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My Definition of Success Essay examples
What is success?
To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest crtics and endure the betrayl of flase friends;
To appreciate beauty;
To find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived;
This is to have succeeded.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson ––
I define success by how much I am able to be of service to others. Public service is the most
honorable profession! You might be a police officer in Nebraska or a nurse in Canada; a mayor in
South Africa or a council person in England; a custodian at a...show more content...
According to this ethic, Jesus has it absolutely backward. In a culture of upward mobility, Jesus
teaches downward mobility – that we should all be servants, not masters. In a culture where
materialism and power are prized above everything else, Jesus comes off as a flaming ignoramus
who knows little if anything about how careers work. Some public servants fall prey to worldly
temptations. We read about them in the media. They get into trouble because they forget that the
public servant should purposely and knowingly take on the role of, well, a servant. There is
nothing wrong with acquiring nice things for your family and advancing your career through
hard work. But the Christian public servant hears a cry that goes beyond the calling of status;
beyond the calling of domination which is so clearly heard in our times. The Christian public
servant is called to stand with Christ and against the culture. The Christian public servant knows
that Jesus is not a flaming ignoramus, but is the true reflection of God. Service is the end, not the
means. Service is to be exalted not demeaned. Others (all others) are to be respected, not
denigrated. This is the ethic of Jesus, and practicing it makes all the difference in our jobs and in
our lives. As this work week begins, let all Christian public servants hear the cry that goes beyond
the calling of this world. In our jobs as elsewhere, let us be a reflection of
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Essay on Plan for Success
Planning is a process of establishing a mission with clear goals as a means to achieve them. Good
planning requires special skills and perspectives allowing decision–makers to understand the
challenges they are facing and apply the most effective solution to a problem. In order to achieve
success, one must plan accordingly. Planning can be short term or long term. Short term plans are
done on daily basis and are easier to achieve than long term plans. Long term plans are also known
as strategic plans and are used to achieve a long range vision or mission of a company. In both
methods of planning, short term and long term, is necessary to achieve top notch results. Like in any
other process, there are both benefits and pitfalls to a...show more content...
The main pitfall of planning is the misconception members have believing that planning solves
problems. Too often, planners rely on opinions and hunches rather than facts. Once a plan has
been established, all members in the organization need to be aware that issues may arise down
the line and work environment can change unexpectedly. Some companies become so committed
to achieving their goals that they fail to recognize the incremental changes in their plan and work
environment. The lack of flexibility and creativity in an action plan can significantly affect an
organization's purpose. Another comparison to a good planning is the goal setting process. Goal
setting can help turn a company's vision into a reality, if the process is used accordingly. By
precisely knowing what to achieve, associates can focus their effort on what is more important
than on things that are less important. Goals require flexibility in the process, if there is no
flexibility added to the process, goals would soon provide no reason at all. One way of setting
effective and achievable goals is to use the S.M.A.R.T guideline. The S.M.A.R.T guideline is the
first component of the goals setting process and is a useful tool in planning. The acronym stands
for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. Clear and Specific goals are easier to
accomplish than common goals because it contains a specific reason that clearly defines what is
about to happen. In addition to being
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Essay on My Definition of Success
In his poem, "What is Success," Ralph Waldo Emerson gave priceless insight when he wrote: To
laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To
earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate
beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a
garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you
have lived. This is to have succeeded. Emerson's quote provides a paradigm of success–a model to
be admired and strived for. Emerson teaches that learning to appreciate the subtleties in life can make
it that much more enjoyable and interesting. In...show more content...
It's not surprising, then, that I want an exceptional career. And I'm not special in that regard. Most
students share my goal. After several semesters being surrounded by smart, ambitious Business
School students, I've noticed that there are striking differences in the ways people define an
exceptional career. And the way people define success can have a big impact, not only on decisions
about their first jobs, but also how much they achieve and happy they are in their careers. As it is
commonly used, the word "success" is sometimes synonymous with another word – "winning."
