The document contains a list of random words and phrases including volcano, old lady, old man, bird, man, helicopter, cat, rocket, crow, people with a gun, girl riding a boat, diamond head, cow, lighthouse, cat's face, swan, man looking through a telescope, farmer, chicken, princess, bird, ostrich, cat, robot, boat, and weighing machine. The summary provides a high-level overview of the various words and phrases contained in the original document.
Para atenci¨®n a la diversidad en el sal¨®n de clase desde la perspectiva del desarrollo de las competencias comunicativas. Enfocado para apoyar a docentes que ense?an en el primer ciclo.
Pearl Harbor is a U.S. naval base located in Hawaii that was bombed by Japan in 1941, bringing the United States into World War 2. The Japanese conducted two waves of aerial attacks with over 350 planes, sinking or damaging numerous U.S. battleships and aircraft. The attacks killed over 2,400 people including civilians and military personnel. The USS Arizona suffered the most casualties and its sunken wreck remains a memorial at Pearl Harbor.
Christopher tiene una entrevista de trabajo a las 9 de la ma?ana para un puesto de mensajero, pero se acost¨® tarde despu¨¦s de una fiesta y se despert¨® con resaca. A pesar de esto, se levanta para asistir a la entrevista porque necesita el trabajo para ayudar a su familia. La historia ense?a la importancia de prepararse adecuadamente para una entrevista y tener una buena presentaci¨®n personal.
Paper fingerprinting using alpha-masked image matchingTuan Q. Pham
The document summarizes research from Canon Information Systems Research Australia on identifying paper fingerprints (PFP) for authentication purposes. It discusses using alpha-masked image matching and inpainting to make PFP matching more robust to changes in documents, such as printing. Experiments show alpha-masked correlation and normalized correlation are most effective at matching PFPs, even when a significant portion of the image is changed or masked. The researchers conclude PFP matching could be further improved by scanning documents at multiple orientations to separate diffuse and specular reflections.
Este documento describe un experimento de separaci¨®n de galena (PbS) por flotaci¨®n. El objetivo era obtener el mineral galena mediante flotaci¨®n y verificar si el m¨¦todo separa solo el mineral. Sin embargo, no se pudieron alcanzar los objetivos ni comprobar la hip¨®tesis debido a que faltaron materiales requeridos como el aceite de pino. El experimento comenz¨® el proceso de flotaci¨®n pero no se logr¨® la separaci¨®n de la mena.
This document provides a review of integer operations including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It gives the rules for determining the sign of the answer when combining integers with the same or different signs. Examples are worked out step-by-step of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers. The document is to be completed as an assignment by a student for practice with integer operations.
This document contains summaries of multiple news articles. It discusses Myanmar's tallest man, Mr. Win Zaw Oo, who is still growing due to a brain tumor. It also discusses efforts to reduce plastic bag usage in Singapore and the important role that trees play in moderating the climate and adding beauty. Additionally, it addresses the harms of corruption, defining it as dishonest or illegal behavior by government officials or people in power, often to get money, favors, or gain power.
Este documento describe los diferentes tipos de variables y medidas de localizaci¨®n y dispersi¨®n utilizadas en estad¨ªstica. Explica que las variables pueden ser cualitativas o cuantitativas, y que las medidas de localizaci¨®n como la media, mediana y moda dividen una distribuci¨®n en partes iguales, mientras que las medidas de dispersi¨®n como el rango y la desviaci¨®n est¨¢ndar indican qu¨¦ tan dispersos est¨¢n los valores. Tambi¨¦n proporciona f¨®rmulas para calcular estas medidas para datos agrupados y muestras.
The cast list includes four roles - Alex played by Martin Slater, Father played by Hudded Killer, Killer played by Ethan Gornall, and Girlfriend played by Amy Barton.
This document is a resume for Itay KapItulnIK, a graphic designer with over 15 years of experience in graphic design, layout, and web design. It summarizes his professional skills, work experience including roles at Your Music Magazine and FreshORGANIC, and education including a degree in Cultural Anthropology from UC Santa Cruz. Examples of his design work are also included showing posters, magazine covers, logos, and print advertising he has created for music festivals, magazines, and advocacy campaigns.
Pablo described his daily routine, which included waking up at 7:30 AM, taking a shower, eating breakfast and going to school at 8:15 AM. After school he would go home, have lunch, do his homework studying various subjects, play computer games and watch TV in the evening, and end his day with dinner before going to bed.
This document analyzes investment opportunities in Kroger, Coca-Cola, and Wet Seal. For Kroger, the author is interested due to its consistent growth and stock price near all-time highs, suggesting potential for quick returns. Coca-Cola offers dividends and steady growth excluding 2008. The author sees potential in Wet Seal given its extensive US presence but room for overseas expansion, hoping recent restructuring leads to domestic and international gains.
