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Curriculum vitae
Sunil B K
Sunil BK. Telephone: +91 7022264406
# 98, 9th Cross.. Email: sunil.hrmugilu@gmail.com
Muneshwara Layout.
Attur Layout
Yelahanka New Town  560064.
Professional Synopsis:
 To associate with an innovative and vibrant organization, this allows me to put my
competencies to the best use, to add value to the organization and contributes to my overall
growth as an individual.
 MSW Certified dynamic Executive With Over 5 Years of comprehensive HR Executive
experience in Automobile industry & International level Garments company
 An enterprising leader with problem solving & Organizational abilities with excellent
coordination people management and presentation skill.
Core Competencies
 General HR Administration,*Recruitment&Selection,*ManpowerPlanning,*Training&
 Performance Management,*Compensation &Benefit ,*Employee Engagement *Statutory
2. Present Organizational Experience:
Designation : Officer-HR
Department : Human Resource
Joined date : May-2012 to Till now.
Experience : - 5 Year
3. Roles & Responsibilities:
 HR Generalist Roll
 Recruitment & Selection or On boarding Activities :-
 Organize the meeting with units HOD related to Manpower planning and their
requirement, and collect the MPR form the Head.
 Recruitment planning, Sourcing the candidate, through portal and reference
 Scheduling interview of Preliminary Telephonic, Technical with department head, HR.
 Shortlisted Candidate, and intimate to them.
 Offer Negotiation, releasing Offer Letter, Follow-up on Joining, preparing appointment
order; arrange the ID card, system & Mail ID from IT department.
 Preparing Job description with help of department Head
 Taking care of Joining formalities, collect the require documents and filled statutory
forms like PF & ESIC Gratuity.
 Designed the induction & Orientation program for the new joiners and schedules in co-
ordination with the department Head.
 Induction given to new appointees and providing them brief information about
company policy, and procedure, as well as service rules
 Preparing Induction MIS report and share to Leaders level.
 New employee introduction given to all level heads for future communication.
 Work Force Administration Activities :
 Preparing day to day Order like Confirmation & Extension Order, Transfer Order, Salary
revision Order, Posting Orders, of the employees, if any other order based on
 Training & Development
 Prepared Training calendar based on TNI(Training Need Identification ), Co-ordinate
with seniors about training schedule,
 Effective coordination with internal and external trainer, resource mobilization,
 Organizing First Aid & firefighting training, & mock drill for every 2 month.
 Arranging Soft Skill Training based on requirement of the existing employees
 Preparing employee skill matrix and publishing to leader level
 Monitor and evaluating training effectiveness and give feedback to management.
 Preparing Training MIS report and share to Head HR
 Performance Appraisals / Career Planning:-
 Handling performance Management system and identification scope for enhancing the
 Initiating reward & recognition programs and implementing incentive system for
motivating employees.
 Maintenance of Probation / Confirmation data and Generation of annual appraisal form
and completion of process well in advance.
 Employee Engagement Initiative:-
 Ensuring Health, safety and welfare amenities and its administration.
 Organizing Cultural activities, Sports and medical examinations of company employees.
 Canteen and Transports administration
 Organizing family get together.
 Sending Birthday mails, organize the party and outing as per budget.
 Preparing Write-up about the event to be posted on company Blog.
 Counseling of poor performer employees and long absent employees, if any other.
 Human resource management information system MIS Reports:-
 Maintenance of Employee personal file and Master Data and generate periodical MIS
report ,
 Preparation of weekly and monthly MIS reports and share to management,
 Preparing PPT Presentation on Monthly review and sent to CEO
 Leave record maintenance, along with muster Roll Form 22
 Maintenance the Training Data according to need.
 Preparing grievance tracker & monitoring TAT, as day to day activities.
 Office administration activities (Telephone, Internet, stationary, couriers, any other
 Prepare the HR Budget; maintain the expenses details, co-ordinate with Account Team.
