This document asks a series of questions about audience preferences for action film openings, including genre preferences, viewing format, age/gender, desired elements like colors, music, stunts, locations, and settings for the opening scene.
This questionnaire asks respondents about their film preferences, including genre, time period, pacing, and whether they prefer films set during the day, evening or night. It also inquires if background music would disturb the viewer during a film.
The interviewee prefers psychological thriller films because they enjoy films like "The Devil's Advocate" that make them think deeply about life's choices. They dislike horror films due to scary scenes causing nightmares. While TV ads grab their interest for thrillers, they would not watch without something interesting like famous actors. They expect good to triumph over evil in thrillers and enjoy films with an intricate deceitful plan that is brought down by a small flaw.
The document discusses preferences for older versus modern horror films. For question 1, the respondent indicates they either like or don't mind horror films. For question 2, they either prefer modern films for their special effects or older films for seeming better and less predictable. For question 3, they enjoyed recently watching Annabelle, Unfriended, or Scream. For the final question, they either like modern films for their special effects and scariness or dislike them for focusing too much on gore and killers rather than story and characters.
This questionnaire asks respondents about their movie preferences by having them list their favorite and least favorite movie, actor/actress, and genre as well as whether they prefer watching movies at home or in theaters and naming the best and worst movies and genres they've seen.
This person has watched movies like Rogue One, Civil War, and Trainspotting. They typically watch films alone but sometimes with family or friends using their computer, at the cinema, or on streaming services. They decide what to watch based on word-of-mouth recommendations and try to avoid trailers to prevent spoilers, finding out about new releases through social media or conversations.
This document contains a series of questions about movies, including favorite movies, genres liked and disliked, whether movies are usually watched at home or in theaters, how often movies are watched and rented, preferences between seeing a movie adaptation before or after reading the book, opinions on people who talk during movies, best/scariest/funniest/most romantic movies seen, and the worst movie seen. It asks for specifics like actors, directors, and who the last movie was seen with.
The document discusses watching black and white films and silent films. It asks a series of yes or no questions about whether the respondent has seen films like Schindler's List and Titanic, what they liked or disliked about them, and whether they would be interested in watching silent films. The questions are part of an anonymous questionnaire.
Cross-examination is an important legal art form used to impeach witnesses and elicit favorable testimony. An effective cross-examination uses leading questions that point out discrepancies in earlier testimony, has a clear plan and backup plan, and works within the rules of evidence and procedure instead of badgering or harassing witnesses.
The document discusses opinions on black and white films and silent films. It asks a series of questions about whether the respondent has seen films like Schindler's List and Titanic, what they liked or disliked about them, and whether they would be interested in seeing black and white or silent films. The respondent answers "no" to having seen most films and expresses little interest in black and white or silent films.
On a typical Saturday, the person would stay home and do homework, not going anywhere. They have never been to the cinema but have been to the theater a few times. They prefer being entertained by the radio rather than cinemas or galleries. For a guide about local media scenes, they would prefer the format to be a film. Their preferred entertainment is watching musical performances, and they enjoy funky house, reggae, hip hop, and R&B music genres. Stratford is a local area to them.
This form asks respondents about their age, whether they watch horror movies, their favorite horror movie genre, why killers kill in movies, whether they prefer jumpy or gory movies, and what they want most from a horror film to make it good. It collects information through multiple choice questions about viewers' preferences related to horror movies and genres.
Person A invites Person B to see a movie with them. Person B asks what movie and time they are seeing it. Person A provides the movie title and time. Person B agrees to meet them at the theater. They discuss details like where to meet and what time.
This document discusses the target audience for a media product that would likely receive a 15 age rating certificate. The target audience is 15-26 years old, which matches the rating. The film may contain strong violence, frequent strong language, portrayals of sexual activity, brief scenes of sexual violence, and discriminatory language or behavior. While these elements are not shown in the opening, they could appear later in the film.
Mark Glatt continues his story of Dwight Scott confronting his childhood bully Marque. After an epic fight where Dwight gains the upper hand, Marque threatens Dwight with an axe. Dwight escapes up the gym stairs but the fall knocks him out. When he awakens, Dwight finds a gun on the floor and uses it to shoot Marque, declaring their differences are that Dwight will never be as bad as Marque. The police then arrive at the gym and Dwight apologizes for his past treatment of others before losing consciousness, setting up the finale in the next issue.
