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Timothy S. Dunham
673 Dover Court Unit A1
Hillsborough, NJ 08844
Phone: 908-625-3053
Email: Timothy.Dunham@VerizonWireless.com
Objective: To obtain a full time position as a Manager.
Skill Areas
Personnel Supervision
Customer Service
Inventory Control
Hardware Maintenance
Peripheral Maintenance
Basic Accounting
Vision BillingSystem
PeopleSoft G/L
MS Office
Data Warehouse
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Rowan University, 2004
Software Engineering Specialization
Information Technology Specialization
Mathematics Minor
Executive MBA, Fairleigh Dickinson University, 2011
CPA Education Certificate, Raritan Valley Community College, 2011
Verizon Wireless, Basking Ridge, NJ
Dates: August 2014 – Present
Department: Legal
Division: Corporate Security
Position: Manager
Responsibilities included: Oversee the Analytics teamwithin corporate security.Team covers the
followingitems. Provideinvestigativeanalytical supportto the corporatesecurity team on an as needed
basis.Develop analyticsinto an organized format to be used for interviews and for criminal prosecutions
of theft and fraud. Obtain and analyzesupportingrecords includingcustomer,company and public
records accurately,logically and in a manner supportiveof the investigation.Conduct onlineresearch and
analysisin supportof investigativeand non-investigativerelated matters. Analyze ICE reports to identify
trends. Anticipate new areas of exposure and suggest ways to investigate.Ensure all investigativesupport
is accurate,timely, and requiringlittleediting/rework. Focus on clientsatisfaction and support;seeking
assistanceregardingunfamiliar matters.Monitor Corporate Security’s hotline and e-mailbox informing
management of matters that require investigator assignmentin a timely basis.Focus on clientsatisfaction
and support; seeking assistanceregardingunfamiliar matters.
Results: Handled analytics requests in timely manner. Identified fraudulent activity involving retail
management, leading to their dismissal. Oversaw the development of reporting to close gaps related to
employees assistingin fraudulentactivity.Many cases and dismissalshavebeen completed due to this new
reporting. Developed reporting to help identify fraudulent P-Card transactions. Several large cases have
come out of this reporting and has brought attention to this area of the business. Developed chargeback
database for the Corporate Security Analytics Team. Developed Shrink reporting for the loss prevention
team. This new reporting has allowed the loss prevention team to properly identify the problematic items
at problematic stores, resulting in improved shrink loss. Overall team productivity increased over 28%
within 18 months of managinggroup.Acting as the administrator for theRapid Eye video software for store
security systems. Continued to develop into an emerging leader while expanding groups capabilities and
Verizon Wireless, Basking Ridge, NJ
Dates: July 2013 – August 2014
Department: Finance
Division: Customer Care Compliance
Position: Manager
Responsibilities included: Partner with FAAST to complete risk model reporting and all standard reports
for External Customer Care. Continuously monitor weighting/scoringof risk models and evaluate
reporting is hittingcorrecttargets. Use resultingreports to perform risk-based reviews of employees and
centers with the highest identified risk level.Partner with operations teams to leverage work and
eliminateduplication of effort. Conduct reviews of specific processes in Careand recommend system
enhancements or process improvements as appropriateto address control weaknesses and mitigate risk
in the channel.Participateon cross-area coreteams to develop or standardizepolicy,or concerns
regardingspecific issues,proposed programs or changes to the business thataffect externa l Care channel.
Communicate timely and accurateinformation regardingfindings and improvement recommendations to
senior management, and follow-up to track improvement actions.Driveimprovement in discounting,
OCCs, Manager Exception upgrades and overall upgrades,and other key areas for Carethat develop over
the year.
Results: Added value from day one with SQL knowledge to expedite data requests for team. Conducted
audits of M2 upgrades in Care, Albuquerque center and all of the AFNI sites. Produced and sent out the
weekly Save promo reporting to leadership.Involved with Risk Model evaluation and corrections with the
FAAST team, including SRG updates as needed. Worked as a resource to FAAST contact when help was
needed with data warehouse. Developed reporting for Fraud related name change/authorized user report,
alternate CLNR transaction, Winback reporting, CED reporting, EEU reporting, various Edge reporting to
help all Complianceteams,IDO reporting,reportingfor Spiffs in careon various items,for examplejetpacks.