4. Compliances & Statutory Role:-
 Statutory Compliances:-
 Obtaining factory license, Trade license,& PCB licenses of CFE,CFO, Shops and
Establishment licenses, contract license, fire license if require.
 Compliance of statutory obligations under various labour and industrial laws.
 All statutory Records maintenance, as per Act
 Renewal of all statutory license,
 Timely submit of Monthly returns of ESIC, PF, and PT, through Online
 Submission of periodical returns under ESI, EPF, ER-1, ER-II, Factory act, and pollution
control Board.
 Implementing all rules, procedures and policy as per Act.
 Updating all Statutory register of Monthly basis
 Conducting HR audit every 3 months as per statutory requirement.
 Preparing statutory MIS report and share to Head HR
 Handling Employee ESIC Activities,
 Handling Employee PF Settlement and Gratuity settlement on time
 Accident report submit to authorities along with supporting documents ( Form 12 &
form 17 )
 Preparing Statutory HR Dash board and published
 Handling Apprentice as per statutory
 Payroll Management.
 Updating new employee and left employee details as well as salary details.
 Monitoring Muster Roll, Leave record, prepares the man days details and
 Co- ordination with the entire Branch for requirement data for salary processing (i.e.
attendance, leave, incentive).
 Monitoring Employee salary Bench Mark
 Generating Payroll
 Preparing MIS report of ESIC, PF, and PT, as per Statutory.
 Prepare the payment disburse statement and send to Account Team
 Process Incentive based on employee earnings.
 Processed Employee over Time payment.
 Full and Final Settlement of employee.
 Preparing monthly Deletion details for payroll process.
 Conducting Exit interview of resigned employees.
 Take care of handing over activities.
 Processed Leave Encashment salary of employees.
 Preparing Relieving and Experience Order.
 Information given to IT department for Mail id and Sim disconnection.
 Coordination with resigned employee and processed their PF Settlement, Gratuity.
 Disciplinary Action.
 Monitoring company policy and procedure.
 Preparing long absent, latecomers and unauthorized leave, warning letter and issued to
 Attending police cases, conducting enquiries, attending labour courts issues.
 Formulating personal policies and implementation in effective manner.
 Conducting committees meeting like canteen, health & safety, grievance, sexual
 Handling disciplinary proceeding like ( Preparing charge sheet, Conducting Domestic
Enquire and submit report to Management )
 Contractor & Contract workers Management:-
 Relationship development with contractor and organizing the meeting with them to
educate them related to documents required, welfare facilities at site for the workers,
Timely submission of the required documents.
 Ensuring timely payment of workers at site and ensuring proper initials of workers in
the muster roll sheet, proper payment as per minimum wages, proper deduction of PF.
 Handling Union Leader and Union Members around 678
 Scrap handling as per committee decision
1. Organizational Experience:
Designation: Executive HR (Welfare Officer)
Department Human Resource
Experience: from 18th Jan 2011 to May 14th 2012.
 Handling Recruitments: Finding new resources  candidates search, arranging telecom and
personal interviews with respective departments, private agencies, scheduling and
conducting interviews, maintain data base of employees, filling the new vacancies through
promotions of the existing employees on their long services, work performance appraisal. ,
Making Cold calls & Head-hunting.
 HR Generalist : Taking Care of Joining formalities of the Employees , Co-ordination with the
new jonnies of the internal employee ,Issuing the Offer Letter and explain the salary details
, Employee Relationship ,Give Induction & Orientation preparing the induction manual for
the new joiners, explaining briefly about the company history, vision ,mission , Leave,
policy, timings, holidays list, lunch hour , Organization chat , etc. Department wise
orientation given by respective Heads. Handling Exit Interview, PMS System of the
Employee & Processing Employee PF, ESI, and Medical claim & Other Employment
Registration forms.