The document discusses verb tenses and structures used to talk about likes, preferences, and suggestions. It notes that the gerund (verb + ing) is used to talk about general likes and enjoys, while like and love can also use the infinitive. For specific wishes, would like to or would prefer to are used. Suggestions are made using why don't we or let's plus the infinitive verb. Responses can accept or reject suggestions by saying things like that's fine or I'd rather not.
This document discusses verb tenses and structures used to talk about likes, preferences, and suggestions. It explains that the gerund (verb + ing) is used to talk about general likes and enjoys, while like and love can also use the infinitive. For specific wishes, would like to or would prefer to are used. Suggestions are made using why don't we or let's plus the infinitive verb. Responses can accept or reject suggestions.
This document contains a series of short dialogues followed by multiple choice grammar questions. The dialogues cover topics such as making weekend plans, arranging accommodation, inviting others to go out to eat, and notifying technicians about a faulty TV. Each question tests the correct use of future tense verbs like "will", "be going to", and "am/are/is going to" in the given sentence from the dialogue.
This document contains questions asked in a quantitative audience research survey about media consumption habits. It asks about age and gender, movie watching frequency and favorite genre, where trailers were last seen and their importance, social media usage, and preferences for teaser versus theatrical trailers.
The document discusses the results of a survey conducted for a zombie film project. The survey asked audience members about their preferences for zombie films like favorite movies, music, settings, characters and themes. Based on the responses, the filmmakers decided to set their zombie film in a dark and creepy school setting with scary music and tension, similar to Dawn of the Dead. They will include a few humans and one zombie character and only hint at death in the opening without revealing the full plot.
1) The document is a questionnaire about thriller films, asking questions about preferences for originals vs. remakes, favorite thriller films, and whether thrillers have become too predictable.
2) Respondents generally expressed a preference for remakes over originals due to outdated effects, and interest in thrillers for their unpredictable storylines and ability to keep viewers engaged throughout.
3) One respondent felt some thrillers had become too predictable by giving away the outcome too quickly, and suggested occasionally not setting up the possibility for a sequel.
This document provides examples of common phrases used to invite someone to do something or ask for information about an event, and phrases used to accept or decline an invitation. Some inviting phrases include "Are you free on Monday?" and "There is a play at Opera." Accepting includes "I'd love to go" and "I'm a fan." Declining involves saying "I'd love to go, but I will go to the doctor's," "Maybe some other time," or "That's not for me."
This document contains a 15 question questionnaire about movies and film preferences. It asks respondents for their gender, age, favorite genres and sub-genres, thoughts on specific thrillers and what they like about the genre. It also asks questions about a specific film called "The Purge" including thoughts after viewing an intro, what age rating the respondent would give it, if they think the rating is accurate, if they would watch the sequel, and if various factors like the studio, actors, or discounts would influence their decision to see a movie.
The focus group presentation asked participants questions about their favorite slasher films, how often they go to movie theaters, and had them watch a trailer for a new slasher film. Participants were asked what caught their attention in the trailer and what elements they like to see in slasher films, such as weapons and how the film should end.
The song describes trying to help a friend who is going through difficulties by having an intervention-style conversation with them. It discusses the challenges of getting the person to open up when their defenses are up, and trying to convince them to make positive changes before it's too late. The singer regrets not being able to do more to help save their friend and wonders where things went wrong in their relationship.
This document contains a series of questions about horror film preferences, including questions about horror movie genres, settings, the role of music and ratings, and effective elements of horror movie trailers such as inclusion of dialogue, key moments, and pace. Respondents are asked to provide yes or no answers to questions about whether trailers should include certain elements or not.
The film The Krays is based on the lives of British gangsters Ronald and Reginald Kray, known as the Kray twins. The opening scene is set in an old-fashioned house in the 1960s-1970s and shows a woman giving birth while attended by a midwife dressed in white and black. Camera techniques like close-ups, tracks, and high angles are used to draw attention to a flying bird and the vulnerable screaming woman during the birth. Non-diegetic gloomy music plays throughout, except for the sounds of the woman's screams during labor and talking in the background.
