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Supporting the teaching
development of PhD students
through an asynchronous
online course: reflections on its
development and
Emily Pinn & Rebecca Turner
University of Plymouth, UK
Preparing PhD Students for Teaching
 Online, asynchronous course that can be accessed anywhere at any
time (using Moodle and H5P interactive features)
 Estimated 4 hours to complete
 Addresses following topics:
 Why should PhD student teach?
 Supporting students to engage in their learning
 Introduces common teaching approaches used by PhD students
 Providing constructive feedback
 Supported by a range of interactive tasks, readings & videos
 Where possible these speak to the audience
 Sequential release of tasks, automatic certificates
Review of Preparing PhD Students to Teach
 Evaluation based on participant feedback data (n=118)
 Participants required to completed a feedback survey as part certification step
 Overall, positively received:
 Allowing me to think about what difference I can make to teaching.
 Broadening my teaching skills and equipped me with courage and confidence.
 Arming me with the information I need to ensure my classes are inclusive, welcoming and supports
diverse learners.
 Supported by thematic analysis of the forum posts
Discussion forums
Why should PhD students teach?
Read blog post from a PhD student about the advantages & opportunities
PhDs student gain from engaging in T&L
Make a blog post highlighting:
 why they want to teach
 how they think it will benefit their on-going professional development
Inclusive Practice discussion forum
Read a website with recommendations on building inclusive
Select a method, consider how and why they may use it in their
practice, and post to forum.
Invited to read, reflect on & respond to posts of peers  potential for learning through lurking
Posts attracted multiple responses, participants noting areas of shared experience or reacting to the ideas
suggested by peers.
166 responses
133 responses
Thematic analysis of forum posts: why teach?
Why teach as a PhD student?
 Personal gains
 Develop transferable skills e.g. public speaking, time management &
 Consolidate / enhance subject knowledge, helping to improve themselves
as a student and researcher
 Enhance CV & employability post PhD
 Desire to make a difference
 Share knowledge & experience
 Make research accessible
 Give back to the community
 Lifelong learning
 Maintain currency, learn from, and be exposed to, alternative perspectives
 Enjoy teaching
 Teaching highlighted as rewarding and enjoyable
Thematic analysis of forum posts: inclusive
The importance of student and teacher connection
 Connecting with my students begins with acknowledging that everyone is human
bringing their own experiences and lives to the classroom
Acknowledging diversity in the classroom & ensuring
Fostering a positive environment
 Students are encouraged to help each other, be respectful and inclusive.
 open to a more meaningful and deep discussion with opportunities to hear different
voices within the group.
Providing ground rules and structure
Benefits of an inclusive classroom
 Creating a strong rapport with students, based on mutual respect and kindness
will also be a great incentive for the students to get involved and connect with their
Represent important actions but do these often represent easy wins?
Our reflections on PPT course
 Appreciate the flexibility and accessibility of the online course
 Provided a good introduction into teaching as a PhD student
 Set expectations, providing practical advice and guidance
 Created a dynamic and interactive community
 On-going and repeated engagement with forum posts
 Connected participants even though working asynchronously and independently
 Multiple benefits reported, these extended beyond initial development of
teaching expertise
 How do we extend engagement with inclusivity to be more holistic?
 Can be a challenge when they are often in a supporting role - have limited
opportunities to design and plan or practise teaching.
 Need to build confidence & gain experience
Examples of activities included on the course
Many thanks for listening; to find out more about the course,
delivery methods and participant experiences email Becky

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Supporting the teaching development of PhD students by Emily Pinn & Rebecca Turner

  • 1. Supporting the teaching development of PhD students through an asynchronous online course: reflections on its development and implementation Emily Pinn & Rebecca Turner rebecca.turner@plymouth.ac.uk University of Plymouth, UK
  • 2. Preparing PhD Students for Teaching Online, asynchronous course that can be accessed anywhere at any time (using Moodle and H5P interactive features) Estimated 4 hours to complete Addresses following topics: Why should PhD student teach? Supporting students to engage in their learning Introduces common teaching approaches used by PhD students Providing constructive feedback Supported by a range of interactive tasks, readings & videos Where possible these speak to the audience Sequential release of tasks, automatic certificates
  • 3. Review of Preparing PhD Students to Teach Evaluation based on participant feedback data (n=118) Participants required to completed a feedback survey as part certification step Overall, positively received: Allowing me to think about what difference I can make to teaching. Broadening my teaching skills and equipped me with courage and confidence. Arming me with the information I need to ensure my classes are inclusive, welcoming and supports diverse learners. Supported by thematic analysis of the forum posts
  • 4. Discussion forums Why should PhD students teach? Read blog post from a PhD student about the advantages & opportunities PhDs student gain from engaging in T&L Make a blog post highlighting: why they want to teach how they think it will benefit their on-going professional development Inclusive Practice discussion forum Read a website with recommendations on building inclusive classrooms Select a method, consider how and why they may use it in their practice, and post to forum. Invited to read, reflect on & respond to posts of peers potential for learning through lurking Posts attracted multiple responses, participants noting areas of shared experience or reacting to the ideas suggested by peers. 166 responses 133 responses
  • 5. Thematic analysis of forum posts: why teach? Why teach as a PhD student? Personal gains Develop transferable skills e.g. public speaking, time management & communication Consolidate / enhance subject knowledge, helping to improve themselves as a student and researcher Enhance CV & employability post PhD Desire to make a difference Share knowledge & experience Make research accessible Give back to the community Lifelong learning Maintain currency, learn from, and be exposed to, alternative perspectives Enjoy teaching Teaching highlighted as rewarding and enjoyable
  • 6. Thematic analysis of forum posts: inclusive practice The importance of student and teacher connection Connecting with my students begins with acknowledging that everyone is human bringing their own experiences and lives to the classroom Acknowledging diversity in the classroom & ensuring accessibility Fostering a positive environment Students are encouraged to help each other, be respectful and inclusive. open to a more meaningful and deep discussion with opportunities to hear different voices within the group. Providing ground rules and structure Benefits of an inclusive classroom Creating a strong rapport with students, based on mutual respect and kindness will also be a great incentive for the students to get involved and connect with their tasks. Represent important actions but do these often represent easy wins?
  • 7. Our reflections on PPT course Appreciate the flexibility and accessibility of the online course Provided a good introduction into teaching as a PhD student Set expectations, providing practical advice and guidance Created a dynamic and interactive community On-going and repeated engagement with forum posts Connected participants even though working asynchronously and independently Multiple benefits reported, these extended beyond initial development of teaching expertise How do we extend engagement with inclusivity to be more holistic? Can be a challenge when they are often in a supporting role - have limited opportunities to design and plan or practise teaching. Need to build confidence & gain experience
  • 8. Examples of activities included on the course Many thanks for listening; to find out more about the course, delivery methods and participant experiences email Becky rebecca.turner@plymouth.ac.uk