This document is a collection of photo credits from various photographers used in a Haiku Deck presentation on ºÝºÝߣShare. The photos were taken by 11 different photographers and provided credits for their work. The presentation aimed to inspire others to create their own Haiku Deck presentations on ºÝºÝߣShare.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on ºÝºÝߣShare. In a single sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create and publish online presentations.
20161111_alinea_sterling a rollercoaster yearRachel Coleman
Sterling has experienced a turbulent year, falling to its lowest point against the US dollar and losing over 20% of its value against the euro. A number of factors influence currency valuations, including economic events like the UK's EU referendum and US election, which have introduced more volatility. For construction projects, fluctuations in currencies like the euro and dollar can significantly impact costs, as materials, equipment, and components from abroad typically represent 30% or more of total costs. Mitigation strategies are important to consider to lessen the effects of currency movements on construction budgets and timelines.
This document provides recommendations for scenic photography locations around the world. It describes the Drake Passage between South America and Antarctica for its amazing views of ice and storms. Torres del Paine National Park in Chile is noted for its glaciers, peaks, wildlife and serenity. Lake Clark in Alaska offers opportunities to photograph grizzly bears feeding on salmon from boats. Haleakala National Park in Hawaii allows photography of stars without light pollution. The Museo Subacuático de Arte in Mexico allows underwater photography of life-sized statues on the ocean floor.
This document provides specifications for a 150W power supply unit, including:
- Technical details such as a wattage of 150W, voltages of 12-15V, and currents of 10-12.5A.
- It comes in 120V/12-15V or 277V/12-15V variants.
- The unit uses a transformer potted in an epoxy-sealed enclosure per UL norms for reliability and efficiency.
This document is a collection of photo credits from various photographers used in a Haiku Deck presentation on ºÝºÝߣShare. The photos were taken by 11 different photographers and provided credits for their work. The presentation aimed to inspire others to create their own Haiku Deck presentations on ºÝºÝߣShare.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on ºÝºÝߣShare. In a single sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create and publish online presentations.
20161111_alinea_sterling a rollercoaster yearRachel Coleman
Sterling has experienced a turbulent year, falling to its lowest point against the US dollar and losing over 20% of its value against the euro. A number of factors influence currency valuations, including economic events like the UK's EU referendum and US election, which have introduced more volatility. For construction projects, fluctuations in currencies like the euro and dollar can significantly impact costs, as materials, equipment, and components from abroad typically represent 30% or more of total costs. Mitigation strategies are important to consider to lessen the effects of currency movements on construction budgets and timelines.
This document provides recommendations for scenic photography locations around the world. It describes the Drake Passage between South America and Antarctica for its amazing views of ice and storms. Torres del Paine National Park in Chile is noted for its glaciers, peaks, wildlife and serenity. Lake Clark in Alaska offers opportunities to photograph grizzly bears feeding on salmon from boats. Haleakala National Park in Hawaii allows photography of stars without light pollution. The Museo Subacuático de Arte in Mexico allows underwater photography of life-sized statues on the ocean floor.
This document provides specifications for a 150W power supply unit, including:
- Technical details such as a wattage of 150W, voltages of 12-15V, and currents of 10-12.5A.
- It comes in 120V/12-15V or 277V/12-15V variants.
- The unit uses a transformer potted in an epoxy-sealed enclosure per UL norms for reliability and efficiency.
Mr. Welton provided legal services including wills and estate planning to several clients. His clients praised him for being professional, thorough in his work, responsive to their needs, and for explaining legal matters clearly. They appreciated his reasonable rates and would recommend him to others.
Mahmoud fathy abd elaziz is a protection engineer at EETC/DELTA ZONE in Egypt. He received a B.Sc. degree in electrical power engineering from Tanta University in 2008. His skills include operation of static and digital relays, supervision of HV equipment assembly and installation, and testing and commissioning of substation protection relays. He has experience designing protection schemes, interlocking schemes, and control and alarm schemes.
OJAS offers a comprehensive suite of medical writing services to support marketing strategies. Driven with spirit to grow and with extensive experience in medical communication solutions, we provide innovative and customized platform to the clients, helping them to engage their customers beyond regular marketing promotions. Our pursuit is on a daily basis for innovation in solution to your medical communications strategies.
This document summarizes the components and structure of a typical salary package. It includes fixed payments like basic salary and allowances for housing, transport, education and other expenses. It also includes variable payments like bonuses and incentives, as well as non-monetary benefits like company cars and stock options. Retirement benefits like provident fund contributions and insurance are also covered. The objectives of compensation planning and governance/compliance considerations are outlined. Specific examples of the breakdown of various salary components are provided.
Mitä ovat ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutukset maa-, metsä-, riista, kala- ja porotaloudelle? Millä tavoin eri sektorit voivat ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutua?