One girl has two personalities - her living self and her dead sister who protects her. However, her dead sister awakens and kills anyone who comes into contact with the girl. The girl realizes she must stop her sister but how do you stop a dead girl? The media product uses conventions of thriller films like graphic makeup, a weak female victim, and an attacking villain. It also challenges conventions by having a female villain and filming in a familiar college bathroom setting. Overall, the opening effectively sets up tension and genre expectations for the audience.
The document discusses how production logos and titles are used at the beginning of films to entice audiences and establish the genre. Key elements that help set the genre include the names of popular producers/actors, colors used in titles, music, special effects, costumes/props of main characters, and settings. These visual and audio cues provide audiences with conventions and expectations for the type of film they are watching based on genre. Creating questions or enigma is also important to keep audiences engaged from the start and wanting to learn more.
The Kray Twins, Reggie and Ronnie Kray, were notorious British gangsters who ruled organised crime in London's East End during the 1950s and 1960s. Ronnie suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. As young men, they were involved in armed robberies, arson, and other violent crimes. In their criminal careers, they acquired clubs and properties through protection rackets, hijackings, and robberies. During the 1960s, they gained celebrity status by mingling with celebrities, but were eventually arrested in 1968 and convicted of murder, receiving life sentences. Ronnie spent his remaining years in a secure hospital due to insanity, while Reggie died in prison in 2000.
The document discusses opinions on black and white films and silent films. It asks a series of questions about whether the respondent has seen films like Schindler's List and Titanic, what they liked or disliked about them, and whether they would be interested in seeing black and white or silent films. The respondent answers "no" to having seen most films and expresses little interest in black and white or silent films.
On a typical Saturday, the person would stay home and do homework, not going anywhere. They have never been to the cinema but have been to the theater a few times. They prefer being entertained by the radio rather than cinemas or galleries. For a guide about local media scenes, they would prefer the format to be a film. Their preferred entertainment is watching musical performances, and they enjoy funky house, reggae, hip hop, and R&B music genres. Stratford is a local area to them.
This form asks respondents about their age, whether they watch horror movies, their favorite horror movie genre, why killers kill in movies, whether they prefer jumpy or gory movies, and what they want most from a horror film to make it good. It collects information through multiple choice questions about viewers' preferences related to horror movies and genres.
Person A invites Person B to see a movie with them. Person B asks what movie and time they are seeing it. Person A provides the movie title and time. Person B agrees to meet them at the theater. They discuss details like where to meet and what time.
This document discusses the target audience for a media product that would likely receive a 15 age rating certificate. The target audience is 15-26 years old, which matches the rating. The film may contain strong violence, frequent strong language, portrayals of sexual activity, brief scenes of sexual violence, and discriminatory language or behavior. While these elements are not shown in the opening, they could appear later in the film.
Mark Glatt continues his story of Dwight Scott confronting his childhood bully Marque. After an epic fight where Dwight gains the upper hand, Marque threatens Dwight with an axe. Dwight escapes up the gym stairs but the fall knocks him out. When he awakens, Dwight finds a gun on the floor and uses it to shoot Marque, declaring their differences are that Dwight will never be as bad as Marque. The police then arrive at the gym and Dwight apologizes for his past treatment of others before losing consciousness, setting up the finale in the next issue.
The document discusses verb tenses and structures used to talk about likes, preferences, and suggestions. It notes that the gerund (verb + ing) is used to talk about general likes and enjoys, while like and love can also use the infinitive. For specific wishes, would like to or would prefer to are used. Suggestions are made using why don't we or let's plus the infinitive verb. Responses can accept or reject suggestions by saying things like that's fine or I'd rather not.
This document discusses verb tenses and structures used to talk about likes, preferences, and suggestions. It explains that the gerund (verb + ing) is used to talk about general likes and enjoys, while like and love can also use the infinitive. For specific wishes, would like to or would prefer to are used. Suggestions are made using why don't we or let's plus the infinitive verb. Responses can accept or reject suggestions.
This document contains a series of short dialogues followed by multiple choice grammar questions. The dialogues cover topics such as making weekend plans, arranging accommodation, inviting others to go out to eat, and notifying technicians about a faulty TV. Each question tests the correct use of future tense verbs like "will", "be going to", and "am/are/is going to" in the given sentence from the dialogue.
