Jacob took the StrengthsQuest assessment and learned his top strengths are responsibility, positivity, achiever, learner, and woo. He agreed with parts of positivity and achiever that fit his personality of being optimistic and driven to accomplish tasks. However, he disagreed with aspects of learner because he only enjoys learning about subjects that interest him, and woo because he is hesitant around strangers. In school, he struggles with responsibility by procrastinating but ensures he learns material. His strengths help his relationships by being reliable and cheering others up, though positivity could be seen as nosiness. He takes charge in groups for class and prioritizes attendance and work completion with responsibility and being an achiever. Overall,
This document discusses the author's top 5 strengths as identified by a StrengthsQuest survey: Restorative, Achiever, Competitor, Harmony, and Individualization. The author analyzes how each strength fits their personality and experiences. They describe using their strengths to lead their soccer team to victory, resolve arguments among friends, and succeed academically with a goal of becoming a doctor. Their strengths both help them in leadership roles but also sometimes cause challenges in group work and making new friends due to their competitive nature.
Luke took a StrengthsQuest assessment that accurately identified his top five strengths as adaptability, harmony, restorative, positivity, and achiever. He agreed with most of the strengths identified, though found restorative less accurate. Luke feels strongest helping others with personal issues and staying positive. His harmony and achiever strengths can conflict when he tries to push others competitively. His restorative nature can get him into trouble, but his adaptability helps. Luke's strengths both help and hinder him academically, and his positivity versus his sister's negativity challenges their relationship. After taking the assessment, Luke better understands his personality traits.
Ellie Schafer took the StrengthsQuest assessment and discovered her top five strengths are Communication, Includer, Woo, Belief, and Connectedness. These strengths describe her personality well and are also very similar to her mother's strengths. Ellie discusses how her strengths help and sometimes hurt her relationships with others as well as her academic performance. She realizes her strengths of talking, socializing, and including others can negatively impact her schoolwork if not managed properly. Ellie hopes to continue using her strengths in positive ways and recognizing how each one influences her life.
The document discusses the results of the author's Strengthsquest assessment. The author discovered several strengths that provide insight into their personality, including belief, ideation, and strategic. Belief best describes the author's strong commitment to their moral and religious views despite criticism. Ideation reflects the author's tendency to come up with new ideas and solutions. Strategic shows how the author considers multiple options to solve problems. The author finds these strengths help them academically and in relationships, though belief can also cause conflicts with others who disagree. Overall, completing Strengthsquest helped the author gain a better understanding of their strengths and increased self-confidence.
Sang Nguyen's top five strengths according to their Strengths Quest report are restorative, relator, responsibility, competition, and significance. They agreed that these strengths accurately represent them overall but had some disagreements with parts of the descriptions. They believe they are responsible and competitive but managers said they tend to complain more than solve problems. They enjoyed applying their strengths at their job and in relationships but struggled to use them effectively as manager of their high school store. While their strengths help them succeed, they can also be weaknesses when taken to an extreme, like forcing a friend into unnecessary competition. Going forward, they aim to better utilize their strengths and improve areas of weakness.
The document discusses the author's results from their StrengthsQuest assessment. It describes how their top strengths of communication, woo, command, competition, and includer align with their personality and experiences. The author reflects on how their strengths are assets in situations like school projects, sports, and socializing with friends but can be disadvantages with family due to arguments. They found doing a group project where members had different strengths from their own to be an interesting experience. Overall, the StrengthsQuest assessment accurately captured the author's natural talents and drive to succeed.
Rose Barraza values her family greatly because they have always supported her and encouraged her to complete her education. She also highly values education and knowledge, having struggled through community college but applying to a four-year university. Additional values she discusses include happiness, ambition, independence, responsibility, honesty, love, and learning to make important decisions through reflecting on different perspectives. The document is a slideshow where she explains several values that are important to her and how they influence her decisions and life.
Faith, family, and friends are the most important things in the author's life. The author discusses overcoming challenges to get accepted to college, including taking an AP biology class and getting their first C grade, but not being accepted to their first choice school, the University of Georgia. The author found themselves attending Georgia College at the last minute. The author hopes to get involved on campus through their sorority and other organizations, and find a church. The author believes challenges will help them grow and prepare for the future.