In addition developed Save Offer reporting for the Care channel and shared logic with other channel teams
to help develop leadership reporting. Handled the reporting for the weekly NEA action register as well as
analysis. Conducted multiple reviews of SRG’s to make sure relevant. Team worked diligently to help drive
the Channel towards achieving targets in OCC’s, Manual Discounting, and Manager Exception upgrades.
Verizon Wireless, Basking Ridge, NJ
Dates: July 2011 – July 2013
Department: Legal
Division: Corporate Security
Position: Senior Analyst
Responsibilities included: Provideinvestigativeanalytical supportto the corporate security team on an as
needed basis.Develop analyticsinto an organized format to be used for interviews and for criminal
prosecutions of theft and fraud. Obtain and analyzesupportingrecords includingcustomer,company and
public records accurately,logically and in a manner supportiveof the investigation.Conduct online
research and analysis in supportof investigativeand non-investigativerelated matters. Analyze ICE
reports to identify trends. Anticipatenew areas of exposure and suggest ways to investigate. Ensure all
investigativesupportis accurate,timely, and requiringlittleediting/rework. Focus on clientsatisfaction
and support; seeking assistanceregardingunfamiliar matters.Monitor Corporate Security’s hotlineand e-
mailbox informingmanagement of matters that require investigator assignmentin a timely basis.Focus
on clientsatisfaction and support;seekingassistanceregardingunfamiliar matters.
Results: Handled analytics requests in timely manner. Identified fraudulent activity involving retail
management, leadingto their dismissal.Developed reporting to closegaps related to employees accessing
accounts and sellingconfidential information.Several cases and dismissals havebeen completed due to this
new reporting. Developed reporting to help identify fraudulent P-Card transactions. Several large cases
have come out of this reporting and has brought attention to this area of the business.Developed P-Card
database for the Corporate Security Analytics Team. Developed Access database to properly track
attempted and successful burglaries,includingreportingfor upper management. Created and maintain First
Person fraud report to help investigators identify hot zones and provide details on the fraudsters. Helped
as a backup for the Rapid Eye video software for store security systems. Identified and reported issue
regarding IMEI's and their gap in the Lost/Stolen and Non-Pay disconnect aspects of MTAS. Stepped into
position rightaway and contributed immediately due to Verizon strike.Developed into leader on team and
stepped in wherever assistance was needed from incident reports to major analytical projects. Received
recognizing you and cheers for peers awards in 2012.
Verizon Wireless, Basking Ridge, NJ
Dates: March 2010 – July 2011
Department: Audit
Division: Forensic Auditing Services Team
Position: Senior Analyst
Responsibilities included: Proactively identifying fraudulent activity utilizing data obtained from Data
Warehouse;completing analysisof data usingIDEAand MS Excel.Design,develop and implement strategies
that lead to the implementation of effective continuous monitoringprograms for fraudulentactivity.Work
directly with and provide data analysis to the audit teams, corporate security, area compliance and legal.
Provide data analysis used for audit assists and other requests.
Results: Lead and completed first audit assist within first month of service in department. Utilized
experience and leveraged knowledge from previous positionsto providemoreinsightand assistanceduring
auditassists.Completed eight auditassists in first ten months of service. Assisted in the development of a
report for retail store investment cost analysis.Departmental liaison for numerous corporate security and
legal requests. Identification of $61,240 in fraudulent activity. Identified 4 fraudsters through continuous
monitoring testing. Identified $57,306 of fraud dollars related to fraudsters.
Verizon Wireless, Bedminster, NJ
Dates: October 2009 – March 2010
Department: Treasury Operations
Division: ReconNet
Position: Supervisor
Responsibilities included: Load daily files for reconciliation completed within ReconNet. Oversee
reconciliation of gift card and NSF check reconciliation. Administrative responsibilities including
modifications to application in regards to reconciliation types, developing new reconciliation types, and
maintaining users within ReconNet. Develop future changes and create progression of ReconNet
Results: Oversawfour directreports whileparticipatingin COREposition.Stepped in and ensured that there
were no issues with maintainingthe day to day activities.Oversaw the migration to new ReconNet version
7.5. Tested and implemented from the Treasury side for the split TPO29 project which greatly improved
load time for largest portion of ReconNet. Oversaw implementation and testing of replacement for
reconciliation type 905 to 915 to improve the processing time for operators of that reconciliation type.
Reduced number of unnecessary jobs in each reconciliation type in ReconNet. Implemented new
transaction codes for teams upon request. Provided all materialsfor Sarbanes quarterly review.Continued
to help Lockbox group with TOPS requests for 2 hrs per day.