This document contains questions asked in a quantitative audience research survey about media consumption habits. It asks about age and gender, movie watching frequency and favorite genre, where trailers were last seen and their importance, social media usage, and preferences for teaser versus theatrical trailers.
The document discusses the results of a survey conducted for a zombie film project. The survey asked audience members about their preferences for zombie films like favorite movies, music, settings, characters and themes. Based on the responses, the filmmakers decided to set their zombie film in a dark and creepy school setting with scary music and tension, similar to Dawn of the Dead. They will include a few humans and one zombie character and only hint at death in the opening without revealing the full plot.
1) The document is a questionnaire about thriller films, asking questions about preferences for originals vs. remakes, favorite thriller films, and whether thrillers have become too predictable.
2) Respondents generally expressed a preference for remakes over originals due to outdated effects, and interest in thrillers for their unpredictable storylines and ability to keep viewers engaged throughout.
3) One respondent felt some thrillers had become too predictable by giving away the outcome too quickly, and suggested occasionally not setting up the possibility for a sequel.
This document provides examples of common phrases used to invite someone to do something or ask for information about an event, and phrases used to accept or decline an invitation. Some inviting phrases include "Are you free on Monday?" and "There is a play at Opera." Accepting includes "I'd love to go" and "I'm a fan." Declining involves saying "I'd love to go, but I will go to the doctor's," "Maybe some other time," or "That's not for me."
This document contains a 15 question questionnaire about movies and film preferences. It asks respondents for their gender, age, favorite genres and sub-genres, thoughts on specific thrillers and what they like about the genre. It also asks questions about a specific film called "The Purge" including thoughts after viewing an intro, what age rating the respondent would give it, if they think the rating is accurate, if they would watch the sequel, and if various factors like the studio, actors, or discounts would influence their decision to see a movie.
The focus group presentation asked participants questions about their favorite slasher films, how often they go to movie theaters, and had them watch a trailer for a new slasher film. Participants were asked what caught their attention in the trailer and what elements they like to see in slasher films, such as weapons and how the film should end.
The song describes trying to help a friend who is going through difficulties by having an intervention-style conversation with them. It discusses the challenges of getting the person to open up when their defenses are up, and trying to convince them to make positive changes before it's too late. The singer regrets not being able to do more to help save their friend and wonders where things went wrong in their relationship.
This document contains a series of questions about horror film preferences, including questions about horror movie genres, settings, the role of music and ratings, and effective elements of horror movie trailers such as inclusion of dialogue, key moments, and pace. Respondents are asked to provide yes or no answers to questions about whether trailers should include certain elements or not.
The film The Krays is based on the lives of British gangsters Ronald and Reginald Kray, known as the Kray twins. The opening scene is set in an old-fashioned house in the 1960s-1970s and shows a woman giving birth while attended by a midwife dressed in white and black. Camera techniques like close-ups, tracks, and high angles are used to draw attention to a flying bird and the vulnerable screaming woman during the birth. Non-diegetic gloomy music plays throughout, except for the sounds of the woman's screams during labor and talking in the background.
One girl has two personalities - her living self and her dead sister who protects her. However, her dead sister awakens and kills anyone who comes into contact with the girl. The girl realizes she must stop her sister but how do you stop a dead girl? The media product uses conventions of thriller films like graphic makeup, a weak female victim, and an attacking villain. It also challenges conventions by having a female villain and filming in a familiar college bathroom setting. Overall, the opening effectively sets up tension and genre expectations for the audience.
The document discusses how production logos and titles are used at the beginning of films to entice audiences and establish the genre. Key elements that help set the genre include the names of popular producers/actors, colors used in titles, music, special effects, costumes/props of main characters, and settings. These visual and audio cues provide audiences with conventions and expectations for the type of film they are watching based on genre. Creating questions or enigma is also important to keep audiences engaged from the start and wanting to learn more.
