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516 Killeen Road
Fayetteville, North Carolina
United States,
Phone: (910) 551-3099
Email: sacbragg1@aol.com
Dear Personnel Director,
I have recently become aware of positions available in your organization. Accordingly, my complete
resume is enclosed for your review. With over 21 years of military service in the United States Army, I
have been trained in various Military Occupation Specialties and skills in; Operations Management ,
intelligence gathering and dissemination, high-risk security detail, personnel management, joint/fire
support operations, extensive training and development roles, and force protection. I participated in
deployments across the globe, interpreting and understanding populations of multi-cultural and diverse
societies effortless and effective in areas of communication, relation, and social development. I possess
superb writing, communication, instructor skills, and have extensive experience training and mentoring
Soldiers/joint forces personnel with high success rates. I possess extensive experience in developing
trust relationships with multinational, multicultural foreign ally military leadership. I also possess a
Master Degree of Management from Webster University, as well as a Bachelor Degree of Science in
Criminal Justice, with a minor in Military Science, from Appalachian State University.
Should you have room in your organization for an expertly trained professional with a capacity to
develop innovative solutions and deliver superior results, please feel free to contact me anytime at (910)
551-3099. I would like the opportunity to discuss in person how we can put my expertise, energy, and
experience to work so that we can begin to achieve our mutual goals. Thank you for your time, and I
look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Stephen Calderon
 Possess a Secret DOD Security Clearance issued on 07/21/2009.
 International Operations
 Microsoft Office Suite
 Project Management/Tracking
 Excellent InterpersonalSkills
 OSHA/HAZMAT Regulations
 Training/Development
 Department of Defense
 Administrative Management
 Superb Leadership Skills
 Highly Effective
 Human Resource Management
 US Army Safety Management
 Inventory Control Systems
 Worldwide Operations
 Doctrine Development
 Purchasing/Acquisition
 Safety Standards
Webster University, St. Louis, Missouri 2003
Master of Arts in Management (36 Credit Hours)
Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina 1998
Bachelorof Science in Criminal Justice (133 Credit Hours)
Military Science
Western Piedmont Community College, Morganton, North Carolina 1995
Associate of Arts in General Studies(60 Credit Hours)
Military Training
 Anti-Terrorism Force Protection Training Level II
Course, 2009
 Sling Load InspectorCertification Course, 2007
 Joint Firepower Control Course, 2005
 Combined Arms & Services Staff School (CAS3),
 Field Artillery Captains Career Course, 2002
 Field Artillery Basic Officer Leader Course, 1999
 Parachute Packing Course, 1993
 Basic Airborne Course, 1993
 US Army Basic Combat Training, 1992
General Dynamics Information Technology, Fort Dix, NJ 2015
Operational Analyst/ Script Writer
Duties: The Operations Planner / Script Writer member of the Exercise Training Support to Army Reserve (X-TSAR)
program responsible for assisting in the design of exercise scenarios based on exercise and supported commander's training
objectives. Develops theater specific or Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) scripting of Operations Orders and
supporting Annexes, MasterScenario Events List (MSEL) injects and events/vignettes,and/orsimulation control injects that
are integrated with and support lanes training, situational training and/orfield training exercises, and constructive multi staff
training events in any combination of Live-Virtual-Constructive-Gaming domains, as best fits the desired training intent.
Conducts in-depth research on theater specific operations, lessons learned,DATE scenario and newly developed tactics,
techniques and procedures (TTPs) used in the development of MSEL, or simulation control injects that accurately replicates
the proposed training or operational environment. Determines the appropriate inject method and point of entry into the
exercise. Prepares the event implementer in a realistic manner using actual unit standing operating procedures (SOP),
accepted exercise directed processes,or Army messaging or report formats. Ensures all events are synchronized and threaded
throughout the scenario. Develops hybrid MSEL, simulation control injects that are synchronized with the appropriate
simulation systems to ensure integration with the scenario, and is supportive of both the exercise and training objectives.
Possessesbasic knowledge and experience in operations and mission command training requirements at the brigade and
above levels, in order to properly configure MTC simulation assets /capabilities to execute the supported training/exercise
mission. Knowledge includes an understanding ofmilitary tactics and force structure to understand howthe various
simulations relate to actual military situations.Works in a highly intense information technology (IT) environment, and
required to maximize the use of Army Battle Command Systems (ABCS), other Mission Command Systems, training aids,
devices, simulations and simulators (TADSS), mission specific digital systems/tools,and otheravailable IT assets in the
conduct of mission support.
