Anchor Access in MyLSSU provides students access to key academic resources including course schedules, class registration, degree audits, transcripts, and grade information. It can be accessed from the MyLSSU homepage at using students' usernames, which are typically their first initial and last name plus a number, and an initial password set to their date of birth. Forgotten passwords can be reset online or by showing ID at the student services office. The Anchor Access section of MyLSSU contains links to registration, academic information like class schedules and transcripts, and a degree audit to track progress.
This curriculum vitae is for Dani?l Lucas Janse van Vuuren, who has over 15 years of experience in graphic design, layout, and digital media. He has worked as a graphic designer at Quickmark, a senior graphic designer at Alli-Cat Publishing, and as a graphic designer, layout artist, and digital desk operator at CTP - Caxton Community Newspapers. He is proficient in programs like CorelDraw, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. References are provided from his previous employers.
The document summarizes Shubham Bhandari's internship project report on vehicle assembly line balancing at Bajaj Auto Pvt. Ltd. in Pantnagar, India from June-July 2015. It provides details about Bajaj Auto, including its history, manufacturing locations and key milestones. It also describes the vehicle assembly process at the Pantnagar plant, including the layout, stages involved and objectives of balancing the assembly line and identifying underutilized stages to improve productivity.
WeGov ist eine Software für die Politik zur Auswertung von Facebook und Twitter. Durch das Feedback aus Bundestag, Landtag NRW, St?dten und Kommunen berücksichtigt WeGov gerade die Auswertung lokaler Bereiche. Die Pr?sentation enth?lt Beispiele mit Suchanfragen in NRW und Wuppertal. Das Event Offene Kommunen NRW wurde unter dem Twitter Hashtag #oknrw diskutiert. Die Auswertung hierzu findet sich auf den letzten beiden 狠狠撸s.
The document discusses metacognition and becoming an expert learner. It provides examples of three students - Travis, Robert, and Dana - and how they achieved good grades by using metacognition in their studying. The key points are that metacognition involves thinking about one's own thinking and monitoring how one learns. Using metacognition techniques like previewing material, reviewing notes, and having intense study sessions can help students learn more effectively.
La biosfera incluye los ecosistemas donde existe vida en la hidrosfera, geosfera y troposfera. Un ecosistema se compone de una biocenosis (conjunto de seres vivos) y un biotopo (factores físicos y químicos del ambiente). La biocenosis incluye poblaciones de organismos de la misma especie.
This document summarizes a presentation about using Apache Storm as an ETL engine for ingesting data into Hadoop. It discusses when Storm is a good choice compared to other tools, how Lookout built real-time Storm topologies to ingest user event data into HDFS and device connection data into HBase, and operational aspects like deployment, monitoring, and infrastructure. The presentation covers best practices for building scalable Storm data pipelines and lessons learned.
This document discusses internal curing of concrete using fine lightweight aggregates. It begins with definitions of Portland cement concrete as a mixture of cement, fine and coarse aggregates, and water that undergoes a chemical reaction during curing. Internal curing is introduced as a process where hydration of cement continues due to availability of internal water not part of the mixing water. Fine lightweight aggregates are defined as aggregates produced by heating clay which forms bubbles, resulting in a porous structure that can store water for internal curing.
Metadata and the Power of Pattern-FindingDATAVERSITY
According to Gartner, “through 2018, 80 percent of data lakes will not include effective metadata management capabilities, making them inefficient.” Tools within the Apache Spark ecosystem, such as SparkSQL, MlLib, and GraphX, are making ingesting, transforming, and querying data easier, but a missing link remains.
In order to harness the power of pattern-finding to discover unknown insights from the relationships between your historical Big Data and streaming Fast Data, a mature, proven metadata repository must be at the center of your organization’s data architecture.
In this webinar, Leon Guzenda, Chief Technical Marketing Officer at Objectivity, will discuss how to use metadata to not just follow paths, but also patterns, including more efficient shipping routes, recommendation engines, or ways to catch money laundering and other types of financial fraud. It will discuss the pros and cons of open source tools and how to leverage them with a metadata repository to reach the true potential of real-time relationship discovery.
This document summarizes a presentation about using Apache Storm as an ETL engine for ingesting data into Hadoop. It discusses when Storm is a good choice compared to other tools, how Lookout built real-time Storm topologies to ingest user event data into HDFS and device connection data into HBase, and operational aspects like deployment, monitoring, and infrastructure. The presentation covers best practices for building scalable Storm data pipelines and lessons learned.
This document discusses internal curing of concrete using fine lightweight aggregates. It begins with definitions of Portland cement concrete as a mixture of cement, fine and coarse aggregates, and water that undergoes a chemical reaction during curing. Internal curing is introduced as a process where hydration of cement continues due to availability of internal water not part of the mixing water. Fine lightweight aggregates are defined as aggregates produced by heating clay which forms bubbles, resulting in a porous structure that can store water for internal curing.
Metadata and the Power of Pattern-FindingDATAVERSITY
According to Gartner, “through 2018, 80 percent of data lakes will not include effective metadata management capabilities, making them inefficient.” Tools within the Apache Spark ecosystem, such as SparkSQL, MlLib, and GraphX, are making ingesting, transforming, and querying data easier, but a missing link remains.
In order to harness the power of pattern-finding to discover unknown insights from the relationships between your historical Big Data and streaming Fast Data, a mature, proven metadata repository must be at the center of your organization’s data architecture.
In this webinar, Leon Guzenda, Chief Technical Marketing Officer at Objectivity, will discuss how to use metadata to not just follow paths, but also patterns, including more efficient shipping routes, recommendation engines, or ways to catch money laundering and other types of financial fraud. It will discuss the pros and cons of open source tools and how to leverage them with a metadata repository to reach the true potential of real-time relationship discovery.