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Student Success
and Transfer
Ken ODonnell             Los Angeles Community College District
Office of the Chancellor                  Achieving the Dream
California State University                    March 22, 2013
Slightlythe population you addedwork with.
              California residentsthe people
               Thats more than 1/3 of have to
              in California with bachelors degrees
              between 2005 and 2025
The status quo is from California. to rely much more on
              come going to have 2/3 come
              aged 25-44:
morally unacceptable. places.
              fromsuccess of community colleges.
               the other

               To meet its growing need for college
Our whole system
               graduates, California will need to
breaks down if produce more of its own.
                we dont
make community
                                                                Dennis Jones
colleges work.                                                    NCHEMS

                                  2.7 million               February 19, 2013

                            2.16 million
                         black and Latino
                     Das Williams
              Chair, CA Assembly Committee
                         on Higher Education
46%                                      23%

                              all                                      all
                           students                                 students
                                                Six-year transfer
graduation rates
                                                    rates among
for full-time first-
                                                 degree seekers
  time freshmen            40%                                      14%

                          students of                               students of
                             color                                     color

                       Source: CSU Graduation Initiative and
                       CCC Student Success Task Force
Lower Division
  Major Prep

                     60 transferable units
                 2.0 Grade Point Average
                           30 units of GE
  Eligibility      GE Breadth or IGETC
                    American Institutions
                    Oral Communication
                  Written Communication
                  Quantitative Reasoning
                         Critical Thinking
Lower Division
       Major Prep

              SB   1440 Reform (STAR) Act
Student Transfer Achievement
 perfect 60+60

for the community colleges:
 start with GE (39 units)
 add 18 units lower division major preparation

for the state universities:
 grant admission priority
 finish in two years worth of coursework
Lower Division
         Major Prep

                            112   CCCs
                                          23 State Universities
                           X 23   CSUs
                           X 25   majors
                         64,400   degree pathways

112 Community Colleges
Lower Division
         Major Prep

                         Transfer Model

                                              23 State Universities

                                    25 degree pathways

112 Community Colleges
two frameworks for articulation



   Associate Degree
     for Transfer
Lower Division
  Major Prep




General Education

English Communication            A
Math & Quantitative Reasoning   B4
Arts & Humanities                C
Social Science                   D
Science (including lab)         B1-3
Self-Development                 E
Sources of General Education (48 units total)

    prior learning at the
    baccalaureate level
       (pass-along)                                            certifying
                                                      California Community College
 * other CCCs or four-years                               (sending institution)
* military and other training
 * external exams (AP or IB)                              39 lower-division units

       up to 39 units

               California State University (receiving institution)

                            nine upper-division units
Unique Benefits of General Education

Unique Benefits of General Education


Unique Benefits of General Education


  reach                   employability
what we have           what we want

               reach           hook

CSU Chancellors General Education Advisory Group
2007-2008 revision of Executive Order on GE Breadth

     Article 1 Applicability
     Article 2 Pathways to Meet Requirements
     Article 3 Premises
     Article 4 Distribution of Units
     Article 5 Transfer and Articulation
     Article 6 Implementation and Governance
CSU GE Breadth


Student Success and Transfer
Graduation Rates by Ethnicity and
participation in High-Impact Practices

 Source: CSU Northridge
 Institutional Research                                68%
 August, 2010                                   63%



            0      1        2            0        1      2
                Latino/a                     not Latino/a
Chico             First-Year Persistence
Town Hall Meeting          first-time full-time freshmen

2010   86% 84%                  91% 93%
                                with Town Hall Meeting


       80% 74%                  85% 80%
2007   white students
       students of color
                                William Loker
                                Dean, Undergraduate Education
                            Source: Institutional Research, CSU Chico
A better transfer curriculum will:

* foreground the essential learning
outcomes -- what we want students
to know and be able to do

* take full advantage of local
expertise, opportunities, and
high-impact practices

without sacrificing access and

Student Success
and Transfer

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Student Success and Transfer