 Salary Administration :Taking Care of Complete Staff Data Base, Time keeping &
Attendance, record maintenance and timely submission of returns under various statutory
acts viz. ESI, PF, PT, Employment Exchange,IT,FactoriesAct. PollutionControlBoard,
LabourDept. etc., leave maintenance, salary & wages administration, periodical
increments leave encashment, Final Settlements, Gratuity, IT deductions statutory
compliances. Monitoring Relieving Procedures and Settlements & General administration-
related work and Employee Co-ordination & Marinating the Contract Employees details
 Liaison with Govt. Authorities: ESI, Professional Tax, Provident Fund, Labour Dept.,
Pollution Control Board, IT, Police, Inspector of Factories & Boilers, etc. Employment
Exchange, etc
 General Admin. : Maintaining daily petty cash, scheduling meetings, coordinating travel
arrangements for managers and employees (car, bus, Tempos etc.,), accommodation
bookings, security and housekeeping, Telephone arrangements. compliance with KEB,
Police Department Etc
 Disciplinary matters: Issuing warning letters, attending police cases, conducting enquiries,
attending labour courts. Attending to the requirements of buyers as regard to code of
conduct, and formulating personal policies, compliance in conducting committees like
canteen, health & safety, grievance, sexual harassment.
 PREFORMANCE APPRISAL ACTIVITIES: - Coordinating in fixing key result areas of
department and employee, Coordinating with department Heads for reviews
consolidarations of appraisals.
 APPRENTIES:-Selection and joining formalities of apprentices.
 Maintaining attendance and leave records of apprentices
 Issuing training completion certificate
C&A Continuous follow up and Maintaining good terms with Employees for accessing the
CAB for routine pickup and drop.
5. Achievements:-
 Successfully implemented HR Process and policy in Startup Company.
 Implemented transparent communication across the Company.
 Set righted Canteen, Guest houses and Vehicle Management.
 Successfully organized Cultural fest & Family meet.
 Successfully implement TBM (Tool Box Meeting for employee).
 Successfully implement HR dash board.
 Successfully implement sankalpa training for Manager Level employees
 Worked in Central government project Rastriya Swasthya Bhima Yojan for a period of 3
6. Handling HR software:-
 Aryah Smart Finger
 I Card Manpower attendance software
 4s Software for payroll.
 ESSL Bio Matrix System.
7. Professional Credentials
 MSW (HR) - Goutham College of Science - Bangalore University - 68% - 2010
 Bachelor of Arts - Govt. Arts College - - Bangalore University - 65% - 2008
 PUC/+2 - Govt. P.U College - Pre-university board - 55% - 2005
 SSLC - Rural High School - 40.32% - 2003
8. Professional Training
 Computer Skills: MS Office & DTP, MS Dos, Internet. Installing software's & MS Access.
 Professional Training - As Management Trainee at Ajax Management Consultants Pvt.
 Course: Advance Diploma in H R Management Location: Bangalore
 Employee relation module 1and 2.
 Labour law implementation.
 Disciplinary action and Domestic enquiry
9.Academic experience
 Worked as a field worker in APSA (association for promoting social action) for a period
of 25 days
 Worked as a field worker in Fedina for a period of 25 days.
 Worked as a field worker in KSDL (Karnataka soaps and detergent limited) for a period
of 25days.
 Worked as a field worker in KAPL (Karnataka Antibiotics &Pharmaceuticals Limited) for
a period of 25days.
 Attend the workshop which is organized by Bangalore University, the specialization
based three days workshop on, "Social Work Practice Skill" held from 8th to 10th
October 2009
 Block placement in KEMWELL PVT.LTD as a Trainee HR for a period of 1 months
Rural Camp, Place: H D kote tq., Selected some villages, During 10 days
1o.Personal Profile
 Father's Name : Krishnappa BS
 Date of Birth : 10-07-1984
 Nationality : Indian
 Marital Status : Married
 Languages Know : English ,Kannada & Telugu.
 Permanent Address :- Sunil BK S/o Krishnappa BS, #12 Binnamangala Village
Devanahalli,(T), Bangalore Rural District
I hereby declare that all the above information are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge & belief.