The document discusses factors that can affect the applicability of clinical trial results, such as trials with high exclusion rates pre-randomization, use of composite endpoints, and differences in study populations compared to general populations. It notes that grading strength of evidence and assessing applicability should be done separately, as studies may show superiority of an intervention but it may not be effective in actual practice. When assessing applicability, the initial step involves evaluating columns 1 through 5 of an evidence table, which relate to the PICOS (population, intervention, comparators, outcomes, setting) of each trial.
This document defines and provides examples of integers. It explains that integers are whole numbers that can be positive or negative. Negative integers are closer to zero and have a minus sign. Positive integers are the whole numbers we typically work with. The document uses number lines to illustrate integers and provides examples of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing integers by following specific rules, such as two negatives multiplying to a positive.
Este documento proporciona informaci¨®n sobre un viaje de trabajo a Bruselas, B¨¦lgica. Incluye detalles sobre el hotel Thorn Brusells City Center 4*, como sus habitaciones equipadas y servicios como gimnasio y sauna. Tambi¨¦n incluye un itinerario detallado, informaci¨®n sobre actividades y lugares para visitar en Bruselas, un men¨² de restaurante, y un presupuesto de gastos que incluye el hotel, alquiler de coche, entradas y cenas.
El documento describe cuatro embalses ubicados en las provincias de Sevilla y Huelva, incluyendo sus capacidades. Explica que el agua de los embalses no es apta para el consumo directo debido a las bacterias, por lo que es purificada diariamente en plantas potabilizadoras usando procesos qu¨ªmicos, f¨ªsicos y biol¨®gicos. Tambi¨¦n analiza los consumos de agua de cinco personas y si son consumidores responsables, concluyendo que el agua es un recurso limitado cuya distribuci¨®n no es
The brain has limited capacity for multi-tasking. While it can switch between tasks rapidly, it can only focus deeply on one task at a time. Trying to do two attention-demanding tasks simultaneously usually results in poorer performance on both tasks.
Inferring Destinations From Partial Trajectoriesmstjsw
The document outlines an algorithm to predict a driver's destination as a trip progresses based on GPS data from 169 drivers over 2 weeks. It describes developing a probabilistic grid map of the region divided into 1600 cells and calculating prior probabilities for each cell based on land use and the driver's past destinations. It then computes efficient driving likelihoods and infers posterior probabilities over destinations using Bayes' rule, incorporating factors like trip time distributions. The algorithm is tested in closed-world, open-world, and complete data modes and results show destination prediction can help detect route deviations.
The document summarizes a student's media production project creating an opening scene for a film. It discusses how techniques like sound, editing, and camera work were used to create tension. The intended audience is described as 15-20 year olds, with the goal of attracting both male and female viewers through elements of action and romance. The student learned how to use editing software and the importance of teamwork during the production process. Feedback on the opening scene suggested it effectively set the scene for a thriller and hinted at action to come through its fast pace and atmospheric music.
The document summarizes a student's media production project creating an opening scene for a film. It discusses how techniques like sound, editing, and camera work were used to create tension. The intended audience is described as 15-20 year olds based on research. Universal is proposed as a potential distributor given their experience with similar genres. The student learned about editing software and the importance of teamwork through completing the project.
Philippa Heath was the producer while Katie-marie Parr was the director and Liam Gettings handled camera work. Katie-marie's role as director included making the script, storyboards and organizing filming. She believes she fulfilled her directing role as best as possible and worked well with the group, also helping with filming and overseeing the final cut of the piece.
Philippa Heath was the producer while Katie-marie Parr was the director and Liam Gettings handled camera work. Katie-marie's role as director included making the script, storyboards and organizing filming. She believes she fulfilled her directing role as best as possible and worked well with the group, also helping with filming and overseeing the final cut.
The document outlines a 6-week calendar for a film project. Week 1 involves creating preliminary ideas and scripts. Week 2 focuses on choosing actors, locations, and securing filming sites. Week 3 is for filming and initial editing. Week 4 is for editing footage. Week 5 adds music and voiceovers. Week 6 involves final review and polishing of all elements.
This document provides a review of integer operations including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It gives the rules for determining the sign of the answer when combining integers with the same or different signs. Examples are worked out step-by-step of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers. The document is to be completed as an assignment by a student for practice with integer operations.
This document contains summaries of multiple news articles. It discusses Myanmar's tallest man, Mr. Win Zaw Oo, who is still growing due to a brain tumor. It also discusses efforts to reduce plastic bag usage in Singapore and the important role that trees play in moderating the climate and adding beauty. Additionally, it addresses the harms of corruption, defining it as dishonest or illegal behavior by government officials or people in power, often to get money, favors, or gain power.
