TEDxFalakiStreet is an independently organized TEDx event in Cairo that aims to spread ideas through talks and discussions. TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conferences invite world leaders to give short, powerful talks. TEDxFalakiStreet creates a similar platform to introduce innovative ideas to Cairo's metropolitan area. The document provides information on TEDxFalakiStreet's mission, past events, speakers, sponsors, and opportunities to sponsor future events through cash or in-kind donations.
TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) is a global conference organization founded in 1984 to share ideas through annual conferences. TEDx events are independently organized local events licensed by TED that bring people together to share ideas through talks under 18 minutes. TEDxFalakiStreet is an independent TEDx event organized by youth in Cairo to share innovative ideas and inspire change in metropolitan Cairo through talks and sponsor opportunities.
The above document is the marketing brochure for TEDxBITSGoa 2012, prepared by Sarthak Pranit and I.
TEDxBITSGoa is an independently organized TED event. Theme of 2012 edition is- "This is my Story". The event is being conducted on the 19th February, 2012 in BITS Pilani KK Birla Goa Campus. To know more about the event, please log on to: www.tedxbitsgoa.com
For an introduction with Sarthak, please drop me a mail at: neil[dot]r[dot]merchant[at]gmail[dot]com
TEDxSanAntonio is an independently organized TED event that brings innovative thinkers and doers from the San Antonio area to a global stage. The volunteer-run event shares inspiring talks from local leaders in an effort to spread ideas and foster creative collaboration. Sponsors and attendees come from diverse backgrounds across South Texas and help support the free worldwide broadcasting of talks online.
- TEDxSanAntonio is a locally organized TED event that will take place in San Antonio, Texas on October 16, 2010 to showcase the city's innovation, creativity, and culture to the worldwide TED community.
- The event will feature world-class speakers giving 18-minute talks at Trinity University's Stieren Theatre and will be livestreamed online.
- Sponsorship opportunities are available for local companies and individuals to support the event and engage with other thought leaders from San Antonio and beyond.
This document provides information about TEDxTorVergataU2016, a TEDx event hosted by the University of Rome Tor Vergata. TEDx events are independently organized TED-style events that feature live speaker presentations and TEDTalks videos to spark conversation. This event will focus on "New Models of Life" and explore new ideas in various fields. It seeks sponsorship from forward-thinking organizations to help fund the event and promote their support of sharing ideas. Sponsorship levels include platinum, gold, silver and bronze levels that provide varying benefits like marketing recognition and event tickets.
The TEDxRheinMain team is looking for potential sponsors for the next event "Everything Communicates" , at the "Museum f端r Kommunikation" in Frankfurt, 29th of October. If you are interested or know some who might be, please let us know. sponsoring@tedxrheinmain.de
TED was founded in 1984 and holds an annual conference in California to share innovative ideas that can improve quality of life. TEDx events are independently organized local events licensed by TED. Profits from TED are used to fund initiatives like TED Talks and the TED Prize. The TED conference features talks by notable figures on topics like science, technology, business and more.
TEDxKrak坦w is a locally organized event in Krak坦w, Poland that focuses on sharing ideas from individuals and innovators on a global stage. The document provides background on TED and TEDx events, details on the TEDxKrak坦w event including speakers and expectations, and opportunities for sponsorship of the TEDxKrak坦w event ranging from a title sponsorship of 50,000-75,000 PLN to smaller sponsorships starting at 1,000 PLN.
This document summarizes a TEDx event being planned for Edinburgh, Scotland in fall/winter 2009. The event will feature talks on local models of sustainability, inclusion and participation. Speakers will share stories, visions and experiences related to topics like business, learning, creativity and technology. The organizers are seeking speakers, sponsors and other contributions to create a small but enthusiastic event focused on values, visions and inspiration.
TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to spreading ideas through conferences and talks. It began in 1984 bringing people from technology, entertainment, and design together. It now includes two annual conferences, over 1,500 TED talks freely available online in 93 languages with over 1 billion views total. The TEDx program allows local communities to organize their own TED-style events. Temple University Japan is holding its first TEDx event in July 2015 to allow students to engage with idea leaders and each other. The event theme is "Forging New Paths" to present speakers who achieved success through unconventional means.
