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Lost in Transition:
PCC’s FYE Program
 Started in 2011

 Math Jam Orientation

 Full course load (English, Math, Freshman Seminar, GE)

 One Book, One College (Last Year: The Pact
  This Year: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks)

 Student Conference

 First Year Counselors & Coaches

 Student homework and tutoring lab
Our Story of Hope

          What we did to change
            the culture on our
The Slump

 Administration that stifled creativity and professional

 Faculty arrogance about a need for professional
Seeds of Change

 Change in Administration

 Internal Grant Program

 Title V Grant

 Leadership Retreat
About the 5537 – 6 years later
 Developmental Education     Non-Developmental Education

         N = 3,408                     N = 2,129

 12% earned an AA/AS        10% earned an AA/AS degree
                             4% earned a certificate
 5% earned a certificate
                             41% transferred
 25% transferred
                             55% no discoverable
 69% no discoverable         milestone
Scholarship + Relationship

 Find Your Team

 Build the Relationship

 Inquiry Mindset

 Mutual Respect

 Divide the work

 Leverage our expertise
Pilot Imperfectly:
          Create the Dream

 2 hour weekly meetings

 Researched & wrote curriculum, grants

 Considered texts
Pilot Imperfectly:
         Live the Nightmare

 “FYE Seminar”
    300 students
    3 back-to-back classes
    Every Friday

 Professional Learning Workshops
Initial Student Data
 FYE students had a significantly higher persistence rate to
  the second year.

          Student Population      Persistence from
                                  Fall 2011 – Fall

          FYE Students Cohort 1        82.2%
          (n = 287)

          Control Group                69.7%
          (n = 574)
Scale Up
 900 FY Students + 150 F1 Visa Students

 Freshman Seminar Created (College 1)
   3 units
   Transferrable to UC/CSU
   Info Literacy, Critical Reading Skills, College Success
   Interdisciplinary faculty

 29 sections of College 1
Student Data
 FYE students had higher engagement with faculty and

3.65                                          2.85

 3.6                                          2.80
                 College 1
                                              2.70         College 1
 3.4                                          2.65                     Control
                             The Control
3.35                           Group                                   Group
                                                     Discuss Academic Program w/
       Have Friends in School to Share with                    Facculty
We built it…
 And they came!

 32 instructors from all 12 divisions on campus

 One week professional learning institute

 Extensive shared reading
   One Book, One College as course text
   Additional non-fiction text (Mindset by Carol Dweck)
   Text sets
Faculty Data


                                                            32.0%        68.8%
    60.0%      34.6%      68.8%                                                                             Quite A bit
                                      30.8%      68.8%                                            43.8%
    40.0%                                                   36.0%                                           Some
               34.6%                                                                                        Influence
    20.0%                 25.0%       30.8%                              31.3%                    25.0%
                                                 12.5%                               11.5%                  Very Little
             Q4 - pre   Q4 - post   Q9 - pre   Q9 -post   Q13 - pre   Q13 - post   Q14 - pre   Q14 - post

   Question # 4 How much can you do to motivate students who show low interest
    in schoolwork?

   Question # 9 How much can you do to help your students value learning?

   Question # 13 How much can you do to improve the understanding of a student
    who is failing?

   Question #14 How much can you use a variety of assessment strategies?
Faculty Responses
 I loved the fact that most activities were modeled so we
  could understand the process and how to integrate them
  which was the practical application component. And the
  variety of activities and resources presented gave lots of
  creative ideas for building our course.

 I feel like there's lots of support within our group and all of
  the PCC support services. The main thing is to keep the
  connection between our colleagues so we don't feel
  isolated and can share our successes and challenges.
Student Data:
Reading &Metacognition
Student Data:
Reading &Metacognition
The Spread
 Program Redesign         Disenfranchised faculty
   Math QL
                           Curious managers
   ModMath
   English: StAcc         Willing staff

 Student Club

 Future
   SI
   Peer Mentoring
Cecile Davis-Anderson (cmanderson@pasadena.edu)
        Nika Hogan (nihogan@pasadena.edu)
        Shelagh Rose (serose@pasadena.edu)
     Carrie Starbird (castarbird@pasadena.edu)

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Lost in Transition: How Faculty From Across the Disciplines Can Learn to “Own” First Year Student Success

