Liudmila TsvirkoThis document contains information about common places and buildings found in towns and villages, including a skyscraper, fitness centre, exhibition centre, town hall, car park, bank, and river bank. It provides sources for images and facts about each of these locations.
Form 5. Unit 8. Lesson3. Animals and birds on different continentsLiudmila TsvirkoAnimals and birds live on different continents around the world. This document appears to be from a 5th form English lesson about the animals and birds found on different continents. It was created by Liudmila Tsvirko, a teacher of English at Osipovichi school No. 2.
Form 4. My dayLiudmila TsvirkoThis document outlines a typical daily routine for a 9-10 year old student in the 4th class in Russia. It describes the student's morning routine of waking up at 7, making their bed, brushing teeth, and doing exercises. It then details their breakfast of porridge and tea, going to school for 5-6 lessons, coming home at 3 for dinner, walking the dog, doing homework, having dinner with parents, and relaxing in the evening before showering and going to bed at 9.
осиповичи Liudmila TsvirkoThis document provides a tour of the town, mentioning the railway station, a monument to the steam engine, Lenin Square, Sumchenko Street, Hotel "Osipovichi", banks, high-rise buildings, a shopping centre, car park, local market, swimming pool, sports centre, and the banks of the river Sinyaya. The tour ends by saying "See you again!"
Food Liudmila TsvirkoThis document contains a list of foods and drinks in English along with their Russian translations. It includes common foods like milk, tea, coffee, water, juice, bread, eggs, ham, fish, cheese, butter, soup, pizza, cake, chocolate, ice cream, jam, bananas, oranges, lemons, apples, carrots, potatoes, meat, sausages, and chicken. It also includes verbs like "eat" and "drink" and phrases for asking about food preferences such as "Do you like...?", "Would you like some...?", and responses like "Yes, I do" and "No, I don't". The document appears to be teaching English vocabulary related to foods.
Food Liudmila TsvirkoThis document contains a list of foods and drinks in both English and Russian. It includes common foods like milk, tea, coffee, water, juice, bread, eggs, ham, fish, cheese, butter, soup, pizza, cake, chocolate, ice cream, jam, bananas, oranges, lemons, apples, carrots, potatoes, meat, sausages, and chicken. It also lists common drinks like tomato juice, coffee, tea, milk, cocoa, orange juice, and carrot juice. Several phrases are provided to ask about food preferences, such as "Do you like...?" and "Would you like some...?".
Form 7. Unit 6.My Town (Osipovichi)Liudmila TsvirkoThis document contains information about common places and buildings found in towns and villages, including a skyscraper, fitness centre, exhibition centre, town hall, car park, bank, and river bank. It provides sources for images and facts about each of these locations.
Form 5. Unit 8. Lesson 4. A blue-eyed country.Liudmila TsvirkoThe document provides biographical information about an individual. It identifies Liudmila Tsvirko as the subject and states that she works as a Teacher of English at Osipovichi Secondary School No 2. The document conveys Ms. Tsvirko's name, place of employment, and occupation in a concise manner.
Form 5. Unit 8. Lesson 2. Different placesLiudmila TsvirkoOur wonderful world teaches students about different places around the globe. The lesson introduces the concept of how places can vary significantly in terms of landscape, climate, culture and more. Students learn to appreciate the diversity of our planet and people.
25 согласные звуки з зь. буквы з зВспомогательный образовательный сайтШамаранова Асия Мыктыбаевна
учитель предшкольной подготовки ГУ «Крупская средняя школа»
при отделе образования г.Державинска
забытые правила русского языкаТатьяна БогдановаДети затрудняются в правописании суффиксов глаголов и прилагательных. Причём совершенно простых и неожиданных. Надо повторить.
Form 8 unit 7 lesson 5.pptxLiudmila TsvirkoThis month there are two cultural events taking place: evenings of the Bolshoi Theatre at the Radziwill Castle in Nesvizh and summer music evenings at Mir Castle. The Bolshoi Theatre will be performing at the Radziwill Castle in Nesvizh. Mir Castle will be hosting summer music evenings.