TED began in 1984 focusing on technology, entertainment, and design and has since expanded to become a global community for sharing ideas. TED talks are now hosted online through TED.com which has over 600 talks and is considered the standard for digital storytelling. TEDx events are independently organized local events that combine TED talks videos with live speakers to spark discussion in small groups. In 2009 there were over 230 TEDx events in 80 countries presented in 25 languages reaching over 2,400 speakers.
This document provides an overview and introduction to the TEDxTUM Playbook. It begins by explaining why the playbook was created due to the team growing in size and taking on more structure. It emphasizes the playbook's role in agreeing on core values, representing TEDxTUM internally and externally, and giving members a glimpse into the larger TEDx universe. The rest of the document provides high-level summaries of the main sections and content included in the full playbook such as information about TEDxTUM's mission and values, past events, and guidelines around organizing TEDx events.
This document is a 2015 partnership proposal from TEDxBend. It outlines various partnership levels ranging from $2,500 to $20,000. Higher partnership levels include more tickets to the event, invitations to special events, prominent logo placement, and opportunities to have a booth at the event. TEDxBend aims to build partnerships that surface and support great ideas by bringing together leaders from different fields in Bend, Oregon. The event will be held on April 18, 2015 at Bend High School Auditorium for 1,400 attendees.
TEDxCityUHongKong 2012 partnership deck_v02Rafael Wong
TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to spreading ideas through conferences and its online video platform. TEDx events are independently organized TED-style events that allow communities and organizations to have local discussions. TEDx events feature live speakers and TEDTalk videos to spark conversations. There are over 5,000 TEDx events held annually worldwide with millions of video views. This document discusses partnership opportunities for TEDxCityUHongKong, including engaging university students and challenging mainstream ideas. It provides examples of partnerships from other TEDx events involving interactive games, publications, press coverage, and post-event discussions.
TED is an annual conference that brings together leading thinkers and doers to share ideas through short talks. It began in 1984 and covers topics related to technology, entertainment and design. Popular past speakers include Bill Clinton, Bill Gates and Bono. TEDx events are locally organized independent events that have a similar format to share ideas. TEDxDesMoines is one such local event focused on education, entrepreneurship, food and energy innovations. It will be held in May 2021 in Des Moines, Iowa and offers sponsorship opportunities for companies to support the event and its goal of spreading ideas.
TED is an annual conference that brings together leading thinkers and doers to share ideas through short talks. It began in 1984 and covers topics related to technology, entertainment and design. Popular past speakers include Bill Clinton and Bill Gates. TEDx are locally organized TED-style events that share video talks and live speakers to spark discussion. TEDxDesMoines is one such event being organized in Des Moines, Iowa to highlight talks on education, entrepreneurship, food, and energy innovations. It will be held on May 16th and sponsors are sought to support the event and its goals of spreading ideas.
The document provides information about TEDxDouglasville, a local event modeled after TED Talks where speakers share ideas. It summarizes that TEDxDouglasville has been held annually since 2015, featuring speakers from various backgrounds. The document outlines responsibilities and criteria for speakers, including meeting deadlines, having a focused idea rather than telling their life story, and not using the platform for commercial or political purposes. Speakers are encouraged to rehearse their talks and connect with audiences emotionally.
TED began in 1984 as a gathering for innovators in technology, entertainment, and design and has since become a global platform for spreading ideas through online talks and local TEDx events. TEDx events are independently organized in multiple cities around the world each year, allowing local communities to engage with ideas from TEDTalks and live speakers in an intimate setting. There are now over 600 TED talks online covering a wide range of topics.
TEDxHitechCity is a one-day event on January 31, 2010 in Hyderabad, India featuring 10 speakers sharing ideas on technology, entertainment, and design. The event is organized independently but follows TED's general guidelines. It will host 400 attendees by invitation only and aims to inspire local innovators and share their ideas with the global TED audience. Sponsorship opportunities include catering, producing attendee bags/catalogs, printing materials, live webcasting, and videotaping with various recognition benefits.
TEDxKrak坦w is an independently organized TED event in Krak坦w, Poland that focuses on sharing valuable ideas from innovative thinkers. TED began in 1984 and has grown into a global community devoted to spreading ideas through TED Talks videos and local TEDx events. TEDxKrak坦w will feature 20 short talks from speakers across different disciplines on the relationship between tradition and innovation. The one-day event seeks sponsors to cover costs and hopes to engage the local community and stream talks online to spread ideas.
While designing the TEDxCanaryWharf Experience we worked out though several frameworks and concepts that will bring value to the conference and will enhance stakeholder interaction.
