This document discusses recent increased scrutiny of multinational corporations' tax planning policies from media and governments. It summarizes that companies have used increasingly complex tax avoidance strategies to shift profits to low tax jurisdictions, though these strategies may be legal. The OECD and UK government are now seeking changes to international tax rules in response to issues like base erosion and profit shifting. Large companies and their advisors await how these tax issues will be addressed going forward.
International Tax For SMEs September 2011 Abbreviatedsarogers99
These slides were used in a presentation given to attendees at a recent UKTI / Natwest / Francis Clark LLP seminar in Salisbury - How to Open Up New Markets Overseas.
This document provides an overview of tax havens, including definitions, criteria, characteristics, types, examples, effects, and approaches taken by governments and organizations like the OECD. It discusses what constitutes a tax haven according to the OECD and other sources. It outlines the major tax haven locations around the world and different types of tax havens. It also summarizes the responses by governments and regulatory bodies to promote transparency and exchange of information between jurisdictions.
Tax Havens: The Fight Club of the Tax Industry by Joseph A. GillMonica Pollard
This document provides an overview of a presentation on tax havens given by Joe Gill of McKercher LLP. It discusses the Panama Papers leak, background on tax havens and their defining characteristics. It covers international tax planning techniques like offshore registration, foreign accrual property income, transfer pricing, and bearer shares. The presentation also outlines government actions against tax avoidance, including Canada Revenue Agency audits and efforts by the OECD. It raises questions about balancing tax minimization rights with obligations to pay tax.
The document discusses the changing landscape of international tax. It summarizes that:
1. Increasing scrutiny of corporate tax practices has been driven by budget deficits following the global financial crisis, rising expectations of corporate social responsibility, greater media attention, and the growing internationalization and digitization of business.
2. The 2010 Greek debt crisis highlighted issues of tax evasion and avoidance, shifting attention to fair taxation. Protests in the UK against perceived tax avoidance by certain companies further brought tax issues into public debate.
3. Politicians in the UK have condemned aggressive tax avoidance as morally wrong and put pressure on companies to pay their fair share in taxes.
This seminar discusses tax havens and their problems and potential solutions. It begins by defining tax havens as countries that offer little to no tax liability and financial transparency to attract foreign businesses and individuals. It then lists several well-known tax havens and notes that some have signed agreements to provide more financial information to foreign governments. The presentation outlines the factors used to rank jurisdictions on the Financial Secrecy Index, and provides the top 10 rankings. It then discusses problems caused by tax havens, such as depriving governments of revenue, enabling criminal activity, and increasing inequality. Potential solutions proposed include country-by-country reporting of multinational taxes, unitary taxation, automatic information exchange, public registers of company owners, and
Presentation at the European Economic & Social Committee hearing on 'EU development partnerships and the challenge posed by international tax agreements'
CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre is a French law firm with over 700 employees including 450 lawyers. It is part of the international CMS alliance network of law firms with over 2000 lawyers across 47 offices worldwide. CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre provides legal services in business law, tax law, and employment law both within France and internationally through its offices and partnerships.
As an alumni to the courses taught by Professor Alan Cerf at UC Berkeley, Brian Rowbotham and Cindy Hsieh returns to campus each semester to be a guest lecturer for the new classes.
This document defines a tax haven as a country that levies low or no taxes while maintaining good governance. It lists various countries and territories considered tax havens in Europe, the Caribbean, Africa, and the Pacific Rim. It then discusses the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) model, which seeks improved transparency and exchange of information between countries through cooperation rather than tax rate harmonization or impinging on national sovereignty. The OECD has initiated approaches to address harmful tax practices and improve access to bank information.
The Presentation was focussed on the use of low or nil tax jurisdictions typically known to be as Tax Havens by Big Corporate to meticulously route their revenue and using instruments like Double Dutch Sandwich to evade taxes.
Getting the Deal Through: Tax Controversy 2019, IrelandMatheson Law Firm
Tax partner, Joe Duffy, Tax principal, Greg Lockhart and Tax associate, Kathryn Stapleton co-author the Ireland chapter of Getting the Deal Through: Tax Controversy 2019.