Form 8 Unit 8 Lesson 3.docxLiudmila TsvirkoThe document contains an English exercise about books with two sections. The first section asks students to guess the meaning of words related to books. The second sections asks students to complete sentences about books using the words from the first section. The exercise aims to teach vocabulary related to analyzing, describing, and discussing books.
Form 8.Unit 8. L 1-2.docxLiudmila TsvirkoThe document contains an English exercise about books with two sections. The first section asks students to guess vocabulary words related to books, including terms like author, audiobook, e-book, access, and prediction. The second section asks students to complete sentences using these vocabulary words, such as being partway through a book, suspense of a story, a boring process, an avid reader, and a page-turner. The document is repeated in full three times.
Form 5.Unit 8.Lessons 3-5.docxLiudmila TsvirkoThe document contains an English language exercise with two parts. The first part asks students to match 10 words with their definitions. The second part asks students to choose the correct variant in 8 sentences related to grammar, geography, and languages.
Form 5. Unit 8. L 1-2.docxLiudmila TsvirkoThis document contains a matching exercise and a sentence completion exercise about continents and countries. The matching exercise has students match words like ocean, desert, rainforest and island with their definitions. The sentence completion exercise has students fill in blanks with answers like Asia, Antarctica, third largest, uninhabited, mountain, grassland, desert, islands, Europe, forest. The document provides vocabulary and questions about geographic features and locations.
Form 4. Unit 5. Vocabulary and grammar test.docxLiudmila TsvirkoThis document contains a vocabulary and grammar test with 3 sections. The first section asks students to match 10 words with their translations in Russian. The second section asks students to fill in missing words to complete 5 sentences. The third section asks students to write the correct forms of comparison for 5 sentences. The test is assessing students' knowledge of vocabulary and grammar forms like comparative adjectives.
Form 8. Unit 5. British customs and traditions. Lexical-Grammar Test.docxLiudmila TsvirkoThe document contains an English exercise with three sections. Section I involves matching words to their translations. Section II requires using verbs in past tense forms. Section III replaces words with prefixes like "un-", "in-", and "im-". The exercise tests vocabulary and grammar skills related to British customs, traditions, and the English language.
Form 5. Unit 5. Be healthy. Lexical-Grammar Test .docxLiudmila TsvirkoThis document contains an English exercise about being healthy. It includes matching vocabulary words related to food and health, filling in missing words in sentences about common illnesses, choosing the correct grammatical articles, and correcting mistakes in sentences. The exercise covers topics such as foods, illnesses, personal hygiene, and grammar.
Form 8 (gymnasia)Unit 2. National cuisine. pptxLiudmila TsvirkoThe document lists common dishes and ingredients that are part of British national cuisine such as fish and chips, bangers and mash, cottage pie, Yorkshire pudding, Christmas pudding, and black pudding. It also includes meats commonly used like beef, pork, and lamb as well as offal items like kidney and liver. Various herbs, seafood, grains, condiments, sauces, and starches that are frequently used in British cooking are outlined as well.
Form 5. U1. In summer. L1.Back to schoolpptx SummerLiudmila TsvirkoThis document appears to be from an English lesson plan for a Form 5 class in summer. It includes the teacher's name, Liudmila Tsvirko, and notes that the lesson is on back to school. Students are instructed to read a tongue twister and complete exercises 1 and 2 from pages 4 and 5 of their textbook, checking their answers. It also includes some example phrases in Russian/Belarusian and their English translations.
Form 3. Unit 9. Lesson 1. I love animals. .pptxLiudmila TsvirkoThis document appears to be lesson plans from an English teacher for a unit on animals. It includes vocabulary words for different animals like bear, monkey, and lion. It also mentions the circus and has exercises for students to expand sentences by adding more description to words like bear. The lesson will focus on introducing animals and practicing expanding sentences with adjectives.
Form 3.Unit 8. Lesson 3.pptxLiudmila TsvirkoThis document is a lesson plan that discusses the four seasons - autumn, winter, spring and summer. It includes warm-up activities, exercises about each season from the textbook, reading a rhyme about the seasons, and an activity where students name their favorite and least favorite season and give reasons why.
