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Submitted to, 
Mrs.Sushama prabha 
Lecturer of Natural science 
Submitted by, 
Sukanya .U.S 
Roll No: 41 
Christ Nagar College Of Education 
Submitted on, 
1 Introduction 3 
2 Science library 4-5 
3 Advantages 5 
4 Importance of 
science library 
5 Types of resources 8-9 
6 Organisation 9-11 
7 Conclution 11 
8 Reference 12
Science library is an essential part of the equipment. 
Pupils must read extra books other than text books for gaining 
general knowledge. The library books supplement what has 
been taught in the class. The books must be such as to 
provoke thinking and discussion to develop interest in matters 
of science to stimulate further reading to help to articulate 
and elucidate scientific concepts and problems to suggest 
further problems and to give insight in to social implications 
and contributions of science. 
There must be books on various branches of science, on 
invention and discoveries, biographies, on hobbies, reference 
books and books on methods. The books must be accurate and 
authoritative. It is the reading habit developed in the school 
that enables them to understand and appreciate scientific 
articles appearing in magazines and newspaper. Without an 
adequate library, modern methods like Dalton plan, project 
method, supervised study and others will become almost 
impossible. The science library should be attached to the 
science department.
It is an accepted fact that a science library is an essential 
ingredient of good science teaching and effective learning. In 
the classroom pupils get fragments of knowledge, which help 
them to get through the examinations. But the school should 
not aim merely at preparing pupils for examinations; its 
objectives are to widen the outlook of the students, and to 
instill in them a love for extra reading. A text books conveys 
pieces of information and knowledge in a specific way. A 
growing mind cannot remain confined to the textbook 
knowledge and classroom teaching. This pertinent need to 
satisfied by libraries. Hence the library is an important 
instrument of education. It is always better to have a science 
library besides the general library in every school. Science 
library provides a readymade handy collection of well selected 
books suited to the requirement of particular age level and 
standard. The science teacher can make use of these books for 
supervised study and reading room periods. One of the 
important recommendations made by the Secondary 
Education Commission was that every school should have 
subject libraries which are under the charge of subject 
teachers. It was felt that subject teachers can enrich their 
teaching making use of small collections of books on their on
subjects. A science library should be an essential part of each 
school which undertake science teaching. 
An explosion has occurred in scientific knowledge in the 
recent past the teachers find it difficult to keep themselves 
equipped with the newest knowledge in the subjects. For 
acquainting himself with such a knowledge he needs a good 
science library where from he can find out at least and new 
books to update his knowledge. He can then recommend some 
books to his students and may encourage them to acquire the 
habit of extending and supplementing their knowledge by 
making proper use of school library. Science library thus is a 
wonderful teaching aid. By reading extra books students can 
get a good deal of general knowledge which he may not get if 
he depends entirely on the classroom teaching. 
 Encourages reading habits in pupils. 
 Develops in pupils the ability to learn from books, when 
left to themselves. 
 Breaks the rigidity of the timetable. 
 Promotes self reliance and self learning. 
 Provides opportunities for social training.
As is said, Reading make the full man, the importance 
of books is quite evident. Not only are they the vital forces of 
acquiring knowledge but they also act as great friends and 
companions in times of need. We get pleasure, peace , 
consolation, strength, courage, ready advice and knowledge 
from books. Great mines may exhaust, cities may perish and 
kingdoms may be swept away-even man may weep at his 
mortal destruction, but the external body of thought that his 
hidden in the shape of a book will exist for all times. Good 
books to the young mind are like the warm sun and refreshing 
rains to the seeds. 
As our aim today is not only to educate the child formally, 
but also to make him useful and good citizen of the state, 
libraries are essential. They will improve his mutual faculties, 
inspire his spiritual qualities and thus build and develop the 
whole personality of child. 
i. The science library should generally be located in a 
corner of the classroom or in the laboratory part of 
the room.
ii. It is more advantageous to have a library in each 
science rooms rather than to have facility 
concentrated in one room. 
 Sizable and attractive book shelves should be provided 
for the books. 
 Open shelves invite learners to browse but a closed shelf 
give more protection to books. 
 While planning the shelf space, thought should be given 
to future space requirement. 
 Inclined shelving especially advantageous for the display 
of magazines and pamphlets. 
 Filling cabinets may be provided for the storage of 
pamphlets not in display. 
 A colorful bulletin board attracts pupils to the reading 
 If there is table space for six or more pupils, reading 
centre can be used for committee work. 
 The classroom library should have at least one table and 
seven or eight chairs. 
 Provide internet facility in the library. 
 A Photostat machine should be there for students to take 
copies of materials.
Books cover virtually any topic , fact or fiction. For 
research purposes we will probably be looking for books that 
synthesize all the information on the topic to support a 
particular argument or thesis. Libraries organize and store 
their book collections on shelves called stacks when looking 
for lots of information on a topic to put your topic in context 
with other important issues to find historical information to 
find summaries of support an argument. 