Knowledge Point International, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (Present), Doctrine Development Officer 2014
Duties: Doctrine Development Officer specially selected to work under a United States (US) State Department approved
Technical Assistance Agreement with acknowledgement of the US Department of Defense to write specialized doctrine for
UAE Land Forces based on US Army manuals previously approved for public release with unlimited distribution. Through
close coordination with high ranking Land Forces officers, conducted extensive research and analysis of clients’ needs and
operational requirements. As a result of close engagement with Land Forces team, authored the UAE Land Forces High
Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) doctrine manual. This 44,994 word manual focused on the planning, training,
tactics, techniques and procedures of HIMARS employment tethered to the manpower, equipment, and operational
requirements of the Land Forces. Produced accompanying training presentations and practical exercises tailor made for
integration into the Systems Approach to Training (SAT).
United States Army, Headquarters 189th Infantry Brigade, (2009 to 2013), BRIGADE OPERATIONS OFFICER,
MENTOR, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, 28310,United States
Duties: Serve as the Chief of Operations and operations officer for an Infantry Brigade directly providing post-mobilization
training for Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT) prior to worldwide deployments. Played an instrumental role in the
preparation and deployment of over 1,000 military and civilian personnel with unmitigated success. Serve as the Army expert
in training, as well as development and management of training functions.Plan and evaluate military operations. Prepare and
review operations and concept plans to include war games. Participate in the Joint Operations Planning System. Establish and
monitor policy and standards forunit readiness.Determine the structure,composition, position, and equipment requirements
and authorizations of Active and Reserve Component Army forces. Arrange all components in the force structure in
integrated organizations and units. Receive and provide acceptable solutions for training issues and deficiencies. Conduct
training and staff meetings as necessary to ensure the seamless flow of operations. Advise,plan, coordinate, and supervise
combined arms/joint operations, planning, and training; Ensuring application of military operations and strategy,and
development and implementation of Army policy, roles, and missions as well as developing and executing unit operations,
training, plans and programs. As the Brigade Safety Officer performed duties as the principal advisorto the Commander,
brigade staff and subordinate staffs on all aspects ofsafety and composite risk issues and providing effective solutions,
procedural guidance, and policy compliance factors. Also serve as the Principal safety advisor to the 189TH Brigade
Command Safety Council. Coordinate and liaison with Higher Headquarters, Major Army Commands, and otherinside
agencies as necessary.Report and investigate accidents in accordance with Army regulation 385-10 and Department of the
Army Pam 385-40 ensuring procedural adherence. Analyze, review, upgrade, maintain, and develop unit safety programs,
maintain personneloversight on all respective safety issues to environmental, fire protection,industrial hygiene, and other
loss control elements.
United States Army, 17th Fires Brigade, (2007 to 2008), BRIGADE LIAISON/LOANED EXECUTIVE, Fort Lewis,
Washington, 98433,United States
Duties: Responsible for the execution of 10 Federal accounts and over 31,000 personnel. Delivered broad based
presentations as well as providing special focus information on more than 246 local charities. Effectively integrated
objectives, opportunities and resources to ensure all levels and goals for mission requirements were met. Developed a strong
rapport and working relationship with the civilian supervisors and counterparts ofthe United Way Organization that resulted
in increased efficiency and productivity in achieving the goals of the United Way. Provided innovative solutions to adverse
conditions and economic climates to ensure the end mission result was unaffected by the conditions with unmitigated
success. Planned, coordinated,and managed the first ever joint training session ofover 300 coordinators and key workers
from a myriad of federal agencies in the northwest greatly enhancing the ability to achieve the mission goal. Increased the
donors by more than 2,500 in the span of a year, and generated an increase in donations by $186,000 from the previous year
(a 38.5% increase). Developed and executed a number of tactics to engage federal agencies in the campaign that did not
initially want to participate in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) ultimately landing their support and contributions.
United States Army, 1st Battalion (Air Assault), 377th Field Artillery Regiment, (2006 to 2007), BATTERY
COMMANDER AND OPERATIONS OFFICER, Fort Lewis, Washington, 98433,Fort Bragg, North Carolina, 28310,
United States
Duties: Served as Battery Commander and Headquarters Battery Commander for the Army’s only Air Assault M198
(155mm) Artillery Battalion providing fire support for worldwide contingency operations. Developed and maintained the
combat readiness of the Battery to ensure maximum preparedness foroperations in support of the Global War on Terrorism.
