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Junior & Middle School Lead Teacher Yr 3-8
Learning Support Coordinator (SENCO)
Mentor Teacher for 3 Beginning Teachers
Westmount School 2015- Current
Junior Lead Teacher Yr 3-6
Westmount School 2014
Lead Teacher Key Task Overview:
 Leader of curriculum delivery and assessment in all junior classes, including 2
satellite campuses in Thames and Tauranga
 Analysis and reporting of campus data to inform future teaching and learning
 Staff appraisal, attestation and on-going observations of all junior teachers and
teacher aides
 On-going support, mentoring and supervision of staff to ensure practice reflects
up to date knowledge of curriculum, initiatives, learning pedagogy and excellence in
teaching and learning
 Ongoing liaison with National Office, the Campus Coordinator (Principal) and
 Coordination of the Campus Professional Learning Community
 Build and maintain positive relationships with staff, students, parents and the
wider school community
 Developing a Junior Learning Centre
 Facilitating the enrolment of all junior students on Moodle. Moodle is an open-
source software management system developed on pedagogical principles. Moodle is
used for blended learning, e-learning in schools, universities and workplaces
 Coordination of school communications
Learning Support Coordinator Key Task Overview
 Directly responsible for managing the Learning Support Programmes for students
with specific learning needs school wide Yr 3-13
 Create and maintain the Learning Support policies, procedures and learning support
 In consultation with campus teachers identify students who require learning support
 Plan and develop learning programmes and ILPs
 Form, develop and maintain professional, positive and productive relationships with
all external agencies and coordinate student referrals
 Liaise closely and regularly with teachers, parents/whanau and the school
Mentor Teacher Key Task Overview
 Directly responsible for developing a high quality educative mentoring programme
that is based on a relationship of trust and collegiality
159 Taylor Street, Cambridge, 3434
Phone number (07) 823 4215 Mobile number (021) 955 883
Email address: krissyheeps@xtra.co.nz
Full Drivers License
Krissy Heeps
 Dedicated time to guide, support, give feedback and facilitate evidence-informed
reflective learning conversations that enhance high quality teaching and learning
Long Term Reliever
Cambridge Middle School 2013
 Long term relieving position, year 7
Release Teacher
Cambridge Primary School 2008-2009/2012
 Part time release teaching , Years 0-1 and 5-6
Release Teacher
Leamington Primary School 2004-2006
 Part time release teaching across all year levels
Office Manager
Harris Construction 2003-2012
 Responsible for the financial and administrative management of the business as
well as payroll processing, managing staff, staff appraisals and liaising with sub-
contractors, architects, MOE and clients.
 Extensive Professional Development in generating, interpreting and analysing
complex financial reports
 Creating company business/strategic plans and completing annual reviews as a
part of good reflective practice
HR Co-ordinator
People in Mind Ltd 2012-2013
 This role entailed payroll processing and providing comprehensive, pragmatic,
and customer focused HR support and advice to clients on their HR practices.