Este documento describe los diferentes tipos de variables y medidas de localizaci¨®n y dispersi¨®n utilizadas en estad¨ªstica. Explica que las variables pueden ser cualitativas o cuantitativas, y que las medidas de localizaci¨®n como la media, mediana y moda dividen una distribuci¨®n en partes iguales, mientras que las medidas de dispersi¨®n como el rango y la desviaci¨®n est¨¢ndar indican qu¨¦ tan dispersos est¨¢n los valores. Tambi¨¦n proporciona f¨®rmulas para calcular estas medidas para datos agrupados y muestras.
The cast list includes four roles - Alex played by Martin Slater, Father played by Hudded Killer, Killer played by Ethan Gornall, and Girlfriend played by Amy Barton.
This document is a resume for Itay KapItulnIK, a graphic designer with over 15 years of experience in graphic design, layout, and web design. It summarizes his professional skills, work experience including roles at Your Music Magazine and FreshORGANIC, and education including a degree in Cultural Anthropology from UC Santa Cruz. Examples of his design work are also included showing posters, magazine covers, logos, and print advertising he has created for music festivals, magazines, and advocacy campaigns.
Pablo described his daily routine, which included waking up at 7:30 AM, taking a shower, eating breakfast and going to school at 8:15 AM. After school he would go home, have lunch, do his homework studying various subjects, play computer games and watch TV in the evening, and end his day with dinner before going to bed.
This document analyzes investment opportunities in Kroger, Coca-Cola, and Wet Seal. For Kroger, the author is interested due to its consistent growth and stock price near all-time highs, suggesting potential for quick returns. Coca-Cola offers dividends and steady growth excluding 2008. The author sees potential in Wet Seal given its extensive US presence but room for overseas expansion, hoping recent restructuring leads to domestic and international gains.
The document discusses factors that can affect the applicability of clinical trial results, such as trials with high exclusion rates pre-randomization, use of composite endpoints, and differences in study populations compared to general populations. It notes that grading strength of evidence and assessing applicability should be done separately, as studies may show superiority of an intervention but it may not be effective in actual practice. When assessing applicability, the initial step involves evaluating columns 1 through 5 of an evidence table, which relate to the PICOS (population, intervention, comparators, outcomes, setting) of each trial.
This document defines and provides examples of integers. It explains that integers are whole numbers that can be positive or negative. Negative integers are closer to zero and have a minus sign. Positive integers are the whole numbers we typically work with. The document uses number lines to illustrate integers and provides examples of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing integers by following specific rules, such as two negatives multiplying to a positive.
Este documento proporciona informaci¨®n sobre un viaje de trabajo a Bruselas, B¨¦lgica. Incluye detalles sobre el hotel Thorn Brusells City Center 4*, como sus habitaciones equipadas y servicios como gimnasio y sauna. Tambi¨¦n incluye un itinerario detallado, informaci¨®n sobre actividades y lugares para visitar en Bruselas, un men¨² de restaurante, y un presupuesto de gastos que incluye el hotel, alquiler de coche, entradas y cenas.
El documento describe cuatro embalses ubicados en las provincias de Sevilla y Huelva, incluyendo sus capacidades. Explica que el agua de los embalses no es apta para el consumo directo debido a las bacterias, por lo que es purificada diariamente en plantas potabilizadoras usando procesos qu¨ªmicos, f¨ªsicos y biol¨®gicos. Tambi¨¦n analiza los consumos de agua de cinco personas y si son consumidores responsables, concluyendo que el agua es un recurso limitado cuya distribuci¨®n no es
The brain has limited capacity for multi-tasking. While it can switch between tasks rapidly, it can only focus deeply on one task at a time. Trying to do two attention-demanding tasks simultaneously usually results in poorer performance on both tasks.
Inferring Destinations From Partial Trajectoriesmstjsw
The document outlines an algorithm to predict a driver's destination as a trip progresses based on GPS data from 169 drivers over 2 weeks. It describes developing a probabilistic grid map of the region divided into 1600 cells and calculating prior probabilities for each cell based on land use and the driver's past destinations. It then computes efficient driving likelihoods and infers posterior probabilities over destinations using Bayes' rule, incorporating factors like trip time distributions. The algorithm is tested in closed-world, open-world, and complete data modes and results show destination prediction can help detect route deviations.
The document summarizes a student's media production project creating an opening scene for a film. It discusses how techniques like sound, editing, and camera work were used to create tension. The intended audience is described as 15-20 year olds, with the goal of attracting both male and female viewers through elements of action and romance. The student learned how to use editing software and the importance of teamwork during the production process. Feedback on the opening scene suggested it effectively set the scene for a thriller and hinted at action to come through its fast pace and atmospheric music.
The document summarizes a student's media production project creating an opening scene for a film. It discusses how techniques like sound, editing, and camera work were used to create tension. The intended audience is described as 15-20 year olds based on research. Universal is proposed as a potential distributor given their experience with similar genres. The student learned about editing software and the importance of teamwork through completing the project.
