Реферат На тему: « Використання інтерактивних технологій на уроках в початков...270479Реферат На тему: « Використання інтерактивних технологій на уроках в початковій школі» Підготував вчитель початкових класів: Ю.Ю. Вороновська
Реферат На тему: « Використання інтерактивних технологій на уроках в початков...270479Реферат На тему: « Використання інтерактивних технологій на уроках в початковій школі» Підготував вчитель початкових класів: Ю.Ю. Вороновська
2014.02.20 Монгол орны нүүрсний салбар дахь байгаль орчны асуудал, Д.ЭнхбатThe Business Council of MongoliaБайгаль Орчин, Ногоон Хөгжлийн Яам, ХБОБНГ-ын дарга Д.Энхбат
Top 10 bugs in C++ open source projects, checked in 2016PVS-StudioWhile the world is discussing the 89th Ceremony of Oscar award and charts of actors and costumes, we've decided to write a review article about the IT-sphere. The article is going to cover the most interesting bugs, made in open source projects in 2016. This year was remarkable for our tool, as PVS-Studio has become available on Linux OS. The errors we present are hopefully, already fixed, but every reader can see how serious are the errors made by developers.
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Morning tea 10 03-2017choice brokingThe document provides a daily market summary and analysis for March 10th, 2017. It discusses the performance of world markets including the US, Asia, and India. It also provides technical analysis recommendations to buy two Indian stocks (PIIND and ITDCEM) based on chart patterns and indicators. In addition, it lists upcoming corporate actions and results calendars.
D direction 10032017choice brokingThe Nifty closed up slightly at 8927. Most trading activity was concentrated in the 9000 call and 8800 put options for the March expiry. The maximum open interest for calls was at the 9000 strike price and for puts was at 8700. Nifty futures saw an addition of over 5.8 lakh open interest contracts. Among stocks, Reliance Industries and Vedanta witnessed significant increase in open interest futures contracts for March, while SBI saw a large decrease. The India Volatility Index increased and the Nifty put-call ratio was below 1.