A Level Playing Field: The Need for non-G20 Participation in the BEPS' processDrLendySpires
This document summarizes the key arguments made in a paper endorsing non-G20 participation in the OECD's Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project. It argues that corporate income tax is even more important for developing country public finances than developed countries. However, the BEPS process currently excludes non-G20 countries. It recommends ensuring non-G20 countries can fully participate in rewriting international tax rules through the BEPS process. The success of BEPS should be judged on reducing double non-taxation while safeguarding developing country tax bases, not just aligning taxes with substance in G20 economies. Solutions must apply to all countries and support less resourced tax administrations
This document summarizes key aspects of Ireland's transfer pricing laws and regulations:
1. The primary transfer pricing legislation is Part 35A of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997, which incorporates the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines. The Revenue Commissioners are responsible for enforcing the transfer pricing rules.
2. The transfer pricing rules apply to transactions between associated enterprises, both domestic and cross-border, involving trade in goods, services, money or intangibles. Acceptable transfer pricing methods include those outlined in the OECD Guidelines.
3. Ireland has participated fully in the OECD's BEPS project and has begun implementing recommendations such as country-by-country reporting and following the updated OECD Guidelines
This document provides an overview of indirect tax rates around the world, broken down by region. It lists the standard VAT/GST rate and any other rates that may apply in each country. For example, in Africa it lists that the standard VAT rate in Botswana is 12% with no other rates, while in Egypt the standard rate is 10% with rates ranging from 5-15%. It also provides brief summaries of customs duty and how it interacts with other indirect taxes. The document aims to give readers a quick reference to indirect tax rates globally.
Panel discussion- Preferred offshore hubs for IndiansIndia inc
This Presentation is from Panel discussion on Preferred Offshore Hubs For Indians session at the Global Wealth Management Conclave 2014 organised by India Inc - on April 7, 2014
Luminous Tax Matters is an independent tax law firm that provides high-quality tax consultancy and compliance services to companies and individuals. It focuses on cross-border tax advice and has an informal network of international law and tax firms to monitor tax developments abroad. The firm prides itself on offering a personal approach with short communication lines and prompt, customized services. It has experienced tax professionals who specialize in areas like mergers and acquisitions, transfer pricing, and international tax planning.
This presentation discusses tax planning strategies for small and medium-sized businesses. It covers pre-year end spending, pension contributions, asset purchases, property transactions, choosing between an unincorporated or incorporated business structure, VAT registration thresholds and accounting schemes, and personal tax planning regarding capital gains tax, inheritance tax, pension contributions, and ISAs. The presenters are available to answer further tax-related questions.
This document provides an overview of international taxation. It discusses the author's background working in international tax. It then defines international taxation, noting there are no international tax laws and it involves the interaction of multiple countries' tax laws and rules applied to cross-border transactions. Key topics in international taxation are also listed. The document discusses the features of international taxation, including differences in tax systems, rates, and practices between countries. It provides a brief history of developments in international taxation laws. It also summarizes the growth of the author's former employer's international tax practice over time. Examples of cross-border transactions are given along with risks involved in determining tax residence and source of income. Basic principles of international taxation including capital export neutrality
Poverty robs people of dignity and hope. Developing countries lose over $160 billion annually to tax dodging by corporations using tax havens. This money could fund important services but instead is greater than the total aid received. Many large companies legally and illegally use tax havens like the Cayman Islands to avoid taxes on profits made in developing countries by creating shell subsidiaries that declare little to no profits. Campaigns call on world leaders to increase transparency and require companies to report all profits to close tax haven loopholes.
The document discusses 15 of the world's most significant tax havens, including Luxembourg, the Cook Islands, the Cayman Islands, Channel Islands, Bermuda, Dubai, Lichtenstein, British Virgin Islands, Andorra, Switzerland, Gibraltar, Belize, Vanuatu, Grenada, and Cyprus. Each tax haven offers varying tax advantages and levels of secrecy for individuals and businesses seeking to avoid taxes in their home countries.
Julie Murphy O'Connor and Gearoid Carey provide an overview on Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Ireland in the 2018 edition of Getting the Deal Through.