Planned, coordinated,supervised,and evaluated the professionaldevelopment, daily tasking, and performance of over 100
personnelwith superior results. Maintained accountability of 31 wheeled vehicles, equipment, and supplies valued in excess
of $11 million dollars. Played a vital role in the relocating the battalion form Fort Bragg, North Carolina to Fort Lewis,
Washington during integration to the 17th Fires Brigade without loss or damage to equipment or supplies, and in compliance
with Army Transformation Orders contributing to the success and efficiency of the move. Served as the Operations Officer
charged with the management of training, plans, and execution of Battalion operations with a worldwide support mission to
the XVIII Airborne Corps. Provided key assistance in the supervision of the Battalion’s training program including
preparation and execution of training in accordance with the Commander’s training guidance and Mission Essential Task
Lists (METL) assessments. Planned, coordinated, published,and distributed Standard Operating Procedures (SOP),
Operational Plans (OPLANS), Operational Ordinances (OPORD), Fragmentary Orders (FRAGO) ensuring adherence to
Department of Defense regulations and policies. Orchestrated total synchronization of all planning and operations between
all superior and subordinate staff, and provided vital assistance with the oversight of the Command’s Operations Security and
Safety programs and all related force protection issues. Single handedly planned, coordinated,and executed operations and
plans for the entire unit with extremely limited assistance yielding excellent results. Played a significant role for several
redeployments of Batteries and the moving of the Battalion Headquarters to Fort Lewis, Washington.
United States Army, 18th Field Artillery Brigade (Airborne), (2005 to 2006),BRIGADE S4, Contingency Operating
Base (COB) Speicher, Iraq, Western Asia
Duties: Performed duties as the Brigade S4 for the Army’s largest and most diverse Field Artillery Brigade consisting of
Airborne, Air Assault,and Air land 155mm Towed Howitzer Battalions, a High Mobility Artillery Rocket System
(HIMARS) Battalion, and an AN/TPQ-37 Radar Detachment providing direct fire support to the XVIII Airborne Corps with
optimal results. Conducted total management of Divisional G-4 requirements, subordinate unit logistical assistance,and
budget control for the unit. Met or exceeded all logistical and scheduling goals and received all equipment required for
mission success on orahead of schedule. Provided key assistance to all subordinate units on logistical matters greatly
enhancing the brigade’s ability to complete operational missions. Managed the entire procurement process for the Brigade
and subordinate units,and ensured fiscal compliance to budgetary restraints throughout deployment. Served as the Brigade
Field Ordering Officer managing and securing over $250,000, cash on the battlefield at all times.
AWARDS: Bronze Star Medal , Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal (3rd Award), Army Achievement
Medal (4th Award), Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal (2nd Award), National Defense Service Medal Bronze
Device, Iraq Campaign Medal with Campaign Star (2nd Award), Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War
on Terrorism Service Medal, Korean Defense Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon (2nd Award), Overseas Service Ribbon
(3rd Award), Army Reserve Components Overseas Training Ribbon (3rd Award), Parachutist Badge, Parachute Rigger
Sean Song
Senior Network Analyst
U.S. Army CIO/G-6, AONS/ADCCP/Cloud Team
9800 Lowen Rd, Bldg 701
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060
Office Email: sonung.song2.ctr@mail.mil
FCI Email: sonung.song@femmecomp.com
Phone: 703-697-7613
Mr. Troy Krause
Doctrine Development Lead (Supervisor)
Knowledge International
Flat 5802, building 2, Etihad Towers, Abu Dhabi, UAE 131189
Phone is: +971-056-289-4423
Mr. Jeffrey Toomer
Address:6147 Summer Park Ln
Alexandria, Virginia 22315
Email: jeftoomer@gmail.com
Home: (703) 922-6214
Jeff Toomer
Planting Pastorthe Transitwww.transitchurch.com
Mr. Sean Armentrout
VP of Community Education & Resource Development
United Way of Pierce County
1501 Pacific Ave, Suite 400, Tacoma, WA 98402
Phone is: (253)-597-7488
Mr. John Vanderbleek
Doctrine Development Executive Lead Officer (Supervisor)
Knowledge International
Radison Blu, Abu Dhabi, UAE 131189
Phone is: +971-056-642-3646, US H: 803-579-0507, US C: 803-547-0422
Philip L. Puckett
105 Carriage Hills Drive
Morganton,North Carolina 28655
(828) 584-9820 C
(828) 413-0800 H

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Stephen Anthony Calderon

