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State Partnership Program with the Nation of
    The State Partnership Program (SPP) experienced its most successful year to date in 2011.
The primary goal of the SPP is to establish enduring civil-military relationships that improve
long-term international security while building partnership capacity across all levels of society.
    The country of Georgia is the largest non-NATO contributor of forces to International
Security Forces  Afghanistan. In past years, the Georgia National Guard helped train over 2,000
Georgian soldiers and has embedded with the Georgian soldiers in Iraq. Today, 18 Georgia
National Guard Soldiers comprise the Georgia Train and Support Team which works to prepare
Georgian battalions for deployments to Afghanistan, greatly increasing the combat forces
available for this effort and furthering Georgias aspirations for NATO membership.
    This SPP enabled the Georgian government to complete a presidential initiative to develop a
national military service academy. The Georgia National Defense Academy was established in
the fall of 2011, and it now serves as the primary commissioning source and critical enabler for
force transformation and professionalization  a strategic priority for the country of Georgia.
    The SPP was involved from the inception, providing conduits to U.S. military academies for
guidance and laying the groundwork for mutual collaboration with North Georgia College and
State University. A memorandum of understanding was signed between the two universities
stating, The cooperation between the parties shall be implemented to develop civilian and
military curricula, internal quality assurance procedures and mechanisms. They will implement
student and academic staff exchange programs and other joint activities.
    The disaster response/interagency coordination efforts within the SPP reached two major
milestones in 2011. In June, Georgia conducted a large, Georgian-led exercise with a U.S.
observer controller team. The purpose of this exercise was to provide a forum to the Georgian
military and civilian ministries to work together toward a common solution. This successful
exercise is the culmination of over five years of bilateral efforts.
    The Georgians now have viable interagency partner capacity and the confidence to
demonstrate it. In November 2011, the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs volunteered to host
the 2012 NATO Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centers annual disaster response
exercise. This exercise will include 38 countries and over 1,000 participants, allowing Georgia to
showcase their partner capacity.
    The State Partnership Program will continue to develop this interagency capability while
selecting and developing emerging missions that align with the goals and objectives of the SPP
and the partner country.

(Word Count 400)

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State partnership program with the nation of georgia

  • 1. State Partnership Program with the Nation of Georgia The State Partnership Program (SPP) experienced its most successful year to date in 2011. The primary goal of the SPP is to establish enduring civil-military relationships that improve long-term international security while building partnership capacity across all levels of society. The country of Georgia is the largest non-NATO contributor of forces to International Security Forces Afghanistan. In past years, the Georgia National Guard helped train over 2,000 Georgian soldiers and has embedded with the Georgian soldiers in Iraq. Today, 18 Georgia National Guard Soldiers comprise the Georgia Train and Support Team which works to prepare Georgian battalions for deployments to Afghanistan, greatly increasing the combat forces available for this effort and furthering Georgias aspirations for NATO membership. This SPP enabled the Georgian government to complete a presidential initiative to develop a national military service academy. The Georgia National Defense Academy was established in the fall of 2011, and it now serves as the primary commissioning source and critical enabler for force transformation and professionalization a strategic priority for the country of Georgia. The SPP was involved from the inception, providing conduits to U.S. military academies for guidance and laying the groundwork for mutual collaboration with North Georgia College and State University. A memorandum of understanding was signed between the two universities stating, The cooperation between the parties shall be implemented to develop civilian and military curricula, internal quality assurance procedures and mechanisms. They will implement student and academic staff exchange programs and other joint activities. The disaster response/interagency coordination efforts within the SPP reached two major milestones in 2011. In June, Georgia conducted a large, Georgian-led exercise with a U.S. observer controller team. The purpose of this exercise was to provide a forum to the Georgian military and civilian ministries to work together toward a common solution. This successful exercise is the culmination of over five years of bilateral efforts. The Georgians now have viable interagency partner capacity and the confidence to demonstrate it. In November 2011, the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs volunteered to host the 2012 NATO Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centers annual disaster response exercise. This exercise will include 38 countries and over 1,000 participants, allowing Georgia to showcase their partner capacity. The State Partnership Program will continue to develop this interagency capability while selecting and developing emerging missions that align with the goals and objectives of the SPP and the partner country. (Word Count 400)