A1 webinarioOleg MatveevНебольшая часть того, что Вы узнаете на вебинарах 23 и 25 мая, которые пройдут в 21:00 по мск по этой ссылке:
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забытые правила русского языкаТатьяна БогдановаДети затрудняются в правописании суффиксов глаголов и прилагательных. Причём совершенно простых и неожиданных. Надо повторить.
Whitepaper Mpls Migratejphyle23Private IP networks provide several key benefits over traditional site-to-site IP VPNs including class of service to prioritize applications, automatic redundancy and disaster recovery through a fully meshed infrastructure, and reduced complexity. Before migrating to a private IP network, enterprises must consider how to prioritize current and future applications, manage class of service bandwidth thresholds to avoid congestion, measure service level agreements across multiple classes, optimize bandwidth requirements, and manage the network migration.
Presentation 1 edu 290laurenalexandraKindergarten helps children learn essential academic and social skills. Students work on developing independence, respecting others, literacy, math, science, social studies, physical education, music, technology, and fine motor skills. Kindergarten also focuses on socialization, listening skills, and learning through hands-on activities and field trips. The goal is to prepare children for first grade by teaching them both lessons and how to be students.
Harry pottersabrina-fayyazThe magazine cover features Daniel Radcliffe as the main image to promote the Harry Potter film. The large headline "Potter 7" in white capital letters draws attention to the film being advertised as the primary focus of the issue. Smaller cover lines and exclusive stories on other films provide additional content but are less prominent than the large imagery and text highlighting the Harry Potter feature. The fading blue background color is meant to magically represent the mood and tone of the new Harry Potter film.
Intro schema.org / microdata voor frontend developersPieter MerganIntro tot microdata, het belang ervan voor SEO, code voorbeelden, tips & tricks om de microdata markup optimaal te integreren
So You're Not a Doctor: Taking the Plunge into Medical Translation without an MDErin LyonsMedical and life sciences translation is an intimidating specialization for linguists lacking a scientific or technical background. The technical terminology, handwritten doctor notes, acronyms, complex medical phraseology, and regulatory requirements can leave novices treading in troubled waters. In this presentation, we will tackle the primary barriers to entry, explore linguistic and medical resources to build a better understanding of medical terminology and concepts, and examine the structure and scope of commonly translated documents (reports, journal articles, regulatory submissions, trial protocols, etc.). We will also discuss appropriate points of entry, industry standards, and language- and locale-specific challenges.
Airframe stuctural-design by NiuDivya SrinivasanThis document discusses the history of a small town located along a river. It describes how the town began as a trading post in the early 1800s and gradually grew as more settlers moved there seeking farmland. Over the decades, the town established churches, schools, and small businesses and became an important shipping and trade center along the river. It remains a small, rural community today, but still acts as a central place for the surrounding agricultural region.
Brick Factory Logos Round 1The Brick FactoryThis is the first round of logos for the new company The Brick Factory. Logos developed by Bret Sano of Caliber Creative.
Clipart Pieces to Define MejlaichaThe slideshow consists of 4 pieces of clipart: food, animals, buildings, and Santa. The slideshow does not provide any additional context or description for the images.
Association Affinity Programs & Non-Dues RevenueCouncil of Manufacturing AssociationsAssociation CEOs who have introduced new and innovative affinity programs over the past year. The show us the money panel.
Bill Carteaux, President & CEO, SPI: The Plastics Industry Trade Association
Kraig Naasz, President and CEO, American Frozen Food Institute
J.P Moery, MoeryLAI
Moderated by Scott Lynch, President, American Bearing Manufacturers Association
Medio ambiente TICSAngie RamirezEl documento discute los efectos negativos del cambio climático causado por las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero producidas por la quema de combustibles fósiles desde la revolución industrial. El cambio climático amenaza a la especie humana y está deteriorando los ecosistemas a través del calentamiento global, lo que trae consecuencias como cambios en el clima, efectos para la salud y trastornos ecológicos. Se necesita adoptar energías limpias y estilos de vida más sostenibles para mitigar el problema y proteger
"Going Mobile - Not the 'WHO', the How"Council of Manufacturing AssociationsThe document discusses how mobile apps are impacting manufacturing functions by providing capabilities like cameras, GPS, and high-quality audio/video. It outlines several ways apps can help with customer focus, field service/sales, maintenance reminders, and increasing sales. Apps are also helping with vendor management, breakdown maintenance, labor tracking, and quality forms. The document encourages associations to use apps for conferences, member engagement, advocacy, education, and real-time analytics. It provides examples of analytics apps and possible data sources for apps, and lists several existing association apps.