Transfer pricing refers to how multinational corporations allocate profits between subsidiaries in different countries. This impacts how much each country can tax the corporation's profits. The arm's length principle states that transfer prices should be what independent companies would charge, preventing corporations from shifting profits to low-tax countries. However, applying this principle is difficult as direct market comparisons are often not available. While alternatives have been proposed, the arm's length principle remains the international standard as it avoids conflicts over splitting profits that could arise under other methods.
Eversheds CREATE Workshop #1: Real estate holding structuresEversheds Sutherland
Corporate Real Estate Academy Training at Eversheds (CREATE) is a series of workshops designed to further your knowledge of indirect real estate and corporatised real estate transactions.
CREATE Workshop #1: Real Estate Holding Structures explored:
typical structures used for holding real estate and real estate joint ventures
why each structure is used and by whom
trends and how the status quo is changing
This document discusses the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) reporting requirements that fund managers must comply with. It explains that FATCA reporting is due by mid-2015 and involves classifying entities, obtaining registration numbers, and reporting on US and UK taxpayers. It advises fund managers to ensure they have an efficient process to minimize costs and risks of non-compliance.
The document discusses initiatives by various jurisdictions to increase fiscal pressures on company registries to perform more efficiently. It summarizes recent initiatives by registries in Jersey, Utah, the United Kingdom, Nova Scotia, the Netherlands to reduce costs through increased online services, improved technology, reducing employee numbers, and making processes more streamlined and customer-centric. The overall trends seen across registries include increasing automation, reducing human resources, developing smarter systems, and focusing on efficiency while maintaining effectiveness.
Large Business Tax Strategy to be publishedVesko Petkov
The UK government is introducing new rules that will require large businesses to publish a tax strategy document annually on the internet. The rules will apply to businesses with a turnover of at least 贈200 million or balance sheet total of 贈2 billion. Even businesses that are part of a large multinational group may be required to publish a strategy. Affected businesses must publish their first strategy by the end of 2017. The strategy must cover the business's approach to tax planning, risk management, and dealings with HMRC. Penalties can be imposed for non-compliance.
Tax management within multinational enterprises (MNEs) has never been more challenging. 'Getting to grips with the BEPS Action Plan' is the latest Grant Thornton report exploring the OECDs planned overhaul of the international tax system, what it means for businesses and how they can prepare.
CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre is a French law firm with over 700 employees including 450 lawyers. It is part of the international CMS alliance network of law firms with over 2000 lawyers across 47 offices worldwide. CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre provides legal services in business law, tax law, and employment law both within France and internationally through its offices and partnerships.
As an alumni to the courses taught by Professor Alan Cerf at UC Berkeley, Brian Rowbotham and Cindy Hsieh returns to campus each semester to be a guest lecturer for the new classes.
This document defines a tax haven as a country that levies low or no taxes while maintaining good governance. It lists various countries and territories considered tax havens in Europe, the Caribbean, Africa, and the Pacific Rim. It then discusses the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) model, which seeks improved transparency and exchange of information between countries through cooperation rather than tax rate harmonization or impinging on national sovereignty. The OECD has initiated approaches to address harmful tax practices and improve access to bank information.
The Presentation was focussed on the use of low or nil tax jurisdictions typically known to be as Tax Havens by Big Corporate to meticulously route their revenue and using instruments like Double Dutch Sandwich to evade taxes.
Getting the Deal Through: Tax Controversy 2019, IrelandMatheson Law Firm
Tax partner, Joe Duffy, Tax principal, Greg Lockhart and Tax associate, Kathryn Stapleton co-author the Ireland chapter of Getting the Deal Through: Tax Controversy 2019.
A Level Playing Field: The Need for non-G20 Participation in the BEPS' processDrLendySpires
This document summarizes the key arguments made in a paper endorsing non-G20 participation in the OECD's Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project. It argues that corporate income tax is even more important for developing country public finances than developed countries. However, the BEPS process currently excludes non-G20 countries. It recommends ensuring non-G20 countries can fully participate in rewriting international tax rules through the BEPS process. The success of BEPS should be judged on reducing double non-taxation while safeguarding developing country tax bases, not just aligning taxes with substance in G20 economies. Solutions must apply to all countries and support less resourced tax administrations
This document summarizes key aspects of Ireland's transfer pricing laws and regulations:
1. The primary transfer pricing legislation is Part 35A of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997, which incorporates the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines. The Revenue Commissioners are responsible for enforcing the transfer pricing rules.