TEDx at Your School: Innovate and IntegrateHonor Moorman
TED began in 1984 as a gathering for innovators and leaders in technology, entertainment, and design. It has since become a global platform for spreading ideas through TED Talks videos and live speakers at TEDx events around the world. TEDx events are independently organized in multiple cities and bring people together to explore ideas through discussions sparked by TEDTalks videos and local speakers. In 2009, over 230 TEDx events were held in 25 languages across 80 countries.
TED began in 1984 as a gathering for innovators and leaders in technology, entertainment, and design. It has since become a global platform for spreading ideas through TED Talks videos and live speakers at TEDx events around the world. TEDx events are independently organized in multiple cities and bring people together to explore ideas through discussions sparked by TEDTalks videos and local speakers. In 2009, over 230 TEDx events were held in 25 languages across 80 countries.
This document provides information about TEDxTorVergataU2016, a TEDx event hosted by the University of Rome Tor Vergata. TEDx events are independently organized local events that feature live speakers and TEDTalks videos to spark conversation. The theme of TEDxTorVergataU2016 is "New Models of Life" and will explore new ideas in fields like medicine, design, and entrepreneurship. The first TEDxTorVergataU event was held in 2014 and was a success with 100 attendees and media coverage.
Relive TEDxAmsterdam 2013 in different ways #TEDxAmsOliver de Leeuw
1) The document summarizes the 2013 TEDxAmsterdam event, thanking attendees and volunteers for their support.
2) It provides information on how to relive the event through interviews, reports, talks, articles, and photos available online.
3) It highlights the award winner, Benno Naaijkens, for his StemBell technology that uses microbubbles and sound waves to direct stem cells to damaged heart tissue.
TED was founded in 1984 and holds an annual conference in California to share innovative ideas that can improve quality of life. TEDx events are independently organized local events licensed by TED. Profits from TED are used to fund initiatives like TED Talks and the TED Prize. The TED conference features talks by notable figures on topics like science, technology, business and more.
TEDxKrak坦w is a locally organized event in Krak坦w, Poland that focuses on sharing ideas from individuals and innovators on a global stage. The document provides background on TED and TEDx events, details on the TEDxKrak坦w event including speakers and expectations, and opportunities for sponsorship of the TEDxKrak坦w event ranging from a title sponsorship of 50,000-75,000 PLN to smaller sponsorships starting at 1,000 PLN.
This document summarizes a TEDx event being planned for Edinburgh, Scotland in fall/winter 2009. The event will feature talks on local models of sustainability, inclusion and participation. Speakers will share stories, visions and experiences related to topics like business, learning, creativity and technology. The organizers are seeking speakers, sponsors and other contributions to create a small but enthusiastic event focused on values, visions and inspiration.
TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to spreading ideas through conferences and talks. It began in 1984 bringing people from technology, entertainment, and design together. It now includes two annual conferences, over 1,500 TED talks freely available online in 93 languages with over 1 billion views total. The TEDx program allows local communities to organize their own TED-style events. Temple University Japan is holding its first TEDx event in July 2015 to allow students to engage with idea leaders and each other. The event theme is "Forging New Paths" to present speakers who achieved success through unconventional means.
TED began in 1984 focusing on technology, entertainment, and design and has since expanded to become a global community for sharing ideas. TED talks are now hosted online through TED.com which has over 600 talks and is considered the standard for digital storytelling. TEDx events are independently organized local events that combine TED talks videos with live speakers to spark discussion in small groups. In 2009 there were over 230 TEDx events in 80 countries presented in 25 languages reaching over 2,400 speakers.
This document provides an overview and introduction to the TEDxTUM Playbook. It begins by explaining why the playbook was created due to the team growing in size and taking on more structure. It emphasizes the playbook's role in agreeing on core values, representing TEDxTUM internally and externally, and giving members a glimpse into the larger TEDx universe. The rest of the document provides high-level summaries of the main sections and content included in the full playbook such as information about TEDxTUM's mission and values, past events, and guidelines around organizing TEDx events.
This document is a 2015 partnership proposal from TEDxBend. It outlines various partnership levels ranging from $2,500 to $20,000. Higher partnership levels include more tickets to the event, invitations to special events, prominent logo placement, and opportunities to have a booth at the event. TEDxBend aims to build partnerships that surface and support great ideas by bringing together leaders from different fields in Bend, Oregon. The event will be held on April 18, 2015 at Bend High School Auditorium for 1,400 attendees.
