This document contains a collection of 14 poems written by Christopher Fornesa over a 3 month period to chart his spiritual, mental, and emotional progress. The poems cover topics ranging from emotional strife to political activism and view the world from a place of both anger and hope. Fornesa believes all people contain both good and evil and that choices determine which path is taken. He hopes that by writing the poems, anger and malice in his heart will disappear to make way for hope.
The document discusses how meditation can help one find and experience real love. It states that love has many levels that are often invisible except through intuition or experience. While many claim to know love, only through meditating can one truly master knowing love and open their heart to its deluge of possibilities. Meditation allows one to tune into love's invisible energy and receive its many gifts, as it transforms the inner fire into an overflowing energy that becomes one with love.
Do you believe in intuition? Do you realize you can tap into your own future and ¡°see¡± your next successful career step?
Maybe you¡¯re smart, successful, practical, realistic and don¡¯t believe in what you can¡¯t see. But then why are you in this mess? Why are you rethinking your life? Why did you get laid off? You carry the solution to all of these problems right inside of you.
This document discusses the philosophy of non-violence. It argues that true non-violence stems from an awakened inner state of being, not from outward behaviors or intentions. It asserts that we can only give to others what we possess within, and if our inner being is unhappy, we will spread unhappiness. True change must come from transforming one's inner self and knowledge, not by trying to change behaviors alone. True non-violence is a natural manifestation and outpouring of a consciousness established in inner bliss.
Majalah Forbes menobatkan investor Warren Buffett sebagai orang terkaya di dunia menggantikan Bill Gates setelah 13 tahun menduduki peringkat pertama berdasarkan nilai saham dan asetnya. Artikel itu juga membahas investor kawakan Indonesia, Lo Kheng Hong, yang mampu menjadi miliarder di pasar saham sambil tidur pulas.
To be successful at a new workplace, stand out and be noticed by having a positive attitude, working hard, knowing who the most important people are, avoiding particularizing yourself, and gaining true knowledge which is power.
Este documento presenta informaci¨®n sobre animales dom¨¦sticos, salvajes y acu¨¢ticos para ense?ar a ni?os. Incluye figuras de animales como cerdos, gatos, conejos, ovejas, vacas, patos, caballos y perros dom¨¦sticos. Tambi¨¦n incluye leones, jirafas, osos polares, cebras y elefantes salvajes. Finalmente, presenta monos, delfines, tortugas, tiburones, pulpos, ballenas y peces acu¨¢ticos. Explica los alimentos t¨ªpic
El documento presenta una lista de colores y profesiones relacionadas con ellos. Incluye 12 colores comunes como amarillo, verde, naranja, morado, caf¨¦, fusia, rojo, azul, celeste, negro, plomo y rosado. Tambi¨¦n enumera varias profesiones como mec¨¢nico, m¨¦dico, polic¨ªa, panadero/a, bombero/a, alba?il, peluquera/o, agricultor, secretaria, chofer, carpintero, profesor/a y pintor.
The Cotopaxi volcano is located in central Ecuador, 62 km northeast of Latacunga and 75 km southeast of Quito. It is bounded by the extinct Sincholagua volcano to the northeast and Rumi?ahui volcano to the west. The document describes viewpoints near the volcano, including a 30-minute walk from the administration center to Sunfana Viewpoint, where there is a gazebo and campsite, and a 2-hour path from there to the Rumi?ahui volcano.
The document provides guidance on using commas with clauses and conjunctions. It discusses using commas with lists of three or more items, dependent clauses introduced with words like "while" and "after", and relative clauses introduced with pronouns like "who", "that", and "which". The document explains that commas are used to separate independent clauses joined by FANBOYS conjunctions and provides examples of simple, compound, and complex sentences.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming the next biggest thing after the internet itself. This presentation summarises how it can change your life and your city (case: Kuala Lumpur).