2. The transfer pricing rules apply to transactions between associated enterprises, both domestic and cross-border, involving trade in goods, services, money or intangibles. Acceptable transfer pricing methods include those outlined in the OECD Guidelines.
3. Ireland has participated fully in the OECD's BEPS project and has begun implementing recommendations such as country-by-country reporting and following the updated OECD Guidelines
This document provides an overview of indirect tax rates around the world, broken down by region. It lists the standard VAT/GST rate and any other rates that may apply in each country. For example, in Africa it lists that the standard VAT rate in Botswana is 12% with no other rates, while in Egypt the standard rate is 10% with rates ranging from 5-15%. It also provides brief summaries of customs duty and how it interacts with other indirect taxes. The document aims to give readers a quick reference to indirect tax rates globally.
Panel discussion- Preferred offshore hubs for IndiansIndia inc
This Presentation is from Panel discussion on Preferred Offshore Hubs For Indians session at the Global Wealth Management Conclave 2014 organised by India Inc - on April 7, 2014
Luminous Tax Matters is an independent tax law firm that provides high-quality tax consultancy and compliance services to companies and individuals. It focuses on cross-border tax advice and has an informal network of international law and tax firms to monitor tax developments abroad. The firm prides itself on offering a personal approach with short communication lines and prompt, customized services. It has experienced tax professionals who specialize in areas like mergers and acquisitions, transfer pricing, and international tax planning.
This presentation discusses tax planning strategies for small and medium-sized businesses. It covers pre-year end spending, pension contributions, asset purchases, property transactions, choosing between an unincorporated or incorporated business structure, VAT registration thresholds and accounting schemes, and personal tax planning regarding capital gains tax, inheritance tax, pension contributions, and ISAs. The presenters are available to answer further tax-related questions.
This document provides an overview of international taxation. It discusses the author's background working in international tax. It then defines international taxation, noting there are no international tax laws and it involves the interaction of multiple countries' tax laws and rules applied to cross-border transactions. Key topics in international taxation are also listed. The document discusses the features of international taxation, including differences in tax systems, rates, and practices between countries. It provides a brief history of developments in international taxation laws. It also summarizes the growth of the author's former employer's international tax practice over time. Examples of cross-border transactions are given along with risks involved in determining tax residence and source of income. Basic principles of international taxation including capital export neutrality
Poverty robs people of dignity and hope. Developing countries lose over $160 billion annually to tax dodging by corporations using tax havens. This money could fund important services but instead is greater than the total aid received. Many large companies legally and illegally use tax havens like the Cayman Islands to avoid taxes on profits made in developing countries by creating shell subsidiaries that declare little to no profits. Campaigns call on world leaders to increase transparency and require companies to report all profits to close tax haven loopholes.
The document discusses 15 of the world's most significant tax havens, including Luxembourg, the Cook Islands, the Cayman Islands, Channel Islands, Bermuda, Dubai, Lichtenstein, British Virgin Islands, Andorra, Switzerland, Gibraltar, Belize, Vanuatu, Grenada, and Cyprus. Each tax haven offers varying tax advantages and levels of secrecy for individuals and businesses seeking to avoid taxes in their home countries.
Julie Murphy O'Connor and Gearoid Carey provide an overview on Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Ireland in the 2018 edition of Getting the Deal Through.
Transfer pricing refers to how multinational corporations allocate profits between subsidiaries in different countries. This impacts how much each country can tax the corporation's profits. The arm's length principle states that transfer prices should be what independent companies would charge, preventing corporations from shifting profits to low-tax countries. However, applying this principle is difficult as direct market comparisons are often not available. While alternatives have been proposed, the arm's length principle remains the international standard as it avoids conflicts over splitting profits that could arise under other methods.
