Teenage Pregnancies enksodsoonThis document discusses teenage pregnancy and provides definitions, statistics, factors, prevention methods, and effects. It defines adolescent pregnancy as occurring between the ages of 10-19 years old. Statistics shown include birth rates by race/ethnicity in the US from 2005-2010 and within different regions of Thailand from 2004-2013. Factors discussed include peer pressure, absent parents, glamorization of pregnancy, and sexual abuse. Prevention methods highlighted are abstinence, contraceptives, and communication between parents and children. Effects on the teenage mother include potential education dropouts, poverty, and increased risk of suicide. Effects on society are hindered development and future prospects.
Teenage Pregnancies enksodsoonThis document discusses teenage pregnancy and provides definitions, statistics, factors, prevention methods, and effects. It defines adolescent pregnancy as occurring between the ages of 10-19 years old. Statistics shown include birth rates by race/ethnicity in the US from 2005-2010 and within different regions of Thailand from 2004-2013. Factors discussed include peer pressure, absent parents, glamorization of pregnancy, and sexual abuse. Prevention methods highlighted are abstinence, contraceptives, and communication between parents and children. Effects on the teenage mother include potential education dropouts, poverty, and increased risk of suicide. Effects on society are hindered development and future prospects.
Preventing Physical InjuriesenksodsoonMinimal slide illustrates the way to prevent physical injuries and tips to reduce the risk. This slide also includes P.R.I.C.E therapy that helps patient to face less harm.
Scientific and Industrial RevolutionenksodsoonThe document discusses several key events and figures in the Scientific Revolution and transition away from the geocentric model of the universe:
- Copernicus published his work "On the Revolutions" in 1543 proposing that the Sun, not Earth, was at the center of the universe with planets orbiting the Sun in elliptical orbits rather than perfect circles as previously thought.
- Kepler used mathematics and observation to show that planetary orbits were ellipses rather than circles and that planets orbit the Sun at different speeds.
- Galileo made observations with the telescope, discovering Jupiter's moons and seeing that the moon's surface was irregular rather than a perfect sphere, contradicting Aristotle's ideas.
- Newton published
Natural SelectionenksodsoonNatural selection is a scientific theory that explains how the diversity of life evolved over generations. It was formulated by Charles Darwin and operates when individuals differ in heritable traits, with some traits making individuals better suited to their environment and more likely to pass those traits on to offspring. Darwin proposed this theory in his 1859 book On the Origin of Species, suggesting that all life shares a common ancestor and that species evolve over time through the mechanism of natural selection, where beneficial inherited traits become more common in a population.
Water Conduction in PlantenksodsoonWater conduction in plants occurs through two pathways: the symplast and apoplast. In the symplast pathway, water moves between cells through plasmodesmata. In the apoplast pathway, water moves between cell walls and other extracellular spaces. Monocots and dicots differ in their vascular tissue structure, with monocots having vascular bundles randomly arranged in the pith and dicots having vascular tissue arranged in a ring. The document discusses the importance of water transport, anatomical structures involved, and mechanisms such as osmosis, transpiration, and root pressure that drive water movement throughout plant tissues.
Transfer patientenksodsoonThe document discusses safe transfer of patients. It defines patient transfer as methods for moving a patient from one place to another without harming them. The main purposes of transfer are to move patients away from accident scenes, to locations where first aid can be administered, and to hospitals when paramedics are unavailable. The document outlines different types of transfers within hospitals, such as between wards, departments, and care settings. It provides techniques for safe transfers, including having necessary equipment within reach, giving clear directions, demonstrating movements, and allowing time for patients' blood pressure to stabilize between position changes.
CorruptionenksodsoonCorruption involves the misuse of public power for private gain, including by elected officials and civil servants. It occurs on various scales from petty corruption at lower levels to grand corruption at the highest political levels. Common forms of corruption include bribery, embezzlement, extortion, and abuse of discretion. In Thailand, notable corruption cases include land deals benefiting Thaksin Shinawatra's family in the 2000s and charges against Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra in 2013 related to an unpaid rice scheme. Current Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has made fighting corruption a focus since taking power in 2014.
DukkhaenksodsoonThis document summarizes the Buddhist concept of the eight worldly conditions (lokadhamma) - gain, loss, repute, disrepute, praise, blame, happiness, and suffering. It explains that unenlightened beings do not understand the true nature of these conditions and are controlled by whether they are experiencing pleasure or pain. In contrast, learned noble disciples understand that all worldly phenomena are impermanent and subject to change, so they are not overwhelmed by either happiness or suffering but maintain mindfulness and equilibrium.
Radioactive Dating in ArcheologyenksodsoonIn archaeology, we can use radioactive element in chemistry to indicate the date of that substance. For example, If we want to know how old is this fossil, we can use the C-14 to determine the age and using half-life calculation in order to calculate the exact date.
How to Camera 101enksodsoonThis document provides information about different camera types and their technical specifications. It lists compact, mirrorless, DSLR, and medium format as common camera types. It then details various camera settings and features including sensor size, aperture range, shutter speed range, ISO range, exposure compensation, white balance options, exposure modes, drive modes, autofocus types, and histogram displays.
Life of buddhaenksodsoon1) Buddha was born under a Sala tree in Lumbini park and walked seven steps, proclaiming that he was the most noble one and this was his last birth.
2) He studied with teachers as a young man and was married to Yasodhara, with whom he had a son named Rahula. He saw signs of aging, sickness, and death, which led him to leave his family to seek enlightenment.
3) After years of practice, Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree at age 35. He then delivered his first sermon to his five former companions, establishing the teachings of Buddhism. He spent the rest of his life traveling and teaching until his death at
Liar’s paradoxenksodsoonThis document discusses the Liar's Paradox, a self-referential sentence that leads to a logical contradiction. The classic example is the sentence "This sentence is false." If the sentence is true, then it is false, but if it is false, then it is true. The document explores this paradox through different interpretations of the sentence, showing it can be both true and false at the same time, forming a loop with no clear answer. It concludes the Liar's Paradox results in a contradiction that is inherently unsolvable.