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Topic: Voting
  Year 6P
Activity for Students

Information for Teachers
A Bill has been put forward to lower the
voting age of Australian citizens from 18
                 to 16.

There has been a tremendous amount of debate about
 this. To help solve the issue, your local government is
approaching students, such as yourselves, from all over
            the state to ask what they think.

                  Lets think about it!

What is it?                 Bright Side
                                                  Click on the
                                                 tracks to start
                                               Down Side

                                Is it fair?                Improvements
    We- Think

                                              Thought Police
What is it?                 Bright Side

                                               Down Side

                                Is it fair?                Improvements
    We- Think

                                              Thought Police
Ten thinking Tracks
What do we already know about this?

What do we need to know more

about, and how can we find this out?

Is this similar to anything we already know
The Bright Side
What are the good aspects of this?

What positives could come out of this?

What good opportunities could this
The Down Side
 What is it?
What are the not-so-good
               of this?

What problems could possibly

How does this make you feel? (use
feeling   words,    such   as   pleased,
excited, worried)

How might this affect the feelings of
any of the people involved?
         What is it?
What changes could make this better?
What could be added,
                         removed, reduced or
altered to improve it?
Thought Police
Have we made any assumptions that could be

Are we using trustworthy source of evidence?

Do we have enough evidence for what we have
been saying?
Is it fair?
Are there any moral dilemmas involved?

Have we considered the impact on people of all ages?

Are there any parts of this which arent fair for one

Are there any big-picture or global issues which need to
be considered?
What opinion does each one of
us have and why?

I think.....because.....
We - Think
What is our decision when we
put our ideas together and negotiate?

What are our main reasons for this

Can we sum up the opposite point of view
and the arguments for it?
NSW Syllabus Outcomes
SSS3.8 - Explains the structures, roles, responsibilities and
decision-making processes of State and federal
governments, and explains why Australians value
fairness and socially just principles

Integrate the English KLA by writing an exposition with the decision made at
the end of this activity.

Microsoft Office Clip Art Collection

Board of Studies NSW (2006). Human Society and Its Environment K-6
         Syllabus. Sydney: Board of Studies, NSW.
McGrath, H. And Noble, T. (2005). Eight Ways at Once: Book One. Sydney:
         Pearson Education.

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Ten thinking Tracks

  • 1. Topic: Voting Year 6P Activity for Students Information for Teachers
  • 2. A Bill has been put forward to lower the voting age of Australian citizens from 18 to 16. There has been a tremendous amount of debate about this. To help solve the issue, your local government is approaching students, such as yourselves, from all over the state to ask what they think. Lets think about it! NEXT
  • 3. Feelings What is it? Bright Side Click on the tracks to start Knowledge thinking! Down Side Is it fair? Improvements We- Think Thought Police I-Think
  • 4. Feelings What is it? Bright Side Knowledge Down Side Is it fair? Improvements We- Think Thought Police I-Think
  • 6. Knowledge What do we already know about this? What do we need to know more about, and how can we find this out? Is this similar to anything we already know about?
  • 7. The Bright Side What are the good aspects of this? What positives could come out of this? What good opportunities could this provide?
  • 8. The Down Side What is it? What are the not-so-good Hgjhkl Hvhjhg aspects hgvjhgjhg of this? What problems could possibly arise?
  • 9. Feelings How does this make you feel? (use feeling words, such as pleased, excited, worried) How might this affect the feelings of any of the people involved?
  • 10. Improvements What is it? What changes could make this better? Hgjhkl Hvhjhg What could be added, hgvjhgjhg removed, reduced or altered to improve it?
  • 11. Thought Police Have we made any assumptions that could be challenged? Are we using trustworthy source of evidence? Do we have enough evidence for what we have been saying?
  • 12. Is it fair? Are there any moral dilemmas involved? Have we considered the impact on people of all ages? Are there any parts of this which arent fair for one gender? Are there any big-picture or global issues which need to be considered?
  • 13. I-Think What opinion does each one of us have and why? I think.....because.....
  • 14. We - Think What is our decision when we put our ideas together and negotiate? What are our main reasons for this decision? Can we sum up the opposite point of view and the arguments for it?
  • 15. NSW Syllabus Outcomes HSIE: SSS3.8 - Explains the structures, roles, responsibilities and decision-making processes of State and federal governments, and explains why Australians value fairness and socially just principles Integrate the English KLA by writing an exposition with the decision made at the end of this activity. Resources: Microsoft Office Clip Art Collection References: Board of Studies NSW (2006). Human Society and Its Environment K-6 Syllabus. Sydney: Board of Studies, NSW. McGrath, H. And Noble, T. (2005). Eight Ways at Once: Book One. Sydney: Pearson Education.

Editor's Notes

  • #2: NSW Outcomes:HSIE:SSS3.8 - Explains the structures, roles, responsibilities anddecision-making processes of State and federalgovernments, and explains why Australians valuefairness and socially just principles
  • #4: Do you remember the tracks?
  • #5: Do you remember the tracks?