Eversheds CREATE Workshop #1: Real estate holding structuresEversheds Sutherland
Corporate Real Estate Academy Training at Eversheds (CREATE) is a series of workshops designed to further your knowledge of indirect real estate and corporatised real estate transactions.
CREATE Workshop #1: Real Estate Holding Structures explored:
typical structures used for holding real estate and real estate joint ventures
why each structure is used and by whom
trends and how the status quo is changing
This document discusses the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) reporting requirements that fund managers must comply with. It explains that FATCA reporting is due by mid-2015 and involves classifying entities, obtaining registration numbers, and reporting on US and UK taxpayers. It advises fund managers to ensure they have an efficient process to minimize costs and risks of non-compliance.
The document discusses initiatives by various jurisdictions to increase fiscal pressures on company registries to perform more efficiently. It summarizes recent initiatives by registries in Jersey, Utah, the United Kingdom, Nova Scotia, the Netherlands to reduce costs through increased online services, improved technology, reducing employee numbers, and making processes more streamlined and customer-centric. The overall trends seen across registries include increasing automation, reducing human resources, developing smarter systems, and focusing on efficiency while maintaining effectiveness.
Large Business Tax Strategy to be publishedVesko Petkov
The UK government is introducing new rules that will require large businesses to publish a tax strategy document annually on the internet. The rules will apply to businesses with a turnover of at least 贈200 million or balance sheet total of 贈2 billion. Even businesses that are part of a large multinational group may be required to publish a strategy. Affected businesses must publish their first strategy by the end of 2017. The strategy must cover the business's approach to tax planning, risk management, and dealings with HMRC. Penalties can be imposed for non-compliance.
Tax management within multinational enterprises (MNEs) has never been more challenging. 'Getting to grips with the BEPS Action Plan' is the latest Grant Thornton report exploring the OECDs planned overhaul of the international tax system, what it means for businesses and how they can prepare.
This document provides an overview of tax and financial strategies for both businesses and individuals. It discusses the importance of effective planning, especially during times of economic change. For businesses, it recommends strategies like controlling costs, monitoring cash flow, managing credit control, and long-term planning. For individuals, it suggests maximizing personal allowances, reviewing pensions, and reducing inheritance tax. The document also summarizes recent tax changes from the UK budget that may impact planning.
OECD's Base Erosion and Profit Shifting ProjectBrunswick Group
The document discusses the OECD's Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project which will require multinational corporations to disclose tax and financial information on a country-by-country basis. This will increase reputational risk for companies by exposing tax structures and potentially showing some pay little tax relative to their operations. The document advises companies to prepare for these disclosures by assessing risks, engaging stakeholders, gaining executive support, and developing effective messaging to explain their tax practices. Brunswick Group offers services to help companies mitigate risks and protect their reputations surrounding the BEPS tax transparency changes.
In partnership with the European Commission and World Bank Group, the Task Force on Tax and Development has developed a highly successful Transfer Pricing assistance programme in developing countries.
This document is Pure Search's 12th annual salary survey of UK in-house tax professionals. It finds that demand for tax professionals remains as the tax landscape continues to change. Average salaries for heads of tax increased in 2014 across all sectors. The biggest trends affecting tax over the next few years will be increased transparency around tax strategies and total tax contributions of multinational companies. Tax authorities are also increasing their ability to pursue tax revenues through reforms like country-by-country reporting. The UK economy is recovering and forecast to continue growing in 2014/15, leading to a positive outlook for the tax market.
HMRC plans to require all UK businesses to file tax returns digitally by 2020 as part of its "Making Tax Digital" (MTD) initiative. This will require businesses to invest in new software and systems that can communicate with HMRC digitally. Concerns have been raised about the challenges businesses may face in implementing these changes by the deadlines. Businesses need to start planning and budgeting now to ensure they can meet the new digital filing requirements on time despite the potential difficulties and costs of transitioning to the new system.
BEPS: Action #1 - Addressing the tax challenges of the digital economyAlex Baulf
No new taxes or recommendations unique to the digital economy were suggested by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) but the door is still open for unilateral safeguard actions.