This document discusses several topics related to relationships and well-being. It provides advice on maintaining healthy behaviors, saying no when needed, and being consistent in making positive changes. It also discusses whether one person can fulfill all needs in a relationship, noting there is a balance between emotional and physical fulfillment, and that attraction to others is natural but acting on it is a choice. The document explores what can reasonably be expected of a partner and questions the idea of being with just one person forever.
For this assignment, I described some key events that have happened in my life to make me the person I am today. I took some development theories and applied the stages described in the theory to my own life.
1) The document is a series of journal entries by a student named Tan You Liang discussing various topics in social psychology, including social influences, self-efficacy, counterfactual thinking, self-fulfilling prophecy, and observational learning.
2) In the first entry, Tan describes how he was influenced by his friends in high school to engage in problematic behavior but then changed his ways after meeting new friends in university.
3) The second entry discusses how Tan's self-efficacy and belief in himself improved after joining the basketball team and receiving encouragement from his teammates.
This document demonstrates my ability to work with a client and ask them purposeful questions about the situation they are discussing with me. This assignment shows my effectiveness in using the appropriate counseling skills when working with a client.
1) The document is a submission by Le Jia Ling for their Social Psychology course. It discusses several concepts: social facilitation, motivation, confirmation bias, observational learning, and counterfactual thinking.
2) For social facilitation, Le Jia Ling describes an experience in a group project where they initially thought one group member was not contributing much, but later realized his contributions could not be easily identified since he worked alone.
3) Examples of confirmation bias and counterfactual thinking are also provided based on Le Jia Ling's personal experiences and beliefs around religion and past events.
Zach and Lacy were best friends for many years until one day in 2009 when Lacy suddenly deleted Zach from Facebook without explanation and stopped responding to his messages. The document discusses reasons why people sometimes suddenly cut off contact with friends without explanation, such as not wanting to deal with relationship issues, secretly having issues with the other person, not considering the relationship important enough, politeness, a change of heart, having other issues in their own life, or wanting more independence. It advises that when this happens, the best thing to do is let go and move on rather than chasing after the person, and to focus on surrounding yourself with people who will be there for you.
1) The document contains entries from a student's journal on social psychology topics including social influences, confirmation bias, attitudes, operant conditioning, and motivation.
2) In one entry, the student discusses experiencing confirmation bias when ignoring a sister's negative review of a trendy ice cream shop due to its appealing appearance in photos.
3) Another entry describes how the student was intrinsically motivated to improve grades in mathematics through reward-based reinforcement from a tuition teacher, after punishment from their mother proved ineffective.
Coun 533 ethical self reflection part 1MorganPalser
This document highlights what I find to be the most important qualities in a professional counselor. I describe what it is that a counselor should do professionally, so they are more effective in their overall practice.
This document contains a social psychology journal assignment submitted by a student named Chia Ly Vier. It discusses several concepts in social psychology through examples from the student's own experiences, including social loafing, social identity, self-efficacy, attribution biases, attitudes, learning theories, and balance theory. The assignment provides insight into how social psychology concepts can be applied to understand one's own behaviors and perspectives. It was submitted on April 27th, 2015 for a social psychology course at a university in Malaysia.
For this assignment, I worked with a high school student and practiced my counseling skills while conducting an interview with her. I describe the skills being used and show my knowledge of how to work with a young client.
Kathleen O'Brien reflects on questions of identity and what defines her sense of self. She believes that at her age, she is still exploring and learning from experiences to understand who she is. She sees herself as a kind, caring person who tries to put herself in others' shoes. Her job as a model in London is something that defines her identity. Close relationships with friends and family as well as impactful experiences like moving countries and balancing work with school have shaped who she is becoming. However, she is unsure how others perceive her due to being shy initially.
This document introduces Ma.Theresa Artana, a 16-year-old college student from Laguna studying information technology. She enjoys badminton, hanging out with friends, and R&B music. She lives with her aunt in Pasig City and attends Montessori Professional College Pasig Branch. Ma.Theresa discusses her goals of finishing her studies to be successful and make her parents proud. She shares memories from high school and dreams of having a simple house, kind and faithful husband, and successful business someday. Her motto is that success without applying lessons learned is still a failure.
