Jelasity Radován: A magyar bankszektor kiforrott digitális jövőképeFinTechZoneJelasity Radován, a Magyar Bankszövetség elnökének, az Erste Bank Hungary Zrt. elnök-vezérigazgatójának előadása a FinTechShow 6.0 konferencián.
A máltai blockchain törvény - dr. Antal Ágnes (Caledo)FinTechZoneFinTechShow 2019 - Budapest Kongresszusi Központ, 2019.04.25. Web:
A FinTechShow a technológiára, a szabályozói kihívásokra, a felhasználói igényekre reflektáló legújabb digitális pénzügyi megoldások, véleményvezér víziók és szakértői mélyfúrások színtere.
Kiemelt témák: azonnali fizetés, nyílt bankolás, fintech stratégiák, szabályozás, szervezeti kultúraváltás, gépi tanulás, blockchain, kriptogazdaság.
A sosem látott ügyfél - Paulik Tamás (Microsec)FinTechZoneFinTechShow 2019 - Budapest Kongresszusi Központ, 2019.04.25. Web:
A FinTechShow a technológiára, a szabályozói kihívásokra, a felhasználói igényekre reflektáló legújabb digitális pénzügyi megoldások, véleményvezér víziók és szakértői mélyfúrások színtere.
Kiemelt témák: azonnali fizetés, nyílt bankolás, fintech stratégiák, szabályozás, szervezeti kultúraváltás, gépi tanulás, blockchain, kriptogazdaság.
Ismerd meg az ügyfeled 1 perc alatt! - Szabó Tamás (GoodID)FinTechZoneFinTechShow 2019 - Budapest Kongresszusi Központ, 2019.04.25. Web:
A FinTechShow a technológiára, a szabályozói kihívásokra, a felhasználói igényekre reflektáló legújabb digitális pénzügyi megoldások, véleményvezér víziók és szakértői mélyfúrások színtere.
Kiemelt témák: azonnali fizetés, nyílt bankolás, fintech stratégiák, szabályozás, szervezeti kultúraváltás, gépi tanulás, blockchain, kriptogazdaság.
Hol van az üzleti haszon az azonnali fizetésben? - Paul Walvik-Joynt (Nets)FinTechZoneNets is a provider of real-time payment systems in multiple European countries. It launched its RealTime24/7 instant payment system in Denmark in 2013, which then saw rapid uptake and became the basis for mobile P2P payment platforms. Since then, Nets has partnered with financial institutions and providers in other countries like Italy, Hungary, Norway, and Slovenia to implement instant payment infrastructures. Instant payments provide benefits like removing friction from transactions and allowing new use cases and opportunities for person-to-person, person-to-business, and business-to-business payments. They also have the potential to reduce transaction costs and increase customer experience compared to traditional batch processing systems.
Magyarország FinTech Stratégiája - dr. Gál András Levente (Digitális Jólét Pr...FinTechZoneFinTechShow 2019 - Budapest Kongresszusi Központ, 2019.04.25. Web:
A FinTechShow a technológiára, a szabályozói kihívásokra, a felhasználói igényekre reflektáló legújabb digitális pénzügyi megoldások, véleményvezér víziók és szakértői mélyfúrások színtere.
Kiemelt témák: azonnali fizetés, nyílt bankolás, fintech stratégiák, szabályozás, szervezeti kultúraváltás, gépi tanulás, blockchain, kriptogazdaság.
"Ismerd meg az ügyfeled 1 perc alatt" - Szabó Tamás, GoodID @FinTechShowFinTechZoneA nem valós idejű ügyfél-azonosítás („selfie”) lehetőségei a GoodID-val.
Next Level in Digital Banking and Payments - Lola Adebanji, CitiFinTechZonePreparing for a real-time world, open banking regulation, cyber risk and fraud will be top challenges banks face in the next 1-3 years – according to Lola Adebanji, eCommerce director at Citi. She spoke about the trends in digital banking at the FinTechShow, Hungary last week (25.04.2019).
Magyarország FinTech Stratégiája - dr. Gál András Levente, Digitális Jólét Pr...FinTechZoneA Digitális Jólét Program keretében elkészült Magyarország Fintech Stratégiája, melynek célja a hazai pénzügyi szektor digitalizációjának felgyorsítása, különös tekintettel a gyorsan fejlődő pénzügyi technológiai (fintech) megoldásokra, azok széles körű alkalmazhatóságára. 2019.04.25-én a fintech seregszemléjén, a FinTechShow-n mutatta be a fintech stratégia részleteit dr. Gál András Levente, a Digitális Jólét Program szakmai vezetője .