Verizon Wireless, Bedminster, NJ
Dates: June 2008 – October 2009
Department: Treasury Operations
Division: Lock Box
Position: Treasury Analyst
Responsibilities included: Reconciling lockbox locations using ReconNet. Resolving bank account and
lockbox location issues. Performing quality assurance reviews for TOPS requests. Working TOPS requests,
includingadjustingaccount payments,issuingrefunds,researchingaccountpayments,and entering journal
entries for adjustments.
Results: Within two weeks was ableto transition mostof the duties of the new position.Continued to learn
other aspects of position over following two weeks. Continued to lead team on TOPS requests while
acquiring new responsibilities. Continued to be a leader on the team.
Verizon Wireless, Bedminster, NJ
Dates: May 2007 – June 2008
Department: Treasury Operations
Division: Lock Box
Position: Treasury Assistant
Responsibilities included: Working TOPS requests, includingadjustingaccountpayments, issuingrefunds,
researching account payments, and entering journal entries for adjustments. Researching checks for
application to accounts.
Results: Within one month of employment moved onto TOPS, usually a function reserved for more
experienced employees. Obtained and helped install and maintain four bulk printers. Chosen to assist
another group within the department with their TOPS requests. These responsibil ities aretypically reserved
for employees with a higher title. Established as a leader on the team.
Verizon Wireless, Warren, NJ
Dates: May 2003 – May 2007
Department: Customer Care East
Division: System Test Team
Position: Technical Analyst
Responsibilities included: Software testing of Customer Service program ACSS (automated customer
service system). Understand and work with Vision and I2K Billing Systems as well as NetACE. Created,
designed, and implemented test cases. Lead for System Test team for multiple Enterprise releases. Lead
responsibilities included managing testers, creating reports for upper management, representing testing
team in enterprise meetings, and ensuring that all testing completed within the specified timeframe.
Administrator for Mercury Quality Center for Customer Care department. Co-lead for Automation project
using Mercury WinRunner.
Results: All releases of software deployed with no major errors.Major contributor in findingcritical errors.
Ensured my area was up to date and performing according to system requirements. Lead tester for most
critical components of the system and high profiled projects. Evolved into a leader within individual team
and department. Brought about and administered process improvements tha t have had an impact
throughout the entire department. Voted MVP of May 2005 Enterprise Release.
Available upon request

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  • 1. Timothy S. Dunham 673 Dover Court Unit A1 Hillsborough, NJ 08844 Phone: 908-625-3053 Email: Timothy.Dunham@VerizonWireless.com Objective: To obtain a full time position as a Manager. Skill Areas General Personnel Supervision Customer Service Inventory Control Hardware Maintenance Peripheral Maintenance Basic Accounting Applications Vision BillingSystem PeopleSoft G/L NetAce ACSS MS Office Data Warehouse Teradata ReconNet TOPS IDEA Toad Enforce MTAS MARS Education Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Rowan University, 2004 Software Engineering Specialization Information Technology Specialization Mathematics Minor Executive MBA, Fairleigh Dickinson University, 2011 CPA Education Certificate, Raritan Valley Community College, 2011 Experience Verizon Wireless, Basking Ridge, NJ Dates: August 2014 – Present Department: Legal Division: Corporate Security Position: Manager Responsibilities included: Oversee the Analytics teamwithin corporate security.Team covers the followingitems. Provideinvestigativeanalytical supportto the corporatesecurity team on an as needed basis.Develop analyticsinto an organized format to be used for interviews and for criminal prosecutions of theft and fraud. Obtain and analyzesupportingrecords includingcustomer,company and public records accurately,logically and in a manner supportiveof the investigation.Conduct onlineresearch and analysisin supportof investigativeand non-investigativerelated matters. Analyze ICE reports to identify trends. Anticipate new areas of exposure and suggest ways to investigate.Ensure all investigativesupport is accurate,timely, and requiringlittleediting/rework. Focus on clientsatisfaction and support;seeking assistanceregardingunfamiliar matters.Monitor Corporate Security’s hotline and e-mailbox informing management of matters that require investigator assignmentin a timely basis.Focus on clientsatisfaction and support; seeking assistanceregardingunfamiliar matters.
