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n 	Executive Summary
Tax has never been so topical.
Recent media scrutiny into the tax affairs of well known multinationals has pushed
tax to the forefront of board room discussions. Large, household names have faced
intense criticism over the tax planning policies they have used. Tax planning has
become more complex with increasingly elaborate mechanisms being used to
diminish tax liabilities.
This trend has arisen as multinationals have imposed generic goals which they
and their advisors have worked towards. These have included moving profits to
where they are taxed at a lower rate, shifting expenses to where they are relieved
at a higher rate or making use of existing tax attributes (e.g. tax credits, losses
etc). Companies have been driving these goals to minimise their tax burden, albeit
within the letter of the law.
The recently published report of the Public
Accounts Committee (PAC) Tax Avoidance:
The Role of the large Accountancy Firms,
has attracted much attention, as did
the same Committees inquiry into the
corporate tax affairs of large multinationals.
It was during this inquiry that the Big
Four accountancy practices agreed that
international tax rules are out of date
and need changing in order to reflect the
complexities of modern business. Coupled
with the Organisation for Economic Co-
operation and Developments (OECD)
recent report in relation to Base Erosion
and Profit Shifting (BEPS), the world of tax
is seeing unprecedented interest and has to
embark upon a period of change.
The G20 requested that the OECD produce
a report following suggestions that
multinationals may be engaging in BEPS.
Accordingly, in February 2013 the OECD
presented its report on BEPS to G20 Finance
Ministers and Central Bank Governors.
In responding to the growing concern
that substantial tax revenue is being lost
through organisations shifting profit to
more favourable tax locations, the key
observations reported by the OECD were;
 There is an increased segregation
between the locations where actual
business activities and investments
take place and where taxable profits are
 Current technology permits non resident
tax payers to derive substantial profits
from transactions with customers located
in other jurisdictions. It is questionable
whether the fair allocation of taxing rights
on business profits is ensured.
 The international tax regime has not
kept pace with changing business
environments. Most domestic rules for
The world of
tax is seeing
interest and
has to embark
upon a period of
Tax in the Boardroom
info@odgersberndtson.com | www.odgersberndtson.co.uk2
and their
advisors wait in
anticipation as
to how the issue
of BEPS will be
international tax remain characterised
by a historic lower degree of economic
integration across borders.
 Planning opportunities may result in
profits not being taxed in any jurisdiction
whatsoever, through hybrid mismatch
arrangements. Corporations can establish
branches in foreign jurisdictions with
low or zero rate income tax and then use
financial instruments and arrangements
to move profits, avoiding any tax.
 Whilst the OECDs transfer pricing
guidelines have been revised a number of
times, corporations are able to artificially
split the ownership of assets between
legal entities within a group and thereby
shift risks and intangibles to low tax
jurisdictions which may contribute to
 Leveraging high tax group companies
with intra-group debt is a very simple way
of achieving tax savings at group level.
 In practice there are strategies which may
be used to circumvent the application of
anti-avoidance rules through channelling
financing through independent third
parties or the use of derivatives.
The OECD is proposing a more stringent
focus on the issue of BEPS through an action
plan including;
 Neutralizing or limiting the effects of
international mismatches (double non-
 Clarification on transfer pricing rules
(including intangibles)
 Treaty concepts in relation to digital
delivery of goods and services
 Treatment of intra-group financial
 More effective anti-avoidance measures
 Countering harmful regimes more
Whilst it is acknowledged that any
significant changes in tax legislation from
a global perspective will take time to
implement, large corporations and their
advisors wait in anticipation as to how the
issue of BEPS will be tackled.
From a UK perspective, the Public
Accounts Committee has made a number
of recommendations to address the
controversy of corporation tax paid by
multinationals in the UK. These focus on
a radical overhaul to simplify the UK tax
system, in addition to greater transparency
over companies tax affairs. A consistent
recommendation by the PAC has been to
provide additional resourcing to the HMRC
to deal with the issue of tax avoidance
in order to ensure the HMRC is better
equipped in dealing with such issues.
In light of the views expressed by the Public
Accounts Committee and the approach
being taken by the OECD, it is increasingly
evident that tax is at the forefront of most
boardroom discussions, particularly
regarding strategic considerations.
info@odgersberndtson.com | www.odgersberndtson.co.uk 3
n 	About Odgers Berndtson
Odgers Berndtson is the largest search firm
in the UK. The CFO practice is one of the
leading recruiters of Finance Specialists
and their teams into businesses across all
sectors, size and ownership structure. From
FTSE 100 to small cap, from private equity
to not-for-profit, the CFO practice at Odgers
Berndtson is dedicated to providing a world
class service to client and candidate alike.
