Marketing tribe - concept proiectVictor Gavronschi“Smarter by association”
Triburile au reprezentat dintotdeauna o etapă în evoluția socială șiculturală. În antichitate, puterea tribului latin, Rammes, condus de Romulus, a dus la întemeierea Romei. Kotler vorbește despre “grupuri mici şi influente”. Astăzi, Seth Godin mizează pe triburi. Iar IAA YP crede că marketingul 3.0 e generat de triburi.De aceea, Marketing TRIBE reprezintă o invitație destinată celor care sunt gata să se asocieze pentru a seta trendul în materie de MarCom și pentrua schimba modul în care produsele / serviciile “vorbesc” consumatorilor înainte de a-și produce efectele.Prin intermediul catalogului Marketing TRIBE, IAA YP își dorește să contribuie la dezvoltarea mediului local de MarCom, facilitând conexiunea dintre specialiștii de marketing & comunicare din companii şi agențiile / companiile furnizoare de servicii de marketing &publicitate.
Sup challengeHoracio MeloThe document provides information about a video challenge for Start-Up Chile's application process for Round 9. Teams must create a 3 minute maximum video that features the entire team and can include people from previous rounds or the local community. The video is due by July X at 00:00 hrs and must be submitted to The winning video, selected through a vote of the Start-Up Chile community, will become the campaign video for Round 9's application process and that team will have a special dinner with Start-Up Chile staff.
Liz York Williamseay25Liz York Williams is a recruitment expert who owns Triumph Marketing, a full-service recruitment firm. The firm offers a personalized approach and extensive industry knowledge to help job seekers and employers find the perfect fit. Triumph Marketing has offices across the US and specializes in various service lines including direct sales, business development, professional roles, and IT/engineering. The firm utilizes various proven recruiting sources and strategies to ensure a consistent flow of qualified candidates.
March field house powerpointFieldHouseݺߣShowThis document is a schedule and information flyer for Bristol Field House. It provides the schedule and descriptions for group exercise classes, indoor cycling classes, intramural sports registration dates and tournaments, notices about upcoming events, health and wellness tips, and membership information for the field house.
LinnazainarjustinaltmanThis document contains Mandarin Chinese phrases and their English definitions. It introduces new vocabulary words related to asking for help, indicating something is real but not new, expressing fear that someone has died, asking about the location of a corpse, verifying if someone is joking, and asking why someone killed LīnNà. It also defines the Mandarin words for 'a' or 'an' and 'also'.
1.2011 field house powerpointFieldHouseݺߣShowThe document provides information about activities and classes at the Bristol Field House, including:
- Hours of operation and an alumni event taking place from March 25th to 27th with an RSVP deadline of March 15th.
- Details about Coach Genovese being named NCAA Division III National Coach of the Year.
- A variety of group exercise classes like yoga, pilates, cardio kickboxing and Zumba.
- Intramural sports sign-ups and an upcoming dodgeball tournament by Colleges Against Cancer to raise prostate cancer awareness.
Welcome toFieldHouseݺߣShowBristol Field House has varying hours of operation, being open Monday through Thursday from 6am to 11pm, Friday from 6am to 9pm, Saturday from 10am to 6pm, and Sunday from 11am to 11pm. The facility offers group exercise classes and indoor cycling classes during operating hours.
Entrepreneurship in emerging markets '15 Stanford MBAHoracio MeloThis document summarizes the application process and results of the Stanford University's Pre-College (SUP) entrepreneurship program. It provides statistics on the number of applicants, acceptance rate, countries and stages of businesses of those accepted. The top industries and product types of accepted companies are also listed. The document concludes with some lessons learned from the SUP experience.
Workshop Comunicare - ONGVictor GavronschiSubiectele workshop-ului:
1. De ce e importantă comunicarea eficientă?
2. Cum construim un mesaj eficient?
3. Care este structura unei strategii de comunicare pentru un ONG?
4. Câteva instrumente utile:
– Comunicatul de presă
– Blogul organizației
– Online & Social Media
5. Studiu de caz
Din culisele marketinguluiVictor GavronschiPrezentare sustinuta in cadrul evenimentului Zilele Marketingului by ASM Cluj, din data de 23.05.2013 | Cluj-Napoca
Relatia dintre agentia de marketing si clientVictor GavronschiRelatia dintre agentia de marketing si client. Subiecte:
- rolul agentiei de marketing;
- beneficiile externalizarii serviciilor de marketing;
- eficientizarea relatiei dintre agentie si client.
Prezentare sustinuta in cadrul MarketIMM by IAA YP Cluj, din data de 15.05.2013 | Cluj-Napoca
Instrumente utile pentru Project ManagementVictor GavronschiCum eficientizam munca in echipa si cum gestionam implementarea si monitorizarea unui proiect?
Prezentare sustinuta in cadrul intalnirii BizzClub din data de 5.02.2013 | Cluj-Napoca
웹 서비스를 위한 보안서버 구축방향FlyHigh Co., LTD.최근 국내의 많은 사이트들이 HTTPS를 적용하고 있으나 보안적 요구사항이나 성능, 클라이언트 지원범위 등을 고려하지 않고 구축이 되고 있어서 이를 위한 기본 고려사항을 점검해봄. 컨텐츠나 서비스 관리와 관련한부분은 너무나 많은 다양성이 있어서 거의 다루지 않음.