Sloan Young reflects on how she has grown as a student and person over her four years of high school. She started out as a shy freshman who lacked confidence, but through facing challenges in her classes and relationships, she learned the important lesson to always believe in herself. Her geometry class in 10th grade was especially difficult, but she got a 94 on the final exam thanks to her determination to succeed through tutoring. A relationship in her freshman year also taught her about self-worth. By the end of high school, she has become a confident person who trusts her own decisions and will let her belief in herself guide her future success.
The document describes the author's experience with a major position shift in their life when they decided to study abroad rather than join the military as originally planned. They discuss communicating this change to others, the difficulties of adapting to a new environment and lifestyle abroad, and how the shift helped them grow by becoming more independent and learning new skills for interacting with others. In the end, the author concludes that position shifts are an inevitable part of life that can bring both challenges and benefits by helping one gain experience and a steady character.
The document describes the author's experience with a major position shift in their life when they decided to study abroad rather than join the military as originally planned. They discuss communicating this change to others, the difficulties of adapting to a new environment and lifestyle abroad, and how the shift helped them grow by becoming more independent and learning new social and language skills. Overall, the author views position shifts positively as an inevitable part of life that can bring both challenges and benefits through new experiences and personal development.
This document summarizes Heather O'Connor's experience in business school. Some of her favorite assignments included a community service project, self-assessment, and scavenger hunt. Her top journal entries focused on graduation, having a support system, and changes in self-perception. The portfolio project was her most liked module. Videos on learning styles and self-assessments were tools she plans to use in future semesters. Her self-assessment scores increased, showing growth in personal responsibility. In her letter to next year's class, she emphasizes overcoming challenges, understanding your learning style, and taking a learning frameworks course.
The author describes surviving an extremely abusive five-year relationship. She felt scared, alone, and confused, and kept going back despite the cycle of blame, abuse, and forgiveness, hoping it would change. It affected her son, job, family, and personality. After a near-death experience from the abuse, she realized she deserved a better life. She sought therapy and support from her family to reconstruct her thinking and lifestyle. Now she has control over her life, can love and be loved, and looks forward to continuing personal growth.
For this assignment, I interviewed a friend of mine who grew up in a family who does not speak English as their first language. Her parents are both immigrants from Mexico, and I was able to learn about the ways that her background is different from mine.
This document discusses several topics related to relationships and well-being. It provides advice on maintaining healthy behaviors, saying no when needed, and being consistent in making positive changes. It also discusses whether one person can fulfill all needs in a relationship, noting there is a balance between emotional and physical fulfillment, and that attraction to others is natural but acting on it is a choice. The document explores what can reasonably be expected of a partner and questions the idea of being with just one person forever.
For this assignment, I described some key events that have happened in my life to make me the person I am today. I took some development theories and applied the stages described in the theory to my own life.
1) The document is a series of journal entries by a student named Tan You Liang discussing various topics in social psychology, including social influences, self-efficacy, counterfactual thinking, self-fulfilling prophecy, and observational learning.
2) In the first entry, Tan describes how he was influenced by his friends in high school to engage in problematic behavior but then changed his ways after meeting new friends in university.
3) The second entry discusses how Tan's self-efficacy and belief in himself improved after joining the basketball team and receiving encouragement from his teammates.
This document demonstrates my ability to work with a client and ask them purposeful questions about the situation they are discussing with me. This assignment shows my effectiveness in using the appropriate counseling skills when working with a client.
1) The document is a submission by Le Jia Ling for their Social Psychology course. It discusses several concepts: social facilitation, motivation, confirmation bias, observational learning, and counterfactual thinking.
2) For social facilitation, Le Jia Ling describes an experience in a group project where they initially thought one group member was not contributing much, but later realized his contributions could not be easily identified since he worked alone.
3) Examples of confirmation bias and counterfactual thinking are also provided based on Le Jia Ling's personal experiences and beliefs around religion and past events.
Zach and Lacy were best friends for many years until one day in 2009 when Lacy suddenly deleted Zach from Facebook without explanation and stopped responding to his messages. The document discusses reasons why people sometimes suddenly cut off contact with friends without explanation, such as not wanting to deal with relationship issues, secretly having issues with the other person, not considering the relationship important enough, politeness, a change of heart, having other issues in their own life, or wanting more independence. It advises that when this happens, the best thing to do is let go and move on rather than chasing after the person, and to focus on surrounding yourself with people who will be there for you.
1) The document contains entries from a student's journal on social psychology topics including social influences, confirmation bias, attitudes, operant conditioning, and motivation.