The web allows us to access most type of information on 
the internet through a browser. One of the main features of 
the web is the ability to quickly link to other related 
information. The web contains information beyond plan is 
text, including sounds, images and video. The important thing 
to do when using the information on the internet is to know 
how to evaluate it.
A newspaper is a collection of articles about current 
events usually published daily. Since there is at least one in 
every city, it is a great source for local information. 
Following are the essential points to be taken in to 
consideration while organizing a science library for the school. 
 Science library should form a separate part of the 
general library of the school. If a separate room is not 
available, a big almirah having shelves, in one corner of 
science room may be used for the purpose. 
 While teaching in the class the teacher should suggest 
certain books to be consulted. The practical 
demonstration given by the teacher for consulting the 
books can be more helpful. 
 Measures should be taken to encourage a love for 
reading among the students. They should be asked to 
collect their own views and remarks from the books and 
read by them, and inferences drawn by them should be 
published in the science magazine of the school. 
 Financial position and better accommodation are the 
essential features to be considered. The amount used 
for the purpose can be utilized either from science grant 
or from other school funds.
 Science library should be divided in to different sections. 
Organic Chemistry  I.L.Finar 
Inspirational Books 
Wonders of electricity 
Marvels of chemistry 
Romance of physics 
Background books 
The story of man 
The story of pencillin 
The story of earth 
The story of moon 
Reference books 
Dictionary of science 
Encyclopedia of science 
History of science 
Tables of constants 
Experimental books 
A hook of experiments 
Chemistry of experiments at home 
Popular science books 
Popular mechanics 
Popular chemistry 
Teachers books
Teaching of science 
The scientific method 
Science and life 
UNESCO source book for science teaching 
Science magazines 
Science today, Science reporter, Vijnana 
kairali, Sasthra keralam, Sasthragathi, 
Sasthrapadam, Yojana, Scientific America, Eureka, 
Electronics for you 
 A notice board may be made use of to suggest suitable 
reference and reading material to put advertisement of 
new books and magazines. 
In the present educational set up the role of textbook is of 
prime importance. However, we find that little attention is 
paid to this important aspect of education. Most of the 
textbooks in science are kept in the library. So library has a 
major role in each school. Library is the source of 
1. Teaching of science 
2. Modern trends in science education 
-Dr. T.T. Joseph 
3. Science education 
-Dr. K. Sivarajan 
Prof. A. Faziluddin

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  • 1. 1 THEORETICAL BASIS OF NATURAL SCIENCE EDUCATION ASSIGNMENT TOPIC: SCIENCE LIBRARY Submitted to, Mrs.Sushama prabha Lecturer of Natural science Submitted by, Sukanya .U.S Roll No: 41 Christ Nagar College Of Education Submitted on, 16-6-2014(Monday)
  • 2. 2 INDEX SL NO. CONTENT PAGE NUMBER 1 Introduction 3 2 Science library 4-5 3 Advantages 5 4 Importance of science library 6-7 5 Types of resources 8-9 6 Organisation 9-11 7 Conclution 11 8 Reference 12
  • 3. 3 INTRODUCTION Science library is an essential part of the equipment. Pupils must read extra books other than text books for gaining general knowledge. The library books supplement what has been taught in the class. The books must be such as to provoke thinking and discussion to develop interest in matters of science to stimulate further reading to help to articulate and elucidate scientific concepts and problems to suggest further problems and to give insight in to social implications and contributions of science. There must be books on various branches of science, on invention and discoveries, biographies, on hobbies, reference books and books on methods. The books must be accurate and authoritative. It is the reading habit developed in the school that enables them to understand and appreciate scientific articles appearing in magazines and newspaper. Without an adequate library, modern methods like Dalton plan, project method, supervised study and others will become almost impossible. The science library should be attached to the science department.
  • 4. 4 SCIENCE LIBRARY It is an accepted fact that a science library is an essential ingredient of good science teaching and effective learning. In the classroom pupils get fragments of knowledge, which help them to get through the examinations. But the school should not aim merely at preparing pupils for examinations; its objectives are to widen the outlook of the students, and to instill in them a love for extra reading. A text books conveys pieces of information and knowledge in a specific way. A growing mind cannot remain confined to the textbook knowledge and classroom teaching. This pertinent need to satisfied by libraries. Hence the library is an important instrument of education. It is always better to have a science library besides the general library in every school. Science library provides a readymade handy collection of well selected books suited to the requirement of particular age level and standard. The science teacher can make use of these books for supervised study and reading room periods. One of the important recommendations made by the Secondary Education Commission was that every school should have subject libraries which are under the charge of subject teachers. It was felt that subject teachers can enrich their teaching making use of small collections of books on their on
  • 5. 5 subjects. A science library should be an essential part of each school which undertake science teaching. An explosion has occurred in scientific knowledge in the recent past the teachers find it difficult to keep themselves equipped with the newest knowledge in the subjects. For acquainting himself with such a knowledge he needs a good science library where from he can find out at least and new books to update his knowledge. He can then recommend some books to his students and may encourage them to acquire the habit of extending and supplementing their knowledge by making proper use of school library. Science library thus is a wonderful teaching aid. By reading extra books students can get a good deal of general knowledge which he may not get if he depends entirely on the classroom teaching. ADVANTAGES OF SCIENCE LIBRARY Encourages reading habits in pupils. Develops in pupils the ability to learn from books, when left to themselves. Breaks the rigidity of the timetable. Promotes self reliance and self learning. Provides opportunities for social training.