Submission to the International Monetary Fund's Consultation on Economic "Spi...DrLendySpires
This document provides recommendations from ActionAid International to the IMF's consultation on international tax spillovers. Key points include:
1) International tax reforms should consider macroeconomic impacts and inter-nation equity, not just domestic revenue impacts. Broader effects on financial stability, debt management, and development policy coherence should be analyzed.
2) The IMF is well-placed to develop methodologies for quantifying tax spillovers between countries from changes to domestic tax regimes. Baseline measurements of the international distribution of the corporate tax base would aid future assessments.
3) Reforms aimed at preventing base erosion and profit shifting should explicitly protect lower-income countries' tax bases and rights. Measures permitting source-based
IBSA Webinar on FATCA & Exchange of Information which took place on 27 January 2015. Presented by Ross Belhomme of Saffery Champness (Geneva) and Peter Grant of KPMG (London). To view the webinar on demand, please visit our Bright Talk channel at
From VAT accountants to vital UK taxation, discover everything you need to know from our complete guide. Learn how VAT accountants can assist you and the business in managing VAT compliance. Discover the benefits of professional VAT advice, including maximizing VAT claims and staying updated with Making Tax Digital requirements. Ideal for UK businesses seeking to understand VAT complexities and optimize their tax strategies.
Menzies is a top 20 firm of accountants, finance and business advisors operating out of multiple offices across Surrey, Hampshire and London. They provide accounting, financial, and strategic consulting services to clients, many of which are expanding internationally. Their key strengths are their focus on deep industry expertise to provide valuable insights to clients, and developing close relationships to understand each client's business through consultative services and diagnostic tools.
This document provides an overview of tax and financial strategies for both businesses and individuals for the 2017/18 tax year. It discusses key changes such as the new Lifetime ISA and changes to inheritance tax rules. For businesses, it outlines strategies for starting a new venture, choosing a business structure, claiming deductible expenses and capital allowances, and involving family members. It recommends contacting the accounting firm for specific tax advice tailored to individual circumstances.
This document discusses steps organizations can take to demonstrate reasonable prevention procedures and defenses against the corporate criminal offence (CCO) legislation introduced by the UK Criminal Finances Act 2017. It recommends conducting a risk assessment to identify potential tax evasion risks, developing appropriate prevention policies and procedures, implementing training programs, and monitoring controls. BDO, which has assisted over 150 clients with CCO compliance, can provide customized support options for the risk assessment and implementation of defenses through workshops, template documents, eLearning training, and other practical services.
This document discusses how access to digital technologies and data can help reduce economic transaction costs and barriers to information, as well as the importance of closing the digital divide. It notes that while the aggregate positive impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) is large, it is unevenly distributed. Over half the world's population does not have access to high-speed internet or any internet access. The largest barriers to digital adoption are often poor business climates and lack of competition. Business registry data that is complete, transparent and accurate is an important building block for a good business environment and economic growth. It can provide information to help governments and market participants. The document examines business registration trends in Serbia following reforms, finding spikes in new firm registration
Taxatelier TP Ltd is an international tax consultancy with offices across Asia, Europe, and Oceania. They provide transfer pricing and international tax advisory services to multinational clients. Their team has over 20 years of experience from big accounting firms. With ongoing changes to OECD transfer pricing guidelines, they help clients navigate new rules around profit allocation and digital taxation. Services include transfer pricing documentation, dispute resolution, restructuring advice, and advance pricing agreements.
This document provides an overview of R&D tax credits in the UK. Some key points:
- R&D tax credits incentivize companies to invest in innovative technology by providing tax relief of up to 32% of qualifying R&D costs.
- Both profitable and unprofitable companies can claim tax credits, either as a reduction in taxes owed or as a cash refund.
- Qualifying costs include direct labor, external staff, subcontracted R&D work, and consumables used in R&D projects.
- To qualify for credits, projects must involve technical uncertainty that a competent professional could not easily resolve.
