Este documento describe una ley colombiana que busca prevenir da?os a la salud causados por el consumo de tabaco y humo ambiental. La ley proh¨ªbe fumar en lugares p¨²blicos cerrados como bares, restaurantes y oficinas para proteger los derechos de los no fumadores a respirar aire libre de humo. Tambi¨¦n restringe la venta y promoci¨®n de productos de tabaco, especialmente para proteger a los ni?os.
This document expresses solidarity with people in several South American and African countries. It refers to individuals in Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba, Mozambique, Thailand, Bangladesh, and Uruguay as "Our Brothers and Sisters," showing care and compassion for people in those locations.
Studying abroad provides benefits of improved multicultural communication abilities and contributing to collective knowledge. It allows students to learn languages more effectively within their cultural contexts, developing understanding of foreign cultures that enhances conversation quality. Studying abroad also enhances collective intelligence by adding diversity when students from different backgrounds share opinions and experiences, recognizing differences in desirable ways and spreading this intelligence further. If collective intelligence incorporates cultural and political diversity, it could facilitate more cooperative international negotiations and progress the world in a more peaceful direction.
The document provides an overview of several social media projects conducted by the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and for radiology conferences, including:
1. Live streaming and a social media wall combining tweets, posts, and comments for an international radiology congress in 2013.
2. An photo competition where people could submit photos via social media or email to win prizes.
3. An onsite game at a 2013 congress where participants could win prizes by finding pins and clues on social media.
4. A video responding to criticism on Twitter about how to improve future conferences.
This document discusses how organizations can prepare for increased social media engagement. It notes that while many organizations create social media profiles, they fail to strategically prepare their organization. It recommends that organizations develop a clear social media strategy with measurable objectives. It also advises having guidelines and response procedures ready. Organizations need to allocate resources like staff for social media and be willing to change both incrementally and fundamentally in their culture and business model to adapt to the social environment. Being socially ready requires strategic planning, proper resourcing, and flexibility to change.
Las TIC han ampliado las capacidades humanas y ofrecen nuevas posibilidades para el desarrollo social. Incluyen tecnolog¨ªas como la inform¨¢tica, telecomunicaciones y multimedia, as¨ª como los medios de comunicaci¨®n social y herramientas interpersonales como el tel¨¦fono y fax. Si bien plantean cuestiones ¨¦ticas sobre sus consecuencias, forman parte integral de la cultura tecnol¨®gica actual y debemos aprovechar su potencial para ampliar nuestras capacidades f¨ªsicas e intelectuales.
Tribal Leadership: Because Culture Eats Stragegy for BreakfastMark Taylor
Tribal Leadership argues that organizational culture is more important than strategy for success. It suggests that companies function like tribes, with different developmental levels from stuck to mature. The book provides tools to help leaders assess their tribe's current level and guide it to increased maturity and better performance.
Este documento presenta la unidad 6 de un curso. La unidad introduce los objetivos del curso y cubre temas como roles de acceso, el gui¨®n comercial principal, y c¨®mo establecer favoritos y perfiles de usuario. Incluye un ejercicio para que los estudiantes configuren par¨¢metros de usuario y roles, y guarden un elemento como favorito despu¨¦s de completar la lecci¨®n introductoria.
This document lists 6 reasons to visit Tibet: 1) For the towering spiritual sanctums, 2) To experience the animated streets, 3) To enjoy champagne with a boat ride, 4) For a love of butter tea, 5) To experience the faith and beliefs, 6) And to have beer at the highest point.
El documento proporciona instrucciones para una sesi¨®n de aprendizaje en la Universidad Aut¨®noma de Tlaxcala. Los estudiantes deben marcar con una x su desempe?o en 5 actividades diferentes y luego calcular su promedio dividiendo la suma entre el n¨²mero total de actividades. Las actividades incluyen un saludo de bienvenida, una t¨¦cnica de dibujo libre, un an¨¢lisis de un pr¨®logo, subir un trabajo a una wiki y participar en una loter¨ªa cr¨ªtica en equipos.
El documento describe los cinco sentidos tradicionales (visi¨®n, audici¨®n, olfato, gusto y tacto) y sus ¨®rganos sensoriales. Explica c¨®mo cada sentido capta est¨ªmulos del medio ambiente y los transmite al cerebro como sensaciones. Tambi¨¦n menciona algunas enfermedades y defectos asociados a cada sentido. Concluye que los sentidos mantienen al cuerpo conectado con el exterior y le brindan informaci¨®n sobre el ambiente.
CAERDA 2010 Kuo Evaluation in PhilanthropyVictor Kuo
It also discusses the need for greater infrastructure and experimental research to support a more results-oriented philanthropic sector in China, and questions whether emerging Chinese philanthropists will embrace accountability and transparency.
The Competition Commission of Pakistan imposed a fine of Rs 25 million on ICAP, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan, for violating sections of the Competition Act 2010 by restricting competition in the chartered accountancy profession and services market. ICAP was found to have imposed unreasonable conditions on candidates appearing for its examinations and member firms by restricting their ability to set up independent practices.
Este documento resume los requisitos para obtener una visa para China, incluyendo la direcci¨®n y horario de la embajada en Bogot¨¢, los documentos requeridos como pasaporte vigente, reservas de viaje, certificaciones laborales o de ingresos, y valores de las visas que van desde $75.000 COP para colombianos hasta $280.000 COP para ciudadanos estadounidenses. Tambi¨¦n indica que el consulado acepta pagos adicionales de $55.000 COP para agilizar el tr¨¢mite a 4 d¨ªas y que los colombianos pued
Calum Best has too many women to keep track of using his traditional method. He hears that customer relationship management (CRM) could help him better manage his contacts. The document provides an assessment brief that asks students to create short presentations explaining CRM and recommending tools and techniques to help Calum prioritize his contacts and maintain his reputation as a ladies man. Students must upload their work by the deadline to receive credit.