Success is beating the other guy and getting the big salary. Success is what happens when other
people think you're a success or when you can convince them of it. As a junior, I attended a
recruiting event for the Boston Consulting Group. Hardly ten words were out of the BCG
representative's mouth before he was compelled to announce that he was a partner at the firm and
that he'd gotten his MBA at Harvard. He then delivered a presentation that was fixated on his firm's
corporate mantra: "We're Winning." Some of my sharpest classmates ate it up. High achievers who
knew little about BCG Consulting before they entered the B–School competed intensely to land one
of the select openings there. They aren't alone. I know of many students who are competing for or
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Grit Essay Examples
Grit is a predictor of academic, professional, and personal success. Grit can be defined as strength
of character or the ability to overcome failure and continue to work toward success. People with
grit are not always the people with the most natural ability, but their work ethic and ability to
overcome obstacles allows them to achieve success. Grit is a very valuable characteristic in almost
any venture, as it gives someone an advantage in overcoming the inevitable obstacles they will face.
However, grit is much easier adopted when an individual has a growth mindset. The first step to
obtaining grit is to correlate both self–control and self–confidence when trying to reach an objective.
By doing this, one can focus on the task at hand...show more content...
I had no experience as a runner nor did I have the form. This did not phase me however. That year
I promised myself to push through all the six mile runs, sore legs, gnarly blisters, and at times,
lack of oxygen. At every meet and speed workout practice I pushed myself further and further. I
set a goal every time I kicked off from the starting line and never let myself get discouraged when
I failed. By my senior year, I was the fourth fastest runner on varsity. That year our varsity team
won the district meet, which qualified us to run in the 2016 state meet in Oregon. The
transformation over the years were evident. My determination to accomplish my goal of
becoming a faster runner was complete. If I had simply just given up that first day of practice, I
wouldn't have ran along side of the fastest runners in Oregon or have met the multitude of people
that are now my closest friends. Having a goal sets one up for a challenge, whether it being
physically or mentally, goals keep us active and thinking in more ways than one. Still, if someone
has self–control, confidence, and a goal, they are still not complete. Growth mindset is the cone to
an ice cream. It is the foundation of what I think a successful person is. Without it one couldn't use
the characteristics mentioned above in more ways than one. Someone with a growth mindset believe
that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work, brains and talent
are just the starting point.
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Money and Success, Who Wins Essay example
Great Expectations is the story of a young boy. He is quite poor, but as the tale moves on, he falls
in love with a rich and spoiled girl. Despite her cruel ways, he devotes the rest of his life to
winning her over. He aspires to become a gentleman with the aid of bundles of money that he
inherits and sees this as the only way out of the common life he is leading. The boy connects
success and happiness solely with money and possessions. Unfortunately, the association leads to the
downfall of his character. This is the path taken by too many individuals in today's society. Although
they make a correlation between money and success, this connection is substantially unjustified. It
results in the disillusions of...show more content...
They have no idea that incredible talent might be present within the minds of the people down the
street. Their success has not just sprung up from their wealth and riches. They have, perhaps, earned
every bit of their beautiful house, cars, and other possessions that are so desired among observers.
A definition of success should be established before going on. Success is defined as the
achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted. If someone only desires material
possessions, then, if achieved, they have reached success. This kind of success alone will not
produce happiness in the lives of these people. The majority of individuals in our world aim for
success through happiness, health, and prosperity. Aspirations to a money–related success are not
likely to produce these valued possessions. Only in the world of television, advertisements, and
movies, is that kind of life possible. The media is a prominent cause of people believing that money
is the key to success. Fairy tale–type stories often present people as suddenly becoming happy and
successful as the result of coming into a lot of money, perhaps by luck. One example of this is in
advertisements. Their main catch is to show people who are using, or have used, their products. The
aim is to make the consumer believe that if you use whatever it is that they are trying to sell, then
you will be
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My Success Story Essay
My success to education
Blondie Torres
ENG. 121
Concetta Williams
July 18, 2011
Looking back at the past eleven weeks I have grown and learned so much here at Ashford
University. I never thought that I would actually accomplish my educational dreams and be
successful in my life, but I definitely have proved, myself wrong. I love knowing that I am doing
great and I really try to do my best in completing my homework on time, with the occasions of a few
speed bumps along the way.