The team is the only major search firm to
have finance specialists in niche areas such
as tax. We have decades of experience in
helping people build and develop their
careers across the UK and this positions us
at the forefront of the debate around the
role of finance and how it is evolving.
n 	Tax in the CFO Practice
We specialise in placing senior level,
qualified tax professionals across all
industry segments; professional services,
commercial and financial services. We offer
a range of sourcing strategies including
advanced tax executive search and targeted
specialist advertising solutions.
Our ability to understand a companys
drivers and knowledge of sourcing tax stars
of the future means our reach is unrivalled.
We appreciate the challenges of recruiting
into niche areas and know how to sell
opportunities whilst providing honest
careers advice to candidates.
n 	Our People
n Tahira Raja
Tahira is a Principal in the firm who specialises
in global tax recruitment. Based in London
but with experience of recruiting tax roles
globally, she specialises in placing senior level
tax professionals in roles within professional
services, commerce and industry and financial
T: +44 20 7529 1036
M: +44 77 9934 4004
n Marcus Beale
Marcus is a Partner in the CFO Practice, based
in the Leeds office. Marcus trained with KPMG
before joining a FTSE 100 telecom company as a
Group Accountant.
T: +44 11 3386 8524
M: +44 77 3681 8226
n Mark Freebairn
Mark is a Partner and Head of the Financial
Management Practice, responsible for appointing
Finance Directors, CFOs and audit committee
non-executive directors across all sectors in a
range of businesses.
T: +44 20 7529 1041
M: +44 79 71281850
Global Of鍖ces
UK Of鍖ces
20 Cannon Street
London EC4M 6XD
+44 20 7529 1111
9 Brindleyplace
Birmingham B1 2HS
+44 12 1654 5900
Suite 16E
International Of鐃ice
Styal Road
Manchester M22 5WB
+44 16 1498 3400
10 South Parade
Leeds LS1 5QS
+44 11 3386 8500
5 Melville Crescent
Edinburgh EH3 7JA
+44 13 1563 5410
Stock Exchange Court
77 Nelson Mandela Place
Glasgow G2 1QT
+44 14 1225 6320
7 Albert Street
Aberdeen AB25 1XX
+44 12 2421 8999
13 Cathedral Road
Cardiff CF11 9HA
+44 29 2078 3050
Content 息 Odgers Berndtson

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Tax in Finance.PDF

  • 1. n Executive Summary Tax has never been so topical. Recent media scrutiny into the tax affairs of well known multinationals has pushed tax to the forefront of board room discussions. Large, household names have faced intense criticism over the tax planning policies they have used. Tax planning has become more complex with increasingly elaborate mechanisms being used to diminish tax liabilities. This trend has arisen as multinationals have imposed generic goals which they and their advisors have worked towards. These have included moving profits to where they are taxed at a lower rate, shifting expenses to where they are relieved at a higher rate or making use of existing tax attributes (e.g. tax credits, losses etc). Companies have been driving these goals to minimise their tax burden, albeit within the letter of the law. The recently published report of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Tax Avoidance: The Role of the large Accountancy Firms, has attracted much attention, as did the same Committees inquiry into the corporate tax affairs of large multinationals. It was during this inquiry that the Big Four accountancy practices agreed that international tax rules are out of date and need changing in order to reflect the complexities of modern business. Coupled with the Organisation for Economic Co- operation and Developments (OECD) recent report in relation to Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS), the world of tax is seeing unprecedented interest and has to embark upon a period of change. The G20 requested that the OECD produce a report following suggestions that multinationals may be engaging in BEPS. Accordingly, in February 2013 the OECD presented its report on BEPS to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors. In responding to the growing concern that substantial tax revenue is being lost through organisations shifting profit to more favourable tax locations, the key observations reported by the OECD were; There is an increased segregation between the locations where actual business activities and investments take place and where taxable profits are reported. Current technology permits non resident tax payers to derive substantial profits from transactions with customers located in other jurisdictions. It is questionable whether the fair allocation of taxing rights on business profits is ensured. The international tax regime has not kept pace with changing business environments. Most domestic rules for The world of tax is seeing unprecedented interest and has to embark upon a period of change Tax in the Boardroom