Violencia y Acoso Escolar: Para tercer GradoGloria María Ortiz ManotasIlustrar a los padres de familia, acerca de este flagelo que azota la vida escolar, identificar cundo el hijo es victima o cuando es victimario
Presentation 1 edu 290laurenalexandraKindergarten helps children learn essential academic and social skills. Students work on developing independence, respecting others, literacy, math, science, social studies, physical education, music, technology, and fine motor skills. Kindergarten also focuses on socialization, listening skills, and learning through hands-on activities and field trips. The goal is to prepare children for first grade by teaching them both lessons and how to be students.
Harry pottersabrina-fayyazThe magazine cover features Daniel Radcliffe as the main image to promote the Harry Potter film. The large headline "Potter 7" in white capital letters draws attention to the film being advertised as the primary focus of the issue. Smaller cover lines and exclusive stories on other films provide additional content but are less prominent than the large imagery and text highlighting the Harry Potter feature. The fading blue background color is meant to magically represent the mood and tone of the new Harry Potter film.
Intro schema.org / microdata voor frontend developersPieter MerganIntro tot microdata, het belang ervan voor SEO, code voorbeelden, tips & tricks om de microdata markup optimaal te integreren
So You're Not a Doctor: Taking the Plunge into Medical Translation without an MDErin LyonsMedical and life sciences translation is an intimidating specialization for linguists lacking a scientific or technical background. The technical terminology, handwritten doctor notes, acronyms, complex medical phraseology, and regulatory requirements can leave novices treading in troubled waters. In this presentation, we will tackle the primary barriers to entry, explore linguistic and medical resources to build a better understanding of medical terminology and concepts, and examine the structure and scope of commonly translated documents (reports, journal articles, regulatory submissions, trial protocols, etc.). We will also discuss appropriate points of entry, industry standards, and language- and locale-specific challenges.
Airframe stuctural-design by NiuDivya SrinivasanThis document discusses the history of a small town located along a river. It describes how the town began as a trading post in the early 1800s and gradually grew as more settlers moved there seeking farmland. Over the decades, the town established churches, schools, and small businesses and became an important shipping and trade center along the river. It remains a small, rural community today, but still acts as a central place for the surrounding agricultural region.
Brick Factory Logos Round 1The Brick FactoryThis is the first round of logos for the new company The Brick Factory. Logos developed by Bret Sano of Caliber Creative.
Clipart Pieces to Define MejlaichaThe slideshow consists of 4 pieces of clipart: food, animals, buildings, and Santa. The slideshow does not provide any additional context or description for the images.
Association Affinity Programs & Non-Dues RevenueCouncil of Manufacturing AssociationsAssociation CEOs who have introduced new and innovative affinity programs over the past year. The show us the money panel.
Bill Carteaux, President & CEO, SPI: The Plastics Industry Trade Association
Kraig Naasz, President and CEO, American Frozen Food Institute
J.P Moery, MoeryLAI
Moderated by Scott Lynch, President, American Bearing Manufacturers Association
Medio ambiente TICSAngie RamirezEl documento discute los efectos negativos del cambio climático causado por las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero producidas por la quema de combustibles fósiles desde la revolución industrial. El cambio climático amenaza a la especie humana y está deteriorando los ecosistemas a través del calentamiento global, lo que trae consecuencias como cambios en el clima, efectos para la salud y trastornos ecológicos. Se necesita adoptar energías limpias y estilos de vida más sostenibles para mitigar el problema y proteger
"Going Mobile - Not the 'WHO', the How"Council of Manufacturing AssociationsThe document discusses how mobile apps are impacting manufacturing functions by providing capabilities like cameras, GPS, and high-quality audio/video. It outlines several ways apps can help with customer focus, field service/sales, maintenance reminders, and increasing sales. Apps are also helping with vendor management, breakdown maintenance, labor tracking, and quality forms. The document encourages associations to use apps for conferences, member engagement, advocacy, education, and real-time analytics. It provides examples of analytics apps and possible data sources for apps, and lists several existing association apps.