  • 1. (Cont’d Page 2) STEPHEN ANTHONY CALDERON 516 Killeen Road Fayetteville, North Carolina 28303 United States, Phone: (910) 551-3099 Email: sacbragg1@aol.com Dear Personnel Director, I have recently become aware of positions available in your organization. Accordingly, my complete resume is enclosed for your review. With over 21 years of military service in the United States Army, I have been trained in various Military Occupation Specialties and skills in; Operations Management , intelligence gathering and dissemination, high-risk security detail, personnel management, joint/fire support operations, extensive training and development roles, and force protection. I participated in deployments across the globe, interpreting and understanding populations of multi-cultural and diverse societies effortless and effective in areas of communication, relation, and social development. I possess superb writing, communication, instructor skills, and have extensive experience training and mentoring Soldiers/joint forces personnel with high success rates. I possess extensive experience in developing trust relationships with multinational, multicultural foreign ally military leadership. I also possess a Master Degree of Management from Webster University, as well as a Bachelor Degree of Science in Criminal Justice, with a minor in Military Science, from Appalachian State University. Should you have room in your organization for an expertly trained professional with a capacity to develop innovative solutions and deliver superior results, please feel free to contact me anytime at (910) 551-3099. I would like the opportunity to discuss in person how we can put my expertise, energy, and experience to work so that we can begin to achieve our mutual goals. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Respectfully, Stephen Calderon
  • 2. STEPHEN ANTHONY CALDERON  Possess a Secret DOD Security Clearance issued on 07/21/2009.  International Operations Management  Microsoft Office Suite  Project Management/Tracking  Excellent InterpersonalSkills  OSHA/HAZMAT Regulations  Training/Development  Department of Defense Regulations  Administrative Management  Superb Leadership Skills  Highly Effective Communicator  Human Resource Management  US Army Safety Management  Inventory Control Systems  Worldwide Operations  Doctrine Development  Purchasing/Acquisition  Safety Standards EDUCATION & TRAINING Webster University, St. Louis, Missouri 2003 Master of Arts in Management (36 Credit Hours) Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina 1998 Bachelorof Science in Criminal Justice (133 Credit Hours) Military Science Western Piedmont Community College, Morganton, North Carolina 1995 Associate of Arts in General Studies(60 Credit Hours) Military Training  Anti-Terrorism Force Protection Training Level II Course, 2009  Sling Load InspectorCertification Course, 2007  Joint Firepower Control Course, 2005  Combined Arms & Services Staff School (CAS3), 2003  Field Artillery Captains Career Course, 2002  Field Artillery Basic Officer Leader Course, 1999  Parachute Packing Course, 1993  Basic Airborne Course, 1993  US Army Basic Combat Training, 1992 WORK EXPERIENCE General Dynamics Information Technology, Fort Dix, NJ 2015 Operational Analyst/ Script Writer Duties: The Operations Planner / Script Writer member of the Exercise Training Support to Army Reserve (X-TSAR) program responsible for assisting in the design of exercise scenarios based on exercise and supported commander's training objectives. Develops theater specific or Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) scripting of Operations Orders and supporting Annexes, MasterScenario Events List (MSEL) injects and events/vignettes,and/orsimulation control injects that are integrated with and support lanes training, situational training and/orfield training exercises, and constructive multi staff training events in any combination of Live-Virtual-Constructive-Gaming domains, as best fits the desired training intent. Conducts in-depth research on theater specific operations, lessons learned,DATE scenario and newly developed tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) used in the development of MSEL, or simulation control injects that accurately replicates the proposed training or operational environment. Determines the appropriate inject method and point of entry into the exercise. Prepares the event implementer in a realistic manner using actual unit standing operating procedures (SOP), accepted exercise directed processes,or Army messaging or report formats. Ensures all events are synchronized and threaded throughout the scenario. Develops hybrid MSEL, simulation control injects that are synchronized with the appropriate simulation systems to ensure integration with the scenario, and is supportive of both the exercise and training objectives. Possessesbasic knowledge and experience in operations and mission command training requirements at the brigade and above levels, in order to properly configure MTC simulation assets /capabilities to execute the supported training/exercise mission. Knowledge includes an understanding ofmilitary tactics and force structure to understand howthe various simulations relate to actual military situations.Works in a highly intense information technology (IT) environment, and