TEDxCityUHongKong 2012 partnership deck_v02Rafael Wong
TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to spreading ideas through conferences and its online video platform. TEDx events are independently organized TED-style events that allow communities and organizations to have local discussions. TEDx events feature live speakers and TEDTalk videos to spark conversations. There are over 5,000 TEDx events held annually worldwide with millions of video views. This document discusses partnership opportunities for TEDxCityUHongKong, including engaging university students and challenging mainstream ideas. It provides examples of partnerships from other TEDx events involving interactive games, publications, press coverage, and post-event discussions.
TED is an annual conference that brings together leading thinkers and doers to share ideas through short talks. It began in 1984 and covers topics related to technology, entertainment and design. Popular past speakers include Bill Clinton, Bill Gates and Bono. TEDx events are locally organized independent events that have a similar format to share ideas. TEDxDesMoines is one such local event focused on education, entrepreneurship, food and energy innovations. It will be held in May 2021 in Des Moines, Iowa and offers sponsorship opportunities for companies to support the event and its goal of spreading ideas.
TED is an annual conference that brings together leading thinkers and doers to share ideas through short talks. It began in 1984 and covers topics related to technology, entertainment and design. Popular past speakers include Bill Clinton and Bill Gates. TEDx are locally organized TED-style events that share video talks and live speakers to spark discussion. TEDxDesMoines is one such event being organized in Des Moines, Iowa to highlight talks on education, entrepreneurship, food, and energy innovations. It will be held on May 16th and sponsors are sought to support the event and its goals of spreading ideas.
The document provides information about TEDxDouglasville, a local event modeled after TED Talks where speakers share ideas. It summarizes that TEDxDouglasville has been held annually since 2015, featuring speakers from various backgrounds. The document outlines responsibilities and criteria for speakers, including meeting deadlines, having a focused idea rather than telling their life story, and not using the platform for commercial or political purposes. Speakers are encouraged to rehearse their talks and connect with audiences emotionally.
TED began in 1984 as a gathering for innovators in technology, entertainment, and design and has since become a global platform for spreading ideas through online talks and local TEDx events. TEDx events are independently organized in multiple cities around the world each year, allowing local communities to engage with ideas from TEDTalks and live speakers in an intimate setting. There are now over 600 TED talks online covering a wide range of topics.
TEDxHitechCity is a one-day event on January 31, 2010 in Hyderabad, India featuring 10 speakers sharing ideas on technology, entertainment, and design. The event is organized independently but follows TED's general guidelines. It will host 400 attendees by invitation only and aims to inspire local innovators and share their ideas with the global TED audience. Sponsorship opportunities include catering, producing attendee bags/catalogs, printing materials, live webcasting, and videotaping with various recognition benefits.
TEDxKrak坦w is an independently organized TED event in Krak坦w, Poland that focuses on sharing valuable ideas from innovative thinkers. TED began in 1984 and has grown into a global community devoted to spreading ideas through TED Talks videos and local TEDx events. TEDxKrak坦w will feature 20 short talks from speakers across different disciplines on the relationship between tradition and innovation. The one-day event seeks sponsors to cover costs and hopes to engage the local community and stream talks online to spread ideas.
While designing the TEDxCanaryWharf Experience we worked out though several frameworks and concepts that will bring value to the conference and will enhance stakeholder interaction.
TEDx at Your School: Innovate and IntegrateHonor Moorman
TED began in 1984 as a gathering for innovators and leaders in technology, entertainment, and design. It has since become a global platform for spreading ideas through TED Talks videos and live speakers at TEDx events around the world. TEDx events are independently organized in multiple cities and bring people together to explore ideas through discussions sparked by TEDTalks videos and local speakers. In 2009, over 230 TEDx events were held in 25 languages across 80 countries.
TED began in 1984 as a gathering for innovators and leaders in technology, entertainment, and design. It has since become a global platform for spreading ideas through TED Talks videos and live speakers at TEDx events around the world. TEDx events are independently organized in multiple cities and bring people together to explore ideas through discussions sparked by TEDTalks videos and local speakers. In 2009, over 230 TEDx events were held in 25 languages across 80 countries.
