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L a y i n g t h e t r a c k s :
T E D x D o u g l a s v i l l e
TED is an annual event that brings together the brightest minds of our
generation to share their ideas with a curated audience of open-minded
individuals. Based on any number of subjects, these TED Talks, are
then made available online for free so that their ideas may be spread
throughout the world.
TEDx was created in the spirit of TED's mission, "ideas worth spreading."
The program is designed to give communities, organizations and
individuals the opportunity to create TED-like experiences at the local
level through their own event. Since the programs creation, more than
5000 TEDx events have spread throughout the world in places like Dubai,
Tokyo, Antarctica and, of course, Douglasville.
A n i n t r o d u c t i o n t o T E D a n d T E D x
W h a t i s T E D x D o u g l a s v i l l e ?
Since its inaugural event in April 2015, TEDxDouglasville is quickly
becoming a major venue for spreading ideas and inspiring change. With
rapidly growing support from the community, our TEDxTalks have
helped propel the idea revolution throughout Douglasville and the
Speakers have included medical physician Dr. Frank Rasler;
computational astrophysicist, Dr. John Wise (pictured); national non-
profit founder, Anthony Flynn; entrepreneurs/CEOs of multimillion dollar
marketing & managing consultancies, Stan Phelps and Rory Vaden,
respectively; USA Olympic champion Mrs. Elana Meyers Taylor, and
brilliant minds from all walks of life.
W h a t w e l o o k f o r i n a s p e a k e r
Speakers come from all walks of life, disciplines, and industries, but
what they all have in common is an idea and the passion to share it.
Everyone has a life story to tell, but were not seeking story-tellers, were
seeking truly unique, radical ideas. The who is secondary to the idea.
That is what makes our conference a powerful platform for sharing
As a speaker, your objective will be to share your idea in an engaging
way and to answer the question, Why? Why do you care? Why should
the attendees? Why does your idea deserve to be on stage? If youre up
to the challenge and passionate about your idea, wed love to hear from
W h y s h o u l d y o u s p e a k a t
T E D x D o u g l a s v i l l e ?
Associate yourself and idea with a powerful worldwide brand and
movement synonymous with creativity, collaboration and innovation.
Interact with the best and brightest of our area including business
and community leaders, activists, and experts from all fields.
Gain a platform to build momentum for and increase knowledge
about your passions, ideas, and dreams.
Reach decision makers (At TEDxDouglasville weve had many
attendees that are executive level or higher from various disciplines)
R e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s a s a T E D x s p e a k e r
As the conference approaches, youll need to meet certain deadlines for sending
us information, such as biographies, slides, and talk outlines. It is imperative that
you meet these deadlines as we cannot plan the conference without them. Failing
to meet deadlines may result in dismissal from the speaker lineup.
Working Together
Though you may know your topic the best, we know our attendees and TEDs
purpose, and by working together we can best present your idea. Please be aware
that egos have little place at TEDxDouglasville.
Youll be expected to be present throughout the duration of the conference as
attendees, partners, and other speakers will want to further explore your idea.
Please be sure you are available all day. If this or any other criteria is an issue,
please let us know.
S h a r i n g y o u r i d e a a t
T E D x D o u g l a s v i l l e
TED presenters might make their
talks appear effortless, but there
are hours of thinking, preparing,
practicing, slide revision, and
memorization involved behind
each spectacular talk. To give
your idea the presentation it
deserves, youll need to consider
a few things:
Your TEDxTalk should be focused and
sharp. It should go deep rather than
broad. It should include visuals that
develop your ideas. It can include
unique aspects of personal experience
or projects.
TEDxDouglasville talks run for only 3 to
18 minutes. If you exceed your time, the
host will ask you to end your talk.
Curation & Refinement
The entire TEDxDouglasville
organizing team is here to help
you with any kind of information
or preparation you may need. We
will also help you blend your talk
into the theme and other
speakers talks.
Not Allowed
Corporate, political, or religious
plugs from the stage are an abuse
of the TEDx platform and are
Susan Cain | The Power of Introverts
Dream big.