Jiffy - Az azonnali fizetés olaszországi tapasztalataiFinTechZoneThe document discusses Jiffy, an Italian payment experience. It provides an overview of Jiffy, which allows bank account-based money transfers and payments in real time. The document then discusses a case study where Jiffy was integrated into the point-of-sale systems of a large Italian retailer, allowing customers to make purchases directly from their bank accounts. Over 400 of the retailer's stores across 18 regions participated in the pilot program. Transaction volumes increased steadily as more customers used Jiffy for payments.
Digitális Szerződéskötések Meetup & Workshop - 2018.11.14.FinTechZoneTeemu Marttinen presented on contracting digitalization. He discussed current problems with contracting processes such as finding templates, version control during negotiations, lack of automation, and difficulty finding signed agreements. New technologies being developed include online negotiations, contract analytics, e-signing solutions, AI for drafting and reviewing, robotic process automation, and blockchain-based smart contracts. The goal is to achieve 50-80% savings in time spent on contracting through efficiency gains enabled by technology. - Financial data aggregátorFinTechZoneThis document describes, a financial data aggregator service focused on Central and Eastern Europe. It harvests data from multiple sources like banks and utilities, standardizes the data into a single format, and enriches it with intelligence services. This aggregated and enriched data is then provided to data consumers through an open API. Current status includes agreements with 10 Hungarian banks and 7 utility providers. Next steps involve changing to a server-side data aggregation model in line with new PSD2 regulations and offering an AISP license-as-a-service solution.
Bíró Tamás (Barion): A magyar fintech sikersztoriFinTechZoneThis document discusses the success story of Barion, a Hungarian fintech company. It began with an experimental mobile wallet and person-to-person money sending app but pivoted to providing payment processing services after encountering challenges with user adoption. The company has since experienced exponential growth, processed billions in transactions, and raised investment funds to further boost its growth. It details the development of its brand and compliance procedures to ensure security and agility as it works to meet deadlines and expand its services globally.
Némethi Balázs (Taqanu): The power of IDFinTechZoneThis document discusses how blockchain technology can benefit developing nations in three key areas:
1) It discusses how blockchain can bring convenience and automation to financial services in developing countries similar to developed nations.
2) It outlines how digital identity on blockchain can help the billions of people without proper identification and bank accounts by establishing a basic human right of self-sovereign identity.
3) It provides examples of how Taqanu's technology allows users to control who can access their identity data to enable use cases like digital health records and fair trade programs.
Rasmus Eskestad (Nets): Instant Payment ReviewFinTechZoneThe document discusses instant payments and Nets, a Nordic payments company. It provides statistics on Nets' operations, including processing over 500,000 terminals and servicing over 500,000 merchants. It describes Nets' RealTime24/7 solution for cross-border instant payments in Europe, which has proven scalability and a track record of fast implementation. The document outlines various use cases for instant payments, such as mobile payments, bill sharing, and replacing cash payments, and Nets' strategies for promoting adoption, including competitive pricing and targeting merchants.
Andrius Biceika (Revolut): The New Era of Digital BankingFinTechZoneThe document summarizes Revolut, a digital banking service. It provides core services like spending, money transfers, and currency exchange for free or low fees. It offers additional features like multiple cards per account, transaction notifications, and bill splitting. Revolut also provides business banking services and plans to expand globally, apply for a banking license, offer wealth and credit services, and reinvent merchant accounts with significant cost savings for businesses. The summary concludes by noting Revolut's rapid growth without marketing, with over 1.8 million users and $50+ million in daily transaction volume.
Lars Markull (Figo): Insights from a "Banking Service Provider"FinTechZonefigo is a German banking API provider founded in 2012 that now has over 50 employees. It provides a unified interface for accessing over 3,200 financial institutions and accounts. figo's services include account aggregation, verification, transfers, transaction tagging, and tools for banks, fintechs, and other clients through its API. External drivers for figo's business include the growth of APIs which reduce costs and enable partnerships, open banking regulations, and changing consumer demands for digital services tailored to individual needs. figo hosts "Bankathons" to inspire collaboration between banks and fintechs and help realize new ideas.