I decided to return to school to further my education for many important reasons. I have struggled
tremendously in the past with my five children and I wanted to change that life style for good. I am
so very tired of trying to make ends meet and not...show more content...
I decided to just go for it and I am so glad I did because I know now that I have overcome that fear
and I feel as if I can accomplish anything and everything. I can also say that I have matured in
many ways as a mother, first time college student, and being a single mother of five. My kids had
to adjust to the new routine as well. They did not understand at first but eventually they came
around and little by little they gave me the time I needed to study and do homework. I still have to
overcome a few obstacles in order to complete my degree program, just like I had to overcome all
the changes that come with me returning to school.
One of the main obstacles I must achieve here at Ashford University is to listen, learn, and to be
obedient in all the discussions and the assignments asked of me. Last but not least I have to say I
have to overcome all negative feelings I get from time to time to complete all my educational
goals. I need to be prepared mentally and physically for anything that is being asked of me from
my instructors. I feel that I need to keep an open mind as well because I know all the feedback
from classmates and instructors will be of great help in making me a better person and learner.
There are a few things I must do to overcome all these certain obstacles here in college in order to
have a successful completion of my degree.
I will have to keep doing all these helpful strategies that have gotten me this far. For example, using
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The Path To Success Essay
The path to success There are several qualities to have to be successful in college. These qualities
can range from attending class to going above and beyond what's expected. Success comes from
the journey taken or the path chosen. Success also comes from being prepared. As a student, I
must step up to the challenge and find the path to success along the way. Several ways I define
success is to uphold academic integrity, have the ability to prioritize, and to motivate myself to stay
on top of what needs to be accomplished. Academic integrity holds a great deal of weight. This
includes honesty in the work produced, as well as being able to accomplish the work. Responsibility
in addition plays important factor into integrity. I see...show more content...
Most of my days are long and tiring. By managing my time wisely, I normally get everything I
need for school and my extra circular actives done in a timely fashion. Sometimes it takes not
hanging out with the girls, in order to make sure I get my work done. Even putting in an extra
hour at work helps me manage my time more wisely and keeps me from temptation. Which in
turn forces me to focus more on my school work. Coaching football has always been a passion of
mine. Knowing how restricted my schedule is, I strive to get my boys out of practice on time
everyday. That way I can make it home to get some studying in, before I head into work. Many
people believe success in college is rocket science, but actually it's the exact opposite. College is
set up for students with the most basic high school knowledge to have a chance to excel. It's the
simple things that can make or break a student's college career. Things such as going or not going
to class. No brainer right? Sometimes sleep seems so much better than eight o'clock A.M. math,
but a successful college student has to have the willpower to resist the temptation to not skip out
on class. College is all about learning and not cutting corners, which only will hurt in the end.
Everyday of missed class information will be lost, therefore the lack of understanding will show on
a test or pop quiz. Attendance is a key to success. If I don't go
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Success: Extended Definition Essay examples
Success What is success? Is it the process of doing a task and receiving a positive result acceptable
amongst the community, or is it simply achieving ones own personal goals? Success to me can
mean many things. Although I am successful in school, that does not necessarily mean I will lead a
successful life. According to The American Heritage Dictionary success is, "the achievement of
something desired, planned, or attempted." Even over the course of history, the meaning of the word
has not really changed. In the Webster's Dictionary from 1828, success was stated as, "the favorable
or prosperous termination of anything attempted; a termination which answers the purpose intended;
properly in a good sense, but often in a bad...show more content...
"Winning is not a sometime thing; it's an all the time thing. You don't win once and a while; you
don't do things right once and a while; you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit, and
unfortunately so is losing. There is no room for second place. There is only one place in my
game, and that is first. I have finished second twice in my time at Green Bay, and I don't ever
want to finish second again. There is a second place bowel game, but it is a game for losers
played by losers. It has always been an American zeal to be first in anything we do, and to win,
and to win, and to win (Lombardi)." I however disagree with this opinion. We are successful
everyday by accomplishing even small tasks that are required to get by in life. To most of us,
tying a shoe is a practice that has become very routine, but to some this can be a huge endeavor.
