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Teen Parent &  Child Development  Program  San Antonio High School
Why a Teen Parent Program? Pregnancy has been determined to be the greatest single cause of dropping out of high school for female students.*  In addition, teenage fathers are significantly less likely to complete high school than their non-parent peers.* * Educational Equity Compliance
Our Mission ~ A Path to Success Enhance parenting skills & promote  healthy families Provide enriching  environments for  infant-toddler  development Support pregnant  & parenting teens to finish school
How It Works Parents take a child development class on campus & spend an hour each day with their child in the center.
About The Program The center has served up to 20 children per year since 1994. Most are from low-income families.  About 80% are Latino and bilingual.
Infant-Toddler Center Hands-on learning provides young children with: Sensory integration Tactile experiences Motor coordination
A language and literacy-rich environment supports learning.
Nurturing relationships   enhance social-emotional development.
Child Development Classes:
Pregnancy & Prenatal Care Stages of Growth Nutritional Needs Childbirth Options
Parenting Skills Responsibilities  Parents as Role Models Strategies & Positive Guidance Discipline & Consequences Safety, Nutrition & Medical Care Day Care Options
Child Development Birth Order Theory & Gender Nature vs. Nurture Developmental Stages
Weekly Family Meeting A young mothers group meets with the school therapist, childcare director and child development teacher to address: Self-esteem Body image Character building Relaxation/meditation
Statistics  An average of 400 births to teenage moms occur in Sonoma County each year.* Teen birth rates for California are 4x higher than those of Western nations outside the U.S.** *Teen Parent Connections **Public Health Institute
Sonoma County  Teen Parent Programs Department of Education Cal-SAFE Dept. of Health Services Teen Parent Connections San Antonio High Healdsburg High Nueva Vista High Windsor   Oaks Academy Adera High Creekside High
What students say about the Teen Parent Program:  I get to meet other teen moms in the same situation. Its a special bond we develop  different from meeting moms at a playground. 17 year-old mother of a baby boy
The teen parent program provides a homey atmosphere and welcoming environment that encourages the parents to come every day.  The opportunities provided are unlimited. The resources are there. Its just up to us to use them. -- 17 year-old mother of a baby boy
The staff teach you how to be a good parent and how to educate your child. Before, I didnt know how to hold a baby.  Now Ive learned how to talk with my son and ask what he wants. --18 year-old father of a toddler
Graduation Day In 2010, 120 teen parents countywide, representing 20 different high schools, received their high school diplomas. Success!

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Teen Parent Program

  • 1. Teen Parent & Child Development Program San Antonio High School
  • 2. Why a Teen Parent Program? Pregnancy has been determined to be the greatest single cause of dropping out of high school for female students.* In addition, teenage fathers are significantly less likely to complete high school than their non-parent peers.* * Educational Equity Compliance
  • 3. Our Mission ~ A Path to Success Enhance parenting skills & promote healthy families Provide enriching environments for infant-toddler development Support pregnant & parenting teens to finish school
  • 4. How It Works Parents take a child development class on campus & spend an hour each day with their child in the center.
  • 5. About The Program The center has served up to 20 children per year since 1994. Most are from low-income families. About 80% are Latino and bilingual.
  • 6. Infant-Toddler Center Hands-on learning provides young children with: Sensory integration Tactile experiences Motor coordination
  • 7. A language and literacy-rich environment supports learning.
  • 8. Nurturing relationships enhance social-emotional development.
  • 10. Pregnancy & Prenatal Care Stages of Growth Nutritional Needs Childbirth Options
  • 11. Parenting Skills Responsibilities Parents as Role Models Strategies & Positive Guidance Discipline & Consequences Safety, Nutrition & Medical Care Day Care Options
  • 12. Child Development Birth Order Theory & Gender Nature vs. Nurture Developmental Stages
  • 13. Weekly Family Meeting A young mothers group meets with the school therapist, childcare director and child development teacher to address: Self-esteem Body image Character building Relaxation/meditation
  • 14. Statistics An average of 400 births to teenage moms occur in Sonoma County each year.* Teen birth rates for California are 4x higher than those of Western nations outside the U.S.** *Teen Parent Connections **Public Health Institute
  • 15.
  • 16. Sonoma County Teen Parent Programs Department of Education Cal-SAFE Dept. of Health Services Teen Parent Connections San Antonio High Healdsburg High Nueva Vista High Windsor Oaks Academy Adera High Creekside High
  • 17. What students say about the Teen Parent Program: I get to meet other teen moms in the same situation. Its a special bond we develop different from meeting moms at a playground. 17 year-old mother of a baby boy
  • 18. The teen parent program provides a homey atmosphere and welcoming environment that encourages the parents to come every day. The opportunities provided are unlimited. The resources are there. Its just up to us to use them. -- 17 year-old mother of a baby boy
  • 19. The staff teach you how to be a good parent and how to educate your child. Before, I didnt know how to hold a baby. Now Ive learned how to talk with my son and ask what he wants. --18 year-old father of a toddler
  • 20. Graduation Day In 2010, 120 teen parents countywide, representing 20 different high schools, received their high school diplomas. Success!