  • 3. required to maximize the use of Army Battle Command Systems (ABCS), other Mission Command Systems, training aids, devices, simulations and simulators (TADSS), mission specific digital systems/tools,and otheravailable IT assets in the conduct of mission support. Knowledge Point International, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (Present), Doctrine Development Officer 2014 Duties: Doctrine Development Officer specially selected to work under a United States (US) State Department approved Technical Assistance Agreement with acknowledgement of the US Department of Defense to write specialized doctrine for UAE Land Forces based on US Army manuals previously approved for public release with unlimited distribution. Through close coordination with high ranking Land Forces officers, conducted extensive research and analysis of clients’ needs and operational requirements. As a result of close engagement with Land Forces team, authored the UAE Land Forces High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) doctrine manual. This 44,994 word manual focused on the planning, training, tactics, techniques and procedures of HIMARS employment tethered to the manpower, equipment, and operational requirements of the Land Forces. Produced accompanying training presentations and practical exercises tailor made for integration into the Systems Approach to Training (SAT). United States Army, Headquarters 189th Infantry Brigade, (2009 to 2013), BRIGADE OPERATIONS OFFICER, CHIEF OF OPERATIONS, MOBILIZATION OPERATIONS CHIEF, BRIGADE SAFETY OFFICER, TRAINING MENTOR, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, 28310,United States Duties: Serve as the Chief of Operations and operations officer for an Infantry Brigade directly providing post-mobilization training for Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT) prior to worldwide deployments. Played an instrumental role in the preparation and deployment of over 1,000 military and civilian personnel with unmitigated success. Serve as the Army expert in training, as well as development and management of training functions.Plan and evaluate military operations. Prepare and review operations and concept plans to include war games. Participate in the Joint Operations Planning System. Establish and monitor policy and standards forunit readiness.Determine the structure,composition, position, and equipment requirements and authorizations of Active and Reserve Component Army forces. Arrange all components in the force structure in integrated organizations and units. Receive and provide acceptable solutions for training issues and deficiencies. Conduct training and staff meetings as necessary to ensure the seamless flow of operations. Advise,plan, coordinate, and supervise combined arms/joint operations, planning, and training; Ensuring application of military operations and strategy,and development and implementation of Army policy, roles, and missions as well as developing and executing unit operations, training, plans and programs. As the Brigade Safety Officer performed duties as the principal advisorto the Commander, brigade staff and subordinate staffs on all aspects ofsafety and composite risk issues and providing effective solutions, procedural guidance, and policy compliance factors. Also serve as the Principal safety advisor to the 189TH Brigade Command Safety Council. Coordinate and liaison with Higher Headquarters, Major Army Commands, and otherinside agencies as necessary.Report and investigate accidents in accordance with Army regulation 385-10 and Department of the Army Pam 385-40 ensuring procedural adherence. Analyze, review, upgrade, maintain, and develop unit safety programs, maintain personneloversight on all respective safety issues to environmental, fire protection,industrial hygiene, and other loss control elements. United States Army, 17th Fires Brigade, (2007 to 2008), BRIGADE LIAISON/LOANED EXECUTIVE, Fort Lewis, Washington, 98433,United States Duties: Responsible for the execution of 10 Federal accounts and over 31,000 personnel. Delivered broad based presentations as well as providing special focus information on more than 246 local charities. Effectively integrated objectives, opportunities and resources to ensure all levels and goals for mission requirements were met. Developed a strong rapport and working relationship with the civilian supervisors and counterparts ofthe United Way Organization that resulted in increased efficiency and productivity in achieving the goals of the United Way. Provided innovative solutions to adverse conditions and economic climates to ensure the end mission result was unaffected by the conditions with unmitigated success. Planned, coordinated,and managed the first ever joint training session ofover 300 coordinators and key workers from a myriad of federal agencies in the northwest greatly enhancing the ability to achieve the mission goal. Increased the donors by more than 2,500 in the span of a year, and generated an increase in donations by $186,000 from the previous year (a 38.5% increase). Developed and executed a number of tactics to engage federal agencies in the campaign that did not initially want to participate in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) ultimately landing their support and contributions.