Form 3 Unit 8. Lesson 1.pptxLiudmila TsvirkoThis short poem describes different types of weather using single words like sunny, cloudy, warm, hot, cold, foggy, windy, rainy, and snowy. Students are asked to read the words as a poem and then guess the weather words and speak about the weather in simple sentences.
Form 7.Unit8.Lesson1.pptxLiudmila TsvirkoThe document provides instructions and exercises for an English lesson on conditionals. It includes directions to arrange pictures in order based on a podcast, make zero and first conditional sentences, and links to additional online resources about conditionals and examples. Students are asked to complete the exercises, check their work, and make a short story based on rearranged pictures.
Form 7. Unit 7. Hit the road Lexical-Grammar test.docxLiudmila TsvirkoThe document contains an English exercise with three sections - matching words to their translations, guessing definitions of words, and inserting articles where necessary. The first section matches travel-related words in English to their translations in another language. The second section tests understanding of words related to travel and journeys. The third section tests use of the definite article "the" with geographic locations and places.
Form 7. Unit 7. Hit the road! Lesson 7.Liudmila TsvirkoCanberra is the capital city of Australia located farther than Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand, from Minsk. The document provides background information on Canberra and Wellington, including that Canberra means "meeting place" in the local Aboriginal language and lists important landmarks in each city like Parliament buildings and museums. It asks which of the two capital cities the reader would like to visit and why.
Form 3. Unit 7. In the lesson. Lesson 1. I’m a pupil.Liudmila TsvirkoThis lesson introduces common school objects like exercise books, pencils, rulers, and bags. It focuses on vocabulary for classroom items and the roles of teachers and pupils in school. The teacher provides a warm-up activity having students identify school supplies and who uses them in their daily lessons.
Form 7. Unit 6. Lexical Grammar TestLiudmila TsvirkoThis document contains an English exercise about towns and villages. It includes matching words with their translations, guessing vocabulary terms, choosing correct verb forms, and rewriting sentences in the passive voice. The topics covered are the founding and development of towns, including early buildings, transportation systems, and future construction projects.
Form 7. Unit 6. Lesson 9Liudmila TsvirkoThis document provides information about a sightseeing tour of New York City, including active vocabulary words like "hop on/hop off bus tour", "double-decker bus", "guided tour", and "guide". It mentions several popular tourist destinations that would be included on the tour, such as St. John's Cathedral, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Times Square, Rockefeller Center, Central Park Zoo, the Statue of Liberty, Central Park, and the Empire State Building. It concludes by asking if it would be exciting to work as a tour guide.
Form 3. Unit 6. Vocabulary TestLiudmila TsvirkoThis document contains a vocabulary test with two sections. The first section asks students to match English words to their Russian translations, with words for items of furniture and rooms. The second section asks students to complete sentences using the prepositions "in", "on", or "under" to indicate the location of various objects.
2. Якунина Ирина Сергеевна
учитель английского языка
Специальной (коррекционной)
общеобразовательной школы-интерната
«Красные Зори», г.Петергоф
Иллюстрированное пособие
для учителей, учащихся и их
для обучения чтению английских
буквосочетаний в рифмовках.
3. Чтение на английском языке представляет много трудностей для
учащихся, родным языком которых является русский и в силу графических
и орфографических особенностей английского языка. Одним из
препятствий на пути овладения чтением являются английские
буквосочетания. Ученики должны быстро и точно установить буквенно–
звуковые соответствия, правильно озвучить графический образ буквы,
буквосочетания. Сделать это увлекательно и легко помогают подсказки для
чтения на английском языке. Буквы встречаются в разных ситуациях,
образуя буквосочетания для запоминания. Буквы, буквосочетания
снабжены звуковыми образами – транскрипциями, включены в слова,
объединённые в рифмовки. Картинка наглядно иллюстрирует
употребление данной буквы, буквосочетания.
Подсказки обеспечивают оптимальное запоминание буквы,
буквосочетания, вызывая интерес у учащихся к изучаемым правилам
чтения, повышают мотивацию обучаемых в изучении английского языка,
способствуют непроизвольному запоминанию английских буквосочетаний.
Для закрепления в памяти учащихся правил чтения учитель может
составить список слов с данными буквами, буквосочетаниями в
зависимости от того, по какому учебно–методическому комплексу ведётся
преподавание английского языка.