We as Americans take literacy for granted. According to a commentary by Regina Lee Wood,
director of research for the National Right to Read Foundation, the United States has a work
force literacy rate of 76% (OCPA). For a person to be able to read, that is a success in it's own.
"Success is relative: It is what we can make of the mess we have made of things (Elliot). Success
has many different levels. In order to succeed, one must try; in order to try, one must believe in
themselves. If we believe in ourselves, then we have already succeeded. Ralph
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Success at Work Essay examples
Success at Work
A real story happened with Mohammed and Abdullah can illustrate the term "Success at Work".
Mohammed and Abdullah graduated from the college of commerce and economics in 2000.
Mohammed got a job in a global oil company and Abdullah got a job in a global bank.
From the first day, Mohammed started working effectively. He was always putting his goals and
then putting a lot of efforts in achieving those goals. That is, he was accomplishing his work tasks
and responsibilities completely and creatively. In addition, he joined a lot of committees, in his
company, as well as the staff club.
On the other hand, Abdullah was happy because he was given an office, car, and telephone. He
distributed his telephone number to his family...show more content...
What where the reasons behind Mohammed's success in his job? In my opinion he, he succeeded
– First of all, he was accomplishing his tasks completely without delaying and accumulating works.
– He was an ambitious employee because he was looking for a better grade and higher promotions.
– He liked his job and had a desire to do the best he can, so his job satisfaction made him successful.
– He tried to create and invent new ways of doing his tasks, so his creativity made his job interesting.
– His initiatives to do additional jobs and his participation in the various committees and the staff
club made him an open employee and gave him the confidence in performing his duties.
On the other hand, what were the reasons behind Abdullah's failure in his job? In my opinion, he
failed because:
– He was caring only about his family and friends without accomplishing the other required duties.
– His accumulated works bothered his manager and colleagues and didn't respond to their advices
positively. Therefore, he created bad relations with other employees in the bank because of his bad
communication skills.
– He was lacking the desire to serve the bank in which he was working.
– He wasn't open to other activities of the bank that could enhance his confidence in performing his
– He was far away from the creativity that could make his job interesting.
– Unethical actions: he was
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Celine George

Success Essay Sample

  • 1. My Definition of Success Essay examples What is success? To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest crtics and endure the betrayl of flase friends; To appreciate beauty; To find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; This is to have succeeded. – Ralph Waldo Emerson –– I define success by how much I am able to be of service to others. Public service is the most honorable profession! You might be a police officer in Nebraska or a nurse in Canada; a mayor in South Africa or a council person in England; a custodian at a...show more content... According to this ethic, Jesus has it absolutely backward. In a culture of upward mobility, Jesus teaches downward mobility – that we should all be servants, not masters. In a culture where materialism and power are prized above everything else, Jesus comes off as a flaming ignoramus who knows little if anything about how careers work. Some public servants fall prey to worldly temptations. We read about them in the media. They get into trouble because they forget that the public servant should purposely and knowingly take on the role of, well, a servant. There is nothing wrong with acquiring nice things for your family and advancing your career through hard work. But the Christian public servant hears a cry that goes beyond the calling of status; beyond the calling of domination which is so clearly heard in our times. The Christian public servant is called to stand with Christ and against the culture. The Christian public servant knows that Jesus is not a flaming ignoramus, but is the true reflection of God. Service is the end, not the means. Service is to be exalted not demeaned. Others (all others) are to be respected, not denigrated. This is the ethic of Jesus, and practicing it makes all the difference in our jobs and in our lives. As this work week begins, let all Christian public servants hear the cry that goes beyond the calling of this world. In our jobs as elsewhere, let us be a reflection of Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 2. Essay on Plan for Success Planning is a process of establishing a mission with clear goals as a means to achieve them. Good planning requires special skills and perspectives allowing decision–makers to understand the challenges they are facing and apply the most effective solution to a problem. In order to achieve success, one must plan accordingly. Planning can be short term or long term. Short term plans are done on daily basis and are easier to achieve than long term plans. Long term plans are also known as strategic plans and are used to achieve a long range vision or mission of a company. In both methods of planning, short term and long term, is necessary to achieve top notch results. Like in any other