  • 2. info@odgersberndtson.com | www.odgersberndtson.co.uk2 Large corporations and their advisors wait in anticipation as to how the issue of BEPS will be tackled international tax remain characterised by a historic lower degree of economic integration across borders. Planning opportunities may result in profits not being taxed in any jurisdiction whatsoever, through hybrid mismatch arrangements. Corporations can establish branches in foreign jurisdictions with low or zero rate income tax and then use financial instruments and arrangements to move profits, avoiding any tax. Whilst the OECDs transfer pricing guidelines have been revised a number of times, corporations are able to artificially split the ownership of assets between legal entities within a group and thereby shift risks and intangibles to low tax jurisdictions which may contribute to BEPS. Leveraging high tax group companies with intra-group debt is a very simple way of achieving tax savings at group level. In practice there are strategies which may be used to circumvent the application of anti-avoidance rules through channelling financing through independent third parties or the use of derivatives. The OECD is proposing a more stringent focus on the issue of BEPS through an action plan including; Neutralizing or limiting the effects of international mismatches (double non- taxation) Clarification on transfer pricing rules (including intangibles) Treaty concepts in relation to digital delivery of goods and services Treatment of intra-group financial transactions More effective anti-avoidance measures Countering harmful regimes more effectively Whilst it is acknowledged that any significant changes in tax legislation from a global perspective will take time to implement, large corporations and their advisors wait in anticipation as to how the issue of BEPS will be tackled. From a UK perspective, the Public Accounts Committee has made a number of recommendations to address the controversy of corporation tax paid by multinationals in the UK. These focus on a radical overhaul to simplify the UK tax system, in addition to greater transparency over companies tax affairs. A consistent recommendation by the PAC has been to provide additional resourcing to the HMRC to deal with the issue of tax avoidance in order to ensure the HMRC is better equipped in dealing with such issues. In light of the views expressed by the Public Accounts Committee and the approach being taken by the OECD, it is increasingly evident that tax is at the forefront of most boardroom discussions, particularly regarding strategic considerations.
  • 3. info@odgersberndtson.com | www.odgersberndtson.co.uk 3 n About Odgers Berndtson Odgers Berndtson is the largest search firm in the UK. The CFO practice is one of the leading recruiters of Finance Specialists and their teams into businesses across all sectors, size and ownership structure. From FTSE 100 to small cap, from private equity to not-for-profit, the CFO practice at Odgers Berndtson is dedicated to providing a world class service to client and candidate alike. The team is the only major search firm to have finance specialists in niche areas such as tax. We have decades of experience in helping people build and develop their careers across the UK and this positions us at the forefront of the debate around the role of finance and how it is evolving. n Tax in the CFO Practice We specialise in placing senior level, qualified tax professionals across all industry segments; professional services, commercial and financial services. We offer a range of sourcing strategies including advanced tax executive search and targeted specialist advertising solutions. Our ability to understand a companys drivers and knowledge of sourcing tax stars of the future means our reach is unrivalled. We appreciate the challenges of recruiting into niche areas and know how to sell opportunities whilst providing honest careers advice to candidates. n Our People n Tahira Raja Tahira is a Principal in the firm who specialises in global tax recruitment. Based in London but with experience of recruiting tax roles globally, she specialises in placing senior level tax professionals in roles within professional services, commerce and industry and financial services. T: +44 20 7529 1036 M: +44 77 9934 4004 tahira.raja@odgersberndtson.com n Marcus Beale Marcus is a Partner in the CFO Practice, based in the Leeds office. Marcus trained with KPMG before joining a FTSE 100 telecom company as a Group Accountant. T: +44 11 3386 8524 M: +44 77 3681 8226 marcus.beale@odgersberndtson.com n Mark Freebairn Mark is a Partner and Head of the Financial Management Practice, responsible for appointing Finance Directors, CFOs and audit committee non-executive directors across all sectors in a range of businesses. T: +44 20 7529 1041 M: +44 79 71281850 mark.freebairn@odgersberndtson.com
  • 4. Global Of鍖ces UK Of鍖ces England London 20 Cannon Street London EC4M 6XD +44 20 7529 1111 Birmingham 9 Brindleyplace Birmingham B1 2HS +44 12 1654 5900 Manchester Suite 16E Manchester International Of鐃ice Centre Styal Road Manchester M22 5WB +44 16 1498 3400 Leeds 10 South Parade Leeds LS1 5QS +44 11 3386 8500 Scotland Edinburgh 5 Melville Crescent Edinburgh EH3 7JA +44 13 1563 5410 Glasgow Stock Exchange Court 77 Nelson Mandela Place Glasgow G2 1QT +44 14 1225 6320 Aberdeen 7 Albert Street Aberdeen AB25 1XX +44 12 2421 8999 Wales Cardiff 13 Cathedral Road Cardiff CF11 9HA +44 29 2078 3050 Content 息 Odgers Berndtson