Elaborem el nostre propi pla de convivènciaMarcela Senent FerrandisMateriales para el equipo de profesorado y propuesta de dinámica para el inicio de curso.
Aplicado en alumnado de Grado Medio de formación Profesional
1.2011 field house powerpointFieldHouseݺߣShowThe document provides information about activities and classes at the Bristol Field House, including:
- Hours of operation and an alumni event taking place from March 25th to 27th with an RSVP deadline of March 15th.
- Details about Coach Genovese being named NCAA Division III National Coach of the Year.
- A variety of group exercise classes like yoga, pilates, cardio kickboxing and Zumba.
- Intramural sports sign-ups and an upcoming dodgeball tournament by Colleges Against Cancer to raise prostate cancer awareness.
Welcome toFieldHouseݺߣShowBristol Field House has varying hours of operation, being open Monday through Thursday from 6am to 11pm, Friday from 6am to 9pm, Saturday from 10am to 6pm, and Sunday from 11am to 11pm. The facility offers group exercise classes and indoor cycling classes during operating hours.
Entrepreneurship in emerging markets '15 Stanford MBAHoracio MeloThis document summarizes the application process and results of the Stanford University's Pre-College (SUP) entrepreneurship program. It provides statistics on the number of applicants, acceptance rate, countries and stages of businesses of those accepted. The top industries and product types of accepted companies are also listed. The document concludes with some lessons learned from the SUP experience.
Workshop Comunicare - ONGVictor GavronschiSubiectele workshop-ului:
1. De ce e importantă comunicarea eficientă?
2. Cum construim un mesaj eficient?
3. Care este structura unei strategii de comunicare pentru un ONG?
4. Câteva instrumente utile:
– Comunicatul de presă
– Blogul organizației
– Online & Social Media
5. Studiu de caz
Din culisele marketinguluiVictor GavronschiPrezentare sustinuta in cadrul evenimentului Zilele Marketingului by ASM Cluj, din data de 23.05.2013 | Cluj-Napoca
Relatia dintre agentia de marketing si clientVictor GavronschiRelatia dintre agentia de marketing si client. Subiecte:
- rolul agentiei de marketing;
- beneficiile externalizarii serviciilor de marketing;
- eficientizarea relatiei dintre agentie si client.
Prezentare sustinuta in cadrul MarketIMM by IAA YP Cluj, din data de 15.05.2013 | Cluj-Napoca
Instrumente utile pentru Project ManagementVictor GavronschiCum eficientizam munca in echipa si cum gestionam implementarea si monitorizarea unui proiect?
Prezentare sustinuta in cadrul intalnirii BizzClub din data de 5.02.2013 | Cluj-Napoca
웹 서비스를 위한 보안서버 구축방향FlyHigh Co., LTD.최근 국내의 많은 사이트들이 HTTPS를 적용하고 있으나 보안적 요구사항이나 성능, 클라이언트 지원범위 등을 고려하지 않고 구축이 되고 있어서 이를 위한 기본 고려사항을 점검해봄. 컨텐츠나 서비스 관리와 관련한부분은 너무나 많은 다양성이 있어서 거의 다루지 않음.
Elaborem el nostre propi pla de convivènciaMarcela Senent FerrandisMateriales para el equipo de profesorado y propuesta de dinámica para el inicio de curso.
Aplicado en alumnado de Grado Medio de formación Profesional
2. Aixecar la mà per parlar. Receptar el torn de paraula. Sol·licitar el torn de paraula. Respectar el que diuen els altres. No aixecar-se sense permís. Controlar les emociones i la impulsivitat en la mesura del possible. Gaudir de la classe Cohesionar el grup
5. TOTS ESTEM D’ACORD I ASSUMIM EL REPTE PACTEM - NEGOCIEM Un cop finalitzada aquesta part tots seiem formant un cercle, asseguts fora de l’aula al vestíbul de cicle inicial: Recordem les consignes Fem algunes de les activitats proposades pels alumnes Consolidem el pacte/acord tot agafant-nos de les mans. Ens aixequem i estirem el cercle. Ens apropem molt i molt tant com sigui possible per acostumar-nos a estar junts. Deixar lloc pels nostres companys tot i que sigui difícil i estiguem molt estrets.
7. THE CLASS (MENSUAL) THE BEST!!!! GIRL BOY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
8. ENTRE TOTS Decidim el color del gomet de cadascú. Els que estiguin 2 setmanes seguides a la zona verda escolliran una activitat per fer el divendres, a última hora de la tarda. Només hi ha 1 OPORTUNITAT 1 AVIS Qui no compleixi el pacte Tindrà un càstig durant la classe. ZONA VERMELLA Hi seran aquells que tenen un comportament inadequat CONSENSUAT PER TOT EL GRUP: ES QUEDEN SENSE PATI FINS QUE SORTIN DE LA ZONA VERMELLA
9. AVALUACIÓ Per saber com ha estat el nivell d'èxit de l'activitat, reprendrem una de les activitats anteriors i de manera coordinada, respectant els torns de paraula, s'anirà enumerant a la pissarra les respostes a les preguntes següents: T'ha agradat el treball realitzat? Per què? Què has après de tot això? Creus que ho podràs complir? Com podries millorar la tasca amb noves propostes? Finalment, es comentaran les respostes i farem una reflexió amb totes les dels altres companys/es. Quedaran totes escrites al costat del semàfor del comportament/emocions.