process, there are both benefits and pitfalls to a...show more content... The main pitfall of planning is the misconception members have believing that planning solves problems. Too often, planners rely on opinions and hunches rather than facts. Once a plan has been established, all members in the organization need to be aware that issues may arise down the line and work environment can change unexpectedly. Some companies become so committed to achieving their goals that they fail to recognize the incremental changes in their plan and work environment. The lack of flexibility and creativity in an action plan can significantly affect an organization's purpose. Another comparison to a good planning is the goal setting process. Goal setting can help turn a company's vision into a reality, if the process is used accordingly. By precisely knowing what to achieve, associates can focus their effort on what is more important than on things that are less important. Goals require flexibility in the process, if there is no flexibility added to the process, goals would soon provide no reason at all. One way of setting effective and achievable goals is to use the S.M.A.R.T guideline. The S.M.A.R.T guideline is the first component of the goals setting process and is a useful tool in planning. The acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. Clear and Specific goals are easier to accomplish than common goals because it contains a specific reason that clearly defines what is about to happen. In addition to being Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 3. Essay on My Definition of Success In his poem, "What is Success," Ralph Waldo Emerson gave priceless insight when he wrote: To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded. Emerson's quote provides a paradigm of success–a model to be admired and strived for. Emerson teaches that learning to appreciate the subtleties in life can make it that much more enjoyable and interesting. In...show more content... It's not surprising, then, that I want an exceptional career. And I'm not special in that regard. Most students share my goal. After several semesters being surrounded by smart, ambitious Business School students, I've noticed that there are striking differences in the ways people define an exceptional career. And the way people define success can have a big impact, not only on decisions about their first jobs, but also how much they achieve and happy they are in their careers. As it is commonly used, the word "success" is sometimes synonymous with another word – "winning." Success is beating the other guy and getting the big salary. Success is what happens when other people think you're a success or when you can convince them of it. As a junior, I attended a recruiting event for the Boston Consulting Group. Hardly ten words were out of the BCG representative's mouth before he was compelled to announce that he was a partner at the firm and that he'd gotten his MBA at Harvard. He then delivered a presentation that was fixated on his firm's corporate mantra: "We're Winning." Some of my sharpest classmates ate it up. High achievers who knew little about BCG Consulting before they entered the B–School competed intensely to land one of the select openings there. They aren't alone. I know of many students who are competing for or Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 4. Grit Essay Examples Grit is a predictor of academic, professional, and personal success. Grit can be defined as strength of character or the ability to overcome failure and continue to work toward success. People with grit are not always the people with the most natural ability, but their work ethic and ability to overcome obstacles allows them to achieve success. Grit is a very valuable characteristic in almost any venture, as it gives someone an advantage in overcoming the inevitable obstacles they will face. However, grit is much easier adopted when an individual has a growth mindset. The first step to obtaining grit is to correlate both self–control and self–confidence when trying to reach an objective. By doing this, one can focus on the task at hand...show more content... I had no experience as a runner nor did I have the form. This did not phase me however. That year I promised myself to push through all the six mile runs, sore legs, gnarly blisters, and at times, lack of oxygen. At every meet and speed workout practice I pushed myself further and further. I set a goal every time I kicked off from the starting line and never let myself get discouraged when I failed. By my senior year, I was the fourth fastest runner on varsity. That year our varsity team won the district meet, which qualified us to run in the 2016 state meet in Oregon. The transformation over the years were evident. My determination to accomplish my goal of becoming a faster runner was complete. If I had simply just given up that first day of practice, I wouldn't have ran along side of the fastest runners in Oregon or have met the multitude of people that are now my closest friends. Having a goal sets one up for a challenge, whether it being physically or mentally, goals keep us active and thinking in more ways than one. Still, if someone has self–control, confidence, and a goal, they are still not complete. Growth mindset is the cone to an ice cream. It is the foundation of what I think a successful person is. Without it one couldn't use the characteristics mentioned above in more ways than one. Someone with a growth mindset believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work, brains and talent are just the starting point. Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 5. Money and Success, Who Wins Essay example Great Expectations is the story of a young boy. He is quite poor, but as the tale moves on, he falls in love with a rich and spoiled girl. Despite her cruel ways, he devotes the rest of his life to winning her over. He aspires to become a gentleman with the aid of bundles of money that he inherits and sees this as the only way out of the common life he is leading. The boy connects success and happiness solely with money and possessions. Unfortunately, the association leads to the downfall of his character. This is the path taken by too many individuals in today's society. Although they make a correlation between money and success, this connection is substantially unjustified. It results in the disillusions of...show more content... They have no idea that incredible talent might be present within the minds of the people down the street. Their success has not just sprung up from their wealth and riches. They have, perhaps, earned every bit of their beautiful house, cars, and other possessions that are so desired among observers. A definition of success should be established before going on. Success is defined as the achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted. If someone only desires material possessions, then, if achieved, they have reached success. This kind of success alone will not produce happiness in the lives of these people. The majority of individuals in our world aim for success through happiness, health, and prosperity. Aspirations to a money–related success are not likely to produce these valued possessions. Only in the world of television, advertisements, and movies, is that kind of life possible. The media is a prominent cause of people believing that money is the key to success. Fairy tale–type stories often present people as suddenly becoming happy and successful as the result of coming into a lot of money, perhaps by luck. One example of this is in advertisements. Their main catch is to show people who are using, or have used, their products. The aim is to make the consumer believe that if you use whatever it is that they are trying to sell, then you will be Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 6. My Success Story Essay My success to education Blondie Torres ENG. 121 Concetta Williams July 18, 2011 Looking back at the past eleven weeks I have grown and learned so much here at Ashford University. I never thought that I would actually accomplish my educational dreams and be successful in my life, but I definitely have proved, myself wrong. I love knowing that I am doing great and I really try to do my best in completing my homework on time, with the occasions of a few speed bumps along the way. I decided to return to school to further my education for many important reasons. I have struggled tremendously in the past with my five children and I wanted to change that life style for good. I am so very tired of trying to make ends meet and not...show more content... I decided to just go for it and I am so glad I did because I know now that I have overcome that fear and I feel as if I can accomplish anything and everything. I can also say that I have matured in many ways as a mother, first time college student, and being a single mother of five. My kids had to adjust to the new routine as well. They did not understand at first but eventually they came around and little by little they gave me the time I needed to study and do homework. I still have to overcome a few obstacles in order to complete my degree program, just like I had to overcome all the changes that come with me returning to school. One of the main obstacles I must achieve here at Ashford University is to listen, learn, and to be obedient in all the discussions and the assignments asked of me. Last but not least I have to say I have to overcome all negative feelings I get from time to time to complete all my educational goals. I need to be prepared mentally and physically for anything that is being asked of me from my instructors. I feel that I need to keep an open mind as well because I know all the feedback from classmates and instructors will be of great help in making me a better person and learner. There are a few things I must do to overcome all these certain obstacles here in college in order to have a successful completion of my degree. I will have to keep doing all these helpful strategies that have gotten me this far. For example, using the Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 7. The Path To Success Essay The path to success There are several qualities to have to be successful in college. These qualities can range from attending class to going above and beyond what's expected. Success comes from the journey taken or the path chosen. Success also comes from being prepared. As a student, I must step up to the challenge and find the path to success along the way. Several ways I define success is to uphold academic integrity, have the ability to prioritize, and to motivate myself to stay on top of what needs to be accomplished. Academic integrity holds a great deal of weight. This includes honesty in the work produced, as well as being able to accomplish the work. Responsibility in addition plays important factor into integrity. I see...show more content... Most of my days are long and tiring. By managing my time wisely, I normally get everything I need for school and my extra circular actives done in a timely fashion. Sometimes it takes not hanging out with the girls, in order to make sure I get my work done. Even putting in an extra hour at work helps me manage my time