Strive to create the
best talk youve ever
given. Reveal
something never said
before that the
audience will
remember forever.
Share an idea that
could change the
1 0 t i p s f o r a s u c c e s s f u l T E D T a l k
Show us the real you.
Share your passions, your
dreams, as well as your
fears. Be vulnerable.
Speak of failure as well as
Make the
complex, plain.
Dont try to dazzle
intellectually. Dont
speak in abstractions.
Explain! Give
examples. Tell stories.
Be specific.
Connect with
Make us laugh!
Make us cry!
Feel free to
...on other
speakers, to praise
or criticize.
energizes and
No selling from
the stage!
Dont talk about
your company or
Pitching products
and services or
looking for funding
is strictly
Dont read your
With exception,
notes are not
allowed on stage.
You will under-
represent yourself
by reading your
talk and not
You must not go
over your time.
Doing otherwise is
to steal time from
following speakers.
If you exceed your
allotted time, the
host will ask you to
end your talk.
Dont flaunt
your ego.
Dont boast. Its
the surest way to
switch everyone
Rehearse your
Do so in front of
trusted friends for
timing, clarity, and
Hyeonseo Lee | My Escape from North Korea | Photo by Steve Jurvetson
Thank you for your interest in this incredible experience. To take the next step, either
contact us or fill out the speaker application on our website.
Email: organizer@tedxdouglasville.com Phone: (404) - 771- 3315
For more info visit us at tedxdouglasville.com/about
Continue the conversation,
w w w . t e d x d o u g l a s v i l l e . c o m

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TEDxDouglasville Speaker Packet 2016

  • 1. WELCOME, ITS SHOWTIME L a y i n g t h e t r a c k s : T E D x D o u g l a s v i l l e TEDxDouglasville2016
  • 2. TED is an annual event that brings together the brightest minds of our generation to share their ideas with a curated audience of open-minded individuals. Based on any number of subjects, these TED Talks, are then made available online for free so that their ideas may be spread throughout the world. TEDx was created in the spirit of TED's mission, "ideas worth spreading." The program is designed to give communities, organizations and individuals the opportunity to create TED-like experiences at the local level through their own event. Since the programs creation, more than 5000 TEDx events have spread throughout the world in places like Dubai, Tokyo, Antarctica and, of course, Douglasville. A PLATFORM FOR MANIFESTING ORIGINAL IDEAS A n i n t r o d u c t i o n t o T E D a n d T E D x
  • 3. DETHRONING THE STATUS QUO FREETHINKERS W h a t i s T E D x D o u g l a s v i l l e ? Since its inaugural event in April 2015, TEDxDouglasville is quickly becoming a major venue for spreading ideas and inspiring change. With rapidly growing support from the community, our TEDxTalks have helped propel the idea revolution throughout Douglasville and the region. Speakers have included medical physician Dr. Frank Rasler; computational astrophysicist, Dr. John Wise (pictured); national non- profit founder, Anthony Flynn; entrepreneurs/CEOs of multimillion dollar marketing & managing consultancies, Stan Phelps and Rory Vaden, respectively; USA Olympic champion Mrs. Elana Meyers Taylor, and brilliant minds from all walks of life. Dr.JohnWise|TEDxDouglasville
  • 4. LESS WHO MORE WHY W h a t w e l o o k f o r i n a s p e a k e r Speakers come from all walks of life, disciplines, and industries, but what they all have in common is an idea and the passion to share it. Everyone has a life story to tell, but were not seeking story-tellers, were seeking truly unique, radical ideas. The who is secondary to the idea. That is what makes our conference a powerful platform for sharing ideas. As a speaker, your objective will be to share your idea in an engaging way and to answer the question, Why? Why do you care? Why should the attendees? Why does your idea deserve to be on stage? If youre up to the challenge and passionate about your idea, wed love to hear from you. AnthonyFlynn|TEDxDouglasville
