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First Year Pathways: Giving Students a Strong Start


Crystal Kiekel, Director of the Center for Student Success at Pierce College; 3CSN College
   & Career Readiness Coordinator; PIP Facilitator

Jessica Cristo, ADELANTE Director, East Los Angeles College; PIP Facilitator

Andrew Sanchez, Harbor College

Cecile Davis Anderson, Counselor Lead and Coach Coordinator for PCC Pathways,
   Pasadena City College

Shelagh Rose, Assistant Professor and ESL Lead for PCC Pathways, Pasadena City

Carrie Starbird, Assistant Professor and Math Lead for PCC Pathways, Pasadena City
• 12:45pm-1:10pm: Introduction, PIP – Crystal Kiekel, LAPC, 3CSN

• 1:10-1:30: Persistence Survey Results, Jessica Cristo, East Los Angeles
• 1:30-1:40: Example of a new First Year Experience Program, Andrew
  Sanchez, Harbor College

• 1:40-2:00: Cecile Davis Anderson, Counselor Lead and Coach Coordinator
  for PCC Pathways, Pasadena City College ; Shelagh Rose, Assistant
  Professor and ESL Lead for PCC Pathways, Pasadena City College : Carrie
  Starbird, Assistant Professor and Math Lead for PCC Pathways, Pasadena
  City College

• 2:00-2:30: Q&A
Why PIP?
How do you define
What are some of the barriers that
students today face that make it difficult
to persist?
Fall 2006: 100%
Spring 2007: 68%
Fall 2007: 54%
Pierce College: fall 2008: 37%
First Year Pathways: Giving Students a Strong Start
• Meet their goals?

    • Transfer?

   • Drop out?
• Financial?

• Motivation?

• Preparation?
Placement               Extended
    Financial                 test?               orientation?
 Ed                  Puente?                                      Learning?

                 How can we help?                                    Reading
 Peer                                                                 skill?

  PD 40?
                                English and           Habits of
                Teaching          math?                Mind?
Step 1: Identify the Problem

• Psychosocial prep

• Know expectations

• Ed Plan

• English and math
Step 2: Identify the Inquirers
• District Reps

• Faculty

• Counselors

• Administrators

• Researchers
Step 3: Gather Data
• Interview

• Focus groups

• Read

• Make a guess
Step 4: Try Something
• Try

• Fail

• Revise

• Try it again
Step 5: Revise and Document

• Gather data

• Regular district/
campus reports

• Learn from each other
First Year Pathways: Giving Students a Strong Start
First Year Pathways: Giving Students a Strong Start
First Year Pathways: Giving Students a Strong Start
3. How do you define student persistence on your
                    college campus?

25                  20.73
20                             18.29
15                                                   13.01
      Completion   Achieving  Semester Enrollment   Courses   Passing
                     Goals   Compeletion

Examples of Persistence
     •   Completing 12 units with a
         C or better each term.                            Students who stay in
                                                           college in spite of
• Students remaining      Regular attendance, class        financial hardships and
  enrolled and attending participation and completion of   other factors that
  classes throughout the homework assignments              prevent them from
  semester Students                                        completing their
  completing assignments                                   courses
  and seeking help when               • Continued enrollment and success until
  needed                                 completion of either: A degree
                                         program, A certificate program Or, the
                                         acquisition of skills and knowledge
• Willingness to do what has to be
                                         which might be a limited subset of a
  done to complete
                                         degree or certificate. This last item is a
  assignments, get to class on-time
                                         key component to a "community"
  consistently, knowing the
                                         college providing continuing education
  importance of good GPA, and
                                         for employed/employable adults
  most of all knowing that an
  education can take you anywhere.
4. What is your department or program doing to
          support student persistence?
        16.32       15.9
 16                            14.64
 12                                         10.88
         Tutoring    Support   Department    Program   Helping

Examples of Department Efforts
      ENGLISH: we have people to              We offer Puente, two
      help students persist                   First-Year Experience
      through trials: writing center          cohorts. Support
                                                                    We have a Child Dev. lab that
      tutors & faculty members                services, such as
                                                                    provides help to students in
      who reach out to help                   tutoring, labs, worksh
                                                                    classes and a place to gather
      students; we collaborate w/             ops
                                                                    which creates community and
      other departments, too.                                       definitely adds to success and
                                  We provide orientation
                                                                    persistence. We also have a
                                  sessions so that students
We have developed and funded                                        math tutor right in our Child
                                  are fully aware of the            Dev. Dept. because math is
a department student resource
                                  demands of their chosen           one area many students have
center that offers
tutoring, resources, workshops,
                                  field. We also tutor in           trouble with. We also have a
lending library, computers, and   problem areas and                 dedicated counselor paid by a
individual support to students    maintain flexible office          special grant which helps
and faculty in the department.    hours.                            students tremendously.
We also offer some courses
bilingually (English/Spanish).
5. Describe 1-3 Barriers You See That Inhibit
      Student Persistence on Your Campus.

