Ψηφιακές Περιοχές: Ζητήματα σχεδιασμού φυσικού και ψηφιακού χώρουPanagiotis TsarchopoulosΔιάλεξη του Δημήτρη Παπαλεξόπουλου, Αν. Καθ. Σχολής Αρχιτεκτόνων Ε.Μ.Π. στα πλαίσια του μεταπτυχιακού προγράμματος με τίτλο "ΕΥΦΥΕΙΣ ΠΟΛΕΙΣ: ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑΤΑ ΚΑΙ ΠΕΡΙΒΑΛΛΟΝ ΚΑΙΝΟΤΟΜΙΑΣ"
Η ΓΕΝΟΚΤΟΝΙΑ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ ΠΟΝΤΙΩΝ,ΣΤΕΛΙΟΣ ΜΕΛΑΧΡΟΙΝΙΔΗΣIliana KouvatsouΗ γεοκτονία του Ποντιακού Ελληνισμού, πράξη βαρβαρότητας και φανατισμού, καθορίζει και τις νεότερες γενιές, όχι μόνον των Ποντίων και των απογόνων τους, αλλά όλη την ανθρωπότητα. Επιβάλλεται η αναγνώρισή της ως ιστορικού γεγονότος.
E2209 proPanayotis SofianopoulosΕ. 2209 /24-12-2020: Διευκρινίσεις επί των διατάξεων του άρθρου 291 του ν.4738/2020 (Α΄207) αναφορικά με την επανένταξη πληγέντων από την πανδημία του κορωνοϊού COVID19 στη ρύθμιση οφειλών του ν.4469/2017.
ΣΥΝΔΥΑΣΜΟΣ ΑΞΙΟΠΟΙΗΣΗΣ ΤΗΣ ΓΕΩΘΕΡΜΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΑΤΗΡΗΣΗΣ ΤΟΥ ΦΥΣΙΚΟΥ ΚΑΛΛΟΥΣ ΜΙΑΣ...Apostolos ArvanitisΑρβανίτης Α. & Σπυρίδωνος Ε. (2016), "Συνδυασμός Αξιοποίησης της Γεωθερμίας και Διατήτησης του Φυσικού Κάλλους μιας Περιοχής με Βάση τη Διεθνή Εμπειρία και Πρακτική", Παρουσίαση, Διεθνές Γεω-Ηφαιστειολογικό Συνέδριο, Μέθανα, 10-12 Ιουνίου 2016
archaiki epochi apoikiaki exaplosiΧαράλαμπος ΓαρίτατζηςThe archaic period and the colonial expansion of the Greeks
Die archaische Periode und die koloniale Expansion der Griechen
Αρχαϊκή εποχή Αποικιακή εξάπλωση
Presentation of the 6th Secondary SchoolAngelos KonstantinidisThe document provides information about Drama, Greece and the 6th Secondary School of Drama. It describes the school's founding, facilities, programs, and extracurricular activities. It then gives an overview of Drama Prefecture and highlights several important natural and cultural sites in the area, including Lake St. Barbara, the Nestos River, virgin forests, caves, and museums. Photos accompany the descriptions of places. Students of the school collaborated to create the presentation.
Η ΓΕΝΟΚΤΟΝΙΑ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ ΠΟΝΤΙΩΝ,ΣΤΕΛΙΟΣ ΜΕΛΑΧΡΟΙΝΙΔΗΣIliana KouvatsouΗ γεοκτονία του Ποντιακού Ελληνισμού, πράξη βαρβαρότητας και φανατισμού, καθορίζει και τις νεότερες γενιές, όχι μόνον των Ποντίων και των απογόνων τους, αλλά όλη την ανθρωπότητα. Επιβάλλεται η αναγνώρισή της ως ιστορικού γεγονότος.
E2209 proPanayotis SofianopoulosΕ. 2209 /24-12-2020: Διευκρινίσεις επί των διατάξεων του άρθρου 291 του ν.4738/2020 (Α΄207) αναφορικά με την επανένταξη πληγέντων από την πανδημία του κορωνοϊού COVID19 στη ρύθμιση οφειλών του ν.4469/2017.