  • 6. 6 IMPORTANCE OF SCIENCE LIBRARY As is said, Reading make the full man, the importance of books is quite evident. Not only are they the vital forces of acquiring knowledge but they also act as great friends and companions in times of need. We get pleasure, peace , consolation, strength, courage, ready advice and knowledge from books. Great mines may exhaust, cities may perish and kingdoms may be swept away-even man may weep at his mortal destruction, but the external body of thought that his hidden in the shape of a book will exist for all times. Good books to the young mind are like the warm sun and refreshing rains to the seeds. As our aim today is not only to educate the child formally, but also to make him useful and good citizen of the state, libraries are essential. They will improve his mutual faculties, inspire his spiritual qualities and thus build and develop the whole personality of child. LOCATIONS i. The science library should generally be located in a corner of the classroom or in the laboratory part of the room.
  • 7. 7 ii. It is more advantageous to have a library in each science rooms rather than to have facility concentrated in one room. FURNISING CLASSROOM LIBRARY Sizable and attractive book shelves should be provided for the books. Open shelves invite learners to browse but a closed shelf give more protection to books. While planning the shelf space, thought should be given to future space requirement. Inclined shelving especially advantageous for the display of magazines and pamphlets. Filling cabinets may be provided for the storage of pamphlets not in display. A colorful bulletin board attracts pupils to the reading area. If there is table space for six or more pupils, reading centre can be used for committee work. The classroom library should have at least one table and seven or eight chairs. Provide internet facility in the library. A Photostat machine should be there for students to take copies of materials.
  • 8. 8 TYPES OF RESOURCES FOR ACCESSING INFORMATION: BOOK, NON-BOOK & WEB-RESOURCES BOOKS Books cover virtually any topic , fact or fiction. For research purposes we will probably be looking for books that synthesize all the information on the topic to support a particular argument or thesis. Libraries organize and store their book collections on shelves called stacks when looking for lots of information on a topic to put your topic in context with other important issues to find historical information to find summaries of support an argument. WEBSITE The web allows us to access most type of information on the internet through a browser. One of the main features of the web is the ability to quickly link to other related information. The web contains information beyond plan is text, including sounds, images and video. The important thing to do when using the information on the internet is to know how to evaluate it.
  • 9. 9 NON-BOOKS A newspaper is a collection of articles about current events usually published daily. Since there is at least one in every city, it is a great source for local information. ORGANISATION Following are the essential points to be taken in to consideration while organizing a science library for the school. Science library should form a separate part of the general library of the school. If a separate room is not available, a big almirah having shelves, in one corner of science room may be used for the purpose. While teaching in the class the teacher should suggest certain books to be consulted. The practical demonstration given by the teacher for consulting the books can be more helpful. Measures should be taken to encourage a love for reading among the students. They should be asked to collect their own views and remarks from the books and read by them, and inferences drawn by them should be published in the science magazine of the school. Financial position and better accommodation are the essential features to be considered. The amount used for the purpose can be utilized either from science grant or from other school funds.
  • 10. Science library should be divided in to different sections. 10 Textbooks Organic Chemistry I.L.Finar Inspirational Books Wonders of electricity Marvels of chemistry Romance of physics Background books The story of man The story of pencillin The story of earth The story of moon Reference books Dictionary of science Encyclopedia of science History of science Tables of constants Experimental books A hook of experiments Chemistry of experiments at home Popular science books Popular mechanics Popular chemistry Teachers books
  • 11. 11 Teaching of science The scientific method Science and life UNESCO source book for science teaching Science magazines Science today, Science reporter, Vijnana kairali, Sasthra keralam, Sasthragathi, Sasthrapadam, Yojana, Scientific America, Eureka, Electronics for you A notice board may be made use of to suggest suitable reference and reading material to put advertisement of new books and magazines. CONCLUSION In the present educational set up the role of textbook is of prime importance. However, we find that little attention is paid to this important aspect of education. Most of the textbooks in science are kept in the library. So library has a major role in each school. Library is the source of knowledge.
  • 12. 12 REFERENCES 1. Teaching of science -M.S.Yadav 2. Modern trends in science education -Dr. T.T. Joseph 3. Science education -Dr. K. Sivarajan Prof. A. Faziluddin
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