This document provides information about TEDxTorVergataU2016, a TEDx event hosted by the University of Rome Tor Vergata. TEDx events are independently organized local events that feature live speakers and TEDTalks videos to spark conversation. The theme of TEDxTorVergataU2016 is "New Models of Life" and will explore new ideas in fields like medicine, design, and entrepreneurship. The first TEDxTorVergataU event was held in 2014 and was a success with 100 attendees and media coverage.
Relive TEDxAmsterdam 2013 in different ways #TEDxAmsOliver de Leeuw
1) The document summarizes the 2013 TEDxAmsterdam event, thanking attendees and volunteers for their support.
2) It provides information on how to relive the event through interviews, reports, talks, articles, and photos available online.
3) It highlights the award winner, Benno Naaijkens, for his StemBell technology that uses microbubbles and sound waves to direct stem cells to damaged heart tissue.
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This project management tool is specifically designed for project managers, offering a comprehensive suite of features to streamline planning, execution, and monitoring of projects. With intuitive interfaces and robust functionalities, it facilitates effective collaboration, resource allocation, and progress tracking, ensuring that project goals are met efficiently. Ideal for teams of all sizes, this solution enhances productivity and fosters accountability, making it an essential asset for any project management professional.
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The Key to Nonprofit Stability_ Independent Board Leadership by Legacy Profes...Legacy Professionals LLP
Board independence is crucial because it prevents conflicts of interest and maintains a system of checks and balances. When board members have financial or personal ties to the organization, their ability to make unbiased decisions may be compromised. On the other hand, an independent board acts with integrity, prioritizing the needs of the nonprofit over any individual or external entity.
Graeme Cowan, keynote speaker: Building Team Safety, Resilience and Growth Gr...Graeme Cowan Enterprises
Graeme Cowan is a team care and resilience speaker. His keynote topics include:
GREAT TEAMS CARE - Building safety, resilience, and growth
SELFCARE ISN'T SELFISH - Resilience for uncertain times
CREW CARE - Building psychologically safe and resilient teams
R U OK?365 - How to support a teammate (or loved one) in distress
He has found that in the best teams - people have each other's back, enjoy working together, and care about each other
Tran Quoc Bao Leading Chief Executive Officer CEO in Vietnam Healthcare -the ...Ignite Capital
Tran Quoc Bao: The Visionary Transforming Vietnams Healthcare Landscape
Tran Quoc Bao, CEO of Prima Saigon, stands as one of Vietnams most influential healthcare leaders, making a profound mark on the countrys healthcare sector and beyond. As the first Vietnamese member of the Advisory Panel for the Asian Hospital & Healthcare Management, Bao shapes global healthcare trends. Under his leadership, Prima Saigon has become the benchmark for excellence in international daycare and ambulatory services.
With nearly two decades of experience at the crossroads of healthcare and finance, Bao is not only a clinical innovator but also a master strategist. He has held leadership roles at prominent institutions like City International Hospital, FV Hospital, and TMMC Healthcare (Tam Tri Hospital Group), as well as international experience at The Alfred Hospital in Australia. His crowning achievement was leading Cao Tang Hospital through its transformation into Vietnams first Joint Commission International (JCI)-accredited hospitalan achievement that propelled Vietnams healthcare system onto the global stage.
Baos influence reaches far beyond his clinical expertise. Armed with elite financial credentialsCFA速, CMT速, CPWA速, and FMVA速he has directed over $2 billion in healthcare mergers and acquisitions, fundamentally reshaping the countrys healthcare investment landscape. His rare ability to merge healthcare innovation with financial insight has earned him widespread recognition as a thought leader in the sector.
A prolific writer, Bao has contributed over 20 articles to leading publications such as Bloomberg, Forbes, and US News, offering valuable perspectives on healthcare investment and innovation. His insights have made him a sought-after authority globally. He has also received numerous accolades, including "Healthcare Executive of the Year Vietnam 2021" and Medical Tourism Leader of the Year 2021 from Medical Excellence Japan.
Beyond his leadership at Prima Saigon, Bao advises global consulting giants like BCG, Bain, and McKinsey on strategic healthcare investments and partnerships. His unparalleled expertise continues to shape the future of healthcare in Asia and around the world, solidifying his legacy as one of the most influential healthcare leaders in Vietnam.