  • 2. Results: Handled analytics requests in timely manner. Identified fraudulent activity involving retail management, leading to their dismissal. Oversaw the development of reporting to close gaps related to employees assistingin fraudulentactivity.Many cases and dismissalshavebeen completed due to this new reporting. Developed reporting to help identify fraudulent P-Card transactions. Several large cases have come out of this reporting and has brought attention to this area of the business. Developed chargeback database for the Corporate Security Analytics Team. Developed Shrink reporting for the loss prevention team. This new reporting has allowed the loss prevention team to properly identify the problematic items at problematic stores, resulting in improved shrink loss. Overall team productivity increased over 28% within 18 months of managinggroup.Acting as the administrator for theRapid Eye video software for store security systems. Continued to develop into an emerging leader while expanding groups capabilities and contributions. Verizon Wireless, Basking Ridge, NJ Dates: July 2013 – August 2014 Department: Finance Division: Customer Care Compliance Position: Manager Responsibilities included: Partner with FAAST to complete risk model reporting and all standard reports for External Customer Care. Continuously monitor weighting/scoringof risk models and evaluate reporting is hittingcorrecttargets. Use resultingreports to perform risk-based reviews of employees and centers with the highest identified risk level.Partner with operations teams to leverage work and eliminateduplication of effort. Conduct reviews of specific processes in Careand recommend system enhancements or process improvements as appropriateto address control weaknesses and mitigate risk in the channel.Participateon cross-area coreteams to develop or standardizepolicy,or concerns regardingspecific issues,proposed programs or changes to the business thataffect externa l Care channel. Communicate timely and accurateinformation regardingfindings and improvement recommendations to senior management, and follow-up to track improvement actions.Driveimprovement in discounting, OCCs, Manager Exception upgrades and overall upgrades,and other key areas for Carethat develop over the year. Results: Added value from day one with SQL knowledge to expedite data requests for team. Conducted audits of M2 upgrades in Care, Albuquerque center and all of the AFNI sites. Produced and sent out the weekly Save promo reporting to leadership.Involved with Risk Model evaluation and corrections with the FAAST team, including SRG updates as needed. Worked as a resource to FAAST contact when help was needed with data warehouse. Developed reporting for Fraud related name change/authorized user report, alternate CLNR transaction, Winback reporting, CED reporting, EEU reporting, various Edge reporting to help all Complianceteams,IDO reporting,reportingfor Spiffs in careon various items,for examplejetpacks. In addition developed Save Offer reporting for the Care channel and shared logic with other channel teams to help develop leadership reporting. Handled the reporting for the weekly NEA action register as well as analysis. Conducted multiple reviews of SRG’s to make sure relevant. Team worked diligently to help drive the Channel towards achieving targets in OCC’s, Manual Discounting, and Manager Exception upgrades. Verizon Wireless, Basking Ridge, NJ Dates: July 2011 – July 2013 Department: Legal Division: Corporate Security Position: Senior Analyst Responsibilities included: Provideinvestigativeanalytical supportto the corporate security team on an as needed basis.Develop analyticsinto an organized format to be used for interviews and for criminal prosecutions of theft and fraud. Obtain and analyzesupportingrecords includingcustomer,company and public records accurately,logically and in a manner supportiveof the investigation.Conduct online research and analysis in supportof investigativeand non-investigativerelated matters. Analyze ICE reports to identify trends. Anticipatenew areas of exposure and suggest ways to investigate. Ensure all investigativesupportis accurate,timely, and requiringlittleediting/rework. Focus on clientsatisfaction
  • 3. and support; seeking assistanceregardingunfamiliar matters.Monitor Corporate Security’s hotlineand e- mailbox informingmanagement of matters that require investigator assignmentin a timely basis.Focus on clientsatisfaction and support;seekingassistanceregardingunfamiliar matters. Results: Handled analytics requests in timely manner. Identified fraudulent activity involving retail management, leadingto their dismissal.Developed reporting to closegaps related to employees accessing accounts and sellingconfidential information.Several cases and dismissals havebeen completed due to this new reporting. Developed reporting to help identify fraudulent P-Card transactions. Several large cases have come out of this reporting and has brought attention to this area of the business.Developed P-Card database for the Corporate Security Analytics Team. Developed Access database to properly track attempted and successful burglaries,includingreportingfor upper management. Created and maintain First Person fraud report to help investigators identify hot zones and provide details on the fraudsters. Helped as a backup for the Rapid Eye video software for store security systems. Identified and reported issue regarding IMEI's and their gap in the Lost/Stolen and Non-Pay disconnect aspects of MTAS. Stepped into position