Effective Outbound Sales with UsabilityToolsUsabilityTools
The document outlines a sales process and provides guidance for sales representatives. It discusses prospecting for leads through various sources like LinkedIn, qualifying opportunities, and closing deals. It also shares advice on running your day effectively and hiring for various roles like sales specialists and developers. The overall message is on planning an effective sales process from lead generation to closing deals.
Build-Measure-Learn - What software enterprises can learn from startups - XP ...Tobias Schimmer
This document discusses lean startup practices and agile development. It promotes building minimum viable products and measuring results through quick iterations to gain validated learning. Diagrams show the lean startup cycle of making business hypotheses, defining experiments, building measurement into MVPs, measuring results, and deciding to persevere or pivot. The document advocates applying lean startup practices beyond just young tech ventures and emphasizes customer development through build-measure-learn cycles.
This document discusses online learning and course management systems (CMS) as ways to promote 21st century skills. It summarizes the benefits of the Rcampus CMS, including student-paced learning, technology skill advancement, and differentiation. The document argues that adopting Rcampus can help the school fill educational gaps and meet the needs of all students by providing 24/7 access, individualized instruction, and high-quality, research-based education.
The document is a short story by a kindergarten class describing activities they enjoy in the summer such as playing baseball, wearing t-shirts, eating cold foods, and enjoying the hot weather. They ask what the reader enjoys doing in the summer and say they love summer.
El documento describe la relaci¨®n entre los seres humanos y la naturaleza, se?alando que los humanos se alimentan de plantas y animales y forman parte integral de la naturaleza. Por lo tanto, los seres humanos deben ayudar a conservar la naturaleza y los seres vivos, ya que estos juegan un papel importante en mantener el equilibrio ecol¨®gico.
AC coupling in renewable energy systems offers an alternative to traditional DC coupling without compromising power quality or quantity. It combines batteryless and battery-based inverter/chargers, resulting in a system that is more easily upgraded and expanded. AC coupling is advantageous for systems with generation sources far from loads, large grid-tie systems wanting battery backup, multiple building off-grid systems, and retrofitting existing grid-tie systems with battery backup.
The document is a scoreboard for a quiz on world religions, including categories on Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Jainism, and comparisons between religions. It provides brief multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank questions and answers on the history, beliefs, founders, and practices of each religion.
The document discusses the kleshas, which are obstacles to spiritual practice and enlightenment according to yoga philosophy. There are five main kleshas: avidya (ignorance), asmita (ego), raga (attachment), dvesha (aversion), and abhinivesha (fear of death). Overcoming the kleshas allows one to attain equanimity and move beyond reactivity and attachments to experience reality as it is. Understanding and addressing the kleshas can help one progress spiritually by bringing inner obstacles into awareness for analysis and transcendence.
This document discusses the experiences that many go through after an awakening experience. While the inner state may be one of joy and happiness, the external life often gets worse with struggles in money, health and relationships. It suggests that awakening is just the beginning and that applying one's awakened state to the external world through a science of manifestation is needed to truly thrive outwardly. It identifies some common coping mechanisms used like spiritual escapism, determination and indoctrination that can prevent outward success and fulfillment.
To be successful at a new workplace, stand out and be noticed by having a positive attitude, working hard, knowing who the most important people are, avoiding particularizing yourself, and gaining true knowledge which is power.
Este documento presenta informaci¨®n sobre animales dom¨¦sticos, salvajes y acu¨¢ticos para ense?ar a ni?os. Incluye figuras de animales como cerdos, gatos, conejos, ovejas, vacas, patos, caballos y perros dom¨¦sticos. Tambi¨¦n incluye leones, jirafas, osos polares, cebras y elefantes salvajes. Finalmente, presenta monos, delfines, tortugas, tiburones, pulpos, ballenas y peces acu¨¢ticos. Explica los alimentos t¨ªpic
El documento presenta una lista de colores y profesiones relacionadas con ellos. Incluye 12 colores comunes como amarillo, verde, naranja, morado, caf¨¦, fusia, rojo, azul, celeste, negro, plomo y rosado. Tambi¨¦n enumera varias profesiones como mec¨¢nico, m¨¦dico, polic¨ªa, panadero/a, bombero/a, alba?il, peluquera/o, agricultor, secretaria, chofer, carpintero, profesor/a y pintor.