The Kray Twins, Reggie and Ronnie Kray, were notorious British gangsters who ruled organised crime in London's East End during the 1950s and 1960s. Ronnie suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. As young men, they were involved in armed robberies, arson, and other violent crimes. In their criminal careers, they acquired clubs and properties through protection rackets, hijackings, and robberies. During the 1960s, they gained celebrity status by mingling with celebrities, but were eventually arrested in 1968 and convicted of murder, receiving life sentences. Ronnie spent his remaining years in a secure hospital due to insanity, while Reggie died in prison in 2000.
El documento describe los servicios de consultor¨ªa de TIC Consulting Services para ayudar a las compa?¨ªas de telecomunicaciones a adoptar una arquitectura de servicios orientados a objetos (SOA). Ofrece servicios de consultor¨ªa, auditor¨ªa, implementaci¨®n de SOA, y formaci¨®n para integrar los procesos y sistemas de IT y telecomunicaciones mediante est¨¢ndares SOA. Su objetivo es mejorar la eficiencia, comunicaci¨®n y distribuci¨®n de la informaci¨®n para los clientes.
Este documento presenta el Pacto por M¨¦xico, un acuerdo entre los principales partidos pol¨ªticos para impulsar reformas que fortalezcan al estado mexicano, profundicen la democracia y ampl¨ªen los derechos sociales. El pacto incluye cinco acuerdos clave: 1) crear un sistema de seguridad social universal, combatir la pobreza y mejorar la educaci¨®n; 2) fomentar el crecimiento econ¨®mico; 3) aumentar la seguridad y justicia; 4) promover la transparencia y combatir la corrup
Fuzzy logic is a form of logic that accounts for partial truth and intermediate values between true and false. It is used to model uncertainty, where membership in a set can range from 0 to 1 rather than being binary. Fuzzy logic allows variables to have a truth value that ranges between 0 and 1. It is used in fuzzy expert systems to represent rules with uncertain or vague linguistic variables.
Roadmap - Vehicle tracking and fleet intelligence news - June 2014Frotcom
This document summarizes a newsletter from Frotcom, a vehicle tracking company. It discusses:
1. Frotcom expanding to Peru through a new partnership with Boreas Soluciones.
2. Frotcom Colombia participating in a major transport exhibition in Colombia and Frotcom in Kenya being certified by the country's transport authority.
3. Frotcom holding its annual meeting in Milan, Italy where partners shared experiences and ideas to guide the future of the company.
This document discusses how data elements are represented in a database management system (DBMS). It explains that attributes are represented by fields, fields are grouped into fixed-length records that correspond to tuples, and records are stored in physical blocks on disk. It also discusses some challenges around representing different data types as fields, building fixed-length records, and packing records efficiently into blocks. The goal is to understand the basic building blocks of how data is organized and referenced in secondary storage to support efficient querying and updating of database relations.
Influencia de internet en nuestros cerebrosandersonestor
El documento discute c¨®mo el uso de Internet puede estar alterando la estructura del cerebro humano. Un autor argumenta que la "cacofon¨ªa de est¨ªmulos" en Internet ha hecho que las personas sean m¨¢s proclives a la lectura superficial y el pensamiento distra¨ªdo en lugar de ser contemplativos. Un estudio encontr¨® que despu¨¦s de solo 5 horas navegando en Internet, el cerebro de los novatos digitales mostraba los mismos patrones neuronales que los usuarios avanzados. Sin embargo, otros argumentan que el "recableo" neuronal ocurre naturalmente con el apre
El documento presenta informaci¨®n sobre tendencias mundiales en alimentos, certificaciones y ferias internacionales. Discute las oportunidades que existen en mercados como Estados Unidos y Europa a pesar de las crisis econ¨®micas recientes. Tambi¨¦n describe tendencias como consumidores mejor informados, alimentos funcionales, y una mayor demanda de alimentos libres de gluten o lactosa. Finalmente, explica conceptos como producci¨®n org¨¢nica, comercio justo, alimentos ¨¦tnicos y nost¨¢lgicos.
"The Tip of the Spear: Honors Education at the University of Houston"kdmyrick
The Honors College at the University of Houston has played an important role in advancing the university over time. It has gone through many changes and iterations over the decades as the university and needs have evolved. Currently, the Honors College is a point of pride and seen as a model program, but it took many years and attempts to develop the necessary structure, resources, and leadership to allow it to significantly contribute to the university's advancement. The development of honors education at UH has often paralleled changes happening across the university as a whole.