rightaway and contributed immediately due to Verizon strike.Developed into leader on team and stepped in wherever assistance was needed from incident reports to major analytical projects. Received recognizing you and cheers for peers awards in 2012. Verizon Wireless, Basking Ridge, NJ Dates: March 2010 – July 2011 Department: Audit Division: Forensic Auditing Services Team Position: Senior Analyst Responsibilities included: Proactively identifying fraudulent activity utilizing data obtained from Data Warehouse;completing analysisof data usingIDEAand MS Excel.Design,develop and implement strategies that lead to the implementation of effective continuous monitoringprograms for fraudulentactivity.Work directly with and provide data analysis to the audit teams, corporate security, area compliance and legal. Provide data analysis used for audit assists and other requests. Results: Lead and completed first audit assist within first month of service in department. Utilized experience and leveraged knowledge from previous positionsto providemoreinsightand assistanceduring auditassists.Completed eight auditassists in first ten months of service. Assisted in the development of a report for retail store investment cost analysis.Departmental liaison for numerous corporate security and legal requests. Identification of $61,240 in fraudulent activity. Identified 4 fraudsters through continuous monitoring testing. Identified $57,306 of fraud dollars related to fraudsters. Verizon Wireless, Bedminster, NJ Dates: October 2009 – March 2010 Department: Treasury Operations Division: ReconNet Position: Supervisor Responsibilities included: Load daily files for reconciliation completed within ReconNet. Oversee reconciliation of gift card and NSF check reconciliation. Administrative responsibilities including modifications to application in regards to reconciliation types, developing new reconciliation types, and maintaining users within ReconNet. Develop future changes and create progression of ReconNet application. Results: Oversawfour directreports whileparticipatingin COREposition.Stepped in and ensured that there were no issues with maintainingthe day to day activities.Oversaw the migration to new ReconNet version 7.5. Tested and implemented from the Treasury side for the split TPO29 project which greatly improved load time for largest portion of ReconNet. Oversaw implementation and testing of replacement for reconciliation type 905 to 915 to improve the processing time for operators of that reconciliation type. Reduced number of unnecessary jobs in each reconciliation type in ReconNet. Implemented new transaction codes for teams upon request. Provided all materialsfor Sarbanes quarterly review.Continued to help Lockbox group with TOPS requests for 2 hrs per day.
  • 4. Verizon Wireless, Bedminster, NJ Dates: June 2008 – October 2009 Department: Treasury Operations Division: Lock Box Position: Treasury Analyst Responsibilities included: Reconciling lockbox locations using ReconNet. Resolving bank account and lockbox location issues. Performing quality assurance reviews for TOPS requests. Working TOPS requests, includingadjustingaccount payments,issuingrefunds,researchingaccountpayments,and entering journal entries for adjustments. Results: Within two weeks was ableto transition mostof the duties of the new position.Continued to learn other aspects of position over following two weeks. Continued to lead team on TOPS requests while acquiring new responsibilities. Continued to be a leader on the team. Verizon Wireless, Bedminster, NJ Dates: May 2007 – June 2008 Department: Treasury Operations Division: Lock Box Position: Treasury Assistant Responsibilities included: Working TOPS requests, includingadjustingaccountpayments, issuingrefunds, researching account payments, and entering journal entries for adjustments. Researching checks for application to accounts. Results: Within one month of employment moved onto TOPS, usually a function reserved for more experienced employees. Obtained and helped install and maintain four bulk printers. Chosen to assist another group within the department with their TOPS requests. These responsibil ities aretypically reserved for employees with a higher title. Established as a leader on the team. Verizon Wireless, Warren, NJ Dates: May 2003 – May 2007 Department: Customer Care East Division: System Test Team Position: Technical Analyst Responsibilities included: Software testing of Customer Service program ACSS (automated customer service system). Understand and work with Vision and I2K Billing Systems as well as NetACE. Created, designed, and implemented test cases. Lead for System Test team for multiple Enterprise releases. Lead responsibilities included managing testers, creating reports for upper management, representing testing team in enterprise meetings, and ensuring that all testing completed within the specified timeframe. Administrator for Mercury Quality Center for Customer Care department. Co-lead for Automation project using Mercury WinRunner. Results: All releases of software deployed with no major errors.Major contributor in findingcritical errors. Ensured my area was up to date and performing according to system requirements. Lead tester for most critical components of the system and high profiled projects. Evolved into a leader within individual team and department. Brought about and administered process improvements tha t have had an impact throughout the entire department. Voted MVP of May 2005 Enterprise Release. Reference Available upon request