Kenneth Kremsky Was in Charge of Overseeing Every Facet of the Accounting Div...KennethKremsky
Kenneth Kremsky, who was previously the controller of Kraft Foods Group, oversaw all accounting operations for the company, including creating the yearly operational budget, making sure Sarbanes Oxley compliance was maintained, and managing internal and external audits. Accounts Payable, Payroll, Inventory, Supply Chain, and Production were all under his management in the accounting department.
Kenneth Kremsky Was in Charge of Overseeing Every Facet of the Accounting Div...KennethKremsky
TEDxFalakiStreet - Colors
2. What is TED?
TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) is a global set
of conferences, formed in1984 to disseminate ideas worth
spreading. TED is a think tank for humanity. It is a gather-
ing of exceptional individuals, all with the ability to make a
difference. We come, we listen, we participate, we learn, we
apply and we
TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth
Spreading. Started as a four-day conference in California 30
years ago, TED has grown to support its mission with mul-
tiple initiatives. The two annual TED Conferences invite the
world's leading thinkers and doers to speak for 18 minutes
or less. Many of these talks are then made available, free,
at TED.com. TED speakers have included Bill Gates, Jane Goo-
dall, Elizabeth Gilbert, Sir Richard Branson, Nandan Nilekani,
Philippe Starck, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Sal Khan and Daniel Kah-
Created in the spirit Ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program
of local, self-organized events that bring people together
to share a TED- like experience, to spark deep discussion and
connection in a small group.
These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx,
where: x=independently organized TED event.
TEDxFalakiStreet is created by young resident youths to
encourage the TED theme like idea and advocate the spread
of ideas in Cairo city's metropolitan area, through creating
our independent TEDx event.
Our mission is to create a platform of ideas worth spreading
in metropolitan Cairo, introduce our society to new innova-
tive ideas that can spike change or inspire and motivate our
What is TEDx?
What is TEDxFalakiStreet?
3. What is TEDxTalk?
A TEDx presentation is a talk of 18 minutes or less that con-
veys some of the most innovative ideas on the planet with a
passion. TED and TEDx speakers tackle humanity's toughest
questions, attempting to answer them with innovation, en-
terprise and enduring optimism. TEDxFalakiStreet is a place
in our community that inspires people to change their lives,
their futures and ultimately their world. The TEDx audience
is a remarkable group of people that's open-minded, curious,
intelligent and eager to learn.
TEDxFalakiStreet has been an integral event for community,
providing the chance to plan, participate, and execute the
event. When you sponsor this event, you'll have direct ac-
cess to our audience of more than 1000 participants. You'll
also be included in all promotions surrounding the event that
is generally held 1-2 times per year and The TEDx 21 Million
YouTube Subscribers
Why to Sponsor?
Event with 16 Creative Speakers and Perfomers,
Media coverage, After event party, Breaks and Networking.
Innovation Display Booths:
2-3 booths, each booth will feature 1 innovative
product/project/idea of 1 company.
This is a great chance for your company to:
* Showcase your company's innovations.
* Test your future ideas, gather opinions and receive
feedbacks from TEDxFalakiStreet community.
* Exhibit your innovation during TEDxFalakiStreet event and
via our pre/post TEDxFalakiStreet media coverage.
5. 2018 The Speakers
Shahenda Saad Rami ElGebali Dr. Samir Ghonam
Mohamed & Heba Islam Adbullah Islam Mohamed
Amr Helmy Mohamed Elbeek Farida Temraz
Mohamed Saied Ahmed Khedr Abdo Samy
7. Important Links
Check the talks for
TEDxFalakiStreet in
4k which is the first
time in MENA region on
Click on the icon please
Check out
event photos on
Click on the icon please
About 2018 Event
American University in Cairo was the venue, 31 Oct 2018 was the date,
4K quality which is the first time to be in the middle east,
2018 Sponsors
our last event we were lucky for signing with 7 sponsors which is good as
we were in the 4Q of the year. Our Talks also were screening onn TEN TV
Channel twice by week at Sunday and Wednesday on 4:45 PM.
Media Parnter
Media Sponsor Advertising Sponsor Culture Sponsor
Community SponsorBronze SponsorLogistics Sponsor
Check out TEDxFalakiStreet
event page on TED. where
you could know more about
Speakers & Performers.
Click on the icon please
8. 2018 Insights
* 12 Speakers
* 15k+ views on Youtube in less
than one year
* 41K+ Oraganic Reach on face-
book before 9 days of the event.
