The Bob Rumball Center for the Deaf (BRCD) provides opportunities to improve quality of life and promote the language and culture of deaf people. It offers various social, educational, and recreational programs to deaf, hard of hearing and deafened people of all ages. Services include American Sign Language classes, counseling, parenting workshops, and childcare. For children under 6, BRCD provides free drop-in support for parents and does not turn older children away if help is requested. Support is gradually tapered off as children age out of programs. BRCD aims to be a central place for deaf community support and connecting families to additional resources.
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The bob rumball center for the deaf powerpoint
1. Providing opportunities for a higher quality of
life for Deaf people, while preserving and
promoting their language and culture.
2.  BRCD (The Bob Rumball Center for the Deaf)
 A place where people who are deaf & hard of
hearing can heighted their language & culture
 A center with many social, educational and
recreational programs and services
 A center where you can find support at any age
3.  The Bob Rumball center for the Deaf helps
anyone who is deaf, becoming deaf or are hard
of hearing
 Available for adults, seniors, children ages 0-6
and their parents/guardians
 Older children are not turned away if asking
for help
4. •Started by Bob Rumball, who was a
minister and a football player
•Opened in 1976
•Wanted to start a service for the deaf so
they could enjoy church as well, so he
learned ASL
•Used his connections to start up BRCD
and buy the property
•Adopted several hearing impaired
•Wanted the agency to be strictly run by
5. Bob Rumball Center for the Deaf (Toronto)
Address: 2395 Bayview Avenue
Toronto, ON M2L 1A2
 Accessible by TTC Bus
 Parking is available
 Wheelchair accessible to main building
6.  Bob Rumball Associations for the Deaf
Address: 7801 Campbelleville Road W
Milton, ON L9T 2X7
 Bob Rumball Home for the Deaf – LTC
Long Term Care facility
Address: 1 Royal Parkside Drive
Barrie, ON L4M 0C4
 The Bob Rumball Camp of the Deaf
Address: 236 Blackstone and Crane Lake Road
Rosseau Road ON POC 1K0
7. 1. What does the BRCD offer?
 Newborn hearing screening (available in Ontario)
 Free drop-in program from 9:30am to 12:00pm, for ages 0-6 with
hearing impairments, older children are not turned away
 Support, information and guidance to the parents and guardians
of children with hearing loss/deafness
 Sheila and Rosary are both parents of hearing impaired children
so they can share experience with new parents
 Families may be told about BRCD through Ronald McDonald
Library Foundation
 Workshops partner with hearing loss programs
 Offer information about what hearing loss is, and the
advantages/disadvantages of hearing aids vs. hearing technology
 Sign language courses offered for families
 Offer phone support for parents
8. 2. What support is available to families through
this agency?
 Counseling
 Parenting workshops
 Childcare
 Advocacy services
Dose not offer:
 Living arrangements
 financial support
 community outreach
9. 3. What is the process through which support to
families is eventually tapered off and how is
that decided?
 when the child is too old for the program
 the parent can decide when they want to remove their
child from BRCD Childcare
 the centre is lenient, so older children are not turned
away, and the ECE’s are able to offer support to the
10.  Tuesday is Senior’s Day!
 Bring in interpreters if needed
 On average there are 2 children a day at the childcare centre,
most ever was 6-8 children
 Opened in 2002
 Provides snacks for children
 Open from 9:30am – 12:00pm
 Free drop-in program
 Only childcare specifically for hearing impaired or deaf children
in Canada
 The only organization that works with all of the other hearing
impaired organizations (silent voices, hands and voices, etc)
 Provides information to and from TDSB, TCDSB, provincial school
branch outreach, infant hearing program & many more