Place: Bangalore
(Sunil BK)

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Sunil CV Dec-15 Version 2

  • 1. 1 Curriculum vitae Sunil B K Sunil BK. Telephone: +91 7022264406 # 98, 9th Cross.. Email: sunil.hrmugilu@gmail.com Muneshwara Layout. Attur Layout Yelahanka New Town 560064. Professional Synopsis: To associate with an innovative and vibrant organization, this allows me to put my competencies to the best use, to add value to the organization and contributes to my overall growth as an individual. MSW Certified dynamic Executive With Over 5 Years of comprehensive HR Executive experience in Automobile industry & International level Garments company An enterprising leader with problem solving & Organizational abilities with excellent coordination people management and presentation skill. Core Competencies General HR Administration,*Recruitment&Selection,*ManpowerPlanning,*Training& Development, Performance Management,*Compensation &Benefit ,*Employee Engagement *Statutory Compliances 2. Present Organizational Experience: Organization: TV SUNDRAM IYENGAR & SONS PRIVATE LIMITED. Designation : Officer-HR Department : Human Resource Joined date : May-2012 to Till now. Experience : - 5 Year 3. Roles & Responsibilities: HR Generalist Roll Recruitment & Selection or On boarding Activities :- Organize the meeting with units HOD related to Manpower planning and their requirement, and collect the MPR form the Head. Recruitment planning, Sourcing the candidate, through portal and reference Scheduling interview of Preliminary Telephonic, Technical with department head, HR. Shortlisted Candidate, and intimate to them.
  • 2. 2 Offer Negotiation, releasing Offer Letter, Follow-up on Joining, preparing appointment order; arrange the ID card, system & Mail ID from IT department. Preparing Job description with help of department Head Taking care of Joining formalities, collect the require documents and filled statutory forms like PF & ESIC Gratuity. Induction Designed the induction & Orientation program for the new joiners and schedules in co- ordination with the department Head. Induction given to new appointees and providing them brief information about company policy, and procedure, as well as service rules Preparing Induction MIS report and share to Leaders level. New employee introduction given to all level heads for future communication. Work Force Administration Activities : Preparing day to day Order like Confirmation & Extension Order, Transfer Order, Salary revision Order, Posting Orders, of the employees, if any other order based on requirement. Training & Development Prepared Training calendar based on TNI(Training Need Identification ), Co-ordinate with seniors about training schedule, Effective coordination with internal and external trainer, resource mobilization, Organizing First Aid & firefighting training, & mock drill for every 2 month. Arranging Soft Skill Training based on requirement of the existing employees Preparing employee skill matrix and publishing to leader level Monitor and evaluating training effectiveness and give feedback to management. Preparing Training MIS report and share to Head HR Performance Appraisals / Career Planning:- Handling performance Management system and identification scope for enhancing the same. Initiating reward & recognition programs and implementing incentive system for motivating employees. Maintenance of Probation / Confirmation data and Generation of annual appraisal form and completion of process well in advance. Employee Engagement Initiative:- Ensuring Health, safety and welfare amenities and its administration. Organizing Cultural activities, Sports and medical examinations of company employees. Canteen and Transports administration Organizing family get together. Sending Birthday mails, organize the party and outing as per budget.