The Cotopaxi volcano is located in central Ecuador, 62 km northeast of Latacunga and 75 km southeast of Quito. It is bounded by the extinct Sincholagua volcano to the northeast and Rumi?ahui volcano to the west. The document describes viewpoints near the volcano, including a 30-minute walk from the administration center to Sunfana Viewpoint, where there is a gazebo and campsite, and a 2-hour path from there to the Rumi?ahui volcano.
The document provides guidance on using commas with clauses and conjunctions. It discusses using commas with lists of three or more items, dependent clauses introduced with words like "while" and "after", and relative clauses introduced with pronouns like "who", "that", and "which". The document explains that commas are used to separate independent clauses joined by FANBOYS conjunctions and provides examples of simple, compound, and complex sentences.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming the next biggest thing after the internet itself. This presentation summarises how it can change your life and your city (case: Kuala Lumpur).
Effective Outbound Sales with UsabilityToolsUsabilityTools
The document outlines a sales process and provides guidance for sales representatives. It discusses prospecting for leads through various sources like LinkedIn, qualifying opportunities, and closing deals. It also shares advice on running your day effectively and hiring for various roles like sales specialists and developers. The overall message is on planning an effective sales process from lead generation to closing deals.
Build-Measure-Learn - What software enterprises can learn from startups - XP ...Tobias Schimmer
This document discusses lean startup practices and agile development. It promotes building minimum viable products and measuring results through quick iterations to gain validated learning. Diagrams show the lean startup cycle of making business hypotheses, defining experiments, building measurement into MVPs, measuring results, and deciding to persevere or pivot. The document advocates applying lean startup practices beyond just young tech ventures and emphasizes customer development through build-measure-learn cycles.
This document discusses online learning and course management systems (CMS) as ways to promote 21st century skills. It summarizes the benefits of the Rcampus CMS, including student-paced learning, technology skill advancement, and differentiation. The document argues that adopting Rcampus can help the school fill educational gaps and meet the needs of all students by providing 24/7 access, individualized instruction, and high-quality, research-based education.
The document is a short story by a kindergarten class describing activities they enjoy in the summer such as playing baseball, wearing t-shirts, eating cold foods, and enjoying the hot weather. They ask what the reader enjoys doing in the summer and say they love summer.
El documento describe la relaci¨®n entre los seres humanos y la naturaleza, se?alando que los humanos se alimentan de plantas y animales y forman parte integral de la naturaleza. Por lo tanto, los seres humanos deben ayudar a conservar la naturaleza y los seres vivos, ya que estos juegan un papel importante en mantener el equilibrio ecol¨®gico.
AC coupling in renewable energy systems offers an alternative to traditional DC coupling without compromising power quality or quantity. It combines batteryless and battery-based inverter/chargers, resulting in a system that is more easily upgraded and expanded. AC coupling is advantageous for systems with generation sources far from loads, large grid-tie systems wanting battery backup, multiple building off-grid systems, and retrofitting existing grid-tie systems with battery backup.
The document is a scoreboard for a quiz on world religions, including categories on Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Jainism, and comparisons between religions. It provides brief multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank questions and answers on the history, beliefs, founders, and practices of each religion.
The document discusses the kleshas, which are obstacles to spiritual practice and enlightenment according to yoga philosophy. There are five main kleshas: avidya (ignorance), asmita (ego), raga (attachment), dvesha (aversion), and abhinivesha (fear of death). Overcoming the kleshas allows one to attain equanimity and move beyond reactivity and attachments to experience reality as it is. Understanding and addressing the kleshas can help one progress spiritually by bringing inner obstacles into awareness for analysis and transcendence.