Philippa Heath was the producer while Katie-marie Parr was the director and Liam Gettings handled camera work. Katie-marie's role as director included making the script, storyboards and organizing filming. She believes she fulfilled her directing role as best as possible and worked well with the group, also helping with filming and overseeing the final cut of the piece.
Philippa Heath was the producer while Katie-marie Parr was the director and Liam Gettings handled camera work. Katie-marie's role as director included making the script, storyboards and organizing filming. She believes she fulfilled her directing role as best as possible and worked well with the group, also helping with filming and overseeing the final cut.
The document outlines a 6-week calendar for a film project. Week 1 involves creating preliminary ideas and scripts. Week 2 focuses on choosing actors, locations, and securing filming sites. Week 3 is for filming and initial editing. Week 4 is for editing footage. Week 5 adds music and voiceovers. Week 6 involves final review and polishing of all elements.
The document outlines a 6-week calendar for a film project. Week 1 involves creating preliminary ideas and scripts. Week 2 focuses on choosing actors, locations, and securing filming sites. Week 3 is for filming and initial editing. Week 4 is for editing footage. Week 5 adds music and voiceovers. Week 6 involves final review and polishing of all elements.
The document provides a cast list for a production including the characters Alex played by Martin Slater, Father played by Paul Bennett, Hudded Killer played by Ethan Gornall, and Girlfriend played by Amy Barton.
The document provides a cast list for a production including the characters Alex played by Martin Slater, Father played by Paul Bennett, Hudded Killer played by Ethan Gornall, and Girlfriend played by Amy Barton.
The document outlines a 5-week calendar for a film project. Week 1 involves creating preliminary ideas and scripts. Week 2 focuses on choosing actors, locations, and securing filming sites. Week 3 is for filming and initial editing. Week 4 is for editing footage. Week 5 imports music and voiceovers. The final week reviews all work to ensure high quality.
The document provides a costume list for a film production that includes outfits for the teacher, student, dad, and killer characters. It specifies that the student and teacher will wear casual clothes for preliminary scenes, while specific outfits of jeans, tops, and cardigans are listed for characters Alex, Molly, and Dad in cemetery and house scenes. Props of a tripod, fake blood, phone, book, and flowers are also included for scenes at a house and cemetery.
The document outlines a 5-week calendar for a film project. Week 1 involves creating preliminary ideas and scripts. Week 2 focuses on choosing actors, locations, and securing filming sites. Week 3 is for filming and initial editing. Week 4 is for editing footage. Week 5 imports music and voiceovers. The final week reviews all work to ensure high quality.
My role was as the director, making the script, storyboards and organizing filming. I believe I fulfilled this role as best I could and worked well with the group, also helping with filming and overseeing the final cut.
This document asks a series of questions about audience preferences for action film openings, including genre preferences, viewing format, age/gender, desired elements like colors, music, stunts, locations, and settings for the opening scene.
The film The Krays is based on the lives of British gangsters Ronald and Reginald Kray, known as the Kray twins. The opening scene is set in an old-fashioned house in the 1960s-1970s and shows a woman giving birth while attended by a midwife dressed in white and black. Camera techniques like close-ups, tracks, and high angles are used to draw attention to a flying bird and the vulnerable screaming woman during the birth. Non-diegetic gloomy music plays throughout, except for the sounds of the woman's screams during labor and talking in the background.
A group of football hooligans meet in an underground train station, dressed casually but looking working class. They are lit dimly by the station lights as their leader speaks to the group. The camera films them from eye level and tracks their movements up the stairs. Edits cut from traffic outside to the more enclosed station, then jump to a man being intimidated by a boy kicking a can, building tension through sound effects of trains and the men's cheering.
The film The Krays is based on the lives of British gangsters Ronald and Reginald Kray, known as the Kray twins. The opening scene is set in an old-fashioned house in the 1960s-1970s and shows a woman giving birth while attended by a midwife dressed in white and black. Camera techniques like close-ups, tracks, and high angles are used to draw attention to a flying bird and the vulnerable screaming woman during the birth. Non-diegetic gloomy music plays throughout, except for the sounds of the woman's screams during labor and talking in the background.
A group of football hooligans meet in an underground train station, dressed casually but looking working class. They are waiting for their leader's instructions in the dimly lit station, as the camera focuses closely on his face. When cuts between the traffic above and the hidden station build tension, sound effects of trains and the men's cheering enhance the looming threat of violence.
Alex visits his father's grave on the anniversary of his death with his girlfriend Molly. Alex reflects on finding his father's killer and being willing to go down for revenge. The scene then flashes back to a year earlier, where Alex's father calls him to open the door but is shot dead on the doorstep moments later. Alex finds his father and breaks down in grief as Molly calls for an ambulance.