Violencia y Acoso Escolar: Para tercer GradoGloria María Ortiz ManotasIlustrar a los padres de familia, acerca de este flagelo que azota la vida escolar, identificar cundo el hijo es victima o cuando es victimario
Flashcards the starsshpinatThis document introduces several characters: Suzy, Simon, Stella, Mrs Star, Mr Star, Grandma Star, and Grandpa Star. It also mentions "A star". The document indicates that descriptions of each character and their age or status will be provided.
2 класс. lesson 59 60. большой улов. большой улов мигеляshpinatThis document appears to be notes from an English textbook on the topic of Granny's farm. It includes exercises, reading passages, and discussion questions about characters Maria and Miguel who live and work on a potato farm. References are made to the potato being introduced from South America to Europe and activities like dreaming of different houses and jobs involved in farming potatoes.
2 класс. lesson 53 54. очень большое яблоко. что в коробке для завтрака у максаshpinatПрезентация хода урока по темам "Очень большое яблоко. Что в коробке у Макса?"
2 класс. lesson 51. кафе нашего маленького повараshpinatThis document appears to be notes from an English lesson about food. It includes the date of April 9th and section headings about homework, dictation, food and drinks, a listening activity about a cafe, and pronunciation practice of food-related words. Exercises are described to identify favorite foods of characters Wendy and her mom from a reading and to guess what parents are saying in a picture. Homework assigned is reading and translating pages 92-93 of the PB textbook.
2 класс. lesson 47 48. где медвежонок. где привидениеshpinat
Оборот There is there are
1. Конструкция There is/are
• Употребляется для того, чтобы
уточнить место, где находится
какой-либо предмет или группа
предметов. Главным в таком
предложении является
обстоятельство места, поэтому
такие предложения необходимо
переводить на русский язык с
2. • Саму конструкцию There is/are на русский язык
переводить не надо.
There is
2 3
There is
on the
2 1
1 2
3. На столе портфель.
•There is a copy-book in the bag.
В портфеле тетрадь.
There is a clock
on the table.
На столе часы.
4. Для множественного числа исчисляемых
имен существительных:
in the lake.
2 1
5. В озере две
There are five flowers
near the lake.
There are three fishes цветков.
in the lake.
В озере три рыбки.
6. Отрицательные предложения: после
конструкции there is/there are ставят
2 4
отрицание no или not:
2 3
7. Около дома
нет дерева.
•There is no flower
in the pod.
•There is not any
flower in the pod.
В горшке нет цветка.
There is no kitten
on the bench.
There is not any kitten
on the bench.
8. Вопросительные предложения: при
вопросе необходимо переставить
местами there и is или are.
There is subject place.
Is there subject place?
9. There is a dog
in the
Is there
in the
Yes, there is.
1 2
1 2 3
10. •Is there any car under the
•Is there any boy in the
•Is there any cat under the
11. 1
There are subjects place.
there subjects place?
12. are
1 2
in the
a lot
in the
there are not.
13. • There is an owl on the stone.
• There are some mushrooms in the field.
• Is there any fairy-girl in the forest?
• Are there any gnomes in your forest?
• There are not any girls in this wood.
• There is a squirrel in the log.
14. •There are many flowers in your garden.
•There is some bread for dinner.
•There is not any milk in the jug.
•There are no tigers in the forest.
•Is there any water in his glass?
•Are there any books on her table?
•Are there many berries in the bush?
15. Обратите внимание:
После конструкции there is исчисляемые
существительные стоят с неопределенным
артиклем а, а неисчисляемые – с
неопределенным местоимением some.
После конструкции there are исчисляемые
существительные стоят либо без артикля,
либо с числом, либо со словом many, либо
с неопределенным местоимением some.
16. •There is a tiger on the road.
There is some water in the pond.
There are some flowers in the garden.
17. Mестоимения some и any
•Some – «несколько» с исчисляемыми
существительными, «некоторое
количество» с неисчисляемыми
существительными (в данном случае на
русский язык не переводится).
Употребляется только в утвердительных
•Any – имеет то же самое значение, но
употребляется в вопросительных и
отрицательных предложениях.
18. Let’s make sentences!
• There is in the forest.
• There are on my table.
• There is no in my room.
• There are not any in our class.
19. • There is under the tree.
• Is there any in our yard?
• Are there any in our house?
• There are in that forest.
• There is not any in our Zoo.