2) In one entry, the student discusses experiencing confirmation bias when ignoring a sister's negative review of a trendy ice cream shop due to its appealing appearance in photos.
3) Another entry describes how the student was intrinsically motivated to improve grades in mathematics through reward-based reinforcement from a tuition teacher, after punishment from their mother proved ineffective.
Coun 533 ethical self reflection part 1MorganPalser
This document highlights what I find to be the most important qualities in a professional counselor. I describe what it is that a counselor should do professionally, so they are more effective in their overall practice.
This document contains a social psychology journal assignment submitted by a student named Chia Ly Vier. It discusses several concepts in social psychology through examples from the student's own experiences, including social loafing, social identity, self-efficacy, attribution biases, attitudes, learning theories, and balance theory. The assignment provides insight into how social psychology concepts can be applied to understand one's own behaviors and perspectives. It was submitted on April 27th, 2015 for a social psychology course at a university in Malaysia.
For this assignment, I worked with a high school student and practiced my counseling skills while conducting an interview with her. I describe the skills being used and show my knowledge of how to work with a young client.
Kathleen O'Brien reflects on questions of identity and what defines her sense of self. She believes that at her age, she is still exploring and learning from experiences to understand who she is. She sees herself as a kind, caring person who tries to put herself in others' shoes. Her job as a model in London is something that defines her identity. Close relationships with friends and family as well as impactful experiences like moving countries and balancing work with school have shaped who she is becoming. However, she is unsure how others perceive her due to being shy initially.
This document introduces Ma.Theresa Artana, a 16-year-old college student from Laguna studying information technology. She enjoys badminton, hanging out with friends, and R&B music. She lives with her aunt in Pasig City and attends Montessori Professional College Pasig Branch. Ma.Theresa discusses her goals of finishing her studies to be successful and make her parents proud. She shares memories from high school and dreams of having a simple house, kind and faithful husband, and successful business someday. Her motto is that success without applying lessons learned is still a failure.
Sloan Young reflects on how she has grown as a student and person over her four years of high school. She started out as a shy freshman who lacked confidence, but through facing challenges in her classes and relationships, she learned the important lesson to always believe in herself. Her geometry class in 10th grade was especially difficult, but she got a 94 on the final exam thanks to her determination to succeed through tutoring. A relationship in her freshman year also taught her about self-worth. By the end of high school, she has become a confident person who trusts her own decisions and will let her belief in herself guide her future success.
The document describes the author's experience with a major position shift in their life when they decided to study abroad rather than join the military as originally planned. They discuss communicating this change to others, the difficulties of adapting to a new environment and lifestyle abroad, and how the shift helped them grow by becoming more independent and learning new skills for interacting with others. In the end, the author concludes that position shifts are an inevitable part of life that can bring both challenges and benefits by helping one gain experience and a steady character.
The document describes the author's experience with a major position shift in their life when they decided to study abroad rather than join the military as originally planned. They discuss communicating this change to others, the difficulties of adapting to a new environment and lifestyle abroad, and how the shift helped them grow by becoming more independent and learning new social and language skills. Overall, the author views position shifts positively as an inevitable part of life that can bring both challenges and benefits through new experiences and personal development.
This document summarizes Heather O'Connor's experience in business school. Some of her favorite assignments included a community service project, self-assessment, and scavenger hunt. Her top journal entries focused on graduation, having a support system, and changes in self-perception. The portfolio project was her most liked module. Videos on learning styles and self-assessments were tools she plans to use in future semesters. Her self-assessment scores increased, showing growth in personal responsibility. In her letter to next year's class, she emphasizes overcoming challenges, understanding your learning style, and taking a learning frameworks course.
The author describes surviving an extremely abusive five-year relationship. She felt scared, alone, and confused, and kept going back despite the cycle of blame, abuse, and forgiveness, hoping it would change. It affected her son, job, family, and personality. After a near-death experience from the abuse, she realized she deserved a better life. She sought therapy and support from her family to reconstruct her thinking and lifestyle. Now she has control over her life, can love and be loved, and looks forward to continuing personal growth.
For this assignment, I interviewed a friend of mine who grew up in a family who does not speak English as their first language. Her parents are both immigrants from Mexico, and I was able to learn about the ways that her background is different from mine.