  • 3. 3 Preparing Write-up about the event to be posted on company Blog. Counseling of poor performer employees and long absent employees, if any other. Human resource management information system MIS Reports:- Maintenance of Employee personal file and Master Data and generate periodical MIS report , Preparation of weekly and monthly MIS reports and share to management, Preparing PPT Presentation on Monthly review and sent to CEO Leave record maintenance, along with muster Roll Form 22 Maintenance the Training Data according to need. Preparing grievance tracker & monitoring TAT, as day to day activities. Office administration activities (Telephone, Internet, stationary, couriers, any other requirements) Prepare the HR Budget; maintain the expenses details, co-ordinate with Account Team. 4. Compliances & Statutory Role:- Statutory Compliances:- Obtaining factory license, Trade license,& PCB licenses of CFE,CFO, Shops and Establishment licenses, contract license, fire license if require. Compliance of statutory obligations under various labour and industrial laws. All statutory Records maintenance, as per Act Renewal of all statutory license, Timely submit of Monthly returns of ESIC, PF, and PT, through Online Submission of periodical returns under ESI, EPF, ER-1, ER-II, Factory act, and pollution control Board. Implementing all rules, procedures and policy as per Act. Updating all Statutory register of Monthly basis Conducting HR audit every 3 months as per statutory requirement. Preparing statutory MIS report and share to Head HR Handling Employee ESIC Activities, Handling Employee PF Settlement and Gratuity settlement on time Accident report submit to authorities along with supporting documents ( Form 12 & form 17 ) Preparing Statutory HR Dash board and published Handling Apprentice as per statutory Payroll Management. Updating new employee and left employee details as well as salary details. Monitoring Muster Roll, Leave record, prepares the man days details and Co- ordination with the entire Branch for requirement data for salary processing (i.e. attendance, leave, incentive). Monitoring Employee salary Bench Mark
  • 4. 4 Generating Payroll Preparing MIS report of ESIC, PF, and PT, as per Statutory. Prepare the payment disburse statement and send to Account Team Process Incentive based on employee earnings. Processed Employee over Time payment. Full and Final Settlement of employee. Preparing monthly Deletion details for payroll process. Conducting Exit interview of resigned employees. Take care of handing over activities. Processed Leave Encashment salary of employees. Preparing Relieving and Experience Order. Information given to IT department for Mail id and Sim disconnection. Coordination with resigned employee and processed their PF Settlement, Gratuity. Disciplinary Action. Monitoring company policy and procedure. Preparing long absent, latecomers and unauthorized leave, warning letter and issued to them. Attending police cases, conducting enquiries, attending labour courts issues. Formulating personal policies and implementation in effective manner. Conducting committees meeting like canteen, health & safety, grievance, sexual harassment. Handling disciplinary proceeding like ( Preparing charge sheet, Conducting Domestic Enquire and submit report to Management ) Contractor & Contract workers Management:- Relationship development with contractor and organizing the meeting with them to educate them related to documents required, welfare facilities at site for the workers, Timely submission of the required documents. Ensuring timely payment of workers at site and ensuring proper initials of workers in the muster roll sheet, proper payment as per minimum wages, proper deduction of PF. Handling Union Leader and Union Members around 678 Scrap handling as per committee decision 1. Organizational Experience: Organization: TURQUOISE AND GOLD APPARELS PVT LTD. Designation: Executive HR (Welfare Officer) Department Human Resource Experience: from 18th Jan 2011 to May 14th 2012. Handling Recruitments: Finding new resources candidates search, arranging telecom and personal interviews with respective departments, private agencies, scheduling and