PDF:ssä kaikki tilaisuuden esitykset:
- Tilaisuuden avaus: Sopeutumisen tila 2017, Professori Pirjo Peltonen-Sainio, Luke
- Säille alttiista ilmastokestäväksi? Maatalouden toimintasuositukset, Pirjo Peltonen-Sainio
- Lopetetaanko kansainvälinen kasvikauppa? Metsätalouden toimintasuositukset, johtava tutkija Risto Sievänen
- Ovatko riista ja metsästys murroksessa? Riistatalouden toimintasuositukset, erikoistutkija Pekka Helle
- Särkikö arvokalojen tilalle? Kalatalouden toimintasuositukset, erikoistutkija Teppo Vehanen
- Mistä poro löytää laidunta? Porotalouden toimintasuositukset, erikoistutkija Jouko Kumpula
- Ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutuminen vahvistaa sää- ja ilmastoriskien hallintaa, Ylitarkastaja Saara Lilja-Rothsten, MMM
Maatiaiset markkinoille-seminaari 21.3.2016 Ahlmanin ammattiopisto
Paras tapa edesauttaa uhanalaisten geenivarojen säilyttämistä on niiden hyödyntäminen. Luonnonvarakeskuksen ALKU-hankkeen päätösseminaarissa esiteltiin ratkaisumalleja, joilla edistetään suomalaisesta alkuperäiskarjasta saatavien elintarvikkeiden mahdollisuuksia markkinoilla. Esillä olivat lihan ja maidon hyvät ominaisuudet samoin kuin kuluttajien kiinnostus maatiaistuotteita kohtaa. Seminaarissa nostettiin pohdittavaksi myös vaihtoehtoisia reittejä tuotteiden saamiseksi tuottajilta kuluttajille.
The document summarizes several presentations given at a seminar on forest and plant health held on November 11th, 2022 at the Natural Resources Institute Finland in Helsinki.
The first presentation summarized a 20-year study on the effects of restoration treatments including prescribed burning, dead wood creation, and retention trees on dead wood diversity and epixylic communities in boreal spruce forests. Preliminary findings showed long-term benefits of these treatments for maintaining dead wood and wood-inhabiting diversity.
The second presentation discussed a study on intraspecific growth variation in Norway spruce, finding that soil variation and genetic factors significantly influence functional trait variation, but specific soil agents causing environment-specific growth patterns require more research
This document summarizes a seminar on forest and plant health held on April 6th, 2022 at the Natural Resources Institute Finland in Helsinki. It includes summaries of several presentations:
1. Tord Snäll presented research on evaluating forest management scenarios and their impacts on biodiversity indicators and ecosystem services over 100 years. The green infrastructure scenario optimized environmental indicators while the economy scenario had the most negative impacts.
2. Juha Tuomola discussed research assessing the likelihood of pine wood nematode causing pine wilt disease or establishing in Finnish forests under current and future climate scenarios. Results found the climate is currently too cool and may only become suitable by 2080 under the worst-case climate scenario.
Luken webinaarissa kerrotaan, mitkä ovat Ukrainan sodan akuutit vaikutukset Suomen ruokamarkkinoilla sekä metsäsektorilla ja miten sota vaikuttaa pitkällä aikavälillä vihreän siirtymän toteutumiseen.
This document summarizes a study analyzing 123 texts written by Finnish high school students aged 15-18 describing their visions of sustainable food systems in Finland in 2050. Through qualitative analysis, the students' visions were condensed into 6 alternative futures: 1) Slow change 2) Domestic and local production 3) Conscious consumer 4) Regulation 5) Technology 6) Dystopia. The visions highlighted big changes to diets and food sources, concerns about plastic packaging, and ensuring social and economic sustainability through eating together and valuing producers. The students proposed technological solutions and ideas to reduce packaging waste through better recycling, less packaging, new materials, and reuse.
The document summarizes research on how emotions play a role in strategic packaging decisions for sustainability. It discusses how packaging development requires balancing usability, saleability, environmental friendliness and production effectiveness. Managers face dilemmas in balancing these factors as sustainability targets change. The research examines how emotions like satisfaction, frustration, and worry influence how managers evaluate opportunities and make decisions. It proposes that understanding emotions can help managers commit to responsible packaging solutions and navigate uncertainties when sustainability goals are evolving.
This document discusses sustainability decisions for businesses. It notes that sustainability can provide competitive advantages like efficiency, reputation benefits, and avoiding future regulations. However, sustainability orientation does not always lead to improved firm performance and may require large trade-offs. Studies discussed found that willingness to switch to more sustainable materials depends on factors like a product or process's dependency on existing materials and environmental friendliness as a predictor of change. The document advocates making sustainability decisions by responding to and anticipating stakeholder needs and feelings, including others' perspectives, and considering one's responsibilities.
This document discusses sustainability transitions in food packaging from the perspective of companies. It defines sustainability transitions as long-term transformations to more sustainable production and consumption. For food packaging, this involves innovations that meet changing societal values around policy, media, consumer and supply chain demands. However, barriers like complexity, uncertainty and competition exist. Collaboration is seen as key to overcoming barriers by creating shared understanding and multi-party problem solving. Currently, companies collaborate through associations, but different roles in relation to change exist, from maintaining the status quo to facilitating change. Ongoing and upcoming facilitated dialogues and the PackageHeroes transition arena aim to further cross-system collaboration for deciding concrete transition pathways.
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Tärkein Toiseksi tärkein
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Miten suojelu rajoittaisi alueen
muuta käyttöä
Miten luontoarvot voidaan ottaa
huomioon talousmetsissä
Arvokkaiden luontokohteiden
olemassaolo metsissäni
Suojelun ja puunkasvatuksen
Millaisia luontoarvoja ja lajeja
luontokohteella voitaisiin turvata
Erilaiset luontoarvojen turvaamisen
keinot ja toteutustavat
Keneen ottaa yhteyttä metsä-
luonnon turvaamisen toteutuksesta
Mistä tarvitset lisätietoa, jos harkitset
luontoarvojen turvaamista omissa metsissäsi?
Terhi Koskela 16.11.2016, alustavat tulokset