1. Jacob Eslick
Roxanne Heimann
StrengthsQuest Paper
Finding out strengths are a beneficial part of figuring out who we are better.
With my strengths there were parts I knew about me and then there were others
that I did not think would have been about me. I found out my strengths by taking
StrengthsQuest. After taking StrengthsQuest, my results were responsibility,
positivity, achiever, learner, and woo. Many of the characteristics of these strengths
I agreed with, but there were a few things about them that I disagreed with also.
With these strengths I can how they affect my relationships and academic life.
With my strengths I completely agreed with positivity and achiever. I believe
in what they said for positivity where, You are generous with praise, quick to smile,
and always on the lookout for the positive in the situation. Even if something goes
bad I can find the positive of everything that happens in my life. I always love to
make peoples days and one way I do that is by being positive about any they have
going on also. For achiever, this was the biggest one I agreed with. By the end of the
day you must achieve something tangible in order to feel good about yourself. I
agree with this statement completely because I am not the person that can just sit
around and get nothing accomplished. Once I get something accomplished I can
relax, but accomplishments keep me driven. While I agree a lot with all my
strengths, I found the other three strengths to have things I disagreed with.
The biggest strength that I felt I disagreed with was learner. This started with
the opening statement, You love to learn, and whatever the subject, you will
2. always be drawn to the process of learning. While I do like to learn, I only find it in
subjects that interest me. When I had my roommate read over my results, he
believed that all of the strengths fit me besides part of learner. I completely agreed
because it has to be a subject that I am interested in. With the strength woo, I
believed I am that person besides a couple aspects. Strangers are rarely
intimidating to you. I am I very sociable person, but I am not the person that can
just go up to a stranger and easily talk to them. While I like to meet new people, it
just is a different way that I enjoy doing this. I am a little more hesitant than what
the description of woo says. For the last strength, responsibility, I am a very
responsible person, but when it comes to getting work done right away I am not like
that. I do always like to see tasks through and definitely agree with most of this
There are many situations where I see these strengths come into play. When
I am working at a job, I do not like the feeling of not knowing what to do or how
something works. When I come to this obstacle, I always make sure I understand
how it is done. When it comes to a strength I feel Im successful in, I feel it is woo. I
am a very outgoing person, so when I go out on a weekend, I try to meet as much
people as I can. I love the idea of having many friends and knowing who people are.
While I am usually hesitant of going up to a stranger at first, I will end up getting to
know them and glad I did.
When it comes to school I have one of the most challenges. I am a very
responsible person, but I hate doing schoolwork and always put it off until the last
minute. I am never the responsible person and getting the work done right away. I
3. wish I was like this because I feel that would be a great addition to my strength of
responsibility. The other part of class is the learning process. This is where I do not
love to learn. If it does not interest me I have a hard time paying attention and do
not try as hard as I should. I will make sure I learn the material, but probably not as
good as I should.
When it comes to my personal relationships I feel that all my strengths help
with whatever type of relationship is. Why I feel this is because when someone asks
me to do something, Im responsible and they can trust me to get it done. With all
my friends, when they are having a bad day, I am very positive and trying to cheer
them up. I do not like seeing an upset friend and find it to be my job to find out the
problem and fix it. With positivity, it also can be a challenge to a relationship with
my friends. When I am trying to be there for someone, I may look like Im just trying
to get into their business and being nosy. Which is not the case, but I tend to run into
this problem every once in a while. The biggest implication of my strength on my
personal relationships is woo. I like to meet a lot of people so I gain a lot of friends.
When I go out on a weekend, I will have over 10 people always wanting to go with
me. This always creates an awesome time and creates a closer bond to all those
When it comes to make academic life my strengths do relate. When working
in groups I am always a high achiever. So when it comes to it, I like to take charge of
the group. I always feel that when I do this then we work better as a group because I
can get us on the right track. I feel I am very responsible with my academic life.
When it comes to attendance and getting work done, I always make sure it is
4. accomplished one way or another. With attendance I hat being late and feel I always
need to be at class to learn. Most of my strengths make sense in my academic life,
but responsibility and achiever are the biggest two.
With my strengths there were aspects I knew about me, but there was more
than I never thought of on a deeper scale. I agreed and disagreed with parts of my
strengths, but in the long run that describe me the best you can. Knowing my
strengths will help me understand how to improve both my personal relationships
and academic life and creating stronger ties to those strengths.