This document expresses solidarity with people in several South American and African countries. It refers to individuals in Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba, Mozambique, Thailand, Bangladesh, and Uruguay as "Our Brothers and Sisters," showing care and compassion for people in those locations.
Studying abroad provides benefits of improved multicultural communication abilities and contributing to collective knowledge. It allows students to learn languages more effectively within their cultural contexts, developing understanding of foreign cultures that enhances conversation quality. Studying abroad also enhances collective intelligence by adding diversity when students from different backgrounds share opinions and experiences, recognizing differences in desirable ways and spreading this intelligence further. If collective intelligence incorporates cultural and political diversity, it could facilitate more cooperative international negotiations and progress the world in a more peaceful direction.
The document provides an overview of several social media projects conducted by the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and for radiology conferences, including:
1. Live streaming and a social media wall combining tweets, posts, and comments for an international radiology congress in 2013.
2. An photo competition where people could submit photos via social media or email to win prizes.
3. An onsite game at a 2013 congress where participants could win prizes by finding pins and clues on social media.
4. A video responding to criticism on Twitter about how to improve future conferences.
This document discusses how organizations can prepare for increased social media engagement. It notes that while many organizations create social media profiles, they fail to strategically prepare their organization. It recommends that organizations develop a clear social media strategy with measurable objectives. It also advises having guidelines and response procedures ready. Organizations need to allocate resources like staff for social media and be willing to change both incrementally and fundamentally in their culture and business model to adapt to the social environment. Being socially ready requires strategic planning, proper resourcing, and flexibility to change.
Las TIC han ampliado las capacidades humanas y ofrecen nuevas posibilidades para el desarrollo social. Incluyen tecnolog¨ªas como la inform¨¢tica, telecomunicaciones y multimedia, as¨ª como los medios de comunicaci¨®n social y herramientas interpersonales como el tel¨¦fono y fax. Si bien plantean cuestiones ¨¦ticas sobre sus consecuencias, forman parte integral de la cultura tecnol¨®gica actual y debemos aprovechar su potencial para ampliar nuestras capacidades f¨ªsicas e intelectuales.
Tribal Leadership: Because Culture Eats Stragegy for BreakfastMark Taylor
Tribal Leadership argues that organizational culture is more important than strategy for success. It suggests that companies function like tribes, with different developmental levels from stuck to mature. The book provides tools to help leaders assess their tribe's current level and guide it to increased maturity and better performance.
Este documento presenta la unidad 6 de un curso. La unidad introduce los objetivos del curso y cubre temas como roles de acceso, el gui¨®n comercial principal, y c¨®mo establecer favoritos y perfiles de usuario. Incluye un ejercicio para que los estudiantes configuren par¨¢metros de usuario y roles, y guarden un elemento como favorito despu¨¦s de completar la lecci¨®n introductoria.
This document lists 6 reasons to visit Tibet: 1) For the towering spiritual sanctums, 2) To experience the animated streets, 3) To enjoy champagne with a boat ride, 4) For a love of butter tea, 5) To experience the faith and beliefs, 6) And to have beer at the highest point.
El documento proporciona instrucciones para una sesi¨®n de aprendizaje en la Universidad Aut¨®noma de Tlaxcala. Los estudiantes deben marcar con una x su desempe?o en 5 actividades diferentes y luego calcular su promedio dividiendo la suma entre el n¨²mero total de actividades. Las actividades incluyen un saludo de bienvenida, una t¨¦cnica de dibujo libre, un an¨¢lisis de un pr¨®logo, subir un trabajo a una wiki y participar en una loter¨ªa cr¨ªtica en equipos.
El documento describe los cinco sentidos tradicionales (visi¨®n, audici¨®n, olfato, gusto y tacto) y sus ¨®rganos sensoriales. Explica c¨®mo cada sentido capta est¨ªmulos del medio ambiente y los transmite al cerebro como sensaciones. Tambi¨¦n menciona algunas enfermedades y defectos asociados a cada sentido. Concluye que los sentidos mantienen al cuerpo conectado con el exterior y le brindan informaci¨®n sobre el ambiente.
CAERDA 2010 Kuo Evaluation in PhilanthropyVictor Kuo
It also discusses the need for greater infrastructure and experimental research to support a more results-oriented philanthropic sector in China, and questions whether emerging Chinese philanthropists will embrace accountability and transparency.
The Competition Commission of Pakistan imposed a fine of Rs 25 million on ICAP, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan, for violating sections of the Competition Act 2010 by restricting competition in the chartered accountancy profession and services market. ICAP was found to have imposed unreasonable conditions on candidates appearing for its examinations and member firms by restricting their ability to set up independent practices.
Este documento resume los requisitos para obtener una visa para China, incluyendo la direcci¨®n y horario de la embajada en Bogot¨¢, los documentos requeridos como pasaporte vigente, reservas de viaje, certificaciones laborales o de ingresos, y valores de las visas que van desde $75.000 COP para colombianos hasta $280.000 COP para ciudadanos estadounidenses. Tambi¨¦n indica que el consulado acepta pagos adicionales de $55.000 COP para agilizar el tr¨¢mite a 4 d¨ªas y que los colombianos pued
Calum Best has too many women to keep track of using his traditional method. He hears that customer relationship management (CRM) could help him better manage his contacts. The document provides an assessment brief that asks students to create short presentations explaining CRM and recommending tools and techniques to help Calum prioritize his contacts and maintain his reputation as a ladies man. Students must upload their work by the deadline to receive credit.