ΣΥΝΔΥΑΣΜΟΣ ΑΞΙΟΠΟΙΗΣΗΣ ΤΗΣ ΓΕΩΘΕΡΜΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΑΤΗΡΗΣΗΣ ΤΟΥ ΦΥΣΙΚΟΥ ΚΑΛΛΟΥΣ ΜΙΑΣ...Apostolos ArvanitisΑρβανίτης Α. & Σπυρίδωνος Ε. (2016), "Συνδυασμός Αξιοποίησης της Γεωθερμίας και Διατήτησης του Φυσικού Κάλλους μιας Περιοχής με Βάση τη Διεθνή Εμπειρία και Πρακτική", Παρουσίαση, Διεθνές Γεω-Ηφαιστειολογικό Συνέδριο, Μέθανα, 10-12 Ιουνίου 2016
archaiki epochi apoikiaki exaplosiΧαράλαμπος ΓαρίτατζηςThe archaic period and the colonial expansion of the Greeks
Die archaische Periode und die koloniale Expansion der Griechen
Αρχαϊκή εποχή Αποικιακή εξάπλωση
Presentation of the 6th Secondary SchoolAngelos KonstantinidisThe document provides information about Drama, Greece and the 6th Secondary School of Drama. It describes the school's founding, facilities, programs, and extracurricular activities. It then gives an overview of Drama Prefecture and highlights several important natural and cultural sites in the area, including Lake St. Barbara, the Nestos River, virgin forests, caves, and museums. Photos accompany the descriptions of places. Students of the school collaborated to create the presentation.
Negócio na tendencia do seculoPaulo Roberto Paula SantosEste documento descreve uma oportunidade de negócio envolvendo produtos de nutrição e cuidados pessoais da empresa Herbalife. Ele explica os benefícios dos produtos para a saúde e bem-estar, o crescimento bem-sucedido da empresa, e como o plano de marketing multinível permite ganhos elevados através da venda dos produtos e recrutamento de novos distribuidores.
Romeinen 12Bertus KeuterPaulEgberts over Romeinen 12
ABC Evangeliegemeente Salem
9 november 2008
5 SuperhéRoeproyectomicromundosEl documento guía a los estudiantes en la creación de su propio superhéroe original mediante el dibujo, la descripción y la generación de una historia, diario y cartas. También los insta a unir dos palabras aleatorias a través de una preposición para fortalecer sus habilidades de escritura.
Bewell&Happyguest84060The document provides advice on maintaining good health and avoiding illness by discussing emotional well-being. It recommends speaking openly about feelings to avoid repression leading to illness, making decisions to reduce anxiety and stress, focusing on solutions rather than negativity to generate positive energy, being genuine rather than overly concerned with appearances, accepting oneself and criticism from others, trusting oneself and others to build strong relationships, and maintaining a positive attitude with humor and happiness.
What We DodotNFSDotNet Framework Solutions is a company that provides enterprise architecture solutions to help businesses consolidate and improve performance. They aim to analyze clients' current business strategies and processes, and develop new strategies and processes to ensure competitiveness. Their solutions integrate different business processes and IT infrastructure to transform a business from disorganized "single process operations" to a coordinated "enterprise architecture paradigm". They develop strategic initiatives and engage with clients to understand their business model and needs in order to design customized enterprise architecture plans.
Pc Og Internett I Klasserommet Modifisertbyggeplass
Hpu.Le Cc.4 Politicas InformativasjesustimoteoEl documento describe las nuevas políticas de información desde 1980 hasta 2008. Explica cómo desaparecieron las políticas de responsabilidad social de los medios en la década de 1980 debido a la desregulación y privatización. También analiza los cambios en la dinámica del poder entre los medios y la política, incluida la hipermediatización y el uso de los medios como herramienta política. Por último, resume las políticas de comunicación actuales de diferentes agentes como los gobiernos, el sistema político y las administraciones y corporaciones públicas y
Monacoregguest249f38Grace Kelly was a famous Hollywood actress who married Prince Rainier III of Monaco in 1956. She starred in several hit films in the 1950s, winning an Oscar for her role in The Country Girl. In 1956, she announced her engagement to Prince Rainier, wearing her favorite flower, the orchid. They married on April 19, 1956, making Grace the Princess of Monaco.