* 1300 Response
* 61% Males and 39% Females
* 74 % Greater Cairo ( Cairo - Giza -
Qalyoubia )
* 56% Student Undergrad - 18%
Fresh Grad - 26 % Others
* 16 : 35 Years 80% - 20% Others
10. 2020 The Theme
One of the most striking properties about life is that it has
To understand the phenomenon of color, we have to think
about light as a wave.
If light is a wave, then it must have a frequency. Right?
Well... yes, it does.
The lowest frequency light that we can see is red and the
highest frequency is purple.
In between all the other frequencies form a continuous band
of color, called the visible spectrum.
The frequency of the light that our eyes detect have a name.
It's called color.
So, what if you had a yellow pencil sitting on your desk?
Well, the sun emits all colors of light, so light of all colors is
hitting your pencil.
The pencil looks yellow because it reflects yellow light more
than it reflects the other colors.
What happens to the blue, purple and red light?
into heat.
It is similar with objects of other colors.
Blue things reflect blue light, red things reflect red light and
so on.
White objects reflect all colors of light,
while black things do exactly the opposite and absorb at all
This by the way is why it's uncomfortable to wear your fa-
vorite Metallica t-shirt on a sunny day.
Waves is our doings
Colors is our received knowledge
Frequency is your actions and trying to have your own
Light is Life
let's See How TEDxFalakiStreet Will Bring Us Colors!
11. 2020 The Speakers
Medhat ElAdl Hisham Soliman Hend Reda
Ahmed Refaee Ahmed Darkawi Salem Massalha
Sham Al Zahabi Abo Omar Donia ElHalawany
Tarek Salem Haidy Mousa In Conract with!
13. Sponsorship Packages
Platinum 50.000 Gold 40.000 Silver 20.000
CIP Tickets 12 9 7
Booth 12 M 6 M 4 M
Printed Programs
Logo on T-shirt
On stage, during pre-show, intro and breaks
Company's apparel distributed amongst attendees
TEDxFalakiStreet Website and Social Media (fb - Tw - Ins)
Logo at the beginning and end of each video uploaded to TEDx-
Talks official YouTube channel + 22 Million Subscribers
Publicity materials (posters)
Logo at the beginning and end of each video uploaded to TED.com
+ 17 Million daily visit
Recognition on video screens at event's beginning and end
Special thank you by Mic at event's beginning and end
Special acknowledgement by the host during event intro
Can provide gift item for the speakers
Special RollUps
100-word message in program
Logo on special gift pack for speakers & Entertainers
Logo on organizers IDs
Content time of 18 Sq meter LED Screen 60 Sec 30 Sec 15 Sec
14. In-Kind Sponsorship
Other than cash assistance, there are many other ways
you can support this event through in-kind sponsorships.
We listed below some areas you can help us with but if you
have something else in mind, feel free to let us know. We will
customize benefits packages based on the relative value of
your in-kind gift.
Production Costs:
*Photographer *Video Production and Editing
Catering & Beverage
*Breakfast *Lunch *Snacks *Water *Coffe Breacks *Bever-
Miscellaneous *Sponsor Packets *Entertainment
*Swag Bags
* Full back cover of the conference programme
* Special recognition in the conference printed programme
* Your logo placement on campus wide conference signage
* Special recognition in the conference printed programme
as supplier of the event posters
* Display of one vertical banner (supplied by you), to be dis-
played in the reception lobby
* Opportunity to distribute promotional items and giveaways
at the end of the event
* One double-sized brick (text only) to commemorate your
support of TEDxFalakiStreet
* Opportunity to include your company's logo on the front of
the name tag along with the TEDxFalakiStreet Logo
* Opportunity to display your logo on each and every photo
that will be sent out
* Opportunity to have the official event photographer wear-
ing your company shirt
* Can provide gift items for speakers and attendees
* Logo on organizers IDs and speakers IDs
* Flags for Sponsors * Printed logo on helium balloons
15. Connect with us
We welcome partnership through in-kind support ( for exam-
ples; catering, gift bag items, printing, etc)
custom packages are available based on the value of the in-
kind gift.
We also welcome multi-event commitments and would be
pleased to extend a discount to sponsor wishing to purchase
more than one sposorship in advance.
To arrange sposnorship opportunity that will be a perfect
match for you company Please Contact Us :
Mahmoud Zeyada I Founder & CEO
+2010. 1548. 9535
This Independent TEDx event is operated under license from