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TEDxAmsterdam Partner Presentation 2017
TED is a well known non-profit organisation
devoted to spreading ideas around the world,
usually in the form of powerful talks that are
18 minutes or less in duration.
Started in 1984 as a conference dedicated to
Technology, Entertainment and Design, TED
now showcases important ideas from any
discipline, whether it be science, business or
global issues, in some 100 languages.
The independently organised TEDx events
create a stage for the sharing of ideas in
communities around the world.
TEDxAmsterdam is an annual event organised by a team of skilled and
energetic volunteers.
Each TEDx event is unique in its content and design but shares certain
features with all events organised around the world.
TEDx events are planned and coordinated independently under a
license from TED.
Established in 2009, TEDxAmsterdam was one of the first TEDx events to
be organised internationally, and the first in the Netherlands.
The Theme for 2017 is, One Step Beyond, containing the inspiring sub-
themes, Beyond Human, Beyond Nature & Beyond Intelligence.
TEDxAmsterdam embodies
the spirit of the city of Amsterdam
The city of Amsterdam and the TEDx spark
inspiration, wonder and creativity.
Vanguard Innovation
TEDxAmsterdam was among the first 20 TEDx
events to be launched in 2009
The city of Amsterdam and TEDxAmsterdam
are both places where people find inspiration
Technology and innovation are part of Amsterdam's DNA and TEDxAmsterdam
provides a stage to discuss these important themes
Important epicentre in Europe Source of inspiration worldwide
Open-minded Stimulus for positive change
One Step Beyond
Theme 2017
...beyond nature
...beyond human
...beyond intelligence
With more than 18,000 applications every year,
TEDxAmsterdam is incredibly popular amongst innovative,
tech-savvy and forward-thinking individuals.
Around 1,000 people are invited to attend the event while
more than 3,000 people follow the live stream online.
on Facebook
31,000+ likes
The TEDxAmsterdam website
counts more than 10,000 unique visitors per year.
on Twitter
88,000+ followers
on newsletter
8,000+ subscribers
In 2016, around 45 articles about TEDxAmsterdam
were published both online and office, with an
estimated reach of more than 3 million people.
Every year we invite a wide range of national and
international speakers to take the stage at
TEDxAmsterdam to inspire the audience with
powerful stories.
Past speakers include:
General Peter van Uhm (exceeding 1.5 million
views), Jimmy Nelson, Michaela DePrince,
Fons Trompenaars.
Watch the aftermovies on our YouTube channel
The TEDxAmsterdam Award supports promising
new ventures and individuals with great ideas.
Every year, the awards team received around 250
applicants from eager entrepreneurs and initiators of
With a jury consisting of 20 TEDxPartners, the team
assesses and supports these initiatives.
The Award process brings together established
companies and newly formed startups to facilitate
new opportunities.
Partners & TEDxAmsterdam
Together with our partners, we are realising
We make sure our partners are satisfied, connected
and involved with the event, before, during and
With the 9th edition of TEDxAmsterdam coming up
this year, and the 10th anniversary edition in 2018,
we have attractive formats of together making the
impossible possible.
Partner Networking Opportunities
In previous editions we have noticed that partners
like to exchange information and build relationships
with other partners.
For this reason, we will organise several online and
offline partner activities including partner events in
July and October, meetings with speakers prior to
the events, and a dedicated online TEDxAmsterdam
Partner communication platform.
Who will be there?
TEDxAmsterdam is a great way to get in touch with inspiring individuals and
entrepreneurs in an unconventional and creative way, such as startups, dedicated
young professionals, creatives and CEOs.
Talks vs. Performances
In addition to the inspiring talks
on stage, we programme a wide
range of interdisciplinary
performances both on- and
Together with the TEDx
partners, foyers are transformed
into interactive experiences that
allow the guests to connect in
surprising ways linked to the
theme of the event, One Step
Why TEDxAmsterdam?
TEDxAmsterdam provides a stage for the sharing of
new ideas and inspiration with attendees and the city
of Amsterdam, as well as audiences around the world.
We aspire to establish healthy, sustainable and
valuable partnerships, appealing to both the TEDx
Partners, their stakeholders and the TEDx Guests.
See video on the next slide for an impression of
TEDxAmsterdam 2016.
TEDxAmsterdam 2016 Partners Video
Throughout the Years
TEDxAmsterdam is honoured to have worked together
with some of the most creative, inspiring and innovative
brands and companies based in The Netherlands.
Pioneers in their industries, TEDxAmsterdam partners
believe in connecting the ethos "ideas worth spreading"
to a worldwide network of thinkers and doers.
Be Part of TEDxAmsterdam
FLY Maximise
RUN Substantial
WALK Connected
STEP Active
Whats Next!