The document discusses the changing state of enterprise in the UK and makes recommendations to update public policy. It notes that the number of businesses in the UK has surged to over 5.4 million, a million more than before the financial crisis, showing the UK has become Europe's "capital of enterprise". However, business failure remains high, with only about 40% of businesses surviving beyond four years. The report makes four recommendations: 1) Make business survival a national priority by extending business advice programs; 2) Unleash the potential of home-based businesses through policy support; 3) Connect businesses to fast growing digital opportunities through broadband access; 4) Encourage early exporting through expanded export advice initiatives. The goal is to update policies
This document provides an overview of base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) and the OECD's BEPS Action Plan. It discusses how MNEs have engaged in tax planning to artificially shift profits to low/no tax locations. In response, the OECD published an Action Plan in 2013 to address BEPS in a comprehensive manner through 15 actions. The actions are structured around reinforcing substance requirements, aligning taxation with economic activity, and improving transparency. The document then summarizes some of the specific actions, including addressing tax challenges of the digital economy and neutralizing the effects of hybrid mismatches.
The document provides an overview of BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting) which refers to tax avoidance strategies used by multinational enterprises to artificially shift profits to low or no-tax jurisdictions. It summarizes the key actions and recommendations from the OECD's BEPS project to address this issue, including establishing new minimum standards around preventing treaty abuse, improving transparency through country-by-country reporting, and strengthening transfer pricing rules and controlled foreign company rules. It also discusses some of the changes made in India's tax regime to tackle BEPS concerns related to the digital economy, hybrid mismatches, interest deductions, and harmful tax practices.
1. n Executive Summary
Tax has never been so topical.
Recent media scrutiny into the tax affairs of well known multinationals has pushed
tax to the forefront of board room discussions. Large, household names have faced
intense criticism over the tax planning policies they have used. Tax planning has
become more complex with increasingly elaborate mechanisms being used to
diminish tax liabilities.
This trend has arisen as multinationals have imposed generic goals which they
and their advisors have worked towards. These have included moving profits to
where they are taxed at a lower rate, shifting expenses to where they are relieved
at a higher rate or making use of existing tax attributes (e.g. tax credits, losses
etc). Companies have been driving these goals to minimise their tax burden, albeit
within the letter of the law.
The recently published report of the Public
Accounts Committee (PAC) Tax Avoidance:
The Role of the large Accountancy Firms,
has attracted much attention, as did
the same Committees inquiry into the
corporate tax affairs of large multinationals.
It was during this inquiry that the Big
Four accountancy practices agreed that
international tax rules are out of date
and need changing in order to reflect the
complexities of modern business. Coupled
with the Organisation for Economic Co-
operation and Developments (OECD)
recent report in relation to Base Erosion
and Profit Shifting (BEPS), the world of tax
is seeing unprecedented interest and has to
embark upon a period of change.
The G20 requested that the OECD produce
a report following suggestions that
multinationals may be engaging in BEPS.
Accordingly, in February 2013 the OECD
presented its report on BEPS to G20 Finance
Ministers and Central Bank Governors.
In responding to the growing concern
that substantial tax revenue is being lost
through organisations shifting profit to
more favourable tax locations, the key
observations reported by the OECD were;
There is an increased segregation
between the locations where actual
business activities and investments
take place and where taxable profits are
Current technology permits non resident
tax payers to derive substantial profits
from transactions with customers located
in other jurisdictions. It is questionable
whether the fair allocation of taxing rights
on business profits is ensured.
The international tax regime has not
kept pace with changing business
environments. Most domestic rules for
The world of
tax is seeing
interest and
has to embark
upon a period of
Tax in the Boardroom
2. |
and their
advisors wait in
anticipation as
to how the issue
of BEPS will be
international tax remain characterised
by a historic lower degree of economic
integration across borders.
Planning opportunities may result in
profits not being taxed in any jurisdiction
whatsoever, through hybrid mismatch
arrangements. Corporations can establish
branches in foreign jurisdictions with
low or zero rate income tax and then use
financial instruments and arrangements
to move profits, avoiding any tax.
Whilst the OECDs transfer pricing
guidelines have been revised a number of
times, corporations are able to artificially
split the ownership of assets between
legal entities within a group and thereby
shift risks and intangibles to low tax
jurisdictions which may contribute to
Leveraging high tax group companies
with intra-group debt is a very simple way
of achieving tax savings at group level.