Magyarország FinTech Stratégiája - dr. Gál András Levente, Digitális Jólét Pr...FinTechZoneA Digitális Jólét Program keretében elkészült Magyarország Fintech Stratégiája, melynek célja a hazai pénzügyi szektor digitalizációjának felgyorsítása, különös tekintettel a gyorsan fejlődő pénzügyi technológiai (fintech) megoldásokra, azok széles körű alkalmazhatóságára. 2019.04.25-én a fintech seregszemléjén, a FinTechShow-n mutatta be a fintech stratégia részleteit dr. Gál András Levente, a Digitális Jólét Program szakmai vezetője .
Jiffy - Az azonnali fizetés olaszországi tapasztalataiFinTechZoneThe document discusses Jiffy, an Italian payment experience. It provides an overview of Jiffy, which allows bank account-based money transfers and payments in real time. The document then discusses a case study where Jiffy was integrated into the point-of-sale systems of a large Italian retailer, allowing customers to make purchases directly from their bank accounts. Over 400 of the retailer's stores across 18 regions participated in the pilot program. Transaction volumes increased steadily as more customers used Jiffy for payments.
Digitális Szerződéskötések Meetup & Workshop - 2018.11.14.FinTechZoneTeemu Marttinen presented on contracting digitalization. He discussed current problems with contracting processes such as finding templates, version control during negotiations, lack of automation, and difficulty finding signed agreements. New technologies being developed include online negotiations, contract analytics, e-signing solutions, AI for drafting and reviewing, robotic process automation, and blockchain-based smart contracts. The goal is to achieve 50-80% savings in time spent on contracting through efficiency gains enabled by technology. - Financial data aggregátorFinTechZoneThis document describes, a financial data aggregator service focused on Central and Eastern Europe. It harvests data from multiple sources like banks and utilities, standardizes the data into a single format, and enriches it with intelligence services. This aggregated and enriched data is then provided to data consumers through an open API. Current status includes agreements with 10 Hungarian banks and 7 utility providers. Next steps involve changing to a server-side data aggregation model in line with new PSD2 regulations and offering an AISP license-as-a-service solution.
Bíró Tamás (Barion): A magyar fintech sikersztoriFinTechZoneThis document discusses the success story of Barion, a Hungarian fintech company. It began with an experimental mobile wallet and person-to-person money sending app but pivoted to providing payment processing services after encountering challenges with user adoption. The company has since experienced exponential growth, processed billions in transactions, and raised investment funds to further boost its growth. It details the development of its brand and compliance procedures to ensure security and agility as it works to meet deadlines and expand its services globally.
Némethi Balázs (Taqanu): The power of IDFinTechZoneThis document discusses how blockchain technology can benefit developing nations in three key areas:
1) It discusses how blockchain can bring convenience and automation to financial services in developing countries similar to developed nations.
2) It outlines how digital identity on blockchain can help the billions of people without proper identification and bank accounts by establishing a basic human right of self-sovereign identity.
3) It provides examples of how Taqanu's technology allows users to control who can access their identity data to enable use cases like digital health records and fair trade programs.
Rasmus Eskestad (Nets): Instant Payment ReviewFinTechZoneThe document discusses instant payments and Nets, a Nordic payments company. It provides statistics on Nets' operations, including processing over 500,000 terminals and servicing over 500,000 merchants. It describes Nets' RealTime24/7 solution for cross-border instant payments in Europe, which has proven scalability and a track record of fast implementation. The document outlines various use cases for instant payments, such as mobile payments, bill sharing, and replacing cash payments, and Nets' strategies for promoting adoption, including competitive pricing and targeting merchants.
Andrius Biceika (Revolut): The New Era of Digital BankingFinTechZoneThe document summarizes Revolut, a digital banking service. It provides core services like spending, money transfers, and currency exchange for free or low fees. It offers additional features like multiple cards per account, transaction notifications, and bill splitting. Revolut also provides business banking services and plans to expand globally, apply for a banking license, offer wealth and credit services, and reinvent merchant accounts with significant cost savings for businesses. The summary concludes by noting Revolut's rapid growth without marketing, with over 1.8 million users and $50+ million in daily transaction volume.
Lars Markull (Figo): Insights from a "Banking Service Provider"FinTechZonefigo is a German banking API provider founded in 2012 that now has over 50 employees. It provides a unified interface for accessing over 3,200 financial institutions and accounts. figo's services include account aggregation, verification, transfers, transaction tagging, and tools for banks, fintechs, and other clients through its API. External drivers for figo's business include the growth of APIs which reduce costs and enable partnerships, open banking regulations, and changing consumer demands for digital services tailored to individual needs. figo hosts "Bankathons" to inspire collaboration between banks and fintechs and help realize new ideas.
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