more wisely and keeps me from temptation. Which in turn forces me to focus more on my school work. Coaching football has always been a passion of mine. Knowing how restricted my schedule is, I strive to get my boys out of practice on time everyday. That way I can make it home to get some studying in, before I head into work. Many people believe success in college is rocket science, but actually it's the exact opposite. College is set up for students with the most basic high school knowledge to have a chance to excel. It's the simple things that can make or break a student's college career. Things such as going or not going to class. No brainer right? Sometimes sleep seems so much better than eight o'clock A.M. math, but a successful college student has to have the willpower to resist the temptation to not skip out on class. College is all about learning and not cutting corners, which only will hurt in the end. Everyday of missed class information will be lost, therefore the lack of understanding will show on a test or pop quiz. Attendance is a key to success. If I don't go Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 8. Success: Extended Definition Essay examples Success What is success? Is it the process of doing a task and receiving a positive result acceptable amongst the community, or is it simply achieving ones own personal goals? Success to me can mean many things. Although I am successful in school, that does not necessarily mean I will lead a successful life. According to The American Heritage Dictionary success is, "the achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted." Even over the course of history, the meaning of the word has not really changed. In the Webster's Dictionary from 1828, success was stated as, "the favorable or prosperous termination of anything attempted; a termination which answers the purpose intended; properly in a good sense, but often in a bad...show more content... "Winning is not a sometime thing; it's an all the time thing. You don't win once and a while; you don't do things right once and a while; you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit, and unfortunately so is losing. There is no room for second place. There is only one place in my game, and that is first. I have finished second twice in my time at Green Bay, and I don't ever want to finish second again. There is a second place bowel game, but it is a game for losers played by losers. It has always been an American zeal to be first in anything we do, and to win, and to win, and to win (Lombardi)." I however disagree with this opinion. We are successful everyday by accomplishing even small tasks that are required to get by in life. To most of us, tying a shoe is a practice that has become very routine, but to some this can be a huge endeavor. We as Americans take literacy for granted. According to a commentary by Regina Lee Wood, director of research for the National Right to Read Foundation, the United States has a work force literacy rate of 76% (OCPA). For a person to be able to read, that is a success in it's own. "Success is relative: It is what we can make of the mess we have made of things (Elliot). Success has many different levels. In order to succeed, one must try; in order to try, one must believe in themselves. If we believe in ourselves, then we have already succeeded. Ralph Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 9. Success at Work Essay examples Success at Work A real story happened with Mohammed and Abdullah can illustrate the term "Success at Work". Mohammed and Abdullah graduated from the college of commerce and economics in 2000. Mohammed got a job in a global oil company and Abdullah got a job in a global bank. From the first day, Mohammed started working effectively. He was always putting his goals and then putting a lot of efforts in achieving those goals. That is, he was accomplishing his work tasks and responsibilities completely and creatively. In addition, he joined a lot of committees, in his company, as well as the staff club. On the other hand, Abdullah was happy because he was given an office, car, and telephone. He distributed his telephone number to his family...show more content... What where the reasons behind Mohammed's success in his job? In my opinion he, he succeeded because: – First of all, he was accomplishing his tasks completely without delaying and accumulating works. – He was an ambitious employee because he was looking for a better grade and higher promotions. – He liked his job and had a desire to do the best he can, so his job satisfaction made him successful. – He tried to create and invent new ways of doing his tasks, so his creativity made his job interesting. – His initiatives to do additional jobs and his participation in the various committees and the staff club made him an open employee and gave him the confidence in performing his duties. On the other hand, what were the reasons behind Abdullah's failure in his job? In my opinion, he failed because: – He was caring only about his family and friends without accomplishing the other required duties. – His accumulated works bothered his manager and colleagues and didn't respond to their advices positively. Therefore, he created bad relations with other employees in the bank because of his bad communication skills. – He was lacking the desire to serve the bank in which he was working. – He wasn't open to other activities of the bank that could enhance his confidence in performing his duties.
  • 10. – He was far away from the creativity that could make his job interesting. – Unethical actions: he was Get more content on HelpWriting.net