Мини-тренажёр для подготовки к устной части ЕГЭ (пример)Татьяна ДмитриеваThis document contains instructions for four speaking tasks to prepare for the oral portion of the Unified State Exam in Russia:
1) Asking five direct questions within 1.5 minutes to obtain information about a swimming pool for study abroad, including location, hours, amenities, prices, and student discounts.
2) Choosing a photo from a family album and presenting it to a friend for 2 minutes, speaking about when it was taken, who/what is in it, what is happening, why it was taken, and why it was chosen.
3) Comparing and contrasting two photographs within 2 minutes, describing them, what they have in common and how they differ, and expressing a preference for
Masha yashina my landТатьяна ДмитриеваGornyi is located on the Sakma River and has a population of over 7,000 people, making it the largest settlement in the area. It was originally a mining settlement for shale oil but mining stopped in 1954. Now Gornyi is a modern district center with the first chemical weapons destruction plant built there in 2001. There are monuments in Gornyi honoring war heroes and a school that opened in 1977 where students receive a high-quality education according to their age and interests.
землякиТатьяна ДмитриеваThe document summarizes the results of a poll conducted with 85 10th and 11th grade students about famous people from their region. The poll asked who the students admired, what their class does to honor local famous figures, and why people are respected. The results showed that the students most admired writers and are most proud of writer Vasily Shabanov, who was born in their village. It then provides details about Shabanov's life and writing career before concluding that the students are proud of their heritage and try to follow Shabanov's example of hard work.
Мини-тренажёр для подготовки к устной части ЕГЭ (пример)Татьяна ДмитриеваThis document contains instructions for four speaking tasks to prepare for the oral portion of the Unified State Exam in Russia:
1) Asking five direct questions within 1.5 minutes to obtain information about a swimming pool for study abroad, including location, hours, amenities, prices, and student discounts.
2) Choosing a photo from a family album and presenting it to a friend for 2 minutes, speaking about when it was taken, who/what is in it, what is happening, why it was taken, and why it was chosen.
3) Comparing and contrasting two photographs within 2 minutes, describing them, what they have in common and how they differ, and expressing a preference for
Masha yashina my landТатьяна ДмитриеваGornyi is located on the Sakma River and has a population of over 7,000 people, making it the largest settlement in the area. It was originally a mining settlement for shale oil but mining stopped in 1954. Now Gornyi is a modern district center with the first chemical weapons destruction plant built there in 2001. There are monuments in Gornyi honoring war heroes and a school that opened in 1977 where students receive a high-quality education according to their age and interests.
землякиТатьяна ДмитриеваThe document summarizes the results of a poll conducted with 85 10th and 11th grade students about famous people from their region. The poll asked who the students admired, what their class does to honor local famous figures, and why people are respected. The results showed that the students most admired writers and are most proud of writer Vasily Shabanov, who was born in their village. It then provides details about Shabanov's life and writing career before concluding that the students are proud of their heritage and try to follow Shabanov's example of hard work.
3. Арт - объект «Парк моей мечты» расположен между
ЛДС «Кристалл» и бассейном «Металлург». Некогда
на этой территории располагался фонтан, и это место
было одним из излюбленных мест проведения досуга.
Арт - объект представляет собой парковую зону с
комплексом из 6 центральных и 10 боковых фонтанов,
зеленых насаждений, светильников и скамеек. Таким
образом данную территорию можно будет
использовать как красивое и безопасное (поскольку
рядом нет оживленных автомобильных дорог) место
отдыха для всей семьи.