This document discusses the experiences that many go through after an awakening experience. While the inner state may be one of joy and happiness, the external life often gets worse with struggles in money, health and relationships. It suggests that awakening is just the beginning and that applying one's awakened state to the external world through a science of manifestation is needed to truly thrive outwardly. It identifies some common coping mechanisms used like spiritual escapism, determination and indoctrination that can prevent outward success and fulfillment.
Psychology is the study of human behaviour. It seeks to look at the motivational drives within an individual
and offer an explanation to the behaviour that is demonstrated
This document discusses inspiration and its importance. It states that inspiration gives individuals the will to face hurdles and stretch their limitations. It allows one to feel "high on life" and in a state of transcendence. Inspiration makes the world go round by providing streams of energy even when facing constraints. It gives life purpose and allows ideas to flow. The document argues that inspiration is the fundamental building block of humanity and what gives struggle in life purpose.
The document discusses the themes of solitude, loneliness, and finding strength within oneself. It provides quotes on how loneliness can be overcome through solitude and learning to value one's own company. Solitude allows one to gain self-awareness and compassion for others, while loneliness leads to using others as escapes from being alone. True companionship is being alone together, and one must learn to live alone even when with others.
The meaning of life is unique to each individual. When one is ready, they enter a warehouse containing boxes, each holding a sheet declaring that person's personal meaning. Not all meanings are positive - some, like Hitler's, aimed to cause harm. However, people with seemingly opposite meanings, like Hitler and Churchill, could share similar philosophies. Truly understanding one's purpose requires actively searching for it; most will remain ignorant of their meaning. Finding it rewards the seeker with self-knowledge.
This document provides a summary of "The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment" by Thaddeus Golas. It introduces the key idea that the universe is made up of one type of entity, each determining their own existence through expanding and contracting. When fully expanded, entities experience total awareness and bliss as space/God. When contracted, they experience limitations as mass/particles. By alternating expansion and contraction, entities exist as energy in between those states. The universe consists of beings vibrating at different ratios across a range of experiences.
Priscilla Yu provides a portfolio that summarizes her interests and experiences. She enjoys art, literature, history and philosophy. She is passionate about life and believes knowledge is what accompanies us. Some of her artworks convey meanings and perspectives that have impacted her outlook. The portfolio showcases her artwork including drawings, photographs and descriptions of the themes and techniques used to create the pieces.
This document provides advice on six things to love about life: 1) Spending time on personal growth and goals rather than just external achievements. 2) Living according to your truth each day. 3) Having an open mind and being willing to see other perspectives. 4) Nurturing relationships that help you improve and find your best self. 5) Controlling the story you tell yourself each day and focusing on positive narratives. 6) Choosing to see the positive spin in life's surprises rather than feeling victim to them.
A unique, science and human-based perspective, applying an ¡®in-between¡¯ interrelation approach to design immersive experiences for any reality, including the digital 'metaverse,' right by design and by humanity.
I. The Playground: A School for Humans, Aliens and Bots (the Setup Nonsense);
II. The Valse: Three V's Dancing a Versatile Veil (the Play Nonsense);
III. The Castle: No Grass, No Class (Making Sense of the Nonsense).
Heartfulness Magazine - February 2019 (Volume 4, Issue 2)heartfulness
The February edition focuses on the fascinating topic synchronicity. Daaji explores imagination in his series on Yogic Psychology, and Nipun Mehta continues his interview on the Gift Ecology. We also hear from Thierry Casasnovas on lifestyle changes, Dr Ichak Adizes on Yoga, and Ravi Venkatesan starts a new series on the Heartful Leader. The icing on the cake is an exclusive interview with Amish Tripathi, the popular author of the Shiva Trilogy and Ramayana Quintet, who tells us about the inspiration for his books.
Do you wish to live a more spiritual, holistic, and meaningful life? We have got you covered with our complete, in-depth guide to attaining self-actualization.