  • 1. diffusionoflight.wordpress.com Student Success and Transfer Ken ODonnell Los Angeles Community College District Office of the Chancellor Achieving the Dream California State University March 22, 2013
  • 2. Slightlythe population you addedwork with. California residentsthe people Thats more than 1/3 of have to in California with bachelors degrees between 2005 and 2025 The status quo is from California. to rely much more on come going to have 2/3 come Youre aged 25-44: morally unacceptable. places. fromsuccess of community colleges. the other To meet its growing need for college Our whole system graduates, California will need to breaks down if produce more of its own. we dont make community Dennis Jones colleges work. NCHEMS Sacramento 2.7 million February 19, 2013 2.16 million black and Latino Das Williams Chair, CA Assembly Committee on Higher Education
  • 3. 46% 23% all all students students Six-year Six-year transfer graduation rates rates among for full-time first- degree seekers time freshmen 40% 14% students of students of color color Source: CSU Graduation Initiative and CCC Student Success Task Force
  • 4. Lower Division Major Prep General Education 60 transferable units 2.0 Grade Point Average 30 units of GE Eligibility GE Breadth or IGETC American Institutions Oral Communication Written Communication Quantitative Reasoning Critical Thinking
  • 5. Lower Division Major Prep Impac CAN LDTP SB 1440 Reform (STAR) Act Student Transfer Achievement perfect 60+60 for the community colleges: start with GE (39 units) add 18 units lower division major preparation for the state universities: grant admission priority finish in two years worth of coursework
  • 6. Lower Division Major Prep 112 CCCs 23 State Universities X 23 CSUs X 25 majors 64,400 degree pathways 112 Community Colleges
  • 7. Lower Division Major Prep Transfer Model Curriculum 23 State Universities 25 degree pathways 112 Community Colleges
  • 8. two frameworks for articulation course-to-course: degree-to-degree: Associate Degree for Transfer
  • 9. Lower Division Major Prep
  • 10. General Education integrative engaging purposeful calstate.edu/app/compass
  • 11. General Education Certification English Communication A Math & Quantitative Reasoning B4 Arts & Humanities C Social Science D Science (including lab) B1-3 Self-Development E
  • 12. Sources of General Education (48 units total) prior learning at the baccalaureate level (pass-along) certifying California Community College * other CCCs or four-years (sending institution) * military and other training * external exams (AP or IB) 39 lower-division units up to 39 units California State University (receiving institution) nine upper-division units
  • 13. Unique Benefits of General Education hook
  • 14. Unique Benefits of General Education hook reach
  • 15. Unique Benefits of General Education hook reach employability
  • 16. what we have what we want reach hook employability
  • 17. CSU Chancellors General Education Advisory Group 2007-2008 revision of Executive Order on GE Breadth Article 1 Applicability Article 2 Pathways to Meet Requirements Article 3 Premises Article 4 Distribution of Units Article 5 Transfer and Articulation Article 6 Implementation and Governance
  • 18. CSU GE Breadth certification employability hook reach
  • 20. Graduation Rates by Ethnicity and participation in High-Impact Practices Source: CSU Northridge Institutional Research 68% 65% August, 2010 63% 55% 49% 38% 0 1 2 0 1 2 Latino/a not Latino/a
  • 21. Chico First-Year Persistence Town Hall Meeting first-time full-time freshmen 2010 86% 84% 91% 93% with Town Hall Meeting 2009 2008 80% 74% 85% 80% 2007 white students students of color William Loker Dean, Undergraduate Education 2006 Source: Institutional Research, CSU Chico
  • 22. A better transfer curriculum will: * foreground the essential learning outcomes -- what we want students to know and be able to do * take full advantage of local expertise, opportunities, and high-impact practices without sacrificing access and portability.

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Thanks for having me here, and thank you for your attention to what we all care about. During these remarks Ill be connecting some ideas that we dont always think about together, and Ill try to leave time for Q and A. If more questions or reactions cross your mind later, then I hope youll stay in touch. You can see links to the reading that influences me, and contact me via my [click] blog at this address, which Ill put up again at the end.The main point I want to make is that student success and transfer curriculum are intertwined in ways we dont always recognize, or take full advantage of.And the need to change that feels increasingly urgent. You can probably think of some telltale signs of your own, but Ill share this one, from --
  • #3: [Information on this slide is from the Ventura County Star, Lawmakers Told California Is Lagging in Higher Education, 2/20/2013.]-- a hearing in Sacramento last month. The National Center for Higher Education Management Systems is one of those consulting and data-driven groups that periodically testifies to legislators about how were doing.In his remarks, Jones began with [click] a point about how our state has been relying on others to educate our workforce. And he points out that we [click] cant keep doing so. Now note that hes talking about my segment and not yours these are bachelors degrees. But then he makes an interesting point.Our need to produce more degrees will be complicated by demographics. We can expect [click] another 2.7 million people at one of the critical periods of life where college helps, and [click] nearly all of those newcomers will be in ethnic groups that higher ed has had the [click] hardest time serving.And theyre the people who are likelier to begin with you than with me.Leading Jones to this [click] conclusion. Get it? If you want more baccalaureate degrees, then you need success at the community colleges. Its a subtle point, but at least [click] one person in the audience got it. Heres what he said to a [click] reporter afterward. Weve heard that before. And he said [click] this.Id like you to think for a moment about those --
  • #4: -- students, the ones we share. In the last couple of years, both our segments have launched high-profile efforts to improve the rates at which students who start with us actually finish. Ill share our [click] baseline numbers first. They arent pretty.Overall, our students were graduating within six years at a rate of [click] 46%, with an additional penalty for [click] those in the fastest-growing demographic groups.In the community colleges against, systemwide, and not just the LACCD the [click] rate of transfer after six years of trying, just among those saying they intended to, was even [click] lower, with another [click] penalty for Latinos and blacks.Now you and I know better than our critics just what were up against, in terms of student preparation, inadequate funding, and events beyond our control. But this is not who we want to be.And becoming who we want to be will mean working together. Because most of your students come to you saying they want a bachelors degree some day, and 60 percent of the CSUs graduates began at a California Community College.So Im going to talk about that transfer pipeline, in terms of students and curriculum, toward identifying with you ways that we can improve it. Ill begin with the most basic step --
  • #24: Thank you.