  • 4. United States Army, 1st Battalion (Air Assault), 377th Field Artillery Regiment, (2006 to 2007), BATTERY COMMANDER AND OPERATIONS OFFICER, Fort Lewis, Washington, 98433,Fort Bragg, North Carolina, 28310, United States Duties: Served as Battery Commander and Headquarters Battery Commander for the Army’s only Air Assault M198 (155mm) Artillery Battalion providing fire support for worldwide contingency operations. Developed and maintained the combat readiness of the Battery to ensure maximum preparedness foroperations in support of the Global War on Terrorism. Planned, coordinated,supervised,and evaluated the professionaldevelopment, daily tasking, and performance of over 100 personnelwith superior results. Maintained accountability of 31 wheeled vehicles, equipment, and supplies valued in excess of $11 million dollars. Played a vital role in the relocating the battalion form Fort Bragg, North Carolina to Fort Lewis, Washington during integration to the 17th Fires Brigade without loss or damage to equipment or supplies, and in compliance with Army Transformation Orders contributing to the success and efficiency of the move. Served as the Operations Officer charged with the management of training, plans, and execution of Battalion operations with a worldwide support mission to the XVIII Airborne Corps. Provided key assistance in the supervision of the Battalion’s training program including preparation and execution of training in accordance with the Commander’s training guidance and Mission Essential Task Lists (METL) assessments. Planned, coordinated, published,and distributed Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), Operational Plans (OPLANS), Operational Ordinances (OPORD), Fragmentary Orders (FRAGO) ensuring adherence to Department of Defense regulations and policies. Orchestrated total synchronization of all planning and operations between all superior and subordinate staff, and provided vital assistance with the oversight of the Command’s Operations Security and Safety programs and all related force protection issues. Single handedly planned, coordinated,and executed operations and plans for the entire unit with extremely limited assistance yielding excellent results. Played a significant role for several redeployments of Batteries and the moving of the Battalion Headquarters to Fort Lewis, Washington. United States Army, 18th Field Artillery Brigade (Airborne), (2005 to 2006),BRIGADE S4, Contingency Operating Base (COB) Speicher, Iraq, Western Asia Duties: Performed duties as the Brigade S4 for the Army’s largest and most diverse Field Artillery Brigade consisting of Airborne, Air Assault,and Air land 155mm Towed Howitzer Battalions, a High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) Battalion, and an AN/TPQ-37 Radar Detachment providing direct fire support to the XVIII Airborne Corps with optimal results. Conducted total management of Divisional G-4 requirements, subordinate unit logistical assistance,and budget control for the unit. Met or exceeded all logistical and scheduling goals and received all equipment required for mission success on orahead of schedule. Provided key assistance to all subordinate units on logistical matters greatly enhancing the brigade’s ability to complete operational missions. Managed the entire procurement process for the Brigade and subordinate units,and ensured fiscal compliance to budgetary restraints throughout deployment. Served as the Brigade Field Ordering Officer managing and securing over $250,000, cash on the battlefield at all times. AWARDS: Bronze Star Medal , Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal (3rd Award), Army Achievement Medal (4th Award), Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal (2nd Award), National Defense Service Medal Bronze Device, Iraq Campaign Medal with Campaign Star (2nd Award), Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Korean Defense Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon (2nd Award), Overseas Service Ribbon (3rd Award), Army Reserve Components Overseas Training Ribbon (3rd Award), Parachutist Badge, Parachute Rigger Badge.
  • 5. REFERENCES Professional/Personal: Sean Song Senior Network Analyst U.S. Army CIO/G-6, AONS/ADCCP/Cloud Team 9800 Lowen Rd, Bldg 701 Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 Office Email: sonung.song2.ctr@mail.mil FCI Email: sonung.song@femmecomp.com Phone: 703-697-7613 Professional: Mr. Troy Krause Doctrine Development Lead (Supervisor) Knowledge International Flat 5802, building 2, Etihad Towers, Abu Dhabi, UAE 131189 Phone is: +971-056-289-4423 Pararanger22@gmail.com Professional: Mr. Jeffrey Toomer Address:6147 Summer Park Ln Alexandria, Virginia 22315 Email: jeftoomer@gmail.com Home: (703) 922-6214 Jeff Toomer Planting Pastorthe Transitwww.transitchurch.com Professional: Mr. Sean Armentrout VP of Community Education & Resource Development United Way of Pierce County 1501 Pacific Ave, Suite 400, Tacoma, WA 98402 Phone is: (253)-597-7488 seana@uwpc.org Personal: Mr. John Vanderbleek Doctrine Development Executive Lead Officer (Supervisor) Knowledge International Radison Blu, Abu Dhabi, UAE 131189 Phone is: +971-056-642-3646, US H: 803-579-0507, US C: 803-547-0422 Jvbleek78@gmail.com Personal: Philip L. Puckett 105 Carriage Hills Drive Morganton,North Carolina 28655 (828) 584-9820 C (828) 413-0800 H