  • 2. PCC’s FYE Program  Started in 2011  Math Jam Orientation  Full course load (English, Math, Freshman Seminar, GE)  One Book, One College (Last Year: The Pact This Year: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks)  Student Conference  First Year Counselors & Coaches  Student homework and tutoring lab
  • 3. Our Story of Hope What we did to change the culture on our campus
  • 4. The Slump  Administration that stifled creativity and professional development  Faculty arrogance about a need for professional development
  • 5. Seeds of Change  Change in Administration  Internal Grant Program  Title V Grant  Leadership Retreat
  • 6. About the 5537 – 6 years later Developmental Education Non-Developmental Education N = 3,408 N = 2,129  12% earned an AA/AS  10% earned an AA/AS degree degree  4% earned a certificate  5% earned a certificate  41% transferred  25% transferred  55% no discoverable  69% no discoverable milestone milestone
  • 7. Scholarship + Relationship  Find Your Team  Build the Relationship  Inquiry Mindset  Mutual Respect  Divide the work  Leverage our expertise
  • 8. Pilot Imperfectly: Create the Dream  2 hour weekly meetings  Researched & wrote curriculum, grants  Considered texts
  • 9. Pilot Imperfectly: Live the Nightmare  “FYE Seminar”  300 students  3 back-to-back classes  Every Friday  Professional Learning Workshops
  • 10. Initial Student Data  FYE students had a significantly higher persistence rate to the second year. Student Population Persistence from Fall 2011 – Fall 2012 FYE Students Cohort 1 82.2% (n = 287) Control Group 69.7% (n = 574)
  • 11. Scale Up  900 FY Students + 150 F1 Visa Students  Freshman Seminar Created (College 1)  3 units  Transferrable to UC/CSU  Info Literacy, Critical Reading Skills, College Success Behaviors  Interdisciplinary faculty  29 sections of College 1
  • 12. Student Data  FYE students had higher engagement with faculty and peers. 3.65 2.85 3.6 2.80 3.55 2.75 3.5 College 1 2.70 College 1 3.45 The 3.4 2.65 Control The Control 3.35 Group Group 2.60 3.3 2.55 3.25 Discuss Academic Program w/ Have Friends in School to Share with Facculty
  • 13. We built it…  And they came!  32 instructors from all 12 divisions on campus  One week professional learning institute  Extensive shared reading  One Book, One College as course text  Additional non-fiction text (Mindset by Carol Dweck)  Text sets
  • 14. Faculty Data 120.0% 100.0% 80.0% 32.0% 68.8% 60.0% 34.6% 68.8% Quite A bit 30.8% 68.8% 43.8% 40.0% 36.0% Some 30.8% 34.6% Influence 20.0% 25.0% 30.8% 31.3% 25.0% 12.5% 11.5% Very Little 0.0% Q4 - pre Q4 - post Q9 - pre Q9 -post Q13 - pre Q13 - post Q14 - pre Q14 - post  Question # 4 How much can you do to motivate students who show low interest in schoolwork?  Question # 9 How much can you do to help your students value learning?  Question # 13 How much can you do to improve the understanding of a student who is failing?  Question #14 How much can you use a variety of assessment strategies?
  • 15. Faculty Responses  I loved the fact that most activities were modeled so we could understand the process and how to integrate them which was the practical application component. And the variety of activities and resources presented gave lots of creative ideas for building our course.  I feel like there's lots of support within our group and all of the PCC support services. The main thing is to keep the connection between our colleagues so we don't feel isolated and can share our successes and challenges.
  • 18. The Spread  Program Redesign  Disenfranchised faculty  Math QL  Curious managers  ModMath  English: StAcc  Willing staff  Student Club  Future  SI  Peer Mentoring
  • 19. Q&A Cecile Davis-Anderson (cmanderson@pasadena.edu) Nika Hogan (nihogan@pasadena.edu) Shelagh Rose (serose@pasadena.edu) Carrie Starbird (castarbird@pasadena.edu)

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Shelagh
  • #3: Cecile
  • #4: This is the story of how we went from a heavily-siloed campus with no culture of professional learning and no sense of ownership or understanding toward first year students, to a campus in which 32 faculty from across the disciplines volunteered to spend the only free week between spring and summer semesters to attend an intensive professional learning institute in order to teach our new first year experience course. Our first year experience program is still in its infancy, but we have made a tremendous amount of progress in a short amount of time and we wanted to share what we did, what we learned, and the principles that are guiding us.
  • #5: Shelagh
  • #6: ShelaghMake a transition to the Dream Team
  • #8: Cecile & Nika
  • #9: Nika
  • #10: Shekah
  • #11: Carrie