In practice there are strategies which may
be used to circumvent the application of
anti-avoidance rules through channelling
financing through independent third
parties or the use of derivatives.
The OECD is proposing a more stringent
focus on the issue of BEPS through an action
plan including;
Neutralizing or limiting the effects of
international mismatches (double non-
Clarification on transfer pricing rules
(including intangibles)
Treaty concepts in relation to digital
delivery of goods and services
Treatment of intra-group financial
More effective anti-avoidance measures
Countering harmful regimes more
Whilst it is acknowledged that any
significant changes in tax legislation from
a global perspective will take time to
implement, large corporations and their
advisors wait in anticipation as to how the
issue of BEPS will be tackled.
From a UK perspective, the Public
Accounts Committee has made a number
of recommendations to address the
controversy of corporation tax paid by
multinationals in the UK. These focus on
a radical overhaul to simplify the UK tax
system, in addition to greater transparency
over companies tax affairs. A consistent
recommendation by the PAC has been to
provide additional resourcing to the HMRC
to deal with the issue of tax avoidance
in order to ensure the HMRC is better
equipped in dealing with such issues.
In light of the views expressed by the Public
Accounts Committee and the approach
being taken by the OECD, it is increasingly
evident that tax is at the forefront of most
boardroom discussions, particularly
regarding strategic considerations.
3. | 3
n About Odgers Berndtson
Odgers Berndtson is the largest search firm
in the UK. The CFO practice is one of the
leading recruiters of Finance Specialists
and their teams into businesses across all
sectors, size and ownership structure. From
FTSE 100 to small cap, from private equity
to not-for-profit, the CFO practice at Odgers
Berndtson is dedicated to providing a world
class service to client and candidate alike.
The team is the only major search firm to
have finance specialists in niche areas such
as tax. We have decades of experience in
helping people build and develop their
careers across the UK and this positions us
at the forefront of the debate around the
role of finance and how it is evolving.
n Tax in the CFO Practice
We specialise in placing senior level,
qualified tax professionals across all
industry segments; professional services,
commercial and financial services. We offer
a range of sourcing strategies including
advanced tax executive search and targeted
specialist advertising solutions.
Our ability to understand a companys
drivers and knowledge of sourcing tax stars
of the future means our reach is unrivalled.
We appreciate the challenges of recruiting
into niche areas and know how to sell
opportunities whilst providing honest
careers advice to candidates.
n Our People
n Tahira Raja
Tahira is a Principal in the firm who specialises
in global tax recruitment. Based in London
but with experience of recruiting tax roles
globally, she specialises in placing senior level
tax professionals in roles within professional
services, commerce and industry and financial
T: +44 20 7529 1036
M: +44 77 9934 4004
n Marcus Beale
Marcus is a Partner in the CFO Practice, based
in the Leeds office. Marcus trained with KPMG
before joining a FTSE 100 telecom company as a
Group Accountant.
T: +44 11 3386 8524
M: +44 77 3681 8226
n Mark Freebairn
Mark is a Partner and Head of the Financial
Management Practice, responsible for appointing
Finance Directors, CFOs and audit committee
non-executive directors across all sectors in a
range of businesses.
T: +44 20 7529 1041
M: +44 79 71281850
4. Global Of鍖ces
UK Of鍖ces
20 Cannon Street
London EC4M 6XD
+44 20 7529 1111
9 Brindleyplace
Birmingham B1 2HS
+44 12 1654 5900
Suite 16E
International Of鐃ice
Styal Road
Manchester M22 5WB
+44 16 1498 3400
10 South Parade
Leeds LS1 5QS
+44 11 3386 8500
5 Melville Crescent
Edinburgh EH3 7JA
+44 13 1563 5410
Stock Exchange Court
77 Nelson Mandela Place
Glasgow G2 1QT
+44 14 1225 6320
7 Albert Street
Aberdeen AB25 1XX
+44 12 2421 8999
13 Cathedral Road
Cardiff CF11 9HA
+44 29 2078 3050
Content 息 Odgers Berndtson