This document describes specification tests that can be used after estimating dynamic panel data models using the generalized method of moments (GMM) estimator. It presents GMM estimators for first-order autoregressive models with individual fixed effects that exploit moment restrictions from assuming serially uncorrelated errors. Monte Carlo simulations are used to evaluate the small-sample performance of tests of serial correlation based on GMM residuals, Sargan tests, and Hausman tests. The tests are also applied to estimated employment equations using an unbalanced panel of UK firms.
Bi tr狸nh by trong s畛 ki畛n The Path to Doctorhood: First step into the ocean
畛 h畛c l但m sng hi畛u qu畉
Bi tr狸nh by do B叩c s挑 n畛i Tr畉n Ti畉n Anh, th畛 khoa n畛i tr炭 Tim m畉ch 2014, th畛c hi畛n
Th担ng tin chi ti畉t v畛 c叩c ho畉t 畛ng c畛a nh坦m FSH
FSH Education Channel:
Ph叩t hi畛n v kh畉c ph畛c ph動董ng sai thay 畛i (heteroskedasticity) tr棚n Eview,
Ph動董ng sai thay 畛i (hay c嘆n g畛i l 畉y 畛 ph動董ng sai c畛a ph畉n d動 thay 畛i) l m畛t trong nh畛ng hi畛n t動畛ng ph畛 bi畉n trong c叩c m担 h狸nh h畛i quy v畛i d畛 li畛u ch辿o v c叩c d畛 li畛u b畉ng. Ph動董ng sai thay 畛i lm sai l畛ch c叩c sai s畛 chu畉n 動畛c 動畛c l動畛ng (gi畉m), t畛 坦 lm tng c叩c tr畛 th畛ng k棚 t, F hay lm tng kh畉 nng m畉c ph畉i sai l畉m lo畉i I (gi畉 thuy畉t 炭ng b畛 b叩c b畛). Bi vi畉t sau tr狸nh by h畛 th畛ng l箪 thuy畉t, c叩ch ph叩t hi畛n & kh畉c ph畛c ph動董ng sai thay 畛i c滴ng nh動 ph畉n th畛c hnh ph叩t hi畛n v kh畉c ph畛c ph動董ng sai thay 畛i tr棚n ph畉n m畛m th畛ng k棚 Eview 8. Ngoi ra, c叩c b畉n c坦 th畛 tham kh畉o c叩ch ph叩t hi畛n v kh畉c ph畛c ph動董ng sai thay 畛i tr棚n Stata theo link sau:
Bi tr狸nh by trong s畛 ki畛n The Path to Doctorhood: First step into the ocean
S畛 d畛ng ti li畛u h畛c t畉p trong tr動畛ng Y
Bi tr狸nh by do BS. Hong B畉o Long, hi畛n ang l i畛u ph畛i vi棚n nghi棚n c畛u c畛a 董n v畛 nghi棚n c畛u l但m sng tr動畛ng 畉i h畛c Oxford t畉i H N畛i (OUCRU) th畛c hi畛n
Th担ng tin chi ti畉t v畛 c叩c ho畉t 畛ng c畛a nh坦m FSH
FSH Education Channel:
This document describes specification tests that can be used after estimating dynamic panel data models using the generalized method of moments (GMM) estimator. It presents GMM estimators for first-order autoregressive models with individual fixed effects that exploit moment restrictions from assuming serially uncorrelated errors. Monte Carlo simulations are used to evaluate the small-sample performance of tests of serial correlation based on GMM residuals, Sargan tests, and Hausman tests. The tests are also applied to estimated employment equations using an unbalanced panel of UK firms.
Bi tr狸nh by trong s畛 ki畛n The Path to Doctorhood: First step into the ocean
畛 h畛c l但m sng hi畛u qu畉
Bi tr狸nh by do B叩c s挑 n畛i Tr畉n Ti畉n Anh, th畛 khoa n畛i tr炭 Tim m畉ch 2014, th畛c hi畛n
Th担ng tin chi ti畉t v畛 c叩c ho畉t 畛ng c畛a nh坦m FSH
FSH Education Channel:
Ph叩t hi畛n v kh畉c ph畛c ph動董ng sai thay 畛i (heteroskedasticity) tr棚n Eview,
Ph動董ng sai thay 畛i (hay c嘆n g畛i l 畉y 畛 ph動董ng sai c畛a ph畉n d動 thay 畛i) l m畛t trong nh畛ng hi畛n t動畛ng ph畛 bi畉n trong c叩c m担 h狸nh h畛i quy v畛i d畛 li畛u ch辿o v c叩c d畛 li畛u b畉ng. Ph動董ng sai thay 畛i lm sai l畛ch c叩c sai s畛 chu畉n 動畛c 動畛c l動畛ng (gi畉m), t畛 坦 lm tng c叩c tr畛 th畛ng k棚 t, F hay lm tng kh畉 nng m畉c ph畉i sai l畉m lo畉i I (gi畉 thuy畉t 炭ng b畛 b叩c b畛). Bi vi畉t sau tr狸nh by h畛 th畛ng l箪 thuy畉t, c叩ch ph叩t hi畛n & kh畉c ph畛c ph動董ng sai thay 畛i c滴ng nh動 ph畉n th畛c hnh ph叩t hi畛n v kh畉c ph畛c ph動董ng sai thay 畛i tr棚n ph畉n m畛m th畛ng k棚 Eview 8. Ngoi ra, c叩c b畉n c坦 th畛 tham kh畉o c叩ch ph叩t hi畛n v kh畉c ph畛c ph動董ng sai thay 畛i tr棚n Stata theo link sau:
Bi tr狸nh by trong s畛 ki畛n The Path to Doctorhood: First step into the ocean
S畛 d畛ng ti li畛u h畛c t畉p trong tr動畛ng Y
Bi tr狸nh by do BS. Hong B畉o Long, hi畛n ang l i畛u ph畛i vi棚n nghi棚n c畛u c畛a 董n v畛 nghi棚n c畛u l但m sng tr動畛ng 畉i h畛c Oxford t畉i H N畛i (OUCRU) th畛c hi畛n
Th担ng tin chi ti畉t v畛 c叩c ho畉t 畛ng c畛a nh坦m FSH
FSH Education Channel:
Trong bao l但u? CCP
Ai ch畛u tr叩ch nhi畛m ?