We look forward to a healthy and mutually beneficial
partnership with you and all TEDxAmsterdam
partners in 2017 and in the years to come!
partners@tedxamsterdam.nl | www.tedxamsterdam.nl

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TEDxAmsterdam Partner Presentation 2017

  • 2. TED TED is a well known non-profit organisation devoted to spreading ideas around the world, usually in the form of powerful talks that are 18 minutes or less in duration. Started in 1984 as a conference dedicated to Technology, Entertainment and Design, TED now showcases important ideas from any discipline, whether it be science, business or global issues, in some 100 languages. The independently organised TEDx events create a stage for the sharing of ideas in communities around the world.
  • 3. TEDx TEDxAmsterdam is an annual event organised by a team of skilled and energetic volunteers. Each TEDx event is unique in its content and design but shares certain features with all events organised around the world. TEDx events are planned and coordinated independently under a license from TED.
  • 4. TEDxAmsterdam Established in 2009, TEDxAmsterdam was one of the first TEDx events to be organised internationally, and the first in the Netherlands. The Theme for 2017 is, One Step Beyond, containing the inspiring sub- themes, Beyond Human, Beyond Nature & Beyond Intelligence.
  • 5. TEDxAmsterdam embodies the spirit of the city of Amsterdam The city of Amsterdam and the TEDx spark inspiration, wonder and creativity. Vanguard Innovation TEDxAmsterdam was among the first 20 TEDx events to be launched in 2009 The city of Amsterdam and TEDxAmsterdam are both places where people find inspiration Technology and innovation are part of Amsterdam's DNA and TEDxAmsterdam provides a stage to discuss these important themes Important epicentre in Europe Source of inspiration worldwide Open-minded Stimulus for positive change
  • 6. One Step Beyond Theme 2017 ...beyond nature ...beyond human ...beyond intelligence .
  • 7. Attendance With more than 18,000 applications every year, TEDxAmsterdam is incredibly popular amongst innovative, tech-savvy and forward-thinking individuals. Around 1,000 people are invited to attend the event while more than 3,000 people follow the live stream online.
  • 8. Online on Facebook 31,000+ likes The TEDxAmsterdam website counts more than 10,000 unique visitors per year. on Twitter 88,000+ followers on newsletter 8,000+ subscribers
  • 9. Press In 2016, around 45 articles about TEDxAmsterdam were published both online and office, with an estimated reach of more than 3 million people.
  • 10. Speakers Every year we invite a wide range of national and international speakers to take the stage at TEDxAmsterdam to inspire the audience with powerful stories. Past speakers include: General Peter van Uhm (exceeding 1.5 million views), Jimmy Nelson, Michaela DePrince, Fons Trompenaars. Watch the aftermovies on our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/tedxams
  • 11. Award The TEDxAmsterdam Award supports promising new ventures and individuals with great ideas. Every year, the awards team received around 250 applicants from eager entrepreneurs and initiators of change. With a jury consisting of 20 TEDxPartners, the team assesses and supports these initiatives. The Award process brings together established companies and newly formed startups to facilitate new opportunities.
  • 12. Partners & TEDxAmsterdam Together with our partners, we are realising TEDxAmsterdam. We make sure our partners are satisfied, connected and involved with the event, before, during and after. With the 9th edition of TEDxAmsterdam coming up this year, and the 10th anniversary edition in 2018, we have attractive formats of together making the impossible possible.
  • 13. Partner Networking Opportunities In previous editions we have noticed that partners like to exchange information and build relationships with other partners. For this reason, we will organise several online and offline partner activities including partner events in July and October, meetings with speakers prior to the events, and a dedicated online TEDxAmsterdam Partner communication platform.
  • 14. Who will be there? TEDxAmsterdam is a great way to get in touch with inspiring individuals and entrepreneurs in an unconventional and creative way, such as startups, dedicated young professionals, creatives and CEOs.
  • 15. Talks vs. Performances In addition to the inspiring talks on stage, we programme a wide range of interdisciplinary performances both on- and offstage. Together with the TEDx partners, foyers are transformed into interactive experiences that allow the guests to connect in surprising ways linked to the theme of the event, One Step Beyond.
  • 16. Why TEDxAmsterdam? TEDxAmsterdam provides a stage for the sharing of new ideas and inspiration with attendees and the city of Amsterdam, as well as audiences around the world. We aspire to establish healthy, sustainable and valuable partnerships, appealing to both the TEDx Partners, their stakeholders and the TEDx Guests. See video on the next slide for an impression of TEDxAmsterdam 2016.
  • 18. Throughout the Years TEDxAmsterdam is honoured to have worked together with some of the most creative, inspiring and innovative brands and companies based in The Netherlands. Pioneers in their industries, TEDxAmsterdam partners believe in connecting the ethos "ideas worth spreading" to a worldwide network of thinkers and doers.
  • 19. Be Part of TEDxAmsterdam FLY Maximise JUMP Keen RUN Substantial WALK Connected STEP Active FLY JUMP RUN WALK STEP BE PART of TEDx
  • 20. Whats Next! We look forward to a healthy and mutually beneficial partnership with you and all TEDxAmsterdam partners in 2017 and in the years to come! partners@tedxamsterdam.nl | www.tedxamsterdam.nl