Responsibility for writing compliance documentation (employment agreements, job
descriptions, policies and procedures)
Professional Practice Advisor
University of Waikato, School of Education 2003-2004
 Working with, supporting and advising students training to be secondary school
teachers during their practicums at Intermediate Schools
Release Teacher
Te Awamutu Intermediate 2003
 Working part time as a Mentor Teacher with beginning teachers while studying
at Waikato University to complete my Bachelor of Teaching Degree
Deputy Principal & SENCO
Morrinsville Intermediate 2001-2002
Assistant Principal & SENCO
Morrinsville Intermediate 1999-2001
Team Leader, Co- Teacher in charge of Mathematics
Teacher in Charge of Sport, Athletics and Netball
Morrinsville Intermediate 1998-1999
Deputy Principal Key Task Overview:
 Ensure the smooth and efficient daily operation of the school
 Assist in establishing policies and programmes within the school incorporating
curriculum, assessment, strategic plan and initiatives of the school
 Collate, enter and analyse assessment data and present in written form to the
Principal and BOT to inform better teaching and learning
 Remain up to date with current educational thinking and pedagogy , teaching
and learning styles and changing curricula and assist, support and motivate colleagues
 Provide professional and proactive leadership to staff, management, students
and parents, to encourage a positive culture of excellence
 Build, strengthen and maintain professional and credible relationships with the
school, management, the wider community, and outside support agencies
 Promote a positive, safe school environment that recognises and celebrates
successes and achievements
 Extensive liaison and consultation with the Maori community to establish and
implement a Maori Achievement Plan to raise student achievement and target at risk
 Mentor Teacher and responsible for all student teachers and support of Tutor
Scale A Teacher
Fielding Intermediate School 1997
 Taught a class whose teacher had left unexpectedly on stress leave and set
about re-establishing classroom values, respect and behavioural expectations
Supply Teacher
Variety of Locations  London and Yorkshire 1993-1997
 Gained valuable experience teaching a range of age groups in a number of
extremely diverse and challenging classroom environments
Scale A Teacher
Waimarama Primary School 1992
 Responsible for the senior school (Yr 4-8) across all areas of the curriculum
Beginning Teacher
Teacher in Charge of Athletics and Debating Teams
Hastings Intermediate 1989-1991
 Began my teaching career and became registered over a 2 year period teaching Year 7
 Bachelor of Teaching
Papers of Importance
 Learning the Principalship
 Women in Educational Leadership
 Education Review and Development
Wellington College of Education
Te Whanau O Aka Pai Ki Te Upoko O Te Ika
 Diploma of Teaching
 Creating Effective Assessments for Teaching and Learning using SOLO Taxonomy
 Neil McKay  World renown Dyslexia expert
 Charlotte Wilkinson  The Number System
 Creating Learning Progressions/Key Indicators for Reading, Writing and Maths
 OTJ Workshop run by CPL (Consortium for Professional Learning)
 Visible Learning Conference (Keynote Speakers all from Dr John Hatties team -
Feedback that makes learning visible, creating visible learners, using and interpreting data,
optimizing e-asTTle , using SOLO taxonomy and metacognitive strategies)
 Deeper Thinking and Writing  Bek Galloway
 Questioning, Thinking and Writing  Bek Galloway
 Maths Rich Tasks  Dinah Harvey

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Curriculum Vitae Krissy Heeps 2015 V2

  • 1. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Junior & Middle School Lead Teacher Yr 3-8 Learning Support Coordinator (SENCO) Mentor Teacher for 3 Beginning Teachers Westmount School 2015- Current Junior Lead Teacher Yr 3-6 Westmount School 2014 Lead Teacher Key Task Overview: Leader of curriculum delivery and assessment in all junior classes, including 2 satellite campuses in Thames and Tauranga Analysis and reporting of campus data to inform future teaching and learning Staff appraisal, attestation and on-going observations of all junior teachers and teacher aides On-going support, mentoring and supervision of staff to ensure practice reflects up to date knowledge of curriculum, initiatives, learning pedagogy and excellence in teaching and learning Ongoing liaison with National Office, the Campus Coordinator (Principal) and trustees Coordination of the Campus Professional Learning Community Build and maintain positive relationships with staff, students, parents and the wider school community Developing a Junior Learning Centre Facilitating the enrolment of all junior students on Moodle. Moodle is an open- source software management system developed on pedagogical principles. Moodle is used for blended learning, e-learning in schools, universities and workplaces Coordination of school communications Learning Support Coordinator Key Task Overview Directly responsible for managing the Learning Support Programmes for students with specific learning needs school wide Yr 3-13 Create and maintain the Learning Support policies, procedures and learning support register In consultation with campus teachers identify students who require learning support Plan and develop learning programmes and ILPs Form, develop and maintain professional, positive and productive relationships with all external agencies and coordinate student referrals Liaise closely and regularly with teachers, parents/whanau and the school community Mentor Teacher Key Task Overview Directly responsible for developing a high quality educative mentoring programme that is based on a relationship of trust and collegiality 159 Taylor Street, Cambridge, 3434 Phone number (07) 823 4215 Mobile number (021) 955 883 Email address: krissyheeps@xtra.co.nz Full Drivers License Krissy Heeps