 20     17.89
 16                14        14        14
 14                                              13
  6                                                         4
         College Basic Skills Financial Courses & Support   Books

Examples of Barriers
     Lack of non-cognitive skills (e.g.       We offer Puente, two
     inability to adapt to college            First-Year Experience
     environment) 2. Academic under           cohorts. Support
                                                                    Students aren't prepared for
     preparedness 3. Open enrollment          services, such as
                                                                    college. They can read words
     system                                   tutoring, labs, worksh
                                                                    on a page, but they can't
                                                                    comprehend what they are
Students lacking specific                                           reading. They don't want to
academic goals and a plan.         I also think that lack of        take notes.
Students not connecting            information (or rather
with their peers on campus.        not knowing where to            I teach night classes
Lack of enough full-time           find it) and/or absence of      and students do not
faculty committed to one           family members who              have any contact
campus community.                  have gone to college can        with anyone.
Overburdening of too few           also make it hard for
full-time faculty to conduct       students to make the
the work of the                    right choices regarding
college, including                 their education.
connecting and mentoring
Q6. What is your role in supporting
       student success?
  18    16.73
  10                 9.39         9.39
   8                                         6.53
         Encourage     Services    Program      Skills

Examples of Supporting Student
     My role as an instructor is not only
     teaching, but encouraging the                                  I hound them--email when
     students along the way and being Encourage, innovate           they are absent, &
     truthfully about their progress.                               recommend ways to improve
                                          and praise student        their skills in a
                                        efforts.                    positive, supportive manner.
I encourage student to
                               Show up. Be there for
come see me during office      them. Know the
hours, I alert students when   campus and services
they miss                      available. Encourage       Created accelerated
exams/assignments              an understanding of        programs.
(several), and about their     the importance of
attendance.                    reading and
                               writing, of basic skills
                               and educational goals.
Los Angeles Harbor
2nd Annual LACCD Achieving
     the Dream Retreat

 First Year Experience ATD
    Intervention Update

Presented by Dan Ruiz and
Who We Are and How We Planned

• ATD Core and Data Teams and First Year
  Experience Working Committee
• Broad Range of Campus Wide Participation
• Ongoing Steering Meetings
• Review and Research
• Limited Use of Funds
• Traditional Cohort FYE Program Model
• Implemented and Launched with Pilot Cohort
  in Fall 2012
What We Are Doing

• Recruitment and Orientation
• Pre-Semester Retreat
• Pre-Selected Courses
• Cohort Building Activities
• Learning Coach and Early Alert
• Ongoing Communication with Teaching
• Assessments, Discussions and Changes
Main Themes and Findings So Far
                         • Appear to be doing
Successful Course          better overall
Completion               • Have developed social
                           and learning networks
                         • Have learned to
                           navigate the institution
Higher Number of Units   • Have completed Ed
Completed                  Plans
                         • Have built relationships
                         • Are developing a
                           culture of success
Higher GPA
Outcomes So Far                                                        FALL 2012

                                                                  Successful              Avg Units
                                                         Course   Completio               Attempte Avg Units
                                              n         Retention     n        GPA            d     Completed
                  FYE           Art 103           104      99.0%      93.3%        2.74      10.44      10.70
                                English 28         72      98.6%      81.9%        2.70      10.57      11.06
                                PD 17              73     100.0%      97.3%        2.70      10.49      10.97
                                ServLrn 100        67      98.5%      85.1%        2.74      10.42      11.00
                                Total             316      99.1%      89.9%        2.72      10.48      10.91

                  Comparison    Art 103            38      76.3%      63.2%        2.38       8.58       6.87
                                English 28         75      82.7%      61.3%        2.18       9.12       8.03
                                PD 17              27      96.3%      96.3%        2.77       8.44       7.41
                                ServLrn 100        25      84.0%      72.0%        3.23       8.00       8.80
                                Total             165      83.6%      69.1%        2.46       8.72       7.78

                  All Courses   Art 103           192      77.6%      60.9%        2.50       8.14       6.98
                                English 28        590      84.4%      67.6%        2.35       9.02       8.00
                  Group)        PD 17             167      94.0%      89.2%        2.58       8.99       8.43
                                ServLrn 100        25      84.0%      72.0%        3.23       7.98       8.78
                                Total             974      84.7%      70.1%        2.44       8.82       7.89
What We Are Doing Next
                             •Assess Full Year Outcomes

