This document outlines Norway's policies for integrating ICT into education. It discusses how digital skills are embedded into the national curriculum at different grade levels and how Norway has implemented multiple ICT strategies over time to focus on infrastructure, curriculum integration, and teacher competencies. Key aspects of Norway's approach include establishing national standards and principles for digital learning resources, facilitating innovation from within the education system, and maintaining long-term and coherent policies that link ICT with educational goals.
This document outlines Norway's policies for integrating ICT into education. It discusses how digital skills are embedded into the national curriculum at different grade levels and how Norway has implemented multiple ICT strategies over time to focus on infrastructure, curriculum integration, and teacher competencies. Key aspects of Norway's approach include establishing national standards and principles for digital learning resources, facilitating innovation from within the education system, and maintaining long-term and coherent policies that link ICT with educational goals.
Kristin Hauge, r奪dgiver i VOX, nasjonalt senter for kompetansepolitikk. Hauge sin presentasjon tar for seg VOX sine tilbud og muligheter, samarbeidspartnere osv. som er nyttige i LLL-sammenheng.
Going personal - How Emerging Technologies Can Support Individualized LearningOystein Johannessen
This document discusses emerging technologies that can support individualized learning. It outlines lessons learned from technology-driven school innovations, including balancing investment in technology with pedagogical knowledge. Emerging technologies that may be adopted in the next 1-5 years are discussed, including cloud computing, mobile learning, learning analytics, and 3D printing. Issues around implementing technologies in schools are also addressed, such as developing teacher competence, leadership, and assessment strategies. The document advocates for holistic approaches to technology implementation that focus on curriculum, assessment, and professional development.
ystein Johannessen gave a presentation about new competencies, technologies, and forms of assessment. He discussed how technology is driving changes in pedagogy and the importance of coherence in education. He outlined new pedagogical models where teachers take on roles as designers of learning experiences and partners with students. The presentation examined key trends in technology like social media, mobile learning, and BYOD. It also looked at challenges like the need for improved teacher training and the demand for personalized learning. Johannessen concluded by discussing how assessment needs to change and move towards more embedded, formative models using technology.
Impact of ICT in Education: Evidence and Future DirectionOystein Johannessen
The document discusses the impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education. It outlines approaches to analyzing ICT impact, findings from studies on effects of ICT use in schools, and directions for future research. Key findings include ICT having a positive impact on performance in primary schools, particularly in native language and design/technology, and quality of ICT use being more important than quantity of use. The document calls for future work on developing benchmarks, narrowing assessment gaps, evaluating ICT's role in competencies and social skills development.
ystein Johannessen discussed innovation lessons from the iTEC roundtable including cloud computing, mobile learning, game-based learning, open content, and learning analytics. The 2011 Horizon Report highlighted tensions between technology investments and the knowledge base as well as between technology and pedagogy. NDLA, a Norwegian initiative, has seen success through long-term funding, teacher involvement, open licensing and formats, and integrating existing resources rather than creating new ones. Ensuring policy coherence both vertically between education layers and horizontally across research, policy, and practice can help address gaps between technology initiatives and classroom implementation.
This document discusses lessons learned from technology-based innovation in schools and implications for policy and practice. It finds that investments in innovation have lacked necessary knowledge bases and tensions exist between technology and pedagogy. A multi-layered, research-driven approach is needed, exploring disciplines like brain science. Policy should develop a systemic framework to guide coherent innovation strategies, support stakeholder dialogue, and ensure research informs teaching practices.
Education Impact is a global consultancy focused on using information technology to transform education. It provides services like policy reviews, product evaluations, and capacity building to public and private sector organizations. Education Impact also operates as an independent fellowship of leading education technology consultants. The presentation discusses topics like eReaders in Kenya, digital reading literacy, and how emerging technologies can facilitate reading development worldwide.
1. Fra nasjonal strategi til
kommunal virkelighet
Eller: Fra plan til
implementering og
Stockholm mai .2010
Avdelingsdirekt淡r ystein Johannessen
2. We Have Met the Enemy and He Is
Powerpoint (NY Times 27042010)
3. Dagens tekst
IKT i norsk skole
Innovasjon p奪 IKT-omr奪det
5. Norske IKT-strategier
Egne IKT-planer frem til utl淡pet av 2008.
IKT er n奪 integrert i overordnede planer og
Utvikling i etapper: Infrastruktur -->
Kompetanse og innhold --> Syntese og
Nye l脱replaner fra 2006
Store investeringer fra skoleeiere de siste
奪rene. Mot 1:1 i gymnasieskolan. 3,7:1 i
6. IKT er integrert i norske l脱replaner
Grunnleggende ferdigheter i alle fag p奪 alle
niv奪: Lese, skrive, regne, muntlig
spr奪kferdighet, bruke digitale verkt淡y
L脱replanene for fag er organisert i
kompetansem奪l for ulike trinn
Stor metodefrihet
Fra teknologibruk til teknologiforst奪else
8. Statens roller
Politisk og administrativt lederskap
Staten som finansi淡r (rammetilskudd,
direkte tilskudd)
Staten som premissleverand淡r
(lagstiftning, l脱replaner)
Partnerskap for marked og allmenning
Kunnskapsdannelse og FoU
9. Innovasjon: Niv奪deling og systematikk
Innovasjon: Planlagt endring for 奪 oppn奪 en forbedring
Flere niv奪er
Digitale ferdigheter i l脱replanene
IKT og digitale medier for innovasjon i skolens
pedagogiske og administrative virksomhet
Det digitale medborgerskapet
Felles og forst奪elig vokabular og struktur --> 4 akser for
10. Policy for innovasjon
Vertikal integrasjon: Sammenheng mellom niv奪er
Horisontal integrasjon mellom policyelementer
Medierende agenter, f eks nasjonale sentra
11. Kunnskapsaksen
Den dobbelte kunnskapsutfordringen
o Kunnskapsinnhenting
o Kunnskapsspredning
L脱rernes kompetanseutvikling og l脱ringsarenaer
Hvilke tjenester og mekanismer trenger vi?
En studie av profesjonsut淡vere som sykepleiere,
l脱rere, revisorer og dataingeni淡rer viser at l脱rere i
mindre grad enn andre profesjonsut淡vere har tilgang til
kunnskapsressurser som er utviklet spesielt for 奪
hjelpe dem i jobben (Stortingsmelding nr 31
12. Pedagogisk akse
Innovasjonssoner i fagenes l脱replaner
Slipp innovat淡rene frem rom for og tillit til
Del og Bruk - -
delingsarena av og for l脱rere
IKT m奪 inn i den fagdidaktiske debatten
13. Teknologisk akse
Unng奪 teknologist淡y. Infrastrukturen m奪 ikke
bare v脱re tilgjengelig, den m奪 ogs奪 virke.
Tidstyvdebatten un淡dig bruk av IKT er en
utfordring for mange
Innovasjon p奪 tvers av niv奪ene i
Mot st淡rre mangfold?
14. Fra nasjonal strategi til kommunal
virkelighet hva har vi l脱rt?
Samspill mellom nasjonale myndigheter og
skoleeiere er n淡dvendig. Staten setter ytre
rammer. Skolen innoverer fra innsiden.
Omforent vokabular og struktur er n淡dvendig.
Kunnskapsdannelse og profesjonalitet i alle ledd,
ogs奪 administrativt
Strategier og planer er ikke nok. Robuste og
helhetlige implementeringsstrategier er
15. Slipp innovat淡rene l淡s det er v奪r!
Making the simple
compliated is
commonplace; making
the complicated simple,
awesomely simple,
that's creativity
(Charles Mingus)