  • 2. Dedicated time to guide, support, give feedback and facilitate evidence-informed reflective learning conversations that enhance high quality teaching and learning . Long Term Reliever Cambridge Middle School 2013 Long term relieving position, year 7 Release Teacher Cambridge Primary School 2008-2009/2012 Part time release teaching , Years 0-1 and 5-6 Release Teacher Leamington Primary School 2004-2006 Part time release teaching across all year levels Office Manager JOB TITLE Harris Construction 2003-2012 Responsible for the financial and administrative management of the business as well as payroll processing, managing staff, staff appraisals and liaising with sub- contractors, architects, MOE and clients. Extensive Professional Development in generating, interpreting and analysing complex financial reports Creating company business/strategic plans and completing annual reviews as a part of good reflective practice HR Co-ordinator People in Mind Ltd 2012-2013 This role entailed payroll processing and providing comprehensive, pragmatic, and customer focused HR support and advice to clients on their HR practices. Responsibility for writing compliance documentation (employment agreements, job descriptions, policies and procedures) Professional Practice Advisor University of Waikato, School of Education 2003-2004 Working with, supporting and advising students training to be secondary school teachers during their practicums at Intermediate Schools Release Teacher Te Awamutu Intermediate 2003 Working part time as a Mentor Teacher with beginning teachers while studying at Waikato University to complete my Bachelor of Teaching Degree Deputy Principal & SENCO Morrinsville Intermediate 2001-2002 Assistant Principal & SENCO
  • 3. Morrinsville Intermediate 1999-2001 Team Leader, Co- Teacher in charge of Mathematics Teacher in Charge of Sport, Athletics and Netball Morrinsville Intermediate 1998-1999 Deputy Principal Key Task Overview: Ensure the smooth and efficient daily operation of the school Assist in establishing policies and programmes within the school incorporating curriculum, assessment, strategic plan and initiatives of the school Collate, enter and analyse assessment data and present in written form to the Principal and BOT to inform better teaching and learning Remain up to date with current educational thinking and pedagogy , teaching and learning styles and changing curricula and assist, support and motivate colleagues Provide professional and proactive leadership to staff, management, students and parents, to encourage a positive culture of excellence Build, strengthen and maintain professional and credible relationships with the school, management, the wider community, and outside support agencies Promote a positive, safe school environment that recognises and celebrates successes and achievements Extensive liaison and consultation with the Maori community to establish and implement a Maori Achievement Plan to raise student achievement and target at risk students Mentor Teacher and responsible for all student teachers and support of Tutor Teachers Scale A Teacher Fielding Intermediate School 1997 Taught a class whose teacher had left unexpectedly on stress leave and set about re-establishing classroom values, respect and behavioural expectations Supply Teacher Variety of Locations London and Yorkshire 1993-1997 Gained valuable experience teaching a range of age groups in a number of extremely diverse and challenging classroom environments Scale A Teacher Waimarama Primary School 1992 Responsible for the senior school (Yr 4-8) across all areas of the curriculum Beginning Teacher Teacher in Charge of Athletics and Debating Teams Hastings Intermediate 1989-1991 Began my teaching career and became registered over a 2 year period teaching Year 7 SUMMARY of QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor of Teaching Papers of Importance Learning the Principalship Women in Educational Leadership Education Review and Development Wellington College of Education Te Whanau O Aka Pai Ki Te Upoko O Te Ika Diploma of Teaching
  • 4. EDUCATION & TRAINING EDUCATION & TRAINING 2015 Creating Effective Assessments for Teaching and Learning using SOLO Taxonomy Neil McKay World renown Dyslexia expert Charlotte Wilkinson The Number System Creating Learning Progressions/Key Indicators for Reading, Writing and Maths 2014 OTJ Workshop run by CPL (Consortium for Professional Learning) Visible Learning Conference (Keynote Speakers all from Dr John Hatties team - Feedback that makes learning visible, creating visible learners, using and interpreting data, optimizing e-asTTle , using SOLO taxonomy and metacognitive strategies) Deeper Thinking and Writing Bek Galloway Questioning, Thinking and Writing Bek Galloway Maths Rich Tasks Dinah Harvey