Confer¨ºncia ?Os n¨ªveis de ac??o e sustentabilidade? . Societat Org¨¤nica de Ba...EXPONOR
O documento discute a arquitetura vern¨¢cula no norte de Portugal e como ela incorpora estrat¨¦gias sustent¨¢veis. Ele descreve as caracter¨ªsticas clim¨¢ticas da regi?o, exemplos de como a arquitetura tradicional responde ao clima atrav¨¦s da forma, orienta??o e materiais, e como esses conceitos podem ser aplicados ¨¤ arquitetura moderna.
The document discusses the discriminant of a quadratic equation and what it reveals about the nature of the roots. The discriminant, ¦¤, is calculated as b2 - 4ac. If ¦¤ > 0, there are two distinct real roots. If ¦¤ = 0, there are two equal real roots. If ¦¤ < 0, there are no real roots. Several examples of finding the discriminant of equations and describing the roots are shown. The values of k that would result in equal or non-real roots for particular equations are also determined. Finally, the value of a for which the line y = ax is tangent to a given circle is found by setting the discriminant of the equation equal to 0.
Como vender por Internet - Presentaci¨®n d¨ªa del emprendedor 2011Pau Ferri
El documento presenta las estrategias clave para tener ¨¦xito en el comercio electr¨®nico, incluyendo enfocarse en la demanda del cliente, crear un plan de marketing online con objetivos claros, y medir constantemente los resultados a trav¨¦s de indicadores internos y externos para optimizar el negocio.
This document provides an overview of artificial intelligence. It covers major topics in AI including problems, techniques, games, theorem proving, natural language processing, vision and speech processing, expert systems, search, abstraction, problem space and search, knowledge representation, representing facts in logic, rule-based systems, semantic networks, frames, learning, and expert systems. The document contains 8 units that describe these fundamental aspects of AI.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones en 11 pasos para iniciar un negocio en internet, incluyendo comprar un dominio, dise?ar una p¨¢gina web, obtener hosting, optimizar la p¨¢gina para motores de b¨²squeda a trav¨¦s de palabras clave relevantes y contenido de calidad, y utilizar e-mail marketing y enlaces rec¨ªprocos para promover el negocio.
The document summarizes a student's media production project creating an opening scene for a film. It discusses how techniques like sound, editing, and camera work were used to create tension. The intended audience is described as 15-20 year olds, with the goal of attracting both male and female viewers through elements of action and romance. The student learned how to use editing software and the importance of teamwork during the production process. Feedback on the opening scene suggested it effectively set the scene for a thriller and hinted at action to come through its fast pace and atmospheric music.
The document summarizes a student's media production project creating an opening scene for a film. It discusses how techniques like sound, editing, and camera work were used to create tension. The intended audience is described as 15-20 year olds based on research. Universal is proposed as a potential distributor given their experience with similar genres. The student learned about editing software and the importance of teamwork through completing the project.
Philippa Heath was the producer while Katie-marie Parr was the director and Liam Gettings handled camera work. Katie-marie's role as director included making the script, storyboards and organizing filming. She believes she fulfilled her directing role as best as possible and worked well with the group, also helping with filming and overseeing the final cut of the piece.
Philippa Heath was the producer while Katie-marie Parr was the director and Liam Gettings handled camera work. Katie-marie's role as director included making the script, storyboards and organizing filming. She believes she fulfilled her directing role as best as possible and worked well with the group, also helping with filming and overseeing the final cut.
The document outlines a 6-week calendar for a film project. Week 1 involves creating preliminary ideas and scripts. Week 2 focuses on choosing actors, locations, and securing filming sites. Week 3 is for filming and initial editing. Week 4 is for editing footage. Week 5 adds music and voiceovers. Week 6 involves final review and polishing of all elements.
The document outlines a 6-week calendar for a film project. Week 1 involves creating preliminary ideas and scripts. Week 2 focuses on choosing actors, locations, and securing filming sites. Week 3 is for filming and initial editing. Week 4 is for editing footage. Week 5 adds music and voiceovers. Week 6 involves final review and polishing of all elements.