                             •Evaluate What Worked and What
                             Did Not
                             •Evaluate the Fiscal Costs of the

                             •Make Changes Based on Data

                             •Institutionalize and Scale up

                             •Begin Year 2 FYE Pilot

Student Success
Pasadena City College

 Cecile Davis Anderson, Counselor Lead &
   Coach Coordinator for PCC Pathways
Shelagh Rose, Assistant Professor and ESL
          Lead for PCC Pathways
Carrie Starbird, Assistant Professor & Math
          Lead for PCC Pathways
Question, Comments, and

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First Year Pathways: Giving Students a Strong Start

  • 1. First Year Pathways: Giving Students a Strong Start 12:45p.m.-2:00p.m. Presenters: Crystal Kiekel, Director of the Center for Student Success at Pierce College; 3CSN College & Career Readiness Coordinator; PIP Facilitator Jessica Cristo, ADELANTE Director, East Los Angeles College; PIP Facilitator Andrew Sanchez, Harbor College Cecile Davis Anderson, Counselor Lead and Coach Coordinator for PCC Pathways, Pasadena City College Shelagh Rose, Assistant Professor and ESL Lead for PCC Pathways, Pasadena City College Carrie Starbird, Assistant Professor and Math Lead for PCC Pathways, Pasadena City College
  • 2. Agenda • 12:45pm-1:10pm: Introduction, PIP – Crystal Kiekel, LAPC, 3CSN • 1:10-1:30: Persistence Survey Results, Jessica Cristo, East Los Angeles College • • 1:30-1:40: Example of a new First Year Experience Program, Andrew Sanchez, Harbor College • 1:40-2:00: Cecile Davis Anderson, Counselor Lead and Coach Coordinator for PCC Pathways, Pasadena City College ; Shelagh Rose, Assistant Professor and ESL Lead for PCC Pathways, Pasadena City College : Carrie Starbird, Assistant Professor and Math Lead for PCC Pathways, Pasadena City College • 2:00-2:30: Q&A
  • 4. How do you define persistence?
  • 5. What are some of the barriers that students today face that make it difficult to persist?
  • 11. • Meet their goals? • Transfer? • Drop out?
  • 13. Placement Extended Financial test? orientation? aid? Focus Service groups? Ed Puente? Learning? Plan? How can we help? Reading Peer skill? mentors? Umosia? Pathways? Tutoring? PD 40? English and Habits of Teaching math? Mind? styles?
  • 14. Step 1: Identify the Problem • Psychosocial prep • Know expectations • Ed Plan • English and math
  • 15. Step 2: Identify the Inquirers • District Reps • Faculty • Counselors • Administrators • Researchers
  • 16. Step 3: Gather Data • Interview • Focus groups • Read • Make a guess
  • 17. Step 4: Try Something • Try • Fail • Revise • Try it again
  • 18. Step 5: Revise and Document • Gather data • Regular district/ campus reports • Learn from each other
  • 22. 3. How do you define student persistence on your college campus? 30 25.2 25 20.73 20 18.29 15.85 15 13.01 10 5.69 5 0 Completion Achieving Semester Enrollment Courses Passing Goals Compeletion N=246
  • 23. Examples of Persistence • Completing 12 units with a C or better each term. Students who stay in college in spite of • Students remaining Regular attendance, class financial hardships and enrolled and attending participation and completion of other factors that classes throughout the homework assignments prevent them from semester Students completing their completing assignments courses and seeking help when • Continued enrollment and success until needed completion of either: A degree program, A certificate program Or, the acquisition of skills and knowledge • Willingness to do what has to be which might be a limited subset of a done to complete degree or certificate. This last item is a assignments, get to class on-time key component to a "community" consistently, knowing the college providing continuing education importance of good GPA, and for employed/employable adults most of all knowing that an education can take you anywhere.
  • 24. 4. What is your department or program doing to support student persistence? 18 16.32 15.9 16 14.64 14 12 10.88 10 10 8 6 4 2 0 Tutoring Support Department Program Helping N=239
  • 25. Examples of Department Efforts ENGLISH: we have people to We offer Puente, two help students persist First-Year Experience through trials: writing center cohorts. Support We have a Child Dev. lab that tutors & faculty members services, such as provides help to students in who reach out to help tutoring, labs, worksh classes and a place to gather students; we collaborate w/ ops which creates community and other departments, too. definitely adds to success and We provide orientation persistence. We also have a sessions so that students We have developed and funded math tutor right in our Child are fully aware of the Dev. Dept. because math is a department student resource demands of their chosen one area many students have center that offers tutoring, resources, workshops, field. We also tutor in trouble with. We also have a lending library, computers, and problem areas and dedicated counselor paid by a individual support to students maintain flexible office special grant which helps and faculty in the department. hours. students tremendously. We also offer some courses bilingually (English/Spanish).