9. TM T畉T
Y棚u c畉u 畛i v畛i c畉 nh ti tr畛 v
nghi棚n c畛u vi棚n
Th畛 hi畛n vi畛c tu但n th畛 c叩c quy 畛nh
trong su畛t qu叩 tr狸nh nghi棚n c畛u
Editor's Notes
#5: Before the Clinical Study Trial master file should be set up at the beginning of the trial, both at the investigators site and at the sponsors office. A final close-out of the trial can only be done when the monitor has reviewed both the investigator and sponsor files and confirmed that all necessary documents are in the appropriate files. ICH Guideline 8.2 identifies all documents that are needed to be on file prior to the start of a clinical study. Most of the documents youre going to need for the study will have to be in place before the study starts- e.g. before you enroll a single participant, the CVs of the staff will need to be on file, the IRB approvals of the protocol will need to be on file, etc. Reference: ICH E6 Section 8.2 Phe duyet San pham NC Khoi dong (initiation) bat dau du an NC Essential Documents
#6: During the Clinical Study Section 8.3 of ICH/GCP lists essential documents expected to be added during the conduct of the study. These documents generally fall into these categories: Updates- Studies change as they go on!- e.g. protocol amendments, which result in changed ICFs and IRB approvals for both; updates to IBs, updates to CVs, updates to normal ranges etc Communication and reports including letters, meeting notes, annual reports to EC, monitoring reports etc For AE reporting- SAE notifications to the sponsor Participant related- additions to screening and enrollment log, signed ICFs, subject identification code list Important point- when we update a document- say a CV or an informed consent and add it to the regulatory files, do we throw out the old one? No! We save it! CVs are a great e.g.. imagine we have a study going from 2000 to 2006. I file my CV in 2000 but update it in 2003. In 2006 an inspector wants to see if I was really qualified to work with these patients back in 2001. Hell want to be able to look at my old resume and see that I already had adequate training at that time. Reference: ICH E6 Section 8.3 Essential Documents
#7: After the Clinical Study ICH Guideline 8.4 identifies the documents needed after the completion or termination of the clinical study- there arent so many of them. Examples include the final product accountability and product destruction documentation (for studies where there is a product), Final report from the Invesitigator to the EC if required by the EC and to the regulatory authorities if required; also the final close-out monitoring report. After completion or termination of the study, all of the documents identified in Section 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4 should be in the file together. Note: Clinical study report is are the final report (once the study is complete or has been terminated) that is sent to the regulatory authority(ies) as required by applicable regulatory requirements. Reference: ICH E6 Section 8.4 Essential Documents
#9: Document Retention Per ICH/GCP, essential documents should be retained until at least two years after the last approval of a marketing application in an ICH region and until there are no pending or contemplated marketing applications in an ICH region, or at least two years have elapsed since the formal discontinuation of clinical development of the investigational product. Clearly these are ties specific to a drug/product trial However, these documents should be retained for a longer period, by an agreement with the sponsor or if required by the applicable regulatory requirements. It is the responsibility of the sponsor to inform the investigator/institution when these documents no longer need to be retained. This notification needs to be done in writing. The sponsor must also notify the investigator in writing when trial -related records are no longer needed. Reference: ICH E6 Section 4.9.5 Note FDA also has the 2 year period for the retention of essential docs, but the starting point for the two year period differs, i.e. its 2 years after a marketing application is approved for the drug or if the application is not approved for the drug, until 2 years after shipment and delivery of the drug for investigational use is discontinued and the FDA has been so notified. Essential Documents
#10: Summary The sponsor and investigator must set up and maintain a study file in which essential documentation is kept. Monitors, auditors, and inspectors will use the study files to evaluate GCP and protocol compliance. Access to the study files needs to be controlled. Sponsor and investigator files should duplicate one another in that both sets of files have most of the same essential documents at the end of the study. Essential Documents