Em Que Você Acredita1Luzia GabrieleO documento discute como a amizade pode superar distâncias e tempos difíceis, mantendo as pessoas unidas. Ele também contrasta duas perspectivas de vida, uma que não acredita em milagres versus uma que vê todas as coisas como milagrosas.
10 Tips to a more productive dayJason W. Womack, MEd MAThe document provides tips for improving productivity and reducing distractions, including creating agendas, using email fields properly, scheduling periods of uninterrupted work, minimizing notifications and alerts, using email signatures, setting up an Outlook dashboard, finding and maximizing lost time, speed reading books using tables of contents and bold text, using keyboard shortcuts, and regularly debriefing meetings, time periods, and learning experiences. It recommends scheduling 30-60 minute blocks of uninterrupted work and lists some common time wasters like waiting for others and sitting in traffic.
The Student-Inquirer Identity During the Master Thesis in an Online UniversityAngelos KonstantinidisWhen students are conducting their research project as part of their studies, they can be better prepared for the societal and professional challenges of the future. This study contributes to the research of the inquirer identity by elaborating a model for the assessment of student-inquirer identity skills in light of the development of a master thesis in an education-related field in an online university. The model presents student-inquirer identity as a dynamic multiplicity of ten skills related to the five phases of the practice of inquiry (search and focus, understand and explore, design and implement, interpret/evaluate and reflect, write and present). Based on the model, a questionnaire that measures students’ inquiry skills during the development of the master thesis was constructed. The questionnaire is comprised of ten sub-scales with 42 Likert-type items in total. 154 students of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya responded to the questionnaire. Findings revealed that, overall, online students develop inquiry skills to a moderate extent while conducting their master thesis.
Inquirer Teacher Identity During an Educational InnovationAngelos KonstantinidisPresentation slides prepared for the talk at the 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2019), Seville (Spain), 11th-13th of November 2019.
Developing an online course on telecollaboration for teachers: A reflection o...Angelos KonstantinidisThis document describes the design and implementation of an online postgraduate course on telecollaboration for language teachers. The course was designed using an educational design research model. It aimed to introduce teachers to theories and practices of telecollaboration through a critical lens, build skills in organizing telecollaborative activities, and engage students in research. The syllabus covered introduction to telecollaboration, practical issues, and additional topics. Students completed three assignments and provided feedback, which showed increased engagement and that the course opened new perspectives on telecollaboration. Reflection on the process helped the designer question assumptions and beliefs about effective online course design.
Developing digital language skills: A MOOC on Personal Language Learning Envi...Angelos KonstantinidisThe document describes a MOOC designed to help language learners become autonomous and self-manage their language learning using digital tools. The MOOC was developed using the ADDIE model of analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. It consisted of 4 weeks of content on using different digital tools to enhance language skills. Research was conducted to study how learners' use of tools changed and the relationship between language barriers and online tool use. The MOOC was pre-piloted with 35 participants and adjustments will be made based on evaluation before a full pilot. The goal is to not just provide open resources but help learners optimize their use.
Presentation for school meeting in DramaAngelos KonstantinidisSecond meeting for the Comenius Multilateral School Partnership Programme:
“Mission into the future: a quest for sustainability”
Handball Kyriaki FinkAngelos KonstantinidisHandball is the author's favorite sport, which is played indoors by two teams of seven players each. The author enjoys handball because it helps them forget problems and stress, and has allowed them to travel and meet new people through matches. While handball is a hobby they enjoy, the author's dreams are to pursue a career in acting or journalism.
Staikidou Eleni My TownAngelos KonstantinidisThe document summarizes sights to visit in the town of Drama, Greece. It notes that Drama is a small but beautiful town that is green, though building construction has reduced green spaces. The most famous sight is Santa Barbara, along with the nearby forest and waterfalls of Ydrama. Additionally, the Statue of Saint Hrisostomos and Ancient Tobacco Factories are popular tourist attractions in Drama.