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Con il patrocinio dell Universit degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
is a global non profit devoted to
Ideas Worth Spreading.
It started out in 1984 as a conference bringing together
people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment
and Design. Since then its scope has broadened.
TED believes passionately in the power of ideas to
change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world.
Today, TED is best thought of as a global community.
Its a community welcoming people from every discipli-
ne and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the
was created in the spirit of TEDs mission, Ides Worth Spreading.
The program is designed to give communities, organizations and indivi-
duals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through TED-like experience
at the local event.
events, a combination of live speakers and TEDTalks videos
sparks deep conversation and connections. TEDx
events are fully planned
and coordinated independently, on a community-by-community basis. All
events have several features in common, including TEDs celebrated
format, TEDTalks videos, and bias-free programming.
Within the TEDx
there are several formats. One of that is the one for the
New Models of Life
Tor Vergata University of Rome presents the second edition of
TorVergataU 2016, on 7th of May at the Auditorium E.Morricone.
The speakerss talk will provide a way of reflection to better understand
how important matters can dramatically add value to every day life and
conseguently to the business community.
TorVergataU 2016 theme originated from the opportunities created
by New Models of Life. The topic allows for a wide variety of applica-
tions: in particular speakers will explore new ideas in medicine, design, en-
terpreneurship, and more. Our goal is to provide the audience a 360属 TED
experience demonstrating how innovation knows no boundaries.
TEDxTorVergataU confirms and strengthens the image of a modern, dy-
namic and lively University. The event will be available on the TED web
platform so as to increase the international exposure of our speakers and
our University exponentially.
TEDxTorVergataU 2014
The First edition of TEDxTorVergataU took place on the 27th of Sep-
temper 2014, at the auditorium of Campus X.
The event, organized by 16 students, hosted 100 attendees.
The theme of the event was Intuition.
TEDxTorVergataU 2014 was fostered by students, professors and spea-
kers. The event was extremely publicized by the main Italian news-media:
il Messaggero, la Repubblica, il Tempo, la Stampa and ioDonna.
TEDxTorVergataU 2014 has been a success considering the social media
as well; in terms of engagement: number of retweets and likes of the official
Piergiorgio Iemmolo
+39 366 1035809
Resist the usual.
Be unexpected.

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  • 1. WELCOME TO TEDxTorVergataU2016 Con il patrocinio dell Universit degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata www.tedxtorvergatau.com
  • 2. is a global non profit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out in 1984 as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment and Design. Since then its scope has broadened. TED believes passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world. Today, TED is best thought of as a global community. Its a community welcoming people from every discipli- ne and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world.
  • 3. TEDx was created in the spirit of TEDs mission, Ides Worth Spreading. The program is designed to give communities, organizations and indivi- duals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through TED-like experience at the local event. At TEDx events, a combination of live speakers and TEDTalks videos sparks deep conversation and connections. TEDx events are fully planned and coordinated independently, on a community-by-community basis. All TEDx events have several features in common, including TEDs celebrated format, TEDTalks videos, and bias-free programming. Within the TEDx there are several formats. One of that is the one for the Universities.
  • 4. New Models of Life Tor Vergata University of Rome presents the second edition of TEDx TorVergataU 2016, on 7th of May at the Auditorium E.Morricone. The speakerss talk will provide a way of reflection to better understand how important matters can dramatically add value to every day life and conseguently to the business community. TEDx TorVergataU 2016 theme originated from the opportunities created by New Models of Life. The topic allows for a wide variety of applica- tions: in particular speakers will explore new ideas in medicine, design, en- terpreneurship, and more. Our goal is to provide the audience a 360属 TED experience demonstrating how innovation knows no boundaries. TEDxTorVergataU confirms and strengthens the image of a modern, dy- namic and lively University. The event will be available on the TED web platform so as to increase the international exposure of our speakers and our University exponentially.
  • 5. TEDxTorVergataU 2014 The First edition of TEDxTorVergataU took place on the 27th of Sep- temper 2014, at the auditorium of Campus X. The event, organized by 16 students, hosted 100 attendees. The theme of the event was Intuition. ABOUT US... TEDxTorVergataU 2014 was fostered by students, professors and spea- kers. The event was extremely publicized by the main Italian news-media: il Messaggero, la Repubblica, il Tempo, la Stampa and ioDonna. TEDxTorVergataU 2014 has been a success considering the social media as well; in terms of engagement: number of retweets and likes of the official page.