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Made by  Vaibhav
Mangal &
The Three Mile
The Biggest Nuclear Accident in the U.S.
The Three Mile Island
The Biggest Nuclear Accident in
the U.S.
Made by  Vaibhav Mangal
Rohan Kashyap
The three mile island vaibhav
 Three Mile
Island Nuclear
Generating Station,
United States
 March 28, 1979  4 AM
 Minor malfunction caused the second
reactor to shut down almost
 A relief valve was supposed to close,
but it did not, contrary to what the
instrumentation showed
 The incident was rated a five on the
seven-point International Nuclear
Event Scale: Accident With Wider
 Operators struggled to determine the
problem and an appropriate solution
 After almost 16 hours and the
collaboration of 60 or more people, the
situation was under control
Amount of
 Hydrogen & some radioactive
gases were released into
 A maximum of 13 million Curie of
radioactive gas release
 The maximun dosage to a person at
the site boundary have been less than
100 millirem (mrem)
Voluntary evacuation
 William Scranton III, the lieutenant
governor the lieutenant governor,
appeared at a news briefing to say that
radioactivity releases
 Schools were closed and residents
were urged to stay indoors & farmers
were told to keep their animals under
cover and on stored feed
 The evacuation
zonewas extended to a
20-mile radius on
Friday, March 30
Within days, 140,000
people had left the
area More than half
of the 663,500
population within the
20-mile radius
remained in that
 Around 12years to complete
 Cost of cleanup estimated at $973
 Plant was not reopened until 1985
Health Effects
 Government claimed no injuries or
adverse health effects from accidents
 Only one additional cancer death from
radiation absorbed following the
accident would result to those living
within 50 miles of the plant.
Fallout from
 Viewed from the
east, Three Mile
Island currently
uses only one
nuclear generating
station, TMI-1,
which is on the
right. TMI-2, to the
left, has not been
used since the
 Use human factors principles to design
the control panels
 Better training program for operators
 Better indicators for status of valves
 Shift of plant priorities from continuing
power production to safety

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The three mile island vaibhav

  • 1. Made by Vaibhav Mangal & The Three Mile Island The Biggest Nuclear Accident in the U.S.
  • 2. ____________________________________________________________________________ _________ The Three Mile Island The Biggest Nuclear Accident in the U.S. _____________________________________ Made by Vaibhav Mangal & Rohan Kashyap
  • 4. Location Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station, Londonderry Township, Pennsylvania, United States
  • 5. INTRODUCTION March 28, 1979 4 AM Minor malfunction caused the second reactor to shut down almost immediately A relief valve was supposed to close, but it did not, contrary to what the instrumentation showed
  • 6. The incident was rated a five on the seven-point International Nuclear Event Scale: Accident With Wider Consequences Operators struggled to determine the problem and an appropriate solution After almost 16 hours and the collaboration of 60 or more people, the situation was under control
  • 7. Amount of contamination Hydrogen & some radioactive gases were released into atmosphere. A maximum of 13 million Curie of radioactive gas release The maximun dosage to a person at the site boundary have been less than 100 millirem (mrem)
  • 8. Voluntary evacuation William Scranton III, the lieutenant governor the lieutenant governor, appeared at a news briefing to say that radioactivity releases Schools were closed and residents were urged to stay indoors & farmers were told to keep their animals under cover and on stored feed
  • 9. The evacuation zonewas extended to a 20-mile radius on Friday, March 30 Within days, 140,000 people had left the area More than half of the 663,500 population within the 20-mile radius remained in that area
  • 10. Cleanup Around 12years to complete Cost of cleanup estimated at $973
  • 11. Plant was not reopened until 1985
  • 12. Health Effects Government claimed no injuries or adverse health effects from accidents Only one additional cancer death from radiation absorbed following the accident would result to those living within 50 miles of the plant.
  • 14. CURRENT STATUS Viewed from the east, Three Mile Island currently uses only one nuclear generating station, TMI-1, which is on the right. TMI-2, to the left, has not been used since the
  • 15. Recommendations Use human factors principles to design the control panels Better training program for operators Better indicators for status of valves Shift of plant priorities from continuing power production to safety