The document provides a cast list for a production including the characters Alex played by Martin Slater, Father played by Paul Bennett, Hudded Killer played by Ethan Gornall, and Girlfriend played by Amy Barton.
The document provides a cast list for a production including the characters Alex played by Martin Slater, Father played by Paul Bennett, Hudded Killer played by Ethan Gornall, and Girlfriend played by Amy Barton.
The document outlines a 5-week calendar for a film project. Week 1 involves creating preliminary ideas and scripts. Week 2 focuses on choosing actors, locations, and securing filming sites. Week 3 is for filming and initial editing. Week 4 is for editing footage. Week 5 imports music and voiceovers. The final week reviews all work to ensure high quality.
The document provides a costume list for a film production that includes outfits for the teacher, student, dad, and killer characters. It specifies that the student and teacher will wear casual clothes for preliminary scenes, while specific outfits of jeans, tops, and cardigans are listed for characters Alex, Molly, and Dad in cemetery and house scenes. Props of a tripod, fake blood, phone, book, and flowers are also included for scenes at a house and cemetery.
The document outlines a 5-week calendar for a film project. Week 1 involves creating preliminary ideas and scripts. Week 2 focuses on choosing actors, locations, and securing filming sites. Week 3 is for filming and initial editing. Week 4 is for editing footage. Week 5 imports music and voiceovers. The final week reviews all work to ensure high quality.
My role was as the director, making the script, storyboards and organizing filming. I believe I fulfilled this role as best I could and worked well with the group, also helping with filming and overseeing the final cut.
The cast list includes four roles - Alex played by Martin Slater, Father played by Hudded Killer, Killer played by Ethan Gornall, and Girlfriend played by Amy Barton.
The film The Krays is based on the lives of British gangsters Ronald and Reginald Kray, known as the Kray twins. The opening scene is set in an old-fashioned house in the 1960s-1970s and shows a woman giving birth while attended by a midwife dressed in white and black. Camera techniques like close-ups, tracks, and high angles are used to draw attention to a flying bird and the vulnerable screaming woman during the birth. Non-diegetic gloomy music plays throughout, except for the sounds of the woman's screams during labor and talking in the background.
A group of football hooligans meet in an underground train station, dressed casually but looking working class. They are lit dimly by the station lights as their leader speaks to the group. The camera films them from eye level and tracks their movements up the stairs. Edits cut from traffic outside to the more enclosed station, then jump to a man being intimidated by a boy kicking a can, building tension through sound effects of trains and the men's cheering.
A group of football hooligans meet in an underground train station, dressed casually but looking working class. They are waiting for their leader's instructions in the dimly lit station, as the camera focuses closely on his face. When cuts between the traffic above and the hidden station build tension, sound effects of trains and the men's cheering enhance the looming threat of violence.
Alex visits his father's grave on the anniversary of his death with his girlfriend Molly. Alex reflects on finding his father's killer and being willing to go down for revenge. The scene then flashes back to a year earlier, where Alex's father calls him to open the door but is shot dead on the doorstep moments later. Alex finds his father and breaks down in grief as Molly calls for an ambulance.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo ºÝºÝߣsCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, we¡¯ll discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo ºÝºÝߣsCeline George
In this slide, we¡¯ll discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAK
These questions are based on cbse booklet for 10th class information technology subject code 402. these questions are sufficient for exam for first lesion. This subject give benefit to students and good marks. if any student weak in one main subject it can replace with these marks.
SOCIAL CHANGE(a change in the institutional and normative structure of societ...DrNidhiAgarwal
This PPT is showing the effect of social changes in human life and it is very understandable to the students with easy this contents are Itroduction, definition,Factors affecting social changes ,Main technological factors, Social change and stress , what is eustress and how social changes give impact of the human's life.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spots¡ªsystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AI¡ªthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
1. What genre film do you prefer?<br />As an audience member, how would you prefer to view your film?<br />How old are you?<br />Are you male or female?<br />What do you like to see in an opening of an action film?<br />What colours in an opening scene do you prefer?<br />What opening music to you prefer?<br />Do you like seeing stunts in an opening scene?<br />Which opening place would you like an opening to take place?<br />What kind of area would you like to see an opening scene?<br />