  • 5. CREATE MEANINGFUL INTERACTION W h y s h o u l d y o u s p e a k a t T E D x D o u g l a s v i l l e ? Associate yourself and idea with a powerful worldwide brand and movement synonymous with creativity, collaboration and innovation. Interact with the best and brightest of our area including business and community leaders, activists, and experts from all fields. Gain a platform to build momentum for and increase knowledge about your passions, ideas, and dreams. Reach decision makers (At TEDxDouglasville weve had many attendees that are executive level or higher from various disciplines) 1 4 3 2 RoryVaden|TEDxDouglasville
  • 6. COMMITTED TO BRILLIANCE R e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s a s a T E D x s p e a k e r Deadlines As the conference approaches, youll need to meet certain deadlines for sending us information, such as biographies, slides, and talk outlines. It is imperative that you meet these deadlines as we cannot plan the conference without them. Failing to meet deadlines may result in dismissal from the speaker lineup. Working Together Though you may know your topic the best, we know our attendees and TEDs purpose, and by working together we can best present your idea. Please be aware that egos have little place at TEDxDouglasville. Attendance Youll be expected to be present throughout the duration of the conference as attendees, partners, and other speakers will want to further explore your idea. Please be sure you are available all day. If this or any other criteria is an issue, please let us know.
  • 7. PROPELLING INTELLECTUAL ADVANCEMENT S h a r i n g y o u r i d e a a t T E D x D o u g l a s v i l l e TED presenters might make their talks appear effortless, but there are hours of thinking, preparing, practicing, slide revision, and memorization involved behind each spectacular talk. To give your idea the presentation it deserves, youll need to consider a few things: Content Your TEDxTalk should be focused and sharp. It should go deep rather than broad. It should include visuals that develop your ideas. It can include unique aspects of personal experience or projects. Timing TEDxDouglasville talks run for only 3 to 18 minutes. If you exceed your time, the host will ask you to end your talk. Curation & Refinement The entire TEDxDouglasville organizing team is here to help you with any kind of information or preparation you may need. We will also help you blend your talk into the theme and other speakers talks. Not Allowed Corporate, political, or religious plugs from the stage are an abuse of the TEDx platform and are unacceptable. Susan Cain | The Power of Introverts
  • 8. A PLATFORM FOR MANIFESTING ORIGINAL IDEAS Dream big. Strive to create the best talk youve ever given. Reveal something never said before that the audience will remember forever. Share an idea that could change the world. 1 0 t i p s f o r a s u c c e s s f u l T E D T a l k Show us the real you. Share your passions, your dreams, as well as your fears. Be vulnerable. Speak of failure as well as success. Make the complex, plain. Dont try to dazzle intellectually. Dont speak in abstractions. Explain! Give examples. Tell stories. Be specific. Connect with peoples emotions Make us laugh! Make us cry! Feel free to comment... ...on other speakers, to praise or criticize. Controversy energizes and engages. No selling from the stage! Dont talk about your company or organization. Pitching products and services or looking for funding is strictly prohibited. Dont read your talk. With exception, notes are not allowed on stage. You will under- represent yourself by reading your talk and not You must not go over your time. Doing otherwise is to steal time from following speakers. If you exceed your allotted time, the host will ask you to end your talk. Dont flaunt your ego. Dont boast. Its the surest way to switch everyone off. Rehearse your talk. Do so in front of trusted friends for timing, clarity, and impact. Hyeonseo Lee | My Escape from North Korea | Photo by Steve Jurvetson
  • 9. Thank you for your interest in this incredible experience. To take the next step, either contact us or fill out the speaker application on our website. Email: organizer@tedxdouglasville.com Phone: (404) - 771- 3315 For more info visit us at tedxdouglasville.com/about linkedin.com/company/tedxdouglasville facebook.com/tedxdouglasville twitter.com/tedxdville youtube.com/tedx Continue the conversation, CONTACT US AT w w w . t e d x d o u g l a s v i l l e . c o m MahdiAlHusseini|TEDxDouglasville