Busyness. It¡¯s a problem. Unbusy [A Manifesto] is your awareness wake up call. An inciting incident that shakes you from living an autopilot, reactive and maniacally busy life into owning the possibility and responsibility to choose your behavior from this moment forward. To reclaim your humanity. To live from a place of intention, space and grace.
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This chapter provides an overview of the author's early life. He was born in Mumias, Kenya as the product of a condom breaking during premarital sex. He questions the purpose and meaning of life from a young age. The author recalls being confused as a child by authority, identity changes, and growing up. He has fond memories of playing as a child with few responsibilities before the realities of school, relationships, and life set in. The chapter reflects on the passage of time and how childhood is fleeting.
The document contains a collection of short statements and observations on various topics including life, death, the universe, knowledge, and human nature. Some key ideas expressed are:
1) Language is a product of existence rather than truth, and every person understands the world in their own unique way from their brain.
2) There are seven characteristics of living things due to a underlying "need", and perfection comes from outcomes rather than existing inherently.
3) Discovering the true meaning of life seems impossible due to obstacles preventing humans from finding the truth, though the question remains as to who or what is presenting these obstacles.
4) Life is a state of mind and reality that we assume is real but cannot
Dumped on Yoga: Love, Fear and Resurrectionannainmaine
Love is a practice that requires attention and willingness. When faced with heartbreak, one can accept what happened, leave the situation, or work to change one's perspective. Through honest self-reflection and owning our experiences of negativity, we can transform fear into a path towards love.
This document provides an introduction and overview of mindfulness meditation. It discusses how mindfulness helps wake us up from an unconscious state of automaticity and limited awareness, allowing us to live with greater access to our conscious and unconscious possibilities. The document explains that mindfulness involves paying attention purposefully to the present moment in a non-judgmental way, and that both formal meditation practice and informal applications in daily life can help cultivate mindfulness. It aims to make mindfulness accessible without religious or cultural context.
3. The little cracks in our lives may immerse us in a manner that
our whole purpose is to fix these mistakes, clouding us of
what really matters and what we really want to do in our lives.
It is important for us to, despite our mistakes, keep a sense of
humanity in our lives. Mistakes are what they
are, mistakes, so we should never make the mistake of
creating more while fixing the former.
4. Though created with pens and pencils, this piece shows
the true meaning of life, to live life itself, to thrive in
our endeavors, and to prosper from our actions.
5. Though just another abstract piece, this work represents the
altered scope of our emotions and in turn, our lives. Though
we have our own morals, standards, etc., we allow foreign
influences to change what we believe in and who we are.
6. Supernovas have always been a wonder to me, how could such
peaceful stars quickly become gargantuan monsters such as
these? With the inspiration of these universal nuisances and a
somewhat developed ability to draw with both hands, I created
this piece in order to account for the disorder in our lives. Life,
in general, is like a supernova, you can never be sure what to
expect and you sure can¡¯t depend on what you¡¯ll get sucked in
7. ¡°The heartless monster¡± was an experience-inspired poem that I had
recently written in order to show my frustrations. The purpose of the
drawing itself is to aid in the understanding of the poem, as a visual
representation of what the poem, itself, means. To me, it is a symbol
of my insecurities and my daily battles with them. Though I know that
it¡¯s best to ¡°shrug¡± them off, when you receive constant reminders that
you¡¯re different, you will feel insecure in some manner until you finally
accept that being different IS, in fact, a good thing.
8. The mind is a beautiful thing, but
tribulation, unfortunately, affects in in a negative manner. As
a result, you will feel pain, despair, anger, and even
depression! After the fight, though, you realize that what
you¡¯ve gone through was good for you, that life will get better
for you and as a result, you can share this advice with others
who have to go through these unexpected and unstoppable
factions of life.
9. The mind is a creative and complicated concept, one that makes us
wonder, how does it work, feel, and view the way it does? How is the mind
a faction of our soul and why does it have to be connected to our bodies?