  • 26. 5. Describe 1-3 Barriers You See That Inhibit Student Persistence on Your Campus. 20 17.89 18 16 14 14 14 14 13 12 10 8 6 4 4 2 0 College Basic Skills Financial Courses & Support Books Offerings N=246
  • 27. Examples of Barriers Lack of non-cognitive skills (e.g. We offer Puente, two inability to adapt to college First-Year Experience environment) 2. Academic under cohorts. Support Students aren't prepared for preparedness 3. Open enrollment services, such as college. They can read words system tutoring, labs, worksh on a page, but they can't ops comprehend what they are Students lacking specific reading. They don't want to academic goals and a plan. I also think that lack of take notes. Students not connecting information (or rather with their peers on campus. not knowing where to I teach night classes Lack of enough full-time find it) and/or absence of and students do not faculty committed to one family members who have any contact campus community. have gone to college can with anyone. Overburdening of too few also make it hard for full-time faculty to conduct students to make the the work of the right choices regarding college, including their education. connecting and mentoring students.
  • 28. Q6. What is your role in supporting student success? 18 16.73 16 14 12 10 9.39 9.39 8 6.53 6 4 2 0 Encourage Services Program Skills N=245
  • 29. Examples of Supporting Student Persistence My role as an instructor is not only teaching, but encouraging the I hound them--email when students along the way and being Encourage, innovate they are absent, & truthfully about their progress. recommend ways to improve and praise student their skills in a efforts. positive, supportive manner. I encourage student to Show up. Be there for come see me during office them. Know the hours, I alert students when campus and services they miss available. Encourage Created accelerated exams/assignments an understanding of programs. (several), and about their the importance of attendance. reading and writing, of basic skills and educational goals.
  • 30. Los Angeles Harbor College 2nd Annual LACCD Achieving the Dream Retreat First Year Experience ATD Intervention Update Presented by Dan Ruiz and
  • 31. Who We Are and How We Planned • ATD Core and Data Teams and First Year Experience Working Committee • Broad Range of Campus Wide Participation • Ongoing Steering Meetings • Review and Research • Limited Use of Funds • Traditional Cohort FYE Program Model • Implemented and Launched with Pilot Cohort in Fall 2012
  • 32. What We Are Doing • Recruitment and Orientation • Pre-Semester Retreat • Pre-Selected Courses • Cohort Building Activities • Learning Coach and Early Alert • Ongoing Communication with Teaching Faculty • Assessments, Discussions and Changes
  • 33. Main Themes and Findings So Far • Appear to be doing Successful Course better overall Completion • Have developed social and learning networks • Have learned to navigate the institution Higher Number of Units • Have completed Ed Completed Plans • Have built relationships • Are developing a culture of success attitude Higher GPA
  • 34. Outcomes So Far FALL 2012 Course Successful Avg Units Course Completio Attempte Avg Units n Retention n GPA d Completed FYE Art 103 104 99.0% 93.3% 2.74 10.44 10.70 English 28 72 98.6% 81.9% 2.70 10.57 11.06 PD 17 73 100.0% 97.3% 2.70 10.49 10.97 ServLrn 100 67 98.5% 85.1% 2.74 10.42 11.00 Total 316 99.1% 89.9% 2.72 10.48 10.91 Comparison Art 103 38 76.3% 63.2% 2.38 8.58 6.87 English 28 75 82.7% 61.3% 2.18 9.12 8.03 PD 17 27 96.3% 96.3% 2.77 8.44 7.41 ServLrn 100 25 84.0% 72.0% 3.23 8.00 8.80 Total 165 83.6% 69.1% 2.46 8.72 7.78 All Courses Art 103 192 77.6% 60.9% 2.50 8.14 6.98 (Includes English 28 590 84.4% 67.6% 2.35 9.02 8.00 Comparison Group) PD 17 167 94.0% 89.2% 2.58 8.99 8.43 ServLrn 100 25 84.0% 72.0% 3.23 7.98 8.78 Total 974 84.7% 70.1% 2.44 8.82 7.89
  • 35. What We Are Doing Next •Assess Full Year Outcomes •Evaluate What Worked and What Did Not Assessment •Evaluate the Fiscal Costs of the Synthesis Program •Make Changes Based on Data Implement •Institutionalize and Scale up •Begin Year 2 FYE Pilot Student Success
  • 36. Pasadena City College Pathways Cecile Davis Anderson, Counselor Lead & Coach Coordinator for PCC Pathways Shelagh Rose, Assistant Professor and ESL Lead for PCC Pathways Carrie Starbird, Assistant Professor & Math Lead for PCC Pathways