  • 5. 5 conducting interviews, maintain data base of employees, filling the new vacancies through promotions of the existing employees on their long services, work performance appraisal. , Making Cold calls & Head-hunting. HR Generalist : Taking Care of Joining formalities of the Employees , Co-ordination with the new jonnies of the internal employee ,Issuing the Offer Letter and explain the salary details , Employee Relationship ,Give Induction & Orientation preparing the induction manual for the new joiners, explaining briefly about the company history, vision ,mission , Leave, policy, timings, holidays list, lunch hour , Organization chat , etc. Department wise orientation given by respective Heads. Handling Exit Interview, PMS System of the Employee & Processing Employee PF, ESI, and Medical claim & Other Employment Registration forms. Salary Administration :Taking Care of Complete Staff Data Base, Time keeping & Attendance, record maintenance and timely submission of returns under various statutory acts viz. ESI, PF, PT, Employment Exchange,IT,FactoriesAct. PollutionControlBoard, LabourDept. etc., leave maintenance, salary & wages administration, periodical increments leave encashment, Final Settlements, Gratuity, IT deductions statutory compliances. Monitoring Relieving Procedures and Settlements & General administration- related work and Employee Co-ordination & Marinating the Contract Employees details Liaison with Govt. Authorities: ESI, Professional Tax, Provident Fund, Labour Dept., Pollution Control Board, IT, Police, Inspector of Factories & Boilers, etc. Employment Exchange, etc General Admin. : Maintaining daily petty cash, scheduling meetings, coordinating travel arrangements for managers and employees (car, bus, Tempos etc.,), accommodation bookings, security and housekeeping, Telephone arrangements. compliance with KEB, Police Department Etc Disciplinary matters: Issuing warning letters, attending police cases, conducting enquiries, attending labour courts. Attending to the requirements of buyers as regard to code of conduct, and formulating personal policies, compliance in conducting committees like canteen, health & safety, grievance, sexual harassment. PREFORMANCE APPRISAL ACTIVITIES: - Coordinating in fixing key result areas of department and employee, Coordinating with department Heads for reviews consolidarations of appraisals. APPRENTIES:-Selection and joining formalities of apprentices. Maintaining attendance and leave records of apprentices Issuing training completion certificate CONDUCTING COUNSELLING Important Buyers: - MOTHER CARE, LEVIES, GAP, Wal-Mart. C&A Continuous follow up and Maintaining good terms with Employees for accessing the CAB for routine pickup and drop. 5. Achievements:- Successfully implemented HR Process and policy in Startup Company.
  • 6. 6 Implemented transparent communication across the Company. Set righted Canteen, Guest houses and Vehicle Management. Successfully organized Cultural fest & Family meet. Successfully implement TBM (Tool Box Meeting for employee). Successfully implement HR dash board. Successfully implement sankalpa training for Manager Level employees Worked in Central government project Rastriya Swasthya Bhima Yojan for a period of 3 months 6. Handling HR software:- Aryah Smart Finger I Card Manpower attendance software 4s Software for payroll. ESSL Bio Matrix System. 7. Professional Credentials MSW (HR) - Goutham College of Science - Bangalore University - 68% - 2010 Bachelor of Arts - Govt. Arts College - - Bangalore University - 65% - 2008 PUC/+2 - Govt. P.U College - Pre-university board - 55% - 2005 SSLC - Rural High School - 40.32% - 2003 8. Professional Training Computer Skills: MS Office & DTP, MS Dos, Internet. Installing software's & MS Access. Professional Training - As Management Trainee at Ajax Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd, Course: Advance Diploma in H R Management Location: Bangalore Employee relation module 1and 2. Labour law implementation. Disciplinary action and Domestic enquiry 9.Academic experience Worked as a field worker in APSA (association for promoting social action) for a period of 25 days Worked as a field worker in Fedina for a period of 25 days. Worked as a field worker in KSDL (Karnataka soaps and detergent limited) for a period of 25days. Worked as a field worker in KAPL (Karnataka Antibiotics &Pharmaceuticals Limited) for a period of 25days. Attend the workshop which is organized by Bangalore University, the specialization based three days workshop on, "Social Work Practice Skill" held from 8th to 10th October 2009 Block placement in KEMWELL PVT.LTD as a Trainee HR for a period of 1 months
  • 7. 7 Dissertation: Topic: "A STUDY ON PSYCHO-SOCIAL PROBLEM OF WORKING WOMEN AND DUAL ROLE ENACTED, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE EMPLOYEE OF WOMEN AND CHILD WELFARE DEPARTMENT, BANGALORE. Rural Camp, Place: H D kote tq., Selected some villages, During 10 days 1o.Personal Profile Father's Name : Krishnappa BS Date of Birth : 10-07-1984 Nationality : Indian Marital Status : Married Languages Know : English ,Kannada & Telugu. Permanent Address :- Sunil BK S/o Krishnappa BS, #12 Binnamangala Village Devanahalli,(T), Bangalore Rural District Declaration I hereby declare that all the above information are true and correct to the best of my knowledge & belief. Place: Bangalore Date:- Signature (Sunil BK)