Though we want to ask these questions, there is no definite answer and in
fact, I believe that the mind honestly is just a part of our lives which we have
to contemplate with and accommodate. Our minds, simply, are what makes
the divide between the living and the inanimate and allows us to either care
or careless. The warp in our minds is amazing, colorful, even creative, but
the real goal should be how you can control it and use it to your advantage
and improve your life and the lives of those you care about.
10. Peace, love, and hope; things which we all, somewhere in our lives, want but
also things which, in reality, are hard to come by. In society, idealism is
often scoffed at, even negated, but if only our leaders and our minds would
open up to the fact that there can be ¡°happiness¡± for everyone. The only
problems in the world are caused by ourselves, if someone has a
problem, they will, most likely, push it on someone else who will then, have
problems of their own. Life is a cycle, if only we could live simply, be
considerate and show love to others, set aside our differences, and stay
hopeful when times are tough.
11. The twisted galaxy is parallel to our twisted society. In the twisted
galaxy, everything has a purpose, but nothing is definite about its role
and thus, everything is caught in the trap of entropy. In a world of
entropy, everything is disorder and no matter how much you or anyone
else wants to achieve order nothing is certain, and thus, security only
plays the role as an idealist illusion. In reality, this is how life works
and thus, society occurs In the same way. No matter how safe you
want to ¡°play it¡± or how much you want to keep the peace, something
always happens and nothing is ever going to keep its equilibrium. This
isn¡¯t pessimism, this is only probability and life, as we know it, bases
itself on chance.
12. Incorporating hope will help anyone with their endeavors! Why
not? When we have hope, we feel happiness, excitement,
enthusiasm, basically, hope is the catalyst for motivation. As we
know, motivation is the key to success as it opens up the door for
opportunity which will, in turn, set the stage for hard work. With
hard work, we will yield the crop of our endeavors, of which, the
harvest will be great and afterwards, we can plant more of the
seeds of hope in our lives, especially our work!
13. Society's in the way that our view of things have to be distorted in order to
achieve accomplishment, perfection, and other such feelings. From our
approval of others all the way to even ourselves, it seems that we've allowed
our viewpoint to be abstracted. The "man" in this image represents
distortion of ourselves while the background represents the cause of
distortion itself. The abstract nature of this work proves the point in that our
world is one in which colors and shades collide, basically, different
viewpoints collide, influence our way of thinking, and seldom do they
combine. Our way of thinking, in short, is only a testament of our
environment and at the same time, our point of views. But often, we
overlook what really matters, to us or to others.
14. The goal of life is simply to live, but is that enough? Identity seems like
a simple goal, but it isn't, some people spend their whole lives
searching for their own, while others never find it.
15. Caged in, trapped in a sorrowful place. A place where no one exists, at least no one
but me. Alone, I live in this world. I barely survive and barely thrive. Throughout
the universe, others grow together, with just myself, I will not last. So therefore, I
stay in this predicament, never to be bothered, never to be happy. My bearers
chose to raise me here in solitude, so all I know is solitude, and so alone I lay in
space. Never will I be content, I can only have my space. Alone.
16. Behind the glass wall lies a trap. You can see light but you can never reach it.
There's a better, freer world out there, but you're caught in the trap, a trap that
believes it can protect you but in reality, it only hinders you. Behind the glass
wall, you can only see reality, but you can never partake in it. You will never
experience life as it was meant behind it. You are enveloped and dulled because of
the sheer force of it. Your dreams are useless behind the glass wall. Behind the
glass wall, you see the light. Behind the glass wall, the light is bright. Behind the
glass wall, you see the life. Behind the glass wall, you can't live life, At least, to
your full potential.
17. Like the planets and the stars, humans exist as a universal community. We
all exist and coexist together on this earth and as a portion of its
inhabitants, we make sure that for the sake of our planet and our
species, that we live as a community. Sure, many of us, in fact, desire to do
the